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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:53 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
I like chicken hehe all meat no bones lck But give with teh bone an I'll take it down too :Jester3: Chicken Breast strips, chicken pattie, fried grilled lck How do you like ur chicken? hehe *QUOTE from RV trailer*How do you like your tomatoes? X3

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:56 pm
by White Paw
barbeque and teriaky (sp) style. lck

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:17 am
by Set
I favor the hot wings myself. Especially if they have that crunchy bit on them. (I think it's fried cartilidge...?) Chicken strips are a close second.

I tend to prefer white meat over dark, but I'll still tear into a drumstick when it suits me.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:18 am
by RedEye
Chicken and Apple slices. Sounds crazy, but it's so-o-o good!

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:59 am
by vrikasatma
Teriyaki, chicken sausages, grilled, in a stir fry, from a slow cooker...does Cornish game hen count? (they're not chickens, they're actually partridges) If it does, I did a beautiful Cornish game hen last week, with cashews, craisins, baby carrots and honey. So, so, so chewing needed, the meat veritably fell off the bones lck

I want to do coq au vin next.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:56 pm
by DarkShadow
I love all chciken :D

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:16 pm
by nachoboy
all chicken is good! nummy nummy nummy nummy!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:48 pm
by RedEye
vrikasatma wrote:Teriyaki, chicken sausages, grilled, in a stir fry, from a slow cooker...does Cornish game hen count? (they're not chickens, they're actually partridges) If it does, I did a beautiful Cornish game hen last week, with cashews, craisins, baby carrots and honey. So, so, so chewing needed, the meat veritably fell off the bones lck

I want to do coq au vin next.
For Coq' au Vin, you need a roaster bird, not a fryer. Coq' au Vin was a way to make an old tough bird tender enough to eat. Otherwise, they sometimes vulacnize rather than cook. Happened to me...even the dog backed away from it.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:34 am
by vrikasatma
My butcher has roasters :)

Or maybe I can do a turkucken coq-au-vin style!

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:48 pm
by Amoux
I lovE chicken and fish. But, every now and then I'll get a little craving for beef. I'm not a really big beef eater.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:29 pm
by Raina The Werewolf Queen


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:45 pm
by wolf4life
everyones making me hungry.....


i like my chicken with a little lemon juice cooked over it and then cooked to like a golden brown....and they have ketchup on it and know that white pasta stuff.....with those little green things on em......yea :D yummy....

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:52 pm
by RedEye
EEEZY Chicken & Lump-things.... :lol:

A can of Cream of Chicken soup and a can of Chicken with veggies, or Chicken noodle.
Bisquick, or the equivalent. Make up the Bisquick into a bisquit batter like it says on the box- for about six bisquits worth.
Mix the Chicken soups in a deep pan and heat to nearly boiling, then add the Bisquick mix a spoonful at a time, making lumps. Let them heat for about ten minutes, or until the lumps are cooked through.
Serve and enjoy. Poor man's Chicken and dumplings.
If you wanna, you can add a can of pre-cooked chicken meat, or use some of that cold chicken (cut up) from the fridge. If that chicken has started to grow hair-toss it (you will, one way or another-anyhow)
It's fairly quick, and it tastes good; especially on a cold night. lck

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:12 pm
by vrikasatma
I got diagnosed with bursitis today, so I treated myself to my local Chinese buffet. Had four kinds of chicken: sesame, teriyaki, satay and lemon. Not counting the egg flower soup. God, their egg flower soup by itself is worth the $8! lck

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:48 pm
by RedEye
Sorry to hear about the Bursitis. Are you trying Chinese style Medicine-as-Food (yeah, they do that in China)...or are you just making the rest of us jealous?

Egg-flower soup that good is rare; mostly it tastes like too much cornstarch and too little chicken broth, with canned veggies.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 12:49 am
by vrikasatma
The only veggies they put in there is water chestnut. The rest is chicken broth so yellow I'm almost sure they spike it with a little turmeric or (dare I hope) SAFFRON...and of course, egg swirled. Lots of egg.

Food as medicine? Not familiar with the process, but I just got a jones. The medical facility specializes in sports medicine and so there were a lot of kids in casts/on crutches, getting clavicles and knees x-rayed, and lots of Moms saying "Let's go out to eat tonight, okay? Before or after your game?"

Well, my Mom was in the hospital getting gallstones taken out, so I was on my own. And I felt completely fine with eating out to make myself feel better. Far Man was the nearest of my restaurant haunts, and the least expensive, so I went for that.

Eat your Medicine!

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:55 pm
by RedEye
The Chinese have an entire medical system composed around food; or more properly: the spices and additions.

If you look at what various foods do, when used as medicines, it makes sense. Cinnamon for blood pressure. Garlic for cholesterol. Aparagus for gout. Ginger for the Heart, the Stomach, and inflammations of the joints. The list goes on and on-and yes, Oatmeal for Cholesterol, too.
(Note-this is Western stuff, not Chinese)
Chicken is basically almost as low fat/high protein as fish is, and can be served in a lot more ways (plus, chickens are easy to feed, as are ducks-another Chinese mainstay).

The Chinese have been using chicken and fish as basics for food-based medical treatment for literally thousands of years (they are the oldest still functioning civilization). So, next time you eat Chinese, you're taking some medicine as well.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:00 pm
by Avareis
This is really odd, but I have some sort of allergy to the meat. When I eat even one egg, I get a head ache. If I eat too much chicken, say one chicken breast, I get sick to the stomach and get a bad headache. Thing is, I've had this sort of thing since I was a child and I eat meat often! I'm no vegetarian. the same goes for pork, by the way.
I's weird, but I don't eat the meat because of that. I'd like to eat it, but for some reason it gets me sick. Lucky bastards.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:19 am
by RedEye
That isn't all that odd: Allergies can kick in any time of your life. You've developed an Allergy to Eggs, and the proteins found in Chicken.

Next time that happens: take a Benedryl tab (just one). It should ease the reaction, considerably. Caffiene also can help with the headache; Tylenol and a cuppa' Joe should deal with the headache totally.

Just be glad you aren't allergic to Gluten (Wheat Protein). That would mean NO BREAD....or breakfast cereal, or lots of stuff. People can develop allergic reactions at any age.