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Trace human qualities

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:25 am
by Matt
I would really like to see some semblance of the human character remain even in full wolf form. Something to show at all times that (place actress' name) is still in there. I know this would be difficult because I believe that stunt doubles will be used to accomodate larger, more muscular. bodies (maybe editing is the answer). Just something subtle, a gesture or idiosyncracy shown by the actor or actress, then repeated by the WW. Or perhaps something more physical incorporated into the WW facial makeup design. I am not saying less wolf, I just do not like to see a total loss of the character between human and WW form. I think it lends itself to the fantasy that this is actually happening to this particular character and is not obviously a stunt man or woman then CGI. Thanks.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:59 pm
by Anubis
I guess fur color could be one, the hair color in human form could be the same fur color of the werewolf.

Eyes could be another, although i believe that eye color would change in the transformation, but a werewolf's eyes could be bigger though, resulting in a more intelligent look.

Scars might be one, if a werewolf has a large enough scar on the face of some where on the body in human form it could show up in beast form to. Like the fur wont grow on a scar making it appear through the fur.

Piercings is definitely one, have a earing in human form it would stay in beast form too.

Body type in human form could be the same as a werewolf. Tall and skinny human, could mean tall and skinny werewolf.

Missing limbs and boy parts will stay gone as a werewolf.

Facial fetures won't be one, the werewolf will look too much like a wolf. Tattoos is another won't be, they will still be there, but fur would easily cover that up.