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Wolf's Run

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:00 am
by Silverclaw
(ooc: OMG I'm attempting another rp! :wink: I know I've sucked posting consistintly in the past, (sorry to those I rped with in the past! :( )but if this gets going, I'll try my best to keep posting :D )

ooc: My char is a Wolfwere; was born as a wolf, raised as a wolf in the wild, but can change forms like any werewolf. He is looking for either werewolves(more common to find), and/or other wolfweres(much rarer) Will use " " for human speech, and * * for wolf speech.

A lone wolf stood upon a stone ridge over looking a massive human city. His amber eyes were wide with wonder as he gazed at the sight before him. He was a young wolf, only about 14 in human years. He has a lean, lanky body, with too-big paws and ears that he still has yet to grow into. His chocolate-brown pelt flowed in the cool evening breeze that swept past from the forest he was leaving behind him. He whined anxiously, pacing back and forth on the ridge, his white claws clicking on the stone. *YellowTooth said I must seek out others like me...I have to go there...* He muttered to himself quietly. With another last glance at the forest he was leaving, the only home he has ever known, he set out at a steady run to the edge of the human's territory.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:57 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Looks fun so I think I'll give it a go :jester:

Charrie bio

Of course my charrie is Sabre. Sabre has the ability to take on both feral an digigrade form. Has a dark chocolate fur an piercing yellow eyes the iris lined with a red tinge..Is on the large side as both human an wolf. Human form is a black female. Always wears large baggy jean an large baggy Tee. Hair is mostly in dreads under a doorag. Wear a moonstone necklace. Has an aggresive look on her face most of the time, but it does mean she's angry..Is currently a Lone Wolf, but not really lookin for a pack either(I thinks that's enough :P

Sabre had just come in from work an heeded straight to her house. She went to immeditily take a shower tryin to cleanse herself of those germs she would surely get handling so of the many criminal that came through that door at the precinet. After leaving there she went to the kitchen to grab some snack of sort. She pulled out some round steaks (this is a snack food for SAbre XD) an threw em on the stove then heated them an grilled the lightly on both sides and took em off an let them cool abit before heading into the living room an reclining on her couch stretchin, then she sat up an popped the telly on tryin to find something interesting."Gahh!! This damn cable an still nuthin is on!!'' she snapped an just turned the tv of completely deciding music is always a good choice. She leaned back closing her eyes an let out a deep sigh of contentment..

"This is much better anyways then watchin those silly humans on tv" she snickered. She didn't have anything really against all humans but some were just plain dumb. Slowly she dose off to sleep an started dreaming. She saw many images in her mind, but one caused her to awaken. It seemed that this particular dream had a wolf in it, not that it was out of the ordinary, but the wolf seemingly was searchin for something. She quickly jumped up an looked around before going out on the balcony an a cool breeze hit her face. She closed her eyes smelling the air as it flowed past. She caught a very faint, but recognizible scent in the air.."There is someone out there..I knew it" but the wind was moving in so many directions she couldn't really get a fix on it..."Damn"..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:09 pm
by Furya
i wanna play!

Sela was an average sized female feral werewolf. she was pure white with vivid blue eyes. She was the omega of her pack, bieng the weakest. but for a feral, she was no weakling at all. her pack were anthros rather than ferals, and much stronger than she, but as a cost they were slower. she hated the pack she'd been cursed by fate to live with. but at 17 she was old enough to now to leave - which she had just done.

seeing another of her kind -a brown male- she howled a catious greeting, but prepared to run if he decided she was an enemy.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:25 pm
by Silverclaw
The young wolf was trotting cautiously through the edge of the city. This part was run down; with old warehouses and a few abandoned townhouses that were boarded-up with long weeds growing in the lawns. He sniffed the air before pulling away with a wrinkled up nose. *This place stinks!* he said to himself, walking along the broken pavement. It was growing dark. He wandered around, trying to find his way to the busier part of the human city. Easier said then done, the buildings and streets seemed like a maze. *How I'm supposed to find any other Changers like this?!* he muttered with fustration. The wolf sat down for a rest when he suddenly noticed another nearby. As soon as he sensed the preasence, another wolf howled. Surprised, he sprung to his paws and turned. It was a white she-wolf. *Not from my pack...* he realized after sniffing the air. He gave a greeting howl back after a moment past. *Is she a normal wolf? Or a shifter like me?* he thought. Tensly, he waited to see what she would do.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:26 am
by Furya
Sela was sure the other was no threat. He had heard her howl, but didn't growl or attack. but she wasn't complettely sure he was friendly. she'd made that mistake before, and had ended up torn and lacerated from head to tail. It was then that the pack of anthros had found her.

she cautiously asked *I am Sela. A feral werewolf. Who are you?*

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 7:11 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
She stood on her balcony a few moments longer before deciding if there might be a chance to meet yet another shifter it'd be worth it. She still wondered to herself why she ever moved away from where she did live..She was surrounded by wilderness an other were's. She had family, but she wanted to be to try an do something more with herself, but now she regretted the move..She shook off the though an got back to her main focus."Perhaps I should try an contact this stranger..maybe they will be a friend, but maybe a foe..'' she closed her eyes as the shift came over her. Dark fur sprouted out all over her body. Her hands clenched the railing tightly an she growled as her bones an joints shifted then snapped in an out of place. Her back arched an contorted as her, her spine seemingly with pain at in every spot mostly at the lower end of it as as tail started to grow.

Muscles started forming in her arms an legs, her chest an stomach, the clothing she wore strained an ripped as they bulged with the increase of muscle an mass. Sharp canines grew where once normal humans once were, her face extend more an more taking the form of a muzzle as her ears even began to grow out an into a rounded like point. Both hands an feet took on the form of paws, black talon -like claws tore through the nail bed causing them to bleed some. Looking to the sky now fully covered with dark brown fur she stood there gazing into the moons light she howled deeply hoping that the other would respond, an if not she could better seek them out in her new form she now took, she then closed the balcony door an jumped down to the street below an looked around. It was a quiet night an the streets were clear as normal, she then dropped to all fours an ran off still keepin self alert should they respond..

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:30 am
by Furya
Sela heard the howl of another werewolf. It sounded female, and probably a feral too. Sela could hear the difference from a feral and an anthro in their howls. she had lived with her parents pack untill they all died at the hands of poachers, and ferals sounded more wolf-like and were generally deeper than the howls of anthros. and she could also tell a wolf's gender. again, males sounded deeper than females.

as for the male, his reply howl was friendly. maybe Sela couyld take a chance. she walked cautiously acouple step towards him. she was nervous though, and ready to run at any little growl. the first pack of ferals she'd tried to join, were not quite welcoming.

Sela sent up another howl, this one to the female. It was a friendly (yet nervous) howl, showing that she was not a threat.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:08 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
*is in anthro form Furya :P *

Sabre skid to a stop an stood up on hind quaters. She was close now she could even smell them. Hearing the howl as it seemed friendly enough Sabre was fooled before, so she approahed with caution her ears perked an fully aware of her surroundings. "I hope these two aren't trouble.."she said to herself as she dropped back to all fours an picked up the pace a bit. Peering out of the alleyway she'd taken she saw the two just standing there, seemingly checking each other out. She trotted out into the open." My name is Sabre. I heard your calls, so I came to see who you might be.." speaking this as she came out more into the open sorta walking back an forth looking them over as well..

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:00 am
by Silverclaw
ooc: ok, I didnt forget about this or anything...but I got a new job and I've been working and going to school a lot, so I havent had the time lately. I'll try and get my part up again soon!