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Re: Venting

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:51 am
by Wingman
That's brutal. Hopefully things turn out better in the future.

Re: Venting

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:59 pm
by RedEye
Grayheart: There are Furries in Germany, at least in Second Life. They have a whole region for themselves as Furs. Perhaps though, that is how they live their Fur lifestyle: in Cyberspace. I would suggest you Google the thing and see what it says.

Moss27: Remember, your parents are going through a very frightening stage of life: having a Teen Daughter. If they can't deal with it, try simply letting them vent until they calm down. Then speak with them.
In situations like this, the one who stays cool is usually the one who prevails.
Learned that one the hard way, I did...

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:35 am
by Berserker
Grayheart wrote:
Have you tried roleplaying with furries before?
I'm not even sure, if there is something like a furry fandom here in germany. Before I came to this forum concepts like Furry and Therian were completely unknown to me.
I've roleplayed with some furries before. Some of them were just as obnoxious as anyone else... perhaps even more so, since they seemed to have a need to act "hyper" or whatever. My advice is that there isn't one single group or archetype of people who are better (or worse) at roleplaying than any other. (And I'm talking about the in-person pen-and-paper type, not online RPGs like MUCKs.)

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:23 am
by Figarou
Grayheart wrote:
Have you tried roleplaying with furries before?
I'm not even sure, if there is something like a furry fandom here in germany.

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:51 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
I really just don't feel like part of the pack forums anymore due to recent events. People I trusted showed me I can't even trust them anymore. I wish I was not so trusting of everyone. I talk to people on the forums about things because I trust them, but they as much as I have done for these forums over the years meant nothing. I have been so overly stressed already with things going on and then they just seem to want to keep it going. They don't care about me as much as I actually care about them. I considered the pack a home away from how for years now. I thought I made it obvious I cared about everyone and that I was a trusted member.

I made mistakes, but I did not know things were not supposed to be this way. The pack has changed, so much I hate it here now. I hope they all see this and you know who you are. I must have really screwed up somewhere for you all just to betray me as you did knowing what I have been going through. I feel truly alone now, but I am glad I found out how you all really are now then to keep coming to you or just being a friend.

Funny thing is I been on here longer than a few of these people, but they have treated me as if I have stirred waters before. Treated me like a child now and cornered me into submission. I rather be alone in this world then have to deal with backstabbers. These people could have handled things better. They did worse to me than I did and what I did was something called "mistake" It is hard to back yourself when those you think would don't. I figure they will delete this so no one ever hears about it, but I shouldn't care. I said I was sorry, it was nothing so horrible for them to do this yet they did.

This all reminds me of High School and my many bullies. They knew they could walk all over me because I had no one. It feels the same here. I don't want to go through something so horrible again. I hold onto painful things like that and I wish I did not do so. I think staying here on this forum is just fueling my pains already. I never realized how much pain I was still in from those years in school till I became an adult.

I am still that lil boy that was all alone in the whole school, in the whole world it seemed that had no one but myself. People hate me because I am me and apparently me is not acceptable. I am kind and giving, but that is looked down upon or abused by those who want to take advantage of someone with some a big heart.

Truth of the matter is really all you have is you. I wished I could go back and beat some sense into my younger self so I would not be so weak now. I am done with the pack...

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:26 pm
by Wingman
Well, damn. Sorry to see you go, Sabre

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:03 pm
by Terastas
The status-thingy says that TDJW is still an admin, so I'm assuming that means there's still a chance he'll read this.

I don't know what suddenly made you feel so alienated, but I think I know how you feel. Web forums like this can do a number on your emotions because they can make you feel at home and part of a loving community, but since everything on here is text, there's never any true guarantee that anything is for real and it can really hurt when people suddenly reveal their true colors.

Here are a couple of dangerous trends I've noticed here at the Pack:
1) Newcomer furries, therians and/or Lovecraft emulators trying to override the Pack consensus with their own (often base and/or juvenile) ideals.
2) Swarms of "n00bs" trying to jump on the Pack bandwagon to try and take credit for and/or mooch an audition off of the Freeborn project.
3) Drama and self-martyrdom over even slight disagreements (which, I'm sorry to say TDJW, are often followed by a "I'm leaving forever" post, so you'll have to forgive me if I'm maybe just a little bit skeptical about yours).
4) The automatic assumption that anyone and everyone in the fray of an argument is wrong.
5) The automatic assumption that veteran posters can do no wrong.
6) At least one instance where I wondered to myself if someone was drumming up conflict deliberately.

