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What are your New Year's resolutions?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:54 am
by MattSullivan
Mine...are simple and predictable.

1. Get in shape. Stop drinking soda and observe a healthier diet.

2. Have a more positive outlook on life.

3. Get some damn studio to buy "CAMP LYCANTHROPE"

Now what about you guys?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:00 pm
by Vuldari
- Workout, eat right, and become bigger, faster, stronger and more nimble. ( Last week I weighed 116 pounds, which is unhealthily underweight. My goal is to add at least 21 pounds of lean, balanced and refined muscle and healthy body mass to that by next New Years) *So far I've been doing it for five days. Now I just need to keep it up for a full year...*
- (Secondary Goal: Become Athletic enough to do what the Parkour guys do )

- Go back to School and get a College education while I'm still young. (25)

- Stop being such a lazy procrastinator and do something with my Art and Creative Writing like I always wanted to do. (Basically, just practice more, get better and create a portfolio worth bragging about.)

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:11 pm
by Miragh
None, as usual.

The gaining of knowledge, the learning and seeking, the roaming and exploring, the breaking with illusive obsessions, the becoming without copying what appeals me, doesn’t need to be started over every year.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:05 pm
by BlackWolfDS
1. continue to work out
2. learn to drive
3. be *cringes* really nice to my little sister
4. get in better shape
5. get more sleep
6. apply for scholarships

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:48 pm
by Figarou

I didn't make any, as of yet.

But once I start working for Exxon, I'm going to try and pay off some credit cards.

Once that is done...I'm going to shoot for the car of my dreams!! I always wanted a sports car.

I just can't decide between the New Mustang GT, the 2008 Camero, or the 2009 Dodge Challenger.

I also want to save up for "Comic-con" Thing is...I may not be able to go if the days I need off was picked by another driver.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:57 pm
by Kaebora
Kaebora's New Years Resolutions for 2007

(1) Eat healthier foods.

(2) Less games, more education. Finish the 3D Exchange program before the end of 2007.

(3) Be more careful when spending money.

(4) Get up early every day.

(5) Minimize my online socializing to two or three forums, instead of the five I am involved in now. If it's not the The Pack, it's a waste of time.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:08 pm
by Silverclaw
- Stop being such a lazy procrastinator and do something with my Art and Creative Writing like I always wanted to do. (Basically, just practice more, get better and create a portfolio worth bragging about.)
Same there :)

-Get in better shape/exercise
-Eat healthier(less sugars especially)
-Be less lazy-get things done that need to get done
-Work more often on the Wolf storyboards
-Sleep less

This will be tough :P

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:51 pm
by MattSullivan
Y know, eating healthier isnt all that hard. Mostly what it takes is cutting out refined sugars from your diet, and if possible, doing a little bit of cooking, as opposed to eating fast food or processed foods. I love getting fresh ingredients from the market and making something in the crock pot, or grilling...or something that takes some effort.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:47 pm
by Anubis
Mine is to keep a journal :|

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:23 pm
by Vuldari
Anubis wrote:Mine is to keep a journal :|
I highly recommend it. Image

(I'm on my 20th volume, and I've found it to be a wonderful release for my frustrations, as well as an archive of all my interesting ideas. It's fascinating to look back at my older volumes and read what I was thinking about. For example...I did not think that I had any great interest in Werewolves Prior to late 2004 when I found this place. Prior to that, I was an obsessed Transformation fan that hated all Werewolf movies and stories that I'd seen and read, so I didn't like them much. Or so I thought. Reading back to early-mid 2003 I see that I actually went through a Werewolf phase and covered many of the ideas that have been talked about frequently here since THE PACK was founded.)
Figarou wrote:Once that is done...I'm going to shoot for the car of my dreams!! I always wanted a sports car.

I just can't decide between the New Mustang GT, the 2008 Camero, or the 2009 Dodge Challenger.
SWEET! Image's not a "This Year" thing for me, but I've dreamed of owning a Black 3rd Generation Pontiac Trans-Am T-Top (Like the car from "Knight Rider") since the late 80's, and I never grew out of it. Maybe not this year...but someday...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:31 pm
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:
Figarou wrote:Once that is done...I'm going to shoot for the car of my dreams!! I always wanted a sports car.

I just can't decide between the New Mustang GT, the 2008 Camero, or the 2009 Dodge Challenger.
SWEET! Image's not a "This Year" thing for me, but I've dreamed of owning a Black 3rd Generation Pontiac Trans-Am T-Top (Like the car from "Knight Rider") since the late 80's, and I never grew out of it. Maybe not this year...but someday...

