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The Story game

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:38 am
by Sky
ok here is how it goes, write a paragraph or a line or even a chapter, just write SOMETHING that plays into a story.

I'll start

It had only been months since she had left that place, she wanted to be free and not be confined to 'their' rules. She had been travelling along the man made tracks for days now with little food, and little contact from anyone. She slept under the star most nights and managed to find places to hide under when the rain seemed to poor down. She was heading who knows where, but she knew there was 'somewhere' she needed to be.

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:14 pm
by DarkShadow
so, is it like continuing with the thing the person above you wrote or your own thing :?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:43 pm
by Sky
a continuation to the story from the person above :)

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:55 pm
by White Paw
she came across a large lake in the middle of an clearing as the bitter cold nipped at her bones. Looking around the lake she spotted a mysterious figure moving off in the distance towards her. The darkness of the night concealed its true form.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:01 pm
by DarkShadow
it turned out to be nothing but a tree

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:31 pm
by White Paw
DarkShadow wrote:it turned out to be nothing but a tree
real creative....

so she walked around it.. :P

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:36 pm
by lupine
She sniffed the air....

Cat wee!! She new that smell, eeurgghh!

Just then she caught another scent... so faint she almost missed it.. It was quite a way off, but she decided to head in it's direction

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:05 pm
by White Paw
but she feel down a well

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:43 pm
by Sky

she cursed 'great! NOW what?!' she thought angrilly to herself. She looked around, not much could really be seen, the smell of rats and the feel of slimy water under her feet did NOT make her future seem... all that great . she looked up wincing slightly at the pain in her ankle "HELLO?!.. ANYONE OUT THERE?!" she yelled.
She knew for a fact ther wasn't anyone around, or so she couldn't see of at least. Her hands searched he thinly vined walls for anything,maybe she could dig herself upwards?

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:56 pm
by White Paw
She felt the moss covered wall of the well till her hand came across an old partially rotted rope attached to a pulley system at the top. Quickly grasping the rope she carefully puts weight on it testing its strength against her weight.Suddenly she herd a rustling and digging sound coming from around the top of the well just out of view.....

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:38 am
by lupine
she heard a sound like the rushing of air....OUCH!!!!

she felt a sharp pain as something damp cold and hard hit her in the face....

Then.. blackness...

The old pail, although rotten, was heavy, enough to knock an unsuspected person unconscious

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:01 am
by White Paw
she dies ... end of story.... NOW GO TO SLEEP!!!!! :evil: :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:05 am
by Sky
HAHA sleep what is this sleep you speak of? :wink:

she opened her eyes and was in a hospital, she heard talk of being revived "mm what happened?" she groaned as she placed a palm to her for head.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:02 am
by Lukas
the doctor comes in looks at here chart then notices shes awake, " o, i see your feeling better now, if your wondering what happened we found you 2 miles from the old well with a nasty bump on your head, the wierd things is, there is no sign of why you where there or for how long"

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:07 am
by lupine
:o ooooh....spooky! :o

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:05 pm
by BlackWolfDS
She sits up in her bed. The bump on her head begins to throb as she looks at the doctor with questioning eyes. Her mind races and she thinks to herself. "Two miles from the well? How did I get out?" She tries to remember. "There was blackness...and fur..." She finds herself staring at the doctor and in a shaky voice she asks. "Did they find anything...strange...when they found me...?"

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:16 pm
by twirrlacurl
Images flooded her memory, in agony she tried to see through the buzzing sounds and sights. :::Fur....Teeth...Glowing green eyes...:::
"Are you sure there was nothing weird about the area?" She whimpered.
"Weird?" The Doctor sent her a toothy uneasy smile, "Why, there's nothing weird about this little old town, just that the people aren't to friendly" He chuckled hesitantly.
Just then some nurses came into the room.
:::GREEN EYES... ALL OF THEM! The doctor, the nurses. Not just normal green, but toxic nuclear green:::
The doctor's smile faded and he nodded to the nurse. She then injected something into her IV. Blackness...again...

