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Blood Moon

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:03 am
by BlackWolfDS
Note from Ancient: I edited this to try and make it flow. I did not delete alter or change any of BlackWolf's orignal first post. I only moved his profile to the sectioned designed for it. Upon looking at it I realized that it appears that I did not make a first post. I did infact start this role play and wished for Larharl to enter first. Thank you for your time. End Note

It is one day before the night of the full moon or as his people call it Blood Moon and Laharl has no idea what to do about his change. This is only his second change and he needs to get to a safe place where he can wait out the Moon. The question is, where?

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:40 am
by Ancient
Leigh walked through the rocky ridge that led to a small den of sorts. She was wearing a black tank top, jeans, combat boots and a leather jacket. It made it easy to hide a gun in the small of her back and a knife in her boot. The gun had special silver bullets and the knife of course was pure silver. She knew that she would never again not carry a weapon. She looked up towards the moon. It hung heavy and almost full an omen of death. She pulled her eyes away from it as she tried to push memories aside. She looked towards the trees seeing movement and readied herself. She was expecting a werewolf to come out and go woof. They rarely stalked for long. They couldn't resist what appeared to be an easy kill.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:33 am
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl walked briskly through the forest at the base of the Rocky Ridge. He was wearing a Black shirt, blue jeans and a black and silver necklace around his neck. Ofcourse he knew to remove the silver from the necklace. As he got closer to the ridge, he could already feel the need to change and he knew that he must get far away from anyone who must not know. Tomarrow would make this his second change and he wasn't sure how well he would be able to control himself. Laharl looks up at the moon. It already started showing sighs of turning red. "Blood Moon." He mutters to himself. Without another thought he continued on, continuosly uttering the words 'Blood Moon' over and over again. Then he stopped in mid-step. The last change had been a disaster. He was staying at an inn when it happend. The one thing he could remember was the terror he inflicted on the guests. Strangely....he started to feel sorry for scarying them. "At least I had some control to run and jump out the open window....oitherwise...I don't know what would have happend." With a short sigh he continues his way up to the ridge.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:01 pm
by Ancient
Leigh looked towards the trees a moment later before a large grey wolf sprang. She quickly side stepped and in an instant pulled her gun and aimed. Seeing the human eyes in the wolf she fired. The silver hit the wolf in the chest. Small flames burned from the wound and the wolf fell to the ground. She was on instant alert incase this wolf wasn't alone. There was movement infront of her she aimed her gun and suddenly something nailed her in her back causing her to fall to the ground. A great white wolf stood over her pinning her to the ground snarling. She looked into the amber eyes of the wolf and reconized him. "You {censored}." She said lowly. The wolf went to bite her shoulder. Using her experiance she grabbed the wolf by the scruff of the neck and lfted the teeth away. They barely grazed her skin which didn't bother her. She then lifted her boot and kicked him off. The white wolf flew and landed on the ground at an akward angel, but was up in an instant. Leigh flipped up as well. The slight wound in her shoulder bled. The blood dark against the black fabric. "You're going to pay for what you did." She went for her gun, but it had been knocked to the ground. She locked eyes with the wolf. Her mirror blue eyes seemed to glow. The white wolf considered attacking then turned to run. Leigh dived for her gun aimed and shot. The bullet missed the running wolf by a mile. "Crap." Leigh looked to the dead wolf. The body looked as if it was a wolf except for the eyes. The eyes were human. It didn't matter now it was as dead as her previous life. She drug the grey wolf towards the trees and left it. If anyone found it they would assume it was shot by a rancher. She wasn't really worried about that. She scaned the clearing. Finding nothing she put her gun away and glared up at the moon. "Stupid moon." She muttered. She then heard a twig snap and looked towards the sound.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:30 pm
by BlackWolfDS
