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What are wolves to you?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:25 pm
by Set
I was thinking today. As much as I like wolves I realized that if you took away their howls and changed the look of their eyes a bit all they would amount to in my mind is big dogs.

I suppose this came from a dream I had. In the dream there were two husky/wolf hybrids in my yard. Before I've only come across dogs or wolves, not wolfdogs. They were beautiful. What struck me as being odd was the fact I was calling one of them Sachi. That's the name of one of my dogs. It was kind of funny though. He had his nose near his tail, and the tail was wagging so it would smack him in the face and he would whine but refuse to move his head. His tail was curled over his back like a husky's.

Wolves are more limited in their associations than dogs. While wolves are strictly creatures of the moon dogs can be both solar and lunar animals. Still...take away the howls, eyes, and a few minor things and what you get is a big dog. I never really thought about it that way before. Hell, wolves aren't even my favorite canine. Jackals are. It makes me question whatever connection I thought I had with them.

Uh...I'm not entirely sure what I'm trying to say here. I thought wolves were something that really meant alot to me. The appearence of the two wolfdogs was enough to toss that right out the window. I guess I just don't love them as much as I thought I did. Maybe the connection wasn't that strong. I'm not sure what to think of them now. So tell me...what are wolves to you?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:05 pm
by Ozone Grif
Marvelous wild animals with impressive social skills, pack strategies, and hierarchy. Wolves are the ultimate canines.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:16 pm
by Figarou
Everyone has thier own view of the wolf. Some feel they are connected to it. Some enjoy the beauty and the surroundings it lives in. (Thats how I see the wolf, by the way.) Since we are in a werewolf forum, expect to see good responces about the wolf.

Ask that same question elsewhere, you may get some bad responces. You might have someone say, "Its just a wild dog." Or worse, "They make great fur coats!!!" Grrrrr!! :x That makes me mad!!!

I love the wolf. I see it as an animal untouched by human nature. I also respect the wolf by enjoying it in its natural surroundings.


Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:11 pm
by Aki
Wolves are my favorite animal, and a marvelous creature. Native Americans would refer to the wolf as "Brother Wolf" , probably due to how similarly patterned early and primitive humans were to the wolf. Both were 'pack' animals, great in numbers, but faring much worse alone. Both were hunters.

I was thinking today. As much as I like wolves I realized that if you took away their howls and changed the look of their eyes a bit all they would amount to in my mind is big dogs.
Well, dogs DID descend from Wolves. :P

Thats sort like saying, make a human furry and he looks like an ape. :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:19 pm
by Set
Aki wrote:Thats sort like saying, make a human furry and he looks like an ape. :lol:
Well this one guy I know would make a great chimpanzee.

Ozone, for some reason your post reminds me of a show about the ultimate group hunters. I can't remember if wolves were on there or not. Even if they were the African wild dog still was number one, with a kill rate of 90%. To give you some idea of just how good that is lions only kill about 60% of what they chase.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:23 pm
by outwarddoodles
I just respect them and love 'em. They are social, hunt in packs, and are just orginized like that. Though I HATE dogs, its like dogs are forever stuck in the puppy stage.

Think wolves have a bad rep.? Look at Hyenas, I love Hyenas but everyone calls them evil and mean. They arnt like Loin King! :x

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:52 pm
by Kzinistzerg
:| there are many animals despised by many and loved by many ohters. As for wolves, it's generaly what they represent, though i myself go more for cats because looking at poe reminds you they were never really tamed in the same sense of the word.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:07 pm
by Aki
Shadowblaze wrote::| there are many animals despised by many and loved by many ohters. As for wolves, it's generaly what they represent, though i myself go more for cats because looking at poe reminds you they were never really tamed in the same sense of the word.
Dogs, having descended from pack animals, are tamable because they see the 'Human' as the Alpha. Cats, lacking the "This guy = leader" instinct, haven't fully been tamed yet. :P
Look at Hyenas, I love Hyenas but everyone calls them evil and mean. They arnt like Loin King!
Hyenas have some weird phyisolodgy. 'sspecially the females.

Re: What are wolves to you?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:22 pm
by Akugarou
Reilune wrote:So tell me...what are wolves to you?
Worth saving.

I have been donating to the Defenders of Wildlife's wolf programs for 3 years.

On a personal level; when I'm in a stressful situation, I find strength when I think about wolves.

:| :) :D

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:25 pm
by Wolfhanyou
Since I've found out about therianthropy, I've been looking more into what my relationship to the wolf may be. I'm still not all clear on it yet, though what I am sure of is that I respect and love them as both an animal and a being of the earth.

Though with myself being a therian, I'm nearly 100% sure that I've got some sort of connection with them. Though lately I've been discovering some feline like qualities within my movements that aren't like that of a canine's.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 11:50 pm
by Baphnedia
As far as myself is concerned -

It isn't coincidence that my battalion is known as the Wolfpack. The emphasis of individual qualities (too many to list) married up with teamwork (the Pack) makes it an awesome mascot. I don't mean some guy in a wolf outfit either.

Also, I find something there that demands respect. Rather, commands respect. Were I not a follower (so to speak) of Draconity (WARNING: Can of Wyrms), I'd likely have found solace of sorts in wolves. Many do.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:04 am
by Vuldari
What are wolves to me? ...hmmmm...

