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the future. what do you see.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:51 pm
by wolfbound
I go to the bar all the time..... well duh. anyway. one of the things me and my booze buddies like to talk about is what the future hold for us in the world. Forget all that global warming crap. cuz thats what it is.... crap.
i like to tell people two things. Marshal law in my life time. then Idiocracy.

1. The way i see thing and they way they are going with people passing new and stupid laws, crime on the up. sexual crimes not being ignored and schools teaching less and less. I have a five dollar bill that says that we will be put under some kind of restricted law in the next ten years. shot on site if out past a time unless we are working. people with money and power able to do what the hell they want while the rest of us can't sleep at night. these are just a few of my thoughts on this.

2. I saw a movie that made me laugh so hard that i was in pain for hours. Idiocracy. basicly its where i see us in the not to distant future. for those of you that have seen this you had the same thought go through your heads a few times.

all in all. i wanted to know if any one else has given thought to what you see the with in the next ten year or so.

don't get me wrong. i have a up side to. i know for a fact that men will be able to have babies. That would be awsome! that way the next time you hear a girl say "you have no idea what its like to be a woman!" you can jump in and tell them "i have no idea! girl have you seen this? whats wrong with this picture. nature made u able to cary this!" then point at ur belly.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:34 pm
by Set
Mpreg is creepy s***. Pregnant women make me squirm, a pregnant man would have me running away faster than a cheetah with its tail on fire.

As for the future...well, I can easily see our genius President (Bush, or the idiot people elect next - or whoever rigs the election, anyway) getting us into another "war". Then there will be a draft, among many other acts of stupidity.

And, by the way, global warming isn't as rediculous a concept as you may think it is. I watch the patterns very carefully. There's been a definate shift in recent years. When weather goes haywire because of it, that doesn't automatically mean you'll immediately be in the toaster. It's more complicated than that. In fact, all the damn snow may be a result of it. It's moisture, and water needs heat to evaporate so it can get to the clouds to become snow in the first place. Just...don't expect people to be able to live on the coast for very long.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:10 pm
by MoonKit
A very comforting thought is that whatever man does...he always succumbs to nature. I love the Earth. :D

I think very few men would actually have kids...because wouldnt that mean that they would get their period? And if not, then you are going to have a lot of pissed off women. :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:44 pm
by Baphnedia
As far as the points on Martial Law and Idiocracy is concerned - we already live in an idiocracy. As one member, Lupine, has in his signature:
"A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves."

That is what we're living right now.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:21 pm
by Timber-WoIf
i just see a decline in the usa, its governemnt, and its people, until we realise thet we are no longer a superpower, and life cant be perfect. Really, i think forgien invasion would be best for us. Like china or something. Hopefully, we'd pull together as a nation, forget all the retarded things we're always agueing about, and push the invaders back. But even if we lost, and the USA was no more, it's people might at least wake up to the real world. (we would regain indipentence eventually. I'm pretty sure insurgant resistance here would be similar to that in iraq. Cept less suicide bombs)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:32 pm
by MoonKit
Baphnedia wrote:As far as the points on Martial Law and Idiocracy is concerned - we already live in an idiocracy. As one member, Lupine, has in his signature:
"A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves."

That is what we're living right now.
I get the meaning of the saying but I am really tired of the big bad wolf thing. Predators are not mean. Prey are just dumb most of the time.

Sorry that was off topic and I wasnt ranting at you...just in general. :D

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:42 pm
by John Wolf
I see chaos in the middle east and south east asia, then super science leading to the creation of werewolf soldiers, then a meteorite impact, then a completely new world. :P

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:54 pm
by Set
MoonKit wrote:Predators are not mean. Prey are just dumb most of the time.
Sheep especially, for whatever reason.

I expect America will go the way of Rome. Bad leaders will bring the country's downfall.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:04 am
by Kirk Hammett
I talk about this a lot with people. I'll come back when I'm in the mood to comment and think too hard. I too had a hard night of drinking ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:19 am
by Terastas
I predict history will remember George W. Bush as the worst president in the history of the United States. That will be a permanent title because I believe he'll also be one of the last Presidents of the United States.

History itself is a cycle of the rise and falls of empires. Inevitably, every nation either falls to another, or enters a state of political turmoil and divides. What George Bush is essentially doing is putting the screws to the Democrats while turning the Republicans into a party exclusive to corporatist elitists.

