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Paradice Net announces Link Wars 1.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 9:44 pm
by Baphnedia
Some traffic contests focus on who can get the most traffic to their site (from the contest site), some offer contests by site ratings. However, Paradice Net owner Louis Lamp is doing not one, but both.

Titled “Link Wars’ (insert numeral of the iteration), they will take place at random times of the year. The first link war will be taking place from 15 May 2005 to 30 May 2005. Here’s how each category will be scored.

The Top-Rated category will be scored by the number of votes each website receives. Anyone can vote, once per day. External rating is available, so you can place a “vote here’ button on your own website and help your standings. The voting scale is 1 to 10. Five votes are necessary to get a rating score at all.

The Most Popular category is counted directly on site hits through the web links area of Standings are affected by previous stats and previous contests. So, if you don’t win this time, there is always a next time.

Link submission guidelines consist of the following: Keep it clean. Websites will be approved based on content and accuracy of the description. The description will be edited or written over again if something more appropriate is needed. Link modification requests are welcome for improving site descriptions and fixing errors. If a category doesn’t exist for your site, one may be created at the user’s request. Set the category as “misc.’ and write your category request at the end of your site description.

Prizes will be announced at the end of the contest. Only registered users can submit links and all link submissions are automatically entered for this contest. All submissions will be reviewed before approval.

Paradice Net is a multi-project site focusing on artistic pursuits. There are other projects in various stages of their development right now. Louis Lamp is an independent musician that entered into the music industry last year with his debut album, An Open Mind, available at respectable online retailers such as and

Louis Lamp

...and the Winner Is:

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:08 pm
by Baphnedia
Some of the sites listed are either this very forum, or some of the users sites - so I figured that this would be as good a place as any to post the conclusion...

Link Wars One has concluded, with the same winner in both categories. The contest kicked off on May 15th, 2005, and ended May 31st, 2005. The links are placed in Paradice Net's Web Links section. At the end of the contest, 183 links competed for Most Popular, and only one link qualified for the Top Rated category. The Top Rated sites are required to have a minimum of five votes.

The top ten websites in the Most Popular category were:

1. Be Audible Music Promotion
2. Live Journal, weblog site
3. Paradicium, official Paradice Net blog
4. The Pack: Werewolf Forum
5. PR Web: Press Newswire in Ferndale, WA
6. Black Tapestries webcomic
7. Dragon-Tails webcomic
8. Stranger Things webcomic
9. Shan's Soundfont Page
10. Indie Radio Live independent internet radio

Only one site qualified for the Top Rated category.

1. Be Audible Music Promotion, 8.89 (out of 10).

Be Audible handles "distribution and promotion of your music - free Weed encoding service. will facilitate artist control, and we believe that artists should have the chance to sell their own music. One week after you initiate contact with us, you can be selling music from your own website!" -Sigmund Elias Holm.

The contest ran rather well, though there are some improvements that will be applied to the next contest. Link Wars Two will follow the same rules, including the change to site submission: new sites will be allowed to be submitted and approved during the contest. When new sites are approved by the Paradice Net staff, information about promoting your link on Paradice Net will be sent to the user submitting the site. Site submission requires user registration for free on Paradice Net.

Be Audible has won two autographed albums of Louis Lamp's debut album, An Open Mind. In addition to this, results of previous contests affect the outcomes of future iterations of Link Wars. From now on, Link Wars will always be going on, with winners being determined at the end of each month, provided that the administrator or a qualified representative can make the judgement.

Paradice Net reserves the right to change the contest rules at any time. If a tally cannot be taken at the end of the contest due to acts of God or the U.S. government, they will be taken at the first available opportunity. Link Wars Two is now in progress and will conclude at the end of June, 2005.

Louis Lamp
Paradice Net