The Ridge terrain had gotten rougher but that didn't seem to bother Laharl one bit. He liked the challenges mother nature threw at him. Just as he got over the top of the ridge a bullet zipped past him, cutting across his cheek. It was nothing more than a thin scratch. Suddenly the cut begain to burn. Laharl winced at the pain as it grew from a burn to a throb. He began to wounder why it had burned so much. He was a werewolf wasn't he? Ordinary bullets shouldn't harm him, right? That's when it hit him. The bullet was no ordinary bullet but a silver one. A bead of sweat formed on him forehead. "That means....." Laharl was cut off by the sound of paws beating against the groud. He looked up, just in time to see a white wolf running past. Laharl's eyes met the wolf's eyes as it ran past. The wolf didn't stop its pace and continued on into some bushes. That's when the scent reached him. He knew instantly what had just ran past him. It was another like him, another werewolf. Laharl's gaze drifted from the bushes to the direction of where the bullet had came from. He found himself moving towards the bullet's origens. His natural curiousity was taking over and he had to know where that shot came from. Just as he reached the bushes he saw a woman standing in the clearing. Over to her right was a dead wolf laying on its side. The scent of the dead wolf wafted over to Laharl and he knew right away what had happped. This woman, this woman standing in the clearing had done it. Laharl took a step back and ended up stepping onto a twig, which snapped under his weight. Slowly Laharl looked up from the twig to the woman and the woman in the clearing was staring back at him.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:07 pm
by Ancient
Leigh saw the orgin of the sound a young man stood in the bushes. She decided to play nice and not immidiately draw her weapon. "Who are you?" She said with authority in her voice. She always had an air of authority and sureness about her. It came from being the big bad werewolf hunter. She looked into the man's eyes or tried to. She wanted to make sure he wasn't furry. She inhaled deeply and instantly knew he was a werewolf. She was prepared to draw her gun. "Come on and make yourself known. I don't bite." For all her apperances Leigh wasn't your average woman. Her mirror blue eyes seemed to reflect like a wolf's in the low light. She knew this man probably wouldn't come our or if he did he wouldn't play nice. Or so she thought.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:23 pm
by BlackWolfDS
The woman's scent passed by Laharl's nose. To his surprise, she was a werewolf also. Laharl stared back into the woman's mirror blue eyes with curiousity. He looked at her stance and realized that she was going to try to pull something if he didn't play it cool. With a low voice Laharl answers. "I could ask the same of you." Laharl starts to get ready to go for his hunting knife, just in case this woman tries something. That's when he remembered the silver bullet. "Did you fire the shot?" Laharl points at the dead wolf. "And why did you kill him? Do you not know what he is?"

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:44 pm
by Ancient
She looked at the man and when he asked her if she fired the shot and if she didn't know what the dead wolf was she snorted. "Yes, I fired the shot. Yes, I know what he is." She knew the werewolf infront of her knew she was one too. "That's why I killed him." She snapped. "If you try anything I'll kill you too." She said. She assumed he was probably one of the evil ones. She had never met a nice one. There was something in her blood that made silver not effect her instead she could be wounded by anything much like a human. That made her hate the white wolf all the more. It made her hate all wolves and that hate is what kept her alive. That and her not caring weather she lived or died. The wolves seemed to sense that she would die before she let them live and that gave her an edge. It made her dangerous.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:35 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl lowered his head. Then with a flash of anger he snapped it back up and locked his eyes onto her eyes. "What gives you the right to take the life of another, especally one's that belong to your own people?" Laharl takes his hand and rakes it through his dark brown hair. Then he speaks again in a lowered voice. "It's werewolves like you who give the good one's a bad reputation." Laharl draws his hunting knife and points to the lifeless wolf corpse. "What did he do to deserve death, huh?" As Laharl's anger grows, so does his need to change. With great will power, Laharl fight's off the urges and stares down his opponent with angery, questioning eyes. "Answer me that."