I predict the Republicans will allow the Democrats to resume control of the White House, during which they will spend the entire four year term trying to clean up the many messes Bush started (Iraq, the economy, foreign relations, etc.), but in 2012, the Republican Elitists will come out of nowhere with claims that Iraq, the economy, etc.) were all the Democrats fault and thunder along with a political campaign of nothing but gay marriage and abortion, which will once again lead to a sham of an election to the favor of another Republican Muppet.

That's when the nation will become divided. The Red states will insist that the President was legitimately elected, while the Blue states will insist that there was no legitimate election and that the Democratic candidate is, in fact, the true president.

There will be some fireworks from both sides, but I have a hunch the people won't let it escalate to a civil war. No offense, but something a lot of Texans don't know is that while they talk about succeeding from the Union, all of us in the Blue states are asking what's taking them so long. I give it four years, then at the next election when both sides have their own campaigns, both elections will be won by members of the separatist movements.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:49 am
by Lukas
man you guys take things to serious, things are not as bad as they seem, for one you did notice some of the rub. canidates right? the main choice(gulliani) is far from extremests Rep., contrey to pssimistics, we are current still a super power and can fight any convential war pretty easily, we didnt lose iraq war, were losing the war on terror, o and i dont see china invading any time soon since we have th most powerful navy in the world, what does china have? a few Destroyers and diesal powered subs, im scared
teh fact is china is still far from superpower status, it still has problems with its own people and economy, even tho we buy mil. of stuff from china it is still a communistic Govt. that is still under attack from interior groups. the fact is we had worse presidents then george, because we had pres. taht did absolutely nothing at all in office, Gerorge will be out in a year, so i suggest you guys brighten up and stop assuming where all going to hell in a hand basket

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:43 am
by MoonKit
Lukas wrote:, Gerorge will be out in a year, so i suggest you guys brighten up and stop assuming where all going to hell in a hand basket
:lol: :lol: Bunch of pessimists on this board huh? But its true. Thats one good thing about America. If you hate a president, you only have to deal with it for eight years, which is nothing. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:03 pm
by Set
Lukas wrote:diesal powered subs, im scared
Now I'm thinking about Down Periscope. Good movie.

China doesn't worry me, I'd be more concerned about countries like Iran.
MoonKit wrote:Bunch of pessimists on this board huh?
Something wrong with that? Just means I won't be surprised when something goes wrong. It's better than being completely unprepared when you're suddenly ripped out of your bright sugary fairy land.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:43 pm
by MoonKit
Set wrote:
MoonKit wrote:Bunch of pessimists on this board huh?
Something wrong with that? Just means I won't be surprised when something goes wrong. It's better than being completely unprepared when you're suddenly ripped out of your bright sugary fairy land.
Hey just because Im an optimist doesnt mean that I live in fairy world...though that might be fun. :D I still know whats going on it just means I focus on happier things.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:04 pm
by MattSullivan
You guys must be eternal pessimists about America.

Seriously. I don't know what it is about the younger generation, ( I'm only 33 so if I'm noticing this, then it must be commonplace ) But I hear a lot of talk about the "decline of America", or some people talking about how they hope America "goes the way of Rome", or how they wish China would become the dominant new superpower. Or just a general "Asia rules because they draw manga!" attitude.

Cmon, China? You really think the world would be better off if the dominant superpower was COMMUNIST CHINA? I think if that happened, you'd be begging for the USA to be back "on top" Whatever that means. Everywhere I look, you have European people bitching about everything America. Our economics. Our policies. Our culture "taking over" their own.

Well hey rest of the world. If you don't like our culture, don't go to our movies. Turn off the television. Don't buy our products if you really think we're so evil. You are now FREE PEOPLE, but you act as if someone is FORCING YOU to succumb to all things American. The same thing goes for Americans who complain about "made in America" Well, then don't buy anything from Wal-Mart! 99.9% of the products in that store are from CHINA or other foreign nations. And we got this way because a handful of greedy men run these big corporations. But I'm not going to get into that, because I'm sick of everyone yelling about CONSPIRACIES!

Look, despite what European leftists, Korean college students, and Japanese Manga culture teaches you, The Unites States is NOT evil. We don't want to control the world. We don't want to occupy ever stinking country that can't hold itself together. We don't want to "hog" the world's oil. Hell, if that were the case then gas would be a hell of a lot cheaper these days. But it isn't.

