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BP (Baph's Projects) Dark Reign

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:15 pm
by Baphnedia
This is less of a collaborative project than a way to have fun - my life has been short on fun lately so I'm rekindling something that I used to do around the barracks long, long ago.

Dark Reign was a Real Time Strategy game that came out in 1998 and can run on (probably literally) any system out there today. Sometime around 2000, I realized that the game is malleable, and before the end of the year, my friends and I had an experience point system in place to advance any of the five armies used in the game.

I haven't done anything with it since 2002 other than play it, and I'll be spending the next few days refamiliarizing myself with the game and writing an impromtu FAQ as to how everything works.

Unfortunately, there are no werewolves (yet) in this game. If I knew enough C++ (or if we had a few artists and coders who'd like to try to add new armies to the game - it seems to be open-ended), we could give that a shot also.

As it stands, I don't have nearly the time to give each member their own army. I'll do a couple of experiments to see if I can easily remedy that situation, but chances are, I won't be able to do it. Besides, if I did that, it would make the selection list for what side someone's playing hopelessly long if I get half the participation I had back in the day.

To anyone who wants to start with a leg up on the competition, XP can be earned with any game, single player or multiplayer. Take a screenshot of the scores screen (at the end of a battle) and save it as a gif or jpg. Don't worry if the numbers don't show up - I know how to isolate them. I will credit XP to whichever one matches the username that is submitted. If there is more than one player who's trying to get credit, ensure that their screen names are right, before you battle. Also, inform me in the email so that I may correctly add points to both (or more) accounts.

Like I said earlier, I'll be spending part of this weekend refamiliarizing myself with the game so that I can jot the rules down correctly. Chances are I'll begin the actual customizing around the beginning of May.

I will be running expansion games (Dark Reign: Shadowhand), and upgrading the expansion armies only (there are 5). If someone else would like, they can lead the mods on the classic armies, for non-expansion players.

Comments? Questions? Little observations about Reality?