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:00 pm
by BlackWolfDS
The darkness swallowed her whole. She could see but couldn't see around her. That's when she felt the fur brushing against her bare skin and growls. She felt the fur move over her arms and legs, then pain. A lot of pain in her arm. She looked to see a muzzle latched onto her arm. She looked into the wolf's eyes....they were green. She went to yell but the fur smothered her and she blacked out again.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:46 am
by Lukas
she later wook up in a old hotel near the hosiptal and started rubbing here eyes.A"man i think i had the craziest dream last night" but she looks at here arm and see teeth marks tho! and the strangest thing yet is she is not the least bit scared by it or freaked out! she gets out of bed and strechs*noticing she is a little more flexialbe* and try the door, *Locked* she finds a note that says "dear stranger, all answears will be told at 3pm today" here watch said it was 2:45 pm

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:33 am
by BlackWolfDS
"Three o' Clock?" She let out a nervous sigh and begin to pace the room. The bite on her arm began to burn a little and her thoughts raced. Slowly the minutes ticked by until her watch beeped. It was three. She looked at the door and then suddenly pain shot through her entire body. She collapsed to the floor and to her horror..she was changing. Brown bushy fur began to sprout from her skin. She heard popping sounds as her ears grew and she watched as her hands changed into paws. She looked up, back to the door and there, standing in the doorway was a man with green eyes. He watched her and then grinned. "Don't worry my will be over soon." He smiled but it wasn't an evil least not to her it wasn't.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:28 pm
by outwarddoodles
Exhausted from the change, but feeling some new sense of power within her, she propped herself on her hands and toes to try standing up. She was surprised to find herself wobbly, and braced herself against a wall to look down to find herself standing on digitigrade legs. She contemplated an odd sensation behind her that was her tail, and the twitching of her ears. A small whine escaped her mouth as she saw a dark, brown muzzle splitting her vision.

The man rested a hand on her shoulder, part for comfort, partly to hold her up while she inspected her new wolven-like body. Two more burly men walked through the door to stand near the man. "She'll be ready in just a moment," the man said to them, and grinned. "It'll all go just as we'll need it to."

"But, sir, please..." She panted, awkwardly mouthing the words with her canine muzzle. "What, what about my questions?"

"Shh," he answered "They will be answered, just come along, we have a plan for you..."

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:18 pm
by BlackWolfDS
She cocked her head to the side, wondering if she should even trust this stranger, then she looked down at a small crack in the floorboard. She looked up again to see the man with green eyes and the other two burly men, gone. The door was right open and should had a chance to escape. She took an awkward step using her new digitgraded paws then stopped. Even if I did one would know me...they would all probably try to kill me.. She lowered her new wolf ears and tucked her tail involuntarily. Then she took another step and another towards the door. Just as she was to it, the man with the green eyes reappeared again. "Aren't you coming pup?" He smiled. "don't worry, it will take time for you to get used to your new body." He reached out and scratched the space between her ears. All the fear she had been feeling was instantly replaced with a sense of trust. She looked back up to the man with green eyes and nodded. "Alright..." She said awkwardly. "Lead the way..."

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:17 pm
by outwarddoodles
She followed the man through the door and outside, they lay right at the fringe of the city -- The busy streets and chatter to one side of them, a dark forest and where she was originally found. The men led her down to the forest. she couldn't help but notice the slight growls emitting from the burly men as they suspiciously sniffed the air and searched the ground with their glowing green eyes.

Before she realized it, she noticed she was being led down a worn path that ended in a clearing completely surrounded by trees. In the middle of the clearing was a distinct arrangement of boulders.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:59 pm
by BlackWolfDS
The boulders were arranged in a semi circle and in the center of the semi circle, was a small fire pit. She sniffed the air and noticed the smell of deer, rabbit, and squirrel blood. The smells made her stomach rumble and urn for the taste of hot blood. Sweet hot blood.... She found herself drooling and quickly closed her muzzle shut. She looked up to the man with green eyes. He seemed to be trained on something else. She turned a little to see what he was looking at....nothing seemed to be there. Then she saw them. Wolves....5 of them came out of the forest. One by one they emerged, all looking towards her. They were a mix of colors, ranging from black and white, to red and brown. She watched as they slowly made there way to the boulders. Then just like clock work they each jumped up onto a boulder. All of them facing her. Then, they howled. The man with green eyes fought desperately not to howl along with them, but gave in and joined. When they finished, there was silence, and then out of the same forest, more wolves began to appear. All of them looking to the newcomer....her.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:49 pm
by twirrlacurl
It was a Fire Fight!