I won't lie; there are a few people here that truly get under my skin (some obviously so, others I've yet to even comment on). The number of bad apples in the Pack (at least among its most frequent posters), however, I would say are equally proportionate to the number of bad apples in my biological family, and with only one or two exceptions, I still speak to all of them on a regular basis as well. I don't make any secret that two of my aunts, one of my cousins and my (infamous, frequently ranted about) brother fill me with bile, but I bite my tongue and tolerate them for the sake of all the others.

Same as I (try to) do for the Pack. It's a free forum; that means anyone can post if they want to, and that means every now and then, somebody that couldn't win a checkers game against an autistic Barbie doll is going to weigh in on the present Pack discussions. You can't let one bad apple ruin the bunch, however, even if that bad apple turns out to be someone you once thought was ripe.

There are 1800 registered users here at Pack forum, only three of which have ever ticked me off to the point that I finally put them on my list of foes, and of those three, only one of them ever drove me to the point of even remotely considering quitting the Pack for good. You probably have to deal with more of them since you're an administrator -- the one tasked with ruining the trollers' fun, but my advice to you would still be the same: just roll your eyes and bring down the administrative hammer on the people that tick you off and stick around for the people that don't.

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:39 pm
by Cyberwatt
Sorry to hear of your trials, TDJW. I don't normally post to this thread, but I couldn't help it when I saw you were hurt. I hope you'll be back some day. I guess that's the trouble with the internet: it can get a bit impersonal from time to time, seeing that it's easy to misinterpret when there's no real face-to-face contact and no voice inflections to convey true feelings.

Anyway, I hope I speak for everyone when I say that I wish you all blessings wherever you may find yourself. I know we haven't corresponded very much but I have great respect for the ideas you've posted and have been glad for your leadership here at The Pack. Perhaps we may meet again. Do take care. :(

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:15 pm
by Baphnedia
It is a shame to see you go, but there is nothing that I can say based upon what I know of your situation in either support, or lack thereof. I am turning my back to you for the time being. What implied in your venting was very all-inclusive, and I am hurt, because those words come from a friend.

Maybe there's more to the situation that led up to all this mess than I am aware of. There is more to my situation than I can make you or anyone else aware of too. That goes for everybody - involved or not. Right now, I have other things I must attend to. Perhaps the worst thing I can say to you I will say to you now.

Seek wisdom from within thyself.

Good night.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:01 am
by Midnight

Re: Venting

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:56 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Well I'll tell you all this. My so called friends had me crying Baph. Did those guys think about that? I can't care that I hurt you when you guys did it first. I am not the type of person not to care, but if I shed tears I stop caring. Terastas I am not an admin, I don't want to be one. But alot of what you said above it true as much as I hate to admit it, but I guess that is just how it is... My friends I trusted decided to corner me and do something without even coming to me first about it. I made mistakes as I said before, but what they did was uncalled for. I did not hurt anyone here, but when it came to me... This is why I have to get away from here.

I only cry when I am really hurt. When people really hurt me I get chest pains, I cry till I am exausted and can't cry no more. When I call someone a friend I mean it and if something comes up between me and a friend I talk to them before I decide what to do. I do not act first then talk to them, but that was done to me. Can't you see how this looks like betrayal? When I have friends I treat them as such.I bond with those I call friends so it is like when they do something unexpected I feel like I been stabbed.

I put too much trust into folks, I get burned serious to a point I want to end my life. It is not worth it to have to live in such a world with people. It's funny people look past what they did to one and then think about their feelings only. Something I never did till now because I did not hurt anyone with my actions. I still won't post the names of these people. I do have that much respect, but if you weren't part of it you should not be upset.

What hurts the most here is that I am the one who stepped up and said sorry, but not one of them has yet. They are avoiding and that shows me they really don't care so why should I? One person that had the balls to step up and do it I have much respect for. I am sorry to be getting nasty, but this brings the worst part of me out, seeing that it is one sided as if I was the only one to mess up here. I just want to say thank you to the pack members who did that for making it known how you really are...

Midnight I will still keep in touch, you did nothing wrong. Cyberwatt thank you, though we never talked I appreciate the kind words. Wingman same to you, nothing you did made this happen.

