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Heart attacks? Strokes?

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:37 pm
by Kzinistzerg
It occurred to me while typing another post:

If you have sludge in your arteries, and you shift, your heart is gong to change shape.

Sludge gets sloughed off, and whams into your capillaries at high speed and possibly into your kidneys.


Not fun!

Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter (or a link if this is a repeat topic)?

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:39 pm
by Lupin
Of course, this might be precluded by the fact that you wouldn't have that 'ugly yellow stuff' as my mom calls it, in there to begin with.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:41 pm
by Set
Werewolf! The all mighty magical cure-all! Only $19.95, and we'll throw in the dog smell for free!

...Seriously, am I the only one annoyed by that?

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:03 pm
by Fenrir
Set wrote:Werewolf! The all mighty magical cure-all! Only $19.95, and we'll throw in the dog smell for free!

...Seriously, am I the only one annoyed by that?
I'am it's not like wolves don't get sick, or have strokes, but I could see that if it were a virus, that it would defend the body from other virus, that would decrease sickness and maybe cancer but it would not be a cure all.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:06 pm
by Kzinistzerg
... three posts, none are on topic.:roll:


Now, BACK TO the thread...

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:08 pm
by Lupin
Well, I said that because, IIRC, wolves had a decreased incidence of arterial plaque buildup.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:18 pm
by Kzinistzerg
I was thinking more of a first-shift type of thing, but you do have a point.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:00 pm
by Terastas
Well, if lycanthropy offers even the slightest bit of regenerative properties, I think the types of damage it would be most likely to repair would those that affect the bloodstream. Plus, if sludge gets "sloshed off" durring shifts, the only time I think it would be an issue would be if the werewolf already had heart problems before they were infected, or if they had not shifted in a long time. Otherwise, the constant shifting, even if only once a month, would prevent clots from forming in the first place.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:49 am
by Scott Gardener
I had a vet tell me that the plaque buildup problem is a human one that does not affect canines. (Or cats, for that matter.)

I pictured upon learning this a new lycanthropy affliction breaking down the plaques beforehand. This does create the risk of sudden death from embolism to the brain, heart, or lung in the period before the first shift, but once you get past that, your arteries stay clean.

One more reason one might be tempted to get lycanthropy even if one has no particular interest in shifting into a wolf. (Imagine the shock and experience of someone getting bitten just to undo a few decades of smoking and fast food...)

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:41 am
by Rhuen
I would just think it would assimulate the fats as the whole body undergoes its change.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:42 am
by BlackWolfDS
heh, the Mac-heart attack :P
Anyway, when a werewolf shifts, does the total area and surface area of the heart increase? Larger heart would allow more intake of oxygen for running. If the heart is larger, that must mean that the size of the veins, arteries and cappilaries in the heart will increase. During a transformation, the organisms cells change, not the things on the cells. (ex. Cholesterol on the artery wall will not change becuase it is not part of the organism) This, of course, is all theory due to the fact that no one has ever studied the anatomy of a wrewolf. Just a thought......

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:58 am
by JoshuaMadoc
I'm not sure if this is a realistic opinion, but i think it'd take several jugs of sludge/tar/fat/whatever to clog a lycanthrope's arteries if it's gonna supersize itself with 8 supersized fast food meals a day. But then again i'm not a medical expert in this specific field.

I also feel that no matter how much a lycanthrope shifts, having a pot jelly-belly would be a rarity within lycanthropes since shifts involve an indefinite amount of fat-burning. Might be me though.

Set wrote:Werewolf! The all mighty magical cure-all! Only $19.95, and we'll throw in the dog smell for free!

...Seriously, am I the only one annoyed by that?
Japan's selling that right now, y'know? They even got Phoenix Downs and Megalixirs.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:10 pm
by Set
Mmmkay, well, where does all that crap go to? If it gets cleaned out by one thing or another, where does it go?

I'd think it might just cause the werewolf to have a heart attack. I don't think being a werewolf would do anything to them until after their first shift.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:13 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Check out the post above kitetsu's post.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:48 pm
by neoritter
Maybe a werewolf virus would kill unhealthy indviduals such as someone with high levels of cholesterol (sp?). In a sense natural selection.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:44 am
by Kirk Hammett
I would absolutely love it if I became a werewolf and never got sick. But it's obviously not reasonable for that to happen. But I dunno if that'd actually cause a heart attack. Depends really. I've lost what I was thinking about.


