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copy paste of my two bits about the movie

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:14 am
by Noah Body
I agree there should be a tail. So many werewolf movies I've seen where it has no tail, or little stubby tail. Dog Soldiers had good werewolf heads, but they had no tail. Underworld had good TF scenes but again no tail.

Van helsing had werewolf within, ripping through the skin like it was silk, I hated that. Its a cheap and lame way to show change. Poof is even worse, and the same goes with shadow change. You see a shadow on a wall thats changing and its done so quickly. Ginger Snaps had good werewolf change in the first movie, but the second and third just looked like people that had been exposed to too much radiation, and that their skin was melting. I guess if anything, try to show changes that are never shown in other movies, like padding forming on the palms of hands, maybe even quick shot animation of an Xray of one of the werewolves changing, so you can see his bones changing and shifting, even vertibrae forming to make a new tail.
I'm not really for having a quadrapedial werewolf because in many movies that aren't CGI you can tell its a robot, and its always at the side of the screen and you know that there's a giant dolly moving it around. Bipedial in my opinion just looks cooler. Even setting could affect the movie, it could be like Brother Hood of the Wolf, and be in old france. But I can't help but feel that if its in modern/semi-futuristic america, it'll be all guns, explosions, sex and no story. Just tell a werewolf story that isn't sappy, isn't covered with sex sex sex and more sex. Guns or explosions. We've seen it all a million times. Werewolves tearing into people, live stock and whatever you can think of is fine. And thats all I can think of at this very moment.

And to leave this message, I give you the best and worst line from Dog Soldiers
"Where's Spoon?" "There is no Spoon"

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:13 am
by Xodiac
Tails are good in a werewolf. Muzzles are essential. If I see a 1930's style Wolfman I'm going to be pissed.

Showing "changes that are never shown in other movies, like padding forming on the palms of hands, maybe even quick shot animation of an Xray of one of the werewolves changing, so you can see his bones changing and shifting, even vertibrae forming to make a new tail" probably would be unwise, though. Most of the public isn't going to CARE about such fine details as whether the werewolf has pads on his hands and feet, and it thus would distract from the flow of the movie for most people. It would be wasted effort, literally. And while showing the tail growing might be cool, it would require a butt shot, something most filmmakers are reluctant to do (unless it's a female werewolf) without a darn good excuse. Making it an x-ray to show the vertebrae forming, as you suggest, would get around that problem, but raises the question of contriving a way for the werewolf to get into an appropriate machine (CT scanner?) right before he changes. And, unfortunately, "contriving" would be exactly what is going on.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:28 am
by WolvenOne
A tail is fairly important in my view, it's one of the parts of a werewolf that most visably distinguishes it as "not human."

As for transformation scenes, I actually consider them to be somewhat unimportant to movies. Yes the transformation scene in American Werewolf in London is pretty scary, however, it's fairly important to not show the audience more then it needs to be shown.

After all, the greatest fear is a fear of the unknown, so psychologically speaking, the less the audience see's the knows, the more frieghtened they'll be. At least that's my understanding of it.

If you want to have a token transformation shot in the film though, yeah, details like paw-pads and a trail growing in would be nice. I'll agree that the entire subject ripping out of his own skin bit is kinda, over-rated and really not that nice at all.

I'll also agree that the classic Wolf Man type make-up without a snout or tail is rather unacceptable in my view. Those films make werewolves look more like man-apes then anything that even vaugly resembles a wolf.

If I see a Teen-wolf werewolf...

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:10 am
by Noah Body
so help me god I'll burn the theater down

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:12 am
by Goldenwolf
Head of a wolf, a decent looking wolf and not a monkey, A TAIL dammit, and digitigrade legs. Oh, and fully furred as well, with a nice, thick mane to boot! Quit being cheap, hollywood, and give us what we want!


Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 4:01 am
by WolvenOne
Heheheh, it seems that many of us werewolf fans are miffed with Hollywoods treatment of werewolves.