The thing that could fix this is something no one is willing to do. Step up and apologize as I did. I wonder why it is so hard to do something so simple especially when it was something that was not so freakin serious. That tells me I wasn't really a friend.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:53 pm
by RedEye
This is gonna be hard, and I won't be surprised if it gets yanked.

Joker, we have nothing to apologize for. You screwed up. Should we apologize for doing something about it?
Would you?

Give the situation time. Let things settle back down. Then ask for your Admin privelidges back. Now is not a good time.
Otherwise, you're just making the molehill higher and higher.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:34 pm
by Howlitzer
Sorry to hear about this, but I might as well throw in my own two cents.

I agree with RedEye and Terastas, especially on a couple points:

Yes, you've been at the Pack forums longer than many people here and many involved in what's been going on. That does not automatically make you incapable of doing something wrong, and that does not mean that those members who have been here less time, but are in a similar position of authority, can't call you on your mistakes....seniority in this case does not override culpability.

Yes, you made a mistake, and at least you've admitted it. Nobody backstabbed you, they simply went through exactly the same steps as they would have had anybody else done the same thing. You need to accept weren't "singled out" by anybody else, you kind of put yourself in this position.

We're not against you, but taking things this way rather than taking full responsibility is apt to push people away from you...

If you can accept that, things WILL simmer down after a while, just as Redeye said. Holding onto it and building up unnecessary drama is only going to draw things out longer and cause more grief for everybody in the long run.

Re: Venting

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:57 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Well, I took some time to read through both your posts. All I can say is I am really sorry you guys decided to take sides with one person without even listening to the other and one who is actually an active member. I am not going to beg for the status back, but I am going to stay. I will not let a few sour apples ruin my many good years I have on the pack. Redeye, your post will not get yanked, everyone agrees with you. Why even say that? It just proved that all of your statements about abusing power to me should really be told to you guys. I did not hurt anyone here, but hey look what was said to me and that certainly deserves some foul words, but I won't go to that level.

No one listened to a thing I said and I can't help that. I realized there are just hateful people everywhere that act like they are something they are not. Too bad for them, I will not change me. I still am sad how this was handled, but those I know who are really my friends just tell me to leave it to the fates to decide. I don't wish anything bad on anyone for this. I still have my few loyal friends so that is what I need to focus on and having a good time with the pack folks. I don't accept your words niether Howlizter. How you got involved with this whole thing is beyond me seeing you aren't at all a Mod or Admin. You really should not have ever been involved.

I am sadden you I considered a friend and have done several pictures for would do that to me, but all online folks just can't be trusted so it has been seen now. I guess you were not a friend after all. I just have to watch what I say to anyone because I can't trust no one, I trust to much because I don't find pleasure in hurting someone else for another. But oh well, I said my words and I will leave it at that. I am just going to save both posts of yours to remind me of this.

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:07 am
by Lupin
Teh_DarkJokerWolf wrote:Well, I took some time to read through both your posts. All I can say is I am really sorry you guys decided to take sides with one person without even listening to the other and one who is actually an active member. I am not going to beg for the status back, but I am going to stay. I will not let a few sour apples ruin my many good years I have on the pack. Redeye, your post will not get yanked, everyone agrees with you. Why even say that? It just proved that all of your statements about abusing power to me should really be told to you guys. I did not hurt anyone here, but hey look what was said to me and that certainly deserves some foul words, but I won't go to that level.

No one listened to a thing I said and I can't help that. I realized there are just hateful people everywhere that act like they are something they are not. Too bad for them, I will not change me. I still am sad how this was handled, but those I know who are really my friends just tell me to leave it to the fates to decide. I don't wish anything bad on anyone for this. I still have my few loyal friends so that is what I need to focus on and having a good time with the pack folks. I don't accept your words niether Howlizter. How you got involved with this whole thing is beyond me seeing you aren't at all a Mod or Admin. You really should not have ever been involved.

I am sadden you I considered a friend and have done several pictures for would do that to me, but all online folks just can't be trusted so it has been seen now. I guess you were not a friend after all. I just have to watch what I say to anyone because I can't trust no one, I trust to much because I don't find pleasure in hurting someone else for another. But oh well, I said my words and I will leave it at that. I am just going to save both posts of yours to remind me of this.
Rules are rules, Sabre, and nobody is above them, not even the administration. An administrator is granted an immense amount trust and with that trust comes responsibility. Just the impression that someone is abusing their powers by doing something like acting on their own and deleting an account without prior cause or discussion can cause all sorts of problems.