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:02 am
by Lukas
now lets forget somthing really important, since werewolfs are general defined as a mix between a man and wolf that mans while we may not be affected to some sickness, they open themselves up to the wolf part of infections, conditions and such which can be as complex and fatal as any human problem

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:30 am
by BlackWolfDS
External Parasites: Ticks, Fleas, Lice, Tounge worm, Mange.
Internal Parasites: Flukes, Tapeworms, Roundworms, Thorny-headed worms.
Viriuses: Distemper and Parvo :shudder:

Those are wolf Diseases and Parasites for the Gray wolf. If you were a werewolf and lived where Gray wolves live, these are some things to concisder before going out. Depending on where you lived, would determine what viruses and parasites you could possible catch.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:59 am
by Moon_Lover
If I recall my biology class lessons correctly (help me on this, BW), isn't it true that the way viruses and bacteria infect is by sensing certain points (proteins?) on a cell. Now, theoretically, if those specific proteins wre missing, the virus wouldn't have anything to "latch on to"
Now, if this is true, then it would depend on what happened to the human when he became a werewolf. Would he have the points of a human, and the wolf have those points, or vice versa? Both? In a sense, it would be cinematic at this point, as we don't yet know what would happen to the WW.
Regarding heart attacks, I would think that it would depend on the size of the WW form. If the WW is larger, then the cholesterol would probably be at the very least dislodged, perhaps cycling to somewhere else. However, I would tend to look at it as an evolutionary thing. Kind of. When you consider the fact that if they were able to evolve and biologically learn to get the cholesterol in the blood cycled to "a certain point", and use that first, the WW would have a greater chance of living (Just enough energy at *that* moment).
On the other paw, there's the fact that the human would consider this a release, if not of the right mentality, and the eat into the high excess. Then they would most surely be either having the cholesterol clog at some point, causing a heart attack as the veins grew somewhat larger.
Or so it'd seem to me. :sweatdrop:

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:40 am
by MoonKit
BlackWolfDS wrote:External Parasites: Ticks, Fleas, Lice, Tounge worm, Mange.
Internal Parasites: Flukes, Tapeworms, Roundworms, Thorny-headed worms.
Viriuses: Distemper and Parvo :shudder:

Those are wolf Diseases and Parasites for the Gray wolf. If you were a werewolf and lived where Gray wolves live, these are some things to concisder before going out. Depending on where you lived, would determine what viruses and parasites you could possible catch.
Werewolf mother to cubs/pups: "Now dont forget to put your flea collar on before you go out. And when you come back I want you to take your worm medication. We raised some peculiar looks at the vet last time, dear."

Werewolf pups/cubs: "Oh Ma, do we haaave to?" *whinning*

:lol: Well I thought it was funny...even if it was off topic.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:19 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Moon_Lover wrote:If I recall my biology class lessons correctly (help me on this, BW), isn't it true that the way viruses and bacteria infect is by sensing certain points (proteins?) on a cell. Now, theoretically, if those specific proteins wre missing, the virus wouldn't have anything to "latch on to"
Viruses infect cells, most commonly bateria. When a virus infects a cell, it pretty much hijacks it and makes the cell produce more viruses. Now the protien part is correct. Certain viruses have certain receptors that will lock with the protiens on the outside certain cells. Here's the thing though. You theriorize that if a cell had no protiens on the outside, it theoredically could not be infected and thus the organism would not get sick. Here's the problem. Cells need those protiens on the outside, inorder for the cell to bring in large objects or polar objects that cannot pass through the cell membrane. The cell membrane has a polar outside and a non polar inside. Polar objects will not pass through a non polar membrane.
Moon_Lover wrote: Now, if this is true, then it would depend on what happened to the human when he became a werewolf. Would he have the points of a human, and the wolf have those points, or vice versa? Both? In a sense, it would be cinematic at this point, as we don't yet know what would happen to the WW.
I don't understand what your saying here.....
Moon_Lover wrote: Regarding heart attacks, I would think that it would depend on the size of the WW form. If the WW is larger, then the cholesterol would probably be at the very least dislodged, perhaps cycling to somewhere else. However, I would tend to look at it as an evolutionary thing. Kind of. When you consider the fact that if they were able to evolve and biologically learn to get the cholesterol in the blood cycled to "a certain point", and use that first, the WW would have a greater chance of living (Just enough energy at *that* moment).
On the other paw, there's the fact that the human would consider this a release, if not of the right mentality, and the eat into the high excess. Then they would most surely be either having the cholesterol clog at some point, causing a heart attack as the veins grew somewhat larger.
Or so it'd seem to me. :sweatdrop:
Back to the heart thing. I think WWs would be fine. BUT I only think that because I beileve that the heart, veins, arteries, cappilaries, ect, would grow. The cholesterole though, would stay the same size becuase it's not part of the WW. It's more of a nasty build up.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:30 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Well, if it grows bigger the stuff's going to slough off and get lodged in the capillaries.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:38 pm
by BlackWolfDS
That's a possibility. It could clog the capillaries or it could just move though them and out into the blood, where it will be absorberd then disposed of. Everything that has to do with blood will increase in size, due to the need of blood in certain areas. We must all keep in mind that this is just brain storming. Nothing about werewolves will be for certain until one shows up and is tested.....that sounded really cruel for some reason..... :(