I can't say I blame them, I've sat watching silently as Hollywood has abused poor defensless werewolves. But I can be silent no longer, and that is why I created PetW, People for the Ethical Treatment of Werewolves.

Okay okay, it's late and I'm feeling silly, sorry for subjecting you all to my wierd sense of humour.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:07 pm
by akujiwolf
I agree that there should be a tail. Again I don't know much about the movie at the moment. I hate being the last one to know....RAWR!(of course if A.Brownrigg is the director I may never know. MEEP!) Anyways, I do know that all the sappy, overdone, and boring transformations will not be in this movie. I do like the idea of showing padding forming on the hands and the X-Ray. hmmm.... I can definately vouch that it will have awesome dialogue and not filled with sex and guns. Im not even sure there are guns in the movie. I do know that this movie is going to be more internal and focus on the struggles of the werewolves and the humans, not just between eachother, but within their own group and with themselves. Well, Im going to stop talking cause I'm sure "the producers" and the Director don't want me giving away anything. Not that I can sense I only catch bits and pieces myself, but still. :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:18 am
by TakeWalker
I'm pretty certain I saw a transformation scene in some movie where they were showing it from the heart. You honestly wouldn't need to have a reason for an X-ray shot: just do it. Of course, many might complain it's simply a way to get special effects into a movie when they aren't necessary, and I'd probably agree with that.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:08 pm
by Lunatic_36
*Waves hands spaztically in the air* I know how we can squeeze in a sort of "inside look" of a werewolf TF. A just bitten werewolf could be getting an MRI or CT scan because s/he is trying to figure out why s/he is having some weird "syptoms" from being bitten. If they started shifting during the test then you'd get to see a werewolf shift from the inside! :o

You have to admit that would be awesome. :P

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:45 pm
by Vuldari
Lunatic_36 wrote:*Waves hands spaztically in the air* I know how we can squeeze in a sort of "inside look" of a werewolf TF. A just bitten werewolf could be getting an MRI or CT scan because s/he is trying to figure out why s/he is having some weird "syptoms" from being bitten. If they started shifting during the test then you'd get to see a werewolf shift from the inside! :o

You have to admit that would be awesome. :P

But seriously... it certainly would be interesting to see someone do a shot like this some day. Sounds Cool to me.

[Edit:] Oh...I allmost forgot...

Welcome to "THE PACK" Lunatic_36!!! :welcome:

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:36 pm
by Lunatic_36
Thanks Vuldari. :D Im glad to be here.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:02 pm
by Vuldari
I can just imagine it now.

The doctor is looking at a computer screen, looking for signs of injury or disease...

"My this is certainly unusual...I've never seen bone structure quite like this before. Even your muscles seem to be attatched to your body differently than I'm used to see...*screen gets scrambled as he hears groaning from the other room* ...HEY I told you not to move, you are messing up the scan!...there...that's better, now...*dramatic pause*...oh Dear GOD!!!"

*Doctor Falls out of chair in Shock, knocking it over with a loud clatter as he slides onto the floor*

[heard from the other room in a garbled, mouthy/toothy voice] "...Dochtor...what's wwrong...wwwhyy do I ffeel so strange? ...Whaat's hhappeningg?...*groans again*"


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 4:07 pm
by Lunatic_36
Lol, that would be interesting. :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:50 pm
by Moon_Lover
And of course, a relative is in the room, lifts the doc up, and puts an arm on his shoulder.
"Well, doc, there's something we've been meaning to tell you..."


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:42 pm
by Scott Gardener
The working diagnosis, based on labwork, might be a strange case of pancreatitis, because of elevated amylase and lipase. Two enzymes that are a lot higher in canines than humans. Pancreatitis causes these enzymes to be elevated. It also causes a lot of writhing abdominal pain, and someone to look ill. Throw in some other strange stuff, and a doctor might say, "well, it's pancreatitis, but it doesn't look quite right. I'm doing a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis. Just use IV contrast, since we want to keep him NPO." Then, bam! Shift inside the machine! "OK, I'm going to send this one to the radiologist."