This is what it looks like to everyone else: Z's account gets deleted, there's no there's no explanation or discussion in the moderator forum as per the rules. Only after Takyoji confronts you on the matter, do we get the explanation that Z asked you to do this but you forgot until now. Due to the fact that Z's account is now deleted this basically now comes down to "He Said/She Said", which means the damage has already been done, and the only path is the road to drama.

Had we, as per the rules, discussed this, I'm fairly sure that we would have come to a consensus fairly quickly, and I'm guessing that Z's account would have been deleted anyway.

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:07 am
by Howlitzer
I'm truly insulted that you're pulling the friend card on this one, Sabre.

Seriously....regardless of how I became aware of what happened...from the way it looks and the evidence provided, I see the actions taken perfectly justifiable. You should have made prior note of what you were doing, and you haven't been able to show the supposed permission you were there's no reason NOT to call the whole thing into question. It looks bad, regardless of the reality of it, which remains unproven thus far.

You weren't banned, you weren't simply had privileges revoked because it looked as if you had abused them in a rather extreme manner. This part is over and done with, you kind of have to live with the consequences now.

Now if you think a friend should agree with you no matter what, EVEN IF YOU DID SOMETHING're sorely mistaken at what a friend is. You talk about "hateful people everywhere"....

I don't hate you. I truly wish you the best. I'm not being hateful....

you're being more hateful than anybody right now by the way you're handling this, and pulling the "I thought you were my friend" card on people over this only *confirms* it.

I consider you a friend, I truly do, but it hurts me to see this whole thing going the way it is, and you talking the way you are in response to it... you need to stop blaming people here. I wasn't trying to pick sides, I'm just calling things the way I see it.

Re: Venting

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:36 am
by JoshuaMadoc
From what little I know of this situation, real friends punch you in the guts to say "balls up or be dead".

I had a friend who had very good intentions, but was extremely forceful and always misinterpreted every bit of my personal situation whenever I bring up the subject. At one point I thought he was going to actually kidnap me, because he had the looks and the size to prove it. Obviously I couldn't deal with this kind of thing any longer and I ignored him for as long as I could. And what happened? We broke off contact indefinitely while he called me a loser because of the sheer severeness of my duality issues.

And such hurtful words can't ring any truer. Even until now, I still regret what I did.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:49 am
by Terastas

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:01 am
by WereDragon25
:cry: :cry: :cry: I'm sooooooooooooo screwed now. Me and my retarded brain are in so much trouble with God! Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, BAD choice... If anyone can answer this without... questions, because, I'm pretty sure what I did can't be posted, but, what are the consequences in the Bible for the defilement of a church?

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:16 am
by Terastas
WereDragon25 wrote::cry: :cry: :cry: I'm sooooooooooooo screwed now. Me and my retarded brain are in so much trouble with God! Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, BAD choice... If anyone can answer this without... questions, because, I'm pretty sure what I did can't be posted, but, what are the consequences in the Bible for the defilement of a church?
Umm. . . Does the Bible even have any mention of Church?

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:22 am
by WereDragon25
I don't know, but, I'm probably going to hell for it, right?

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:18 am
by Baphnedia
It depends on why you did it, and what you believe. Islamic martyrs go to heaven and get 72 virgin wives if they die battling heathens (among other things), not to mention the Crusades, and that's just involving two religions for the most part. If you're that worried about going to hell, I suppose you learned something about yourself while doing to (or in) the church you were in.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:41 pm
by Midnight

Re: Venting

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:38 pm
by RedEye
There is a mention of defilement of the tabernacle, the place where the Ark of the Contract was kept.
You were kicked out... or stoned to death.

As to Churches in the Bible, the Acts and Paul's letters mention them, but that is most likely a mis-translation. The word would be "Congregation", not "Church".

As for going to Hell, that depends on your belief in the existence of the place.

Re: Venting

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:04 pm
by PariahPoet
To throw out MHO about Sabre's situation- I don't think she was in the wrong. Z has been inactive for nearly 2 years now. If the account had been current, yes there would be a problem, but Z announced she was no longer interested in the Pack and has not been back.

You guys should have spoken with Sabre in private instead of jumping and revoking her status without even telling her. I think the rest of the mods acted very immature about this.