And if you're an American, you do have the power to change things. VOTE.

Now, as for my prediction of the future, I don't have one. Because if I sit around worrying about things that COULD happen, I get all wound up and I never accomplish anything.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:06 pm
by Scott Gardener
Predicting the future is always tricky, because it's a summation of so many different things that affect each other, and it only takes one dramatic innovation or discovery to throw everything else out of whack.

But, some points to consider...

The current state of politics is not representative of long term. It will happen again, but it is not the eternal norm. You'll see a (metaphorical) pendulum swing. For that matter, most of us already have. The nineties weren't that long ago, and a very liberal political climate predominated. Then, conservativism made an emergence--actually, a comeback from the eighties. Now, it's falling out of favor again.

Yes, the U.S. has lost some respectability right now. But, it doesn't mean the Bush Administration has singlehandedly undone two centuries of America's overall reputation. Once we get a competent leader, Europe and Asia will hold a few grudges for awhile, but if we handle ourselves more responsibly, we'll still be friends.

The evidence for global warming is too substantial not to think that environmentalism isn't going to come up. Indeed, it already has. In the sixties and seventies, it was an underground movement. It made a resurgence as mainstream in the nineties. It fell out of favor in the U.S., making us look like Nooges to those of you in Europe, especially when its effects brought waves of hurricanes smacking across our southern coast. My wife and I moved because of Hurricane Rita, so I can tell you from personal experience, global warming is real, and it's not a little thing, a political game, or a conspiracy. But even if it were, there's also issues of pollution and supply-and-demand; there's only so much oil in the world and more people finding ways of using it, making an energy crisis inevitable unless we can stop being so dependant upon it as a fuel source. The push for alternative fuels will mandate a lot of technological research. This is already trickling into our lives in the form of squiggly light bulbs and hybrid cars. If nothing else, it'll make the future look futuristic.

And, if America does cease to be a world power, perhaps we should look at it as Garfield would--"big, fat, hairy deal." Being a world power might not be as important in a world where France and Germany are as close as North and South Carolina are today, and multinational cultures, corporations, and Internet groups such as this one are the norm. People in Nebraska don't usually lament the fact that their state is less noisy than Texas, Florida, or California in America's politics.

In forecasting the future, the biggest variables I consider are: Nanomolecular technology (which is leading to super-strong materials, new computing technology, and quite possibly a technological singularity that could bring about artificial intelligence and immortality), the rise of India and China as world powers (China is one social revolution away--once hackers and college students get fed up with Communism, then Tianamen Square will become a rallying cry that leads to a social revolution that will pave the way for China to become a more rapidly evolving free society), the emergence of the European Union as a world power, and social trends that would shock people from today (I foresee a time when public nudity is an acceptable norm, and the fight against gay marriage today compared to other historic reactionary movements like segregation or the resistance against women voting.) You'll be amazed and horrified, and your kids and their genetically modified grandkids will find most of your generation to be old farts (or whatever new slang term gets invented for it, since only old farts use dated catch-phrases like "old farts") who keep talking about something called "iPods" (Which didn't even have a single terabite capacity; I think they had 800 Gigs? Or was it 80?) and "American Idol."

In short, if you think things are screwy today, you ain't seen nothin' yet...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:46 am
by Aki
Scott Gardener wrote:[snip]
Yeah, I gotta agree with all that.

This thread is far too gloom and doom....I mean, the world isn't all roses and sunshine, but hell, it isn't all rainclouds and weeds, either. We got cool stuff coming down the pipeline and hell, if you're so concerned about some other stuff that's not so cool, go speak out and prevent stuff. Don't sit on your a** so you can go "I told you so."

'Cause man, that's just lame.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:33 am
by Terastas
Lukas wrote:the main choice(gulliani) is far from extremests Rep.
Which is why the Republicans under Bush do not support him. As I said, Bush is an elitist who caters exclusively to other elitists. The real Republicans like Gulliani and McCain are just as much a threat to the elitist platform as the Democrats are.

Doom & Gloom

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:58 am
by Baphnedia
Woot! Politics!

When it comes to doom, gloom and pessimism, everyone can have their own effect on a society. It might not be a big affect - but if you don't want America to decline, then identify a problem, identify a solution (especially something you can do to solve it), and go about doing it.