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:45 pm
by Ancient
Leigh didn't hesitate to lock eyes with the man. Anger shone brightly in her eyes like a burning flame. "I am a hunter. Protector of the innocent. That's what gives me the right." She says dangerously. Anger flared even more brightly when he called her a werewolf. "I am NOT a werewolf." She says disguested by the thought. "Well, I am a werewolf, but not by choice." As Laharl draws his knife she draws her gun, but keeps it by her side. Her gaze follows Laharl's motion with his knife. "He was evil. He was following the orders of the most evil son of a {censored} that ever lived. You can trust me when I catch up to him I will kill him too." She felt her own wolf wanting to rise and leap upon her opponet with a well practiced self control she kept the wolf where it belonged locked deep inside in a cage of hate and misery.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:12 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl watches as the woman draws her gun. He closes his eyes with a an angry grunt and then sheaths his hunting knife. If what this woman claims is true and she shot that other wolf that means that she has silver bullets and thus could take him out without so much as moving. "There's a clear difference between killing out of rage, revenge, survival and protection. To me you are doing it out of rage, and possibley revenge, not protection." Laharl turns his back to her. "You may not want to be a werewolf, but that is what you have become. How ironic, you have become the one thing you hate and despise the most. A wolf." Laharl turns back to her with his eyes closed. He opens his eyes and for a second, he thought he saw a wolf instead of a woman.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:34 am
by Ancient
Leigh felt a change come over her 'crap' she thought. Bitten by the urge all werewolves have. She changed fairly quickly. She became a beautiful powerfully built white wolf with the same mirror blue eyes she had before. She always hated that she became a white wolf like the very wolf who threw her into this cursed existance. She was in pure wolf form. The gun and knife lay at the wolf's feet. She stared at the man prepared to still fight him if given the chance. The last of his words fell on her ears and she lowered her head. This proud hunter with a heart of guilt, rage, loss, and pain had truely become that which she hunted. She didn't know how long she stood there in that clearing with her head lowered memories and pain swirling around in her mind.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:33 am
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl raises an eyebrow. "Feels better to let go, doesn't it?" Laharl takes out his hunting knife and drops it on the ground. "I have no reason to fight you and I will not. But if you attack me, you will go against your hunter code." Laharl steps out of the bushes into the clearing, eyes locked onto the white wolf that stands before him. This was the tricky part, how to approach? Laharl didn't take the time to think about what he was going to do or the possible danger he was putting himself into. Slowly and cautiosly Laharl walks over to the white wolf and stands infront of her. He says in a soft voice: "My words may have been harsh but I speak the truth and you know it."

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:02 pm
by Ancient
Leigh's fur bristled as he neared. She wasn't afraid of him more ashamed really. The only marks that was on the pure white wolf was a deep scar that ran from it's left shoulder to it's right hip. The scar looked like it was once a painful wound, the other was a scar from a bite wound on the upper part of her left leg. The wound in the front of her shoulder from the new bite of the white wolf had stoped bleeding. She kept her eyes on him as he apprached. She wouldn't attack an innocent being. If a werewolf could be called innocet. "How ironic, you have become the one thing you hate and despise the most. A wolf." The words rang in the back of her head. She quickly shook the pain away. She jumped back a bit as he came closer than she would have liked. She couldn't trust him. She could trust noone. Trust meant opening yourself up to hurt and she would never do that again. She looked at Laharl as he spoke. "You're words can not harm me." She snaps trying to seem unruffled by his words. "I killed that wolf you know. So, why aren't you attacking me?" She spoke a bit harsh mainly because she would rather fight than think. Thinking caused her to remember things she had vowed long ago to forget. Things she could never truely forget.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:54 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl watched as the white wolf backed away from him. He had invaded her space and would not go any farther as to provoke her. "Why do you assume my words to be harmful? I only speak the truth, nothing more." Laharl slowly closes his eyes and then sits down right on the ground without hesitation. Calmly he says: "You have threatend me with a gun carring silver bullets and you have had several oprotunities to kill me while I was unarmed." He opens his eyes and locks eyes with the white wolf infront of him. "What reason would I have for killing you when you made no action to kill me?" Laharl grins showing his fangs.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:28 pm
by Ancient