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:43 pm
by Moon_Lover
Thanks for helping me out, BW. :D
BlackWolfDS wrote:Viruses infect cells, most commonly bateria. When a virus infects a cell, it pretty much hijacks it and makes the cell produce more viruses. Now the protien part is correct. Certain viruses have certain receptors that will lock with the protiens on the outside certain cells. Here's the thing though. You theriorize that if a cell had no protiens on the outside, it theoredically could not be infected and thus the organism would not get sick. Here's the problem. Cells need those protiens on the outside, inorder for the cell to bring in large objects or polar objects that cannot pass through the cell membrane. The cell membrane has a polar outside and a non polar inside. Polar objects will not pass through a non polar membrane.
I thought it was something along those lines. The other part of the theory was that the proteins specific to those cells would be missing. That way objects would be able to get through, but not those bacteria.
BlackWolfDS wrote:I don't understand what your saying here.....
Sorry about that (I was really tired at the time)...what I was thinking of was that the abilities that a WW inherits are subjective. So if, say, a writer wanted the WW to never worry about catching getting AIDS, but could catch his death from the common cold, he could. It's just a matter of what kind of proteins he supposedly has in the cells in specific.
BlackWolfDS wrote:Back to the heart thing. I think WWs would be fine. BUT I only think that because I beileve that the heart, veins, arteries, cappilaries, ect, would grow. The cholesterol though, would stay the same size becuase it's not part of the WW. It's more of a nasty build up.
The problem I see with that is this: What happens when the WW changes back to human, and the veins compress? He'd be toast. :shift: :splodey:

(Sorry for the ever-so-graphic visual aid...)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:54 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Moon_Lover wrote:Thanks for helping me out, BW. :D
No problem :D
Moon_Lover wrote: I thought it was something along those lines. The other part of the theory was that the proteins specific to those cells would be missing. That way objects would be able to get through, but not those bacteria.
Bateria don't infect other cells, they just do some nasty things. Viruses on the other
As for objects getting could they? If there aren't any receptor protiens, there's really no other way for those objects to get in. Unless there's some really bizzare way we didn't even know of. AH the beauty of Biology, everything changes with time.
Moon_Lover wrote: Sorry about that (I was really tired at the time)...what I was thinking of was that the abilities that a WW inherits are subjective. So if, say, a writer wanted the WW to never worry about catching getting AIDS, but could catch his death from the common cold, he could. It's just a matter of what kind of proteins he supposedly has in the cells in specific.
It's ok :D
Hmmm, you can't really compare Aids to cold viruses, they're different by the way they take over a host cell. Viruses use receptors and Aid cells....I believe they sort of break into the cell they want to infect. But then again, we don't have any hard info on WWs, so anything is possible at this point.
Moon_Lover wrote: The problem I see with that is this: What happens when the WW changes back to human, and the veins compress? He'd be toast. :shift: :splodey:
(Sorry for the ever-so-graphic visual aid...)
Look at what I said in an eariler post.