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Gender - To be or not to be.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:08 am
by Tamier
Several things to think about here. Number one, are our werewolve mroe like humans or wolves? This would be the big factor in determining apperance.

If they were more wolf, then unless you were looking between their legs, it would be hard to tell them apart. Female wolves are about the same size as males. The breasts would become mere nipples, and there would be a sheath. Fur would cover everything.

If they are more human, then they would have a more human like appearance...i.e. breasts and no sheath. I should still think that fur would cover everything. It does on all canines. The female would be smaller and more delicate looking. Male genitles would be lower. I still think they would have canine heads, however. This is my choice.

The only tricky thing would be the male genitles. We've all seen the "slasher/sex" movies. If that's your thing fine, but it's not mine. I like werewolves and would like to see a movie that features them - not one that uses them as a backdrop for another theme. So I'd just as soon leave sex out of it. The whole "blank spot" to hide things just seems to draw attention to them. So I guess, however it's filmed, it should try NOT to emphasize the whole gender thing.

To sum it up, I like the idea of a more human werewolf, gender included. Just don't play up to it.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:13 am
by Darksong17
First of all female wolves are smaller and weigh less than males and second of all can you please post these in the proper places? You don't need to start new topics for all of these things when there are already topic threads for them.