The white wolf sat across from him still warry. She didn't trust easily not since that night. "Because werewolves are evil. Because they have no hearts and thrive on killing the innocent. Because they all hate me because I hunt them. Because they are monsters." She looked into his eyes pain shown deep from within. This white wolf was very beautiful, but she hated herself. She was trapped within herself and there was no way out. Maybe on day she'll find the great white wolf who killed her family and tossed her into this existance. If she did then she could drive silver straight through his evil heart, but she longed for death to take her after.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:45 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl drops his grin and stares back at the white wolf. "I have done nothing to harm you. I have a heart and killing humans or anyone else goes against my morals." He stares harder at the white wolf. "And I have not come to any conclusion on whether to hate you or to like you. I do not make judgements based on what you are but who you are." Without saying anything Laharl stands, eyes close and fists clenched. Then slowly he relaxes them and opens his eyes. "You are just as much as a monster as I am and that's a fact your going to have to live with." Slowly, Laharl makes his way back to where he dropped his hunting knife. He finds it among the bushes and picks it up.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:31 am
by Ancient
Leigh heard the other wolf before her tell her that killing is against his morals. She cocked her head slightly. She didn't know weather to believe him, thank him, recruite him or ignore him. She then heard him call her a monster. She snarled, but the snarl wasn't directed at him inparticular. It was directed at another wolf. A wolf with snow white fur and amber eyes. Then her ears go forward as she hears a sound from the bushes that Laharl had just walked into. She saw a flash of black among the leaves and took a step forward. She saw the bright blue eyes stalking Laharl. Something told her she had to protect Laharl he may turn out to be a killer later, but for now he was innocent. Without a second thought she leaped at the black wolf and the two went down in a tumble of fur, fangs, and claws. The black wolf was twice her size and vicious. He hit her hard in the side of the muzzle with a powerful paw. The hit left a bloody mark. She growled in fustration. How she wished she was in human form or even werewolf. She quickly shook that impulse. Never werewolf. She dodged another blow. It just missed her scared shoulder. It was rare for a werewolf to kill another werewolf, but fights weren't unheard of, but this was no ordinary fight. The black wolf sensed that the smaller white wolf was going to kill him if he didn't kill her first. She snaped her fangs hitting the black wolf in the shoulder. He swung his paw upwards and with a mighty swing he propelled her into a tree nearby. She hit the tree at an akward angel. A yelp was heard. 'Did that just come from me?' She found herself thinking. Then she got up shakily. She looked to Laharl. "Laharl, my gun." She was telling him without exactally saying the words that this wolf wasn't going to run off like the white one. This wolf was a demon on foot. Never one to give up she sprang again at the black wolf. She hit the larger wolf in the side and knocked him to the ground. The black wolf quickly turned the tables and using it's larger size flipped the white wolf onto her back pinning her.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:29 pm
by BlackWolfDS
The black wolf is suddenly yanked from the white wolf by the scruff of the neck and flug against a nearby tree. Laharl stands infront of the white wolf, back torwards her, facing the black wolf. "I do not and will not use a gun to defeat an enemy." He glances back to the white wolf, "Killing IS against my morals but I will not stand around and watch a friend die." He turns back to the black wolf. "Now, What do you want?" The black wolf had regained its barings and was already snarling. Laharl locked eyes with the black wolf. Without any words being said Laharl knew exactly what the black wolf wanted. "So that's what you want." He turns back to the white wolf. "You are quite well known huh?" He turns back to the black wolf. "If you want to get to her, you'll have to go through me first." Before Laharl could finish his sentace, the black wolf was already jumping for him. With one quick movement Laharl draws his hunting knife and slashes. At that moment there is a flash of light from Laharl's knife and a splatter of blood. The black wolf hits the ground on it's side and slides a few feet, leaving a blood streak on the ground. Before it can stand back up Laharl pounces on it and pins it to the ground. Then he takes his long hunting knife and drives it into black wolf's chest, directly into it's heart. The black wolf jerks once and then goes limp. Laharl stands with his back to the white wolf. Then he turns to the white wolf and squats infront of her, still keeping his distance and respecting her space. "Are you ok?"

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:45 pm
by Ancient
Leigh was confused for a brief second as the black wolf was yanked off of her and hit a tree. She scrambled to her paws and saw Laharl standing infront of her. She then heard him call her a friend and blinked. She hadn't had a friend in a long time and Laharl had no reason to call her one, but did anyway. As Laharl turned to give her a look she just nodded once. Sure, she was well known. The werewolf that hunted and killed it's own kind. The woman who walked in both worlds and belonged to neither. She heard Laharl declare himself protector. She went to say 'Don't you'll be killed.' But, before the words left her lips the black wolf sprung. Laharl was quicker than he looked. She watched as he killed the black wolf. She didn't need to ask if the black wolf was dead. It had been killed by another werewolf. She knew that meant it was as dead as her past life. Blood drips from her wounded muzzle. Her right forleg also bled where the wolf had bitten her, but all in all she had come through the vicious teeth to claw fight with little wounds. As Laharl asks her if she is alright she changes to her human form. She appeared as the same woman who had stood in the clearing clothed in her same black tank top,leather jacket, jeans and boots. She never understood how a werewolf did that. Not even now. The only difference was there was a tear in her jacket that revealed her injured right forarm. Her face was marred by four deep slash wounds on her left cheek. Unlike a normal werewolf she healed well, but did not heal instantly. She looked at Laharl as she knelt before him. "I'll be fine." She looked at Laharl and for the first time she shows a spark of kindness. "Are you alright?" She had no idea why she was opening herself up to this... this wolf.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:05 pm