Of all the non-domesticated Canines, wolves are the coolest looking (in my opinion), plus they are the largest species. So...ummm...I don't know, they're just cool, I guess.

"..Take away the howl and the unique eyes and all you get is big dogs..."
Yeah...So...I like dogs. Image

To be completey honest, I just think that Dogs, Wolves, Jackals, Hyenas, and whatever are just much more aesthetically pleasing and charasmatic than humans, so they naturally earn my admiration.

Beyond that, I really love all (non-parasitic) animals equally.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:37 am
by Vilkacis
When you discard the symbolism and connotations associated with any particular thing or idea, you often find that the truth isn't nearly so grand as you had once thought. But disillusionment brings other opportunities. Indeed, perhaps the worst thing you could do is lose interest in something just because it wasn't everything you thought it to be. Love it for what it really is.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:26 am
by Rwolf
I think wolves to me represent the pure wild and free. And would never consider them dogs, as to me there on the top of the Canine tree.

And if I ever had a chance to live by one, I would treat them as equals.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:50 am
by Beastofgaia
as we can see for all the animal who have been used by the human, they keep childness caracters... the look of the nose, the tall, the paws... all the caracters in the Husky ( for exemple) look like the caracters of the baby wolves...

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:39 pm
by outwarddoodles
Hyenas have some weird phyisolodgy. 'sspecially the females.
Actully I got stuck in that conversation earleir. *ahem*

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:55 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Correction: due to the domestication of animals, the said animals lose some of the mature characteristics their ancestors possess. They do not need the skills and abilities in captivity that they do in the wild, and humans, as part of the primate family, tend to breed animals to make them more infantile. Primates have a fascination and love for infants, and many of the characteristics of animals and especially young animals are reminiscent of what human and primate infants possess, and thus appeal more to human eyes. :|

I ended up doing a research project on this. So I know about it. But if I got something wrong... :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:08 pm
by silverpaw
wolves to me ...hmmm well that aint a hard question the powerful, intellegent , great social skill (pack etc) and i love them take away the eyes and fur ...well all dogs were said to be domesticated wolves that were srolen as pups by the humans thus creating dogs blah blah blah so if you took away the eyes and fur well i would still love them...cose they would still be wolves to me powerful intellegent and really the way if any of that is incorect please tell me i got that info when i was doing a science speach on wolves so if it wrong correct me.
till next time.

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:20 am
by Aki
Shadowblaze wrote:Correction: due to the domestication of animals, the said animals lose some of the mature characteristics their ancestors possess. They do not need the skills and abilities in captivity that they do in the wild, and humans, as part of the primate family, tend to breed animals to make them more infantile. Primates have a fascination and love for infants, and many of the characteristics of animals and especially young animals are reminiscent of what human and primate infants possess, and thus appeal more to human eyes. :|

I ended up doing a research project on this. So I know about it. But if I got something wrong... :wink:
Yup, thats why a Wolf is much smarter than a Dog. Dog don't need as much brain power, so it goes all "Derrr...." while the wolf is all still smart like. :D

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:15 am
by silverpaw
yeah damn humans messing with the mind of a perfectly good pup :lol:

yay im am smartest :o yeah was that fact or myth about the tacking of pups ?

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 10:13 pm
by SGrayWolf
To me, wolves are the closest wild animal (you can get) to a person but they are perfect in every aspect. My feelings won't change on this either.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 9:50 am
by Anubis
they are most free and wild craetures on earth. i love to read about them
draw them and look at pics of them the main reason i want to be a werewolf because i want to be one of them. wolves kick a** :howl:  :oo

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 10:30 am
by Shadow Wulf
to me, wolves are noble animals, solitary,intelegent, untrained, free,each time i look at them it reminds how beautiful nature is, its impossible for us to digitize a forest as beautiful as the real thing. But wolves are much different from dogs, untaimed, free, wild, and excellent teamwork with each other. now a days our special forces take strategies primarily from wolves and lions and and other animals as well as insects. so they really are an inspiration to everyone, i think. :howl:  :oo

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 11:05 am
by Bete
I think wolves are beautiful animals, and the way they interact socially is very interesting.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:51 pm
by Goldenwolf
I have the great chance and honor of being able to volunteer at a local wolf and wolf hybrid rescue. Yes, dogs are basicly domesticated wolves. We all know that. But there is something about a pure wolf when it is staring you in the face, scent rubbing all over you, and laving you with kisses that is more than any dog. It is hard NOT to see the wolf as mysterious, powerfull, and a great spirit when it is prowling around you with that lanky gait, and it's intense, pale eyes are regarding you from only a few feet away. For me, it is extremely humbling. I know the realities of the wolf because I have read many books and been in their presence, researched their anatomy and ways, and am ever learning about them. I have my head on straight when it comes to the reality of wolves. However, it is the SPIRIT of the wolf that most influences me.

That said...

What is the wolf to me? The wolf is my ultimate symbol of wildness, of the wilderness and that primal link we have all forgotten. Wolf is my icon of spirituality, of my own feral nature and reverence for the wild and natural world, which is my church. Wolf is my teacher, leading me and showing me the right path as I wander through life. I know wolves, and feel like I have known them since time immemorial. It is the spirit of wolf that has brought me here, and the spirit of wolf that guides me, and I am the spirit of wolf as well.

Yes, I am obsessed and passionate about wolves. But I think everyone knew that ;)