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This is just plain SICK!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:08 pm
by Anubis
Okay this guy needs to die for making something so horrible!! :x ... 01979.html

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:12 pm
by Kirk Hammett
Already, from the title, this looks like a heap of crap.

Who on earth would play that? Disturbed people, immature teenagers, wannabes, (Yes, wannabes. The kind of riff raff youth which prides itself on violence and hating humans, some stupid phase they go through, thinking themselves cool).
The game has been available online since April 20, 2005, the sixth anniversary of the deadliest school violence in U.S. history. (Fifteen people died and numerous others were injured.) Ledonne said he made the game partly as an "indictment of our society at large" and partly because he was "a misfit," "a loner" and "a bullied kid" in high school, much the way Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the two students responsible for Columbine, were characterized.
No excuse. None. Zilch.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:18 pm
by White Paw

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:23 pm
by Fang
Vile and wrong and goes to show what's wrong with humanity :x

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:29 pm
by Timber-WoIf
not surprised...
how long until "Super 9/11 massacre RPG" comes out? you know some retard out ther is working on it...

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:54 pm
by Set
I'm all for doling out death for blatant acts of stupidity, but I really don't think this guy deserves it.

Edit: to make what it is I mean a little clearer, let me just say this. The only reason you're freaking out about it right now is because it was based on something that actually happened. There are horrid acts of violence in TONS of video games. The only thing that seperates this from, say, Grand Theft Auto, is that it was based on real people. That's the only reason any of you give a rat's a**.

And you know what? I don't see a reason to care. At least this isn't a "Left Behind" clone, something which was made for deliberately brainwashing people into actually going out and shooting each other all in the name of something stupid.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:20 pm
by PariahPoet

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:22 pm
by Terastas
I wish the kid had just come out and said he made this game because he's a hateful little s***. The primary purpose a game like this serves is to offend and outrage everyone that sees it.

What happened to the good old days when little s*** that hate the entire world because it doesn't revolve around them just locked themselves in the bathroom and tried to OD on baby aspirin?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 11:37 pm
by Kaebora
Reminds me of when I had the idea of making a Half-Life map replica of my own highschool. Of course my idea was to use the building, not the kids, teachers, and bystanders. My reason was just to entertain the idea of fighting terrorists in a high-school, as in being in the hero role. My friends shot down my idea right away, and I decided it was a bit too taboo for society today. I suppose the idea seemed ok since it was the one environment I was most familiar with, and could easilly model the floorplan. This guy took it way too far in comparison. You ARE the villin, and you ARE killing students. Very wrong.

I made a playable model of myself instead, using photos. Turned out being more fun anyways. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:02 am
by Short Tail
Please read this all the way through before replying

If you actually took the time to read the site, the game maker goes through great detail outlining his goal in making the game. Yes you kill people, yes, it is based on a tragic even, but what he is trying to show is the serious ramifications of the incident. This will not inspire people to try this because, as Z said, it shows that no matter what you do in the game, the main characters die.
Also, if you put your first impression aside and actually read the forums and what the creator has posted, he details all his intensions and continually defends them against people who don't see the meaning to what he was trying to show. He also provides a very powerful point, what is different about this game and games like Call of Duty and Ghost Recon and similar games; both depict the deaths of real people, the only difference is the way they have been portrayed in our society.
Killing the Germans in World War Two was "Good" because we were ridding the globe of a menace that threatened freedom, and the lives of people all over the world (heh, GW anyone?(for the freedom part, not so much the lives)). This game shows the killings of people which we automatically think of as bad since they are our country-men. Both have the end result of innocent people dying, but the only thing that makes the prior acceptable, is the fact that it is government sanctioned.
Fang wrote: goes to show what's wrong with humanity
Very well put, but misplaced, that is the lesson the game's creator shows through the game, not the game itself.

Ponder this, the creator is trying to make people think back on the subject, what caused it, what were the factors, not the ones everyone normally cites, (music, games, movies, TV) but the social environment that IS America. So what if he is being controversial, that is the best way to make people stop and realize that things are not right. If you don’t believe me on that, look at the people who we so value in society. Martin Luther King Jr., Darwin, Gandhi, all were controversial and all of them got the people's attention to the problem so that the changes could be made. We are taught to hate all throughout our upbringing, not just because of games, movies, and TV, but also by our parents, our friends and the media. That is what he is showing. That is what needs to be changed.