What I find amazing is that most people say that there's no chance for the US of A, because they've already given up, or are too lazy to do something about it. Kids ain't edumakated. Fine. Go mentor someone. There's a lot of pollution. Take a walk (and don't be like me, and buy a $%&#! pickup truck). Inspire others to do the same thing by doing them.

Oh, taking a walk will save money on gas as well (I plan on doing a LOT of walking after I move), besides allowing my knees to continue to heal. The big things matter to only a certain extent - the small things have a much greater personal impact (and as a whole, accomplish a lot more) - such as the Kyoto Accord (where 208 or so US Cities have signed it, and a majority of the states, in spite of the Federal Gov't).

EDIT: I just realized how far off the topic I went, so if anyone wishes to split this post into a new thread, they're welcome to.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:27 pm
by MattSullivan
You REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to vote for a Republican, no matter WHO it is. They have had 6 years, and in those years the economy has gone in the toilet, Iraq has become well.....MORE of a mess, and they've tried all kinds of s*** like overturning roe vs wade, which is just one of their continuing attempts to convert the country into a Christian republic.

They HATE gays and are always biting their tongue on talk radio, but they can't disguise it well

They talk about enforcing immigration laws, but they LOVE cheap labor ( which is driving down our wages CONSTANTLY.

They called Barack Obama "Osama" on more than one occasion...I just goes on and on with these people.

Oh, and did I mention i think Democrats are just as bad as Republicans? We need a CENTRIST PARTY.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:03 pm
by Lukas
the largest growing the party? is no party :P

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:21 pm
by Aki
MattSullivan wrote:
Oh, and did I mention i think Democrats are just as bad as Republicans? We need a CENTRIST PARTY.
We need to abolish parties. They do nothing but divide the nation unnecessarily. George Washington himself didn't like parties - I guess he saw this kind of "Democrats/Republics suck!" bullshit coming even back then.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:03 am
by Anubis
What i see in the future...

We will go to war with Iran, they have been itching for a fight with use since the US embassy was over taken by collage students because their retard religious/political leader said that Americans are the devil (dumb a**)

and the Islamic fundamentalists in the middle east will become stick and tired with Israelis and mount a full scale invasion of the tiny nation of Israel.

Oil will become so expensive that wars WILL break out over what's left of the depleted fossil fuels. Causing civil unrest here.

Privacy will become the thing of the past! As technology evolves it'll be much easier for every one from the government to insurance companies to spy on us. Our lives will become public as some weird version of the Truman show!

WE WILL DESTOY OUR SELVES! with global warming and our ever competent leaders :roll: will continue ignore it. or nuclear winter or the fall of our civilization from the strain of war, after war, after war!

As you can see i don't have much faith in our flash in the pan incompetent race! Because we are too stupid to get along, and do what it takes from killing our selves.

we were never "evloved"

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:28 am
by Aki
Anubis wrote: As you can see i don't have much faith in our flash in the pan incompetent race! Because we are too stupid to get along, and do what it takes from killing our selves

we were never "evloved"
I doubt that. We've come so far I can't see failing now.

Things aren't as bad as you make them sound. Nuclear war has yet to happen - a grand total of two nuclear devices have been used in an actual war. To be frank, Nuclear power plants are more likely to kill us than nuclear bombs. They do the whole "radiation poisoning" thing better. Not to mention that if things like Three Mile Island and Chernobyl hadn't been cooled, those fires could've burn a nice radiative hole to the Earth's core - in theory, of course.

War after War? Please, there's a good decade or two in between our most recent wars, a couple between those and the World Wars, etc. The war in the middle east is hardly a strain on any major nation.

This isn't WWI, where Europe was systematically torn up by senseless and endless trench warfare between huge nations. It's a guerrilla war between a highly advanced nation and a bunch of guys with some bombs and AK's.

As for global warming and oil. Yeah, that's a concern. People are working to remedy, too, because people aren't liking paying through the nose for gasoline. I've heard tons about people making engines running on cow manure, or the grease from fry makers in McDonalds.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:00 pm
by MattSullivan
Yeah. There's a lot more fuel in the world than you think. Ethanol, Hydrogen, and numerous TOHER biodeisel. We need more nuclear power plants here ( because now you can run a nuke plant safely with much less waste than before ) We have a lot of coal too.

I still want a Segway :} But they need to make it go just a tad faster lol