There are some old cars I like to own. I used to have a 1968 Mercury Cougar. I loved that car!! Thing are hard to find. And I'm always under the hood fixing something. So I ended up selling it. If I had the money...I'd pay someone to do a 100% frame off restoration on a 1968 Mercury Cougar. I really would like to have that car back.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:00 pm
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:There are some old cars I like to own. I used to have a 1968 Mercury Cougar. I loved that car!! Thing are hard to find. And I'm always under the hood fixing something. So I ended up selling it. If I had the money...I'd pay someone to do a 100% frame off restoration on a 1968 Mercury Cougar. I really would like to have that car back.

That is the #1 reason why I have not bought it yet. I can find them for $5,000 or less, some is good condition for only $1,500, (I've even seen a few for $500 that ran well, but with body damage), but I know that I will be putting at least another Grand in parts and repairs into it every year to keep it I'm waiting until I know I can afford it, and have somewhere I can do some work on it myself. (It's hard to do home repairs when you don't have a driveway to park it in)

(Sorry about taking the discussion off topic.)

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:18 am
by Ink
1. Smoke & drink more. It sounds negative but I get to choose whether or not I smoke or drink. I revel in that (I'm a libertarian - that explains everything)

I want more of it; I enjoy it ... it means relaxing.


2. Stop being nice. I'm tired of editing course summaries and Masters applications for professors and department chairs. All of which will go through the Academic Senate and be approved - and nothing but a wink from my dubious adviser shall I receive. People who do this usually get paid.

I've been used. (In some way I guess I might like it)...


3. Find, through the mercy and grace of something divine, a local lunatic worth going out on a date with who will actually go out on a date with me. I am so single it hurts...

This might prove fruitless since I am, after all, somewhat delusional, neurotic, and quirky. And for money I play in the dirt all day. Something is probably wrong with me.

I might have priorities messed up - but dysfunction can be fun.


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 4:01 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
As for my New Year Resolutions:

1. Lose weight an get into shape. Yes it'll take time but it's worth it :jester:

2. Do some serious traveling. A-kon being one thing i'm doing fer sure, but hopefull somethin before then..

3.Start focusing more on myself an stop being such a bleeding heart all the time :P

4.Get my hair braided the way I want to for the first time. Every other time it was what my mom wanted :roll:

5. Just try to make it through this year with my sanity somewhat there :roll:
6. Draw more..Lots more cause it's fun :Jester3:

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:03 am
by deruty

Back on topic here. My resolutions are the following:

Learn to Model(3D) -.-
Continue learning C++
Practice more Martial Arts, Piano, Cello, Drawing/coloring(of the artwork) and Math

And to finish anything I start this year :D

Yes I'm a really bad procrastinator. As a matter of fact I'm already behind on all of the above :D...except drawing and Modelling(3D)

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:46 am
by MoonKit
I dont make resolutions. 8) But for all the people who wanna start eating healthier...its really quite easy. Me and my mate started because he gained a little weight and we adapted really fast. We switched to whole wheat pasta and no soda and 1% milk and all we did was switch over to it. Sure, it didnt taste so good at first but you get used to it fairly quickly. Now whole milk is too heavy for me and soda does bad things to my tummy. :D

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:40 pm
by Short Tail
Ink wrote:1. Smoke & drink more.
Hmmm, I am going to have to agree with this one for myself. I did not party near enough last semester. (I think it had to do with almost drowning in that hot tub the fourth week of school while very drunk)

2. Go snowboarding more.
Here I am in colorado and I only have been twice. (what the heck is my problem?)
Ink wrote:3. Find, through the mercy and grace of something divine, a local lunatic worth going out on a date with who will actually go out on a date with me. I am so single it hurts...
I think this one holds true to me as well. When I am in a relationship, it helps to ground me and makes me do better in classes. So, any females here from Colorado?

4. Fix the lights inside my computer so it annoys my room mate less. (he deserves as much for putting up with me)

5. Buy a car. If my parents hold true to what they have done for my sisters, I get to buy a car this summer. Now I just need to figure out what car has what I want, I can afford, and can handle Colorado and Texas weather.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:29 am
by Midnight
I try to stick to New Year's resolutions I actually have a hope of achieving.

Last year's one was "Watch more television".

This year's one is "Read more web comics".

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:55 am
by ravaged_warrior
1. Get some of the ideas I come up with actually written down. I've got at least two ideas brewing in my head right now that I want to start on before I lose interest (like I always do), a script and a comic.
2. Get in shape.
3. Learn some of these freeware programs I keep downloading. GIMP, Blender (those last two apply to #1), Game Maker, whenever I see something that interests me I download it and never really get INTO it because of my lack of patience.
4. Earn money for the parts needed to build my own computer.
5. Learn more about the inner workings of my desired career - film directing.