by BlackWolfDS
A flash of intrigue and curiosity flashed across Laharl's face as this woman, who hated werewolves, was asking him if he was alright. As quickly as Laharl showed those interests, he just as quickly hid them. Slowly Laharl gets to his feet. "Yeah, I'm ok but you need some first aid." Laharl reaches into his shoulder bag. After a few seconds of digging, Laharl presents the woman with some bandages and a cleaner. "Here, this should help." Just as Laharl is about to give the woman the first aid, a great pain explodes in his stomach region. He drops the aid and doubles over onto his knees. This is only his second change and he had put it off for far too long. Beads of sweat start to form on his forehead. His change starts with his hands. From there it moves to the rest of his body. Half way through he drops to all fours. Everything around him seems to disappear. The only thing he's consentrating on is his transformation. The final part of his transformation is the growth of his fur. Brown and black fur starts to race around his body. Underneath his chin and on his chest, white spots grow. At the last second of the change, Larharl felt like he was going to go insane from the pain, but it stops. Laharl opens his brown/redish eyes to see the woman standing infront of him. His first reaction was a snarl. He bears his teeth at the woman and growls. Everything that had happend that involved this woman, had vanshed, all except a distant feeling. Laharl chose to ignore it. He slowly backs away from her with his ears down and fangs bared.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:43 pm
by Ancient
Leigh noticed his curiosity, but pretended she didn't. She was actually touched that he cared enough to offer her aid. She saw him hold it out to her and watched it fall to the ground. She knew what was happening. She watched as he transformed. She then realized that he was new to transforming and felt a pang of sympothy. She remembered what that was like. She shook it away as she picked up her gun and knife and shoved her knife in her boot and held her gun low. She wasn't going to be unarmed. She walks over to stand infront of him and when he growls her eyes lock with his. It was a look two wolves give eachother when one has declared itself alpha. She had no idea why she wasn't shooting him except that he hasn't done anything to her yet. She felt the gun in her hand but did not raise it. "If you seek death by moonlight then just try and attack me." She spoke harshly, but she knew if Laharl didn't control the wolf then he was a goner for certain. She couldn't answer why she was helping him. The wounds in her face bled slightly but she didn't seem to notice. She watched Laharl intently.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:05 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Laharl locked eyes with the woman. To him, she was challanging him. He took a step towards her, his eyes wary of the gun she held in her hand. Laharl stops his snarling when the smell of her blood reaches his nose and her words reaches his ears. "Death by moonlight." is what he picked up. The phrase rung in Laharl's ears until he shook it off. A strange feeling starts to swell in Laharl's chest. Not a feeling but an urge, an instinct. He felt that he must....protect this woman as if she were his dearest friend. The thought confused him because he didn't remember such a commitment. Without thinking about it, Laharl lays down. Not out of submission of the woman's presence, but for control of his mind and actions. She had a gun and could cause him serious damage if he acted foolishly.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:12 pm
by Ancient
Leigh watched the wolf's reaction to her words. She knew that she had reached him. Moonlight could hold a foolish werewolf's death and she knew that he had understood. She saw him lie down and understood what he was doing. She knelt down before him a few inches away respecting his space, but communicating with his wolf side. "You can control the wolf. It is in your nature. You can learn. There is so much you can learn. But, it is your choice." She took a quick look around and then did something very unusal for her. She placed the gun on the ground and then pulled out her knife she did the same. She then held her hands out. She was showing that she wasn't a threat to him. She had no idea why she wanted to help this wolf, but she believed that she could. She had to.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:47 pm
by BlackWolfDS
The woman kneeled down infront of Laharl. Without thinking, Laharl softly growled. Instead of being defensive she started speaking to him. He had not learned how to understand human tounge in wolf form, for this was only his second transformation. But he did understand the softness of her tone. When the woman put her gun and knife down, Laharl stopped growling, instead he slightly tilted his head. This woman was putting her life on the line to talk to him and he had growled at her. Laharl lowered his ears and slowly stood up. Standing straight up on all four of his legs, made him taller than the woman who kneeled infront of him. Slowly Laharl took a step towards her and ended up on her right side. He cautiosly moved his muzzle closer to her face and licked at her wounded cheek once. Then he did it again until he got a continuous licking motion started.