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Kingdom Hearts 3

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 10:38 am
by Doberman
I've read many articles online telling of the new Kingdom Hearts game that is hopefully soon to come out.

Well, There have been many debates on when its going to be released, some say 2008 while others say 2011.

The one thing I'm disappointed about is, Kingdom Hearts 3 will only be made for PS3.

I don't have the first two game because, I don't have a PS2 but now its seem in order to get the full amount of "Fun and entertainment" from the series; I have to buy a PS3, which is too expensive at the moment.

I'm not going to buy a PS2 just to play the first two games then buy a PS3 only for the third.

Here's the thing, by the time I'm actually able to afford a PS3, PS4 will most likely already be out and a PS4 kingdom Hearts game will most likely already be made.
Well, that's if Square Enix decides to continue the series like Final Fantasy.

I mean, I haven't even been able to finish the first two games because, I can only play at my Aunts house, which I only visit once a year and that's during the summer.

But here's whats interesting, I read earlier that many of the character from the game, like Sora and Kiri are just alternate selves of two of the characters from Final Fantasy, and I think its the same for Riku as well.

I can only assume that Sora is the alternate version of cloud, but I'm not a final Fantasy fan so I don't know.

(I looked to see if this thread was already made and I didn't find it.)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 10:20 pm
by king2wolves
Here's the Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Secret Trailer. I gotta tell you it's quite surprising what happens near the end and i can't tell what to make of it? He might be a werewolf, but who knows? ?? ??


Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 11:36 pm
by Dreamer
I want that Mushroom Kingdom Hearts that EGM taunted us with for April Fools. Stupid pricks, giving us false hope!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:16 pm
by Kelpten
Saw trailer! NEED KINGDOM HEARTS 3!!!!! I loved the first two games, and I think I've developed a physical craving for them. I swear that if I haven't matured by the time it comes out that I will have a PS3 and be ready for the release!!! The graphics (admitedly it was a video, so the game can't be expected to be as great) look amazing! I mean the second had great graphics, but that just seems over the top. I love the theme of friendship and light that is prevailent throughout the series. I've totally come off as a lunatic, huh?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:50 pm
by Doberman
Ok, that better not be Roxas who gets frozen at the end.

Though it could very well be him because, if you notice when they focus in on the blue eye, he has creamy blond eyebrows(which means he has creamy blond hair). Sora has dark brown hair and blue eyes, not creamy blond hair and blue eyes, thats Roxas

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 10:22 pm
by JoshuaMadoc
There's a very likely possibility that that IS Roxas. The way his hair appeared is much too similar to Roxas'.