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Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:20 pm
by wolf_onmitsu
I gotta see Nickelback in concert last week! Wooo! It was on Sunday February 25.

ya, kinda random.
if you happen to notice I haven't been on in.......idk, forever. (If you knew I was here to begin with)

So, I just kinda wanted to say Im back, and I have no excuse as to why I was gone. (Im lazy)

anyway I did see Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, and Nickelback in concert. They put on a great show! There was fire and lots of explosions! It was very exciting. I had a great time. Just thinking about it makes me all hyped up.

The lead singer to Nickelback was a funny guy. (I dont know his name! I went to see Three Days Grace) Alot of funny things happened. This guy (during Breaking Benjamin) jumped off the balcony about 10 feet high! Luckily his butt broke his fall.
He was fine and quickly jumped up and bolted off! It was odd.

The best thing that happened was that 2 guys ran up onto the stage and tried to leap off the stage before the guards caught them. They went at the same time, but only 1 was sucessful. The other got clthes lined and tackled! Everyone cheered. It was great.

I had fun.

Well, the concert was awesome, and Im glad to be back (Im not promising Ill be back tomorrow) :D

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:46 am
by Faolan Bloodtooth
Damn You! :(

I live in Australia, and those three bands ROCK!!!!

Only my favourite of the three, Breaking Benjamin, will never come to Oz because of Ben's fear of flying :(

Man i'm envying you badly right now :D

Sounds like the concert was awesome :D


Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:57 am
by Kirk Hammett
I saw Nickelback I think it was last year!! They did Dimebag tributes!!! :cry: I love Dimebag! Did they do that Side of a Bullet for you guys too? Or they stopped doing it now? With the Dimebag slide shows and interviews and they also played Metallica and Pantera riffs.

And did he do the joke about the 30 foot flames out of his a** but hasn't got the insurance?

A friend of mines' band got to open for Nickelback (Kingpin), pretty lucky! He's not that close a friend so no meet and greet opportunities (Although if I'd asked, ... eh I still doubt they'd have that power).

I dont know who Breaking Benjamin is? I know Three Days Grace but don't really listen to them, but my friend is a huge fan.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:21 pm
by wolf_onmitsu
Kirk Hammett wrote:I saw Nickelback I think it was last year!! They did Dimebag tributes!!! :cry: I love Dimebag! Did they do that Side of a Bullet for you guys too? Or they stopped doing it now? With the Dimebag slide shows and interviews and they also played Metallica and Pantera riffs.

And did he do the joke about the 30 foot flames out of his a** but hasn't got the insurance?

A friend of mines' band got to open for Nickelback (Kingpin), pretty lucky! He's not that close a friend so no meet and greet opportunities (Although if I'd asked, ... eh I still doubt they'd have that power).

I dont know who Breaking Benjamin is? I know Three Days Grace but don't really listen to them, but my friend is a huge fan.
They did a Dimebag Tribute! They had the slideshow and everything.
I loved it. Dimebag was awesome.
He didnt do that joke about the 30 foot flame thing. He did a very dirty joke! It was funny but disgusting at the same time.

Im not a great fan.....I dont prefer Nickelback, but I like them. I went to see Three days Grace! I didnt get to see them the last 10 times they came here

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:29 pm
by Kaebora
Kirk, you and I definately need to talk in person at A-Kon. My family used to be personally involved with a lot of old bands like Pantera and Metalica (second bass player) before they were BIG big. I used to drive by Dimebag's house quite often, where my dad used to jam with them on his bass in high school and a few times every year after. I have to admit, Arlington Texas (to me) is the heavy metal capital of the U.S., and I'm proud that it is my hometown.

I think the next generation band that will be making it big out of Arlington is "Grain". They are an awesome classic punk rock band touring the USA, and the drummer Ricky is my sister's ex-boyfriend. Heh.

My my my... the stories I could tell.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:59 pm
by wolf_onmitsu
thats awesome :) So did you actually know him?

.................I've always wanted to be in a band but no one I know is interested.


Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:13 am
by Kaebora
I'm told I met Dimebag at a New Years party in the early 90's. My dad's friends knew him in high school. So I never really got to know Dimebag myself. It's a shy situation anyways... being 10 years old and have nothing but adults around in a party. I didn't know what Pantera was back then. I only knew my dad liked to "jam" with his buddies.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:38 am
by Kirk Hammett
Haha that sounds like fun Kaebora! Andy would be very jealous!! Do you mean Cliff Burton of Metallica? Both him and Dime being dead...that's quite an honour. Both were really very special people, very amazing musicians.

I am hoping that if I get somewhere in the music industry, I will get to befriend some people myself (I felt I could have chatted to Black Label Society and Paul Gilbert for days on end, the meetings weren't short as such, but not long!). I know David Knopfler quite well (Brother of Mark Knopfler) but online friendships are NOT the same. I'd like to for example meet all of you. So 'quite well' means really very little at all...I really don't know a lot about any of you.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:42 am
by Morkulv
Nickelback isn't my idea of good music, but I'm told that they are cool guys.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:16 am
by Kirk Hammett
Morkulv wrote:Nickelback isn't my idea of good music, but I'm told that they are cool guys.
They can rock! If you go to a concert, you'll hear more solos, much heavier music, and 'rockstar' (80's rockstar) attitudes. (Not stupid today's 'rockstar' where the person is dead rich and a snob and has never known hardship, which most older bands knew before they were rich).

They're very funny. Needs more solos, but they have enough live to satisfy me and their riffs, while simple, are extremely driving and sometimes simplicity can be better.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:25 am
by MoonKit
Glad you had fun. :D