If you see errors in logic or don’t agree, go ahead and post them, but use logic, not emotion for it can easily cloud the mind and prevent understanding.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:31 am
by MattSullivan
Honestly, i don't see what the big deal is. Yes, it's awful, but after a while. people use any and every subject for ridicule/parody. it's an inevitability, and the more attention you give something you don't like, you're just helping more people to know about it.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:34 pm
by Lukas
short tail hit the nail on the head

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:16 pm
by lupine
I would like to start by saying that although I'm British, living in Britain, you could argue that I am somewhat detached from some of these awful acts of violence that seem to occur in the US on a scarily regular basis. And to apoint, you would be right. We get loons going on the rampage over here too, just not as often(thank god for no guns). I would however like to point out that I am still repulsed and upset when I see things like the columbine incident and only a few months ago the Amish school murders.
The fact that this kid has made a game out of it is I feel in bad taste. It is however, no different than when we all sit down with the lastest installment of Medal of Honour or Call of Duty or Brothers in Arms. All of these are based on true events in which FAR more people, including children, perished. The games industry is no different than Hollywood in that it will see a cash cow and milk it for all it's worth. Hollywood gets away with it to a higher degree because it can get away with claim itself as educational or artistic or some other kak. , plus, the general (wrong) opinion is that it's mostly kids who play these games. I'm 35 and I probably get more of a kick out of blasting away at point blank range at a German infantryman, than my 14 year old lad does.

This kid is no more guilty than the likes of Electronic Arts or Gus Van Sant (Elephant producer). I say kid, He's 24, and quite capable of holding his own opinion, and expressing it.

I dunno what I'm trying to say really. As on one hand, I find it distasteful and disrespectful. But I also try not to judge this guy too harshly. He doesn't come over as idiotic or uneducated, far from it imho. Like a movie on 911 or something equally as sensitive, you don't HAVE to watch it.

And in the eyes of a witness...
Richard Castaldo, one of the students injured that day, had a different take. He is paralyzed from the waist down after being shot in the back, chest, arm and abdomen. He's a gamer -- he wants to be a sound engineer for games -- and he's played the Columbine game. There are some parts that were tough for him, the 24-year-old said, but he thought the game has a unique take on that day. "It's weird for me to say this, I guess, but there's something about it that I appreciated, seeing the game from the killers' perspective,"
Also. I noticed that it since it was posted last year, it recieved 75%(30,000) of its hits in the last month(since the media got hold of it). So it would seem that quite a few people out there DO want to play it.
However wrong it may be.

Unfortunately, this is the society we live in.

But I'll still buy the next Medal of Honour

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:53 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Timber-WoIf wrote:not surprised...
how long until "Super 9/11 massacre RPG" comes out? you know some retard out ther is working on it...
They already had games with planes that could fly into bulidings yeah this is sick..some humans are just sick f*** :x

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:33 pm
by Shadow Wulf
I agree with shor tail and lupine, this is no different from playing WW2 games or Vietnam. You always play as a the american side of the story, but you never play the vietcongs side, alot of them felt that they should fight to make vietnam a more independant country. But I do must say that this is tasteless, becuase cmon, you are killing kids, I dont want to play a game that kills kids, hardly any game does that. But I say ignore it, let him make a video game if hes wants, if he is liked by some people, then he is liked, if he is hated by others, then so be it. He has rights. And we should blame the media for popularizing the game, "The media is right hand of anarchy".

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:32 pm
by DarkShadow
Timber-WoIf wrote:not surprised...
how long until "Super 9/11 massacre RPG" comes out? you know some retard out ther is working on it...
oh god, that would be horrible! :(

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:35 pm
by Fenrir
how can someone make a video game out of that?!

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:16 am
by ravaged_warrior
Yeah, this isn't cool... If he wanted to prove a point about the minds of these people, he should have made a film, as he is described as an aspiring filmmaker. Why do I consider this better? Because you aren't the one doing it. I do agree about war games being similarly based on a real event, but the difference is that you usually are fighting on the perceived good side. I say perceived not because I don't agree, but because others might not (for Vietnam and Middle-East based games, anyway).

And on a side-note to Short-Tail: Ghost Recon takes place in a near-but-fictional future.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:40 am
by MoonKit
I dont believe for a second that the real intention of the game was to show that youll get caught. Thats just something he and his lawyers made up when they started getting into trouble. Its a terrible thing to do. Making it a fake school shooting would have been slightly better then using a real event. Video games are just messed up in general.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:11 am
by Fullmoonstar
Grrrrrr......this is just sooo damn disgusting :x ...and that is a kind word to describe this can they be sooooo stupid
This is more than just sick.....and yeah you are right Anubis....the guys, that made this "Game"needs to die.......

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:43 pm
by Searif
if you hear him talk about WHY he decided to make a game like that, you will understand its more artistic, but still a bit sick
I made this game because I was going to high school when these shootings took place, so I felt that it is something that is embedded into me both emotionally and mentally, I feel that this topic is something that should not be let go, and unlike some people I am not able to paint a picture or write a poem about this sort of thing, so when I found RPG maker it seemed like my outlet
its not his EXACT quote, just what I remember from the show where I saw him talking about this.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:43 pm
by Hamster
LOL. :roll:

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:56 am
by KittyRose
I can't believe someone would do such a thing :x I remember Columbine and it was a tragic event, making a video game out of it is disrespectful and distrubing.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:12 pm
by Short Tail
Z wrote:arg, its so obvious when people dont read the entire thread...or article for the matter
Heh, yeah. I like how few have noted what I said. :lol: Oh well