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Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:24 pm
by Morkulv

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:29 pm
by JoshuaMadoc
And with further respects, i think this discussion is going in circles.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:06 pm
by garouda
kitetsu wrote:And with further respects, i think this discussion is going in circles.

Does anyone object to letting this rest for a while ?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 12:24 pm
by Rhuen
garouda wrote:
kitetsu wrote:And with further respects, i think this discussion is going in circles.

Does anyone object to letting this rest for a while ?
No objections, opinion based terminoligy discussions on fictional creatures tends to be an endless debate. so I can let it a cliff and shoot it on the way down.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:10 pm
by Terastas
Vuldari wrote:My Example is not just refuse to accept it.
Your example is only flawed in that it had very little to do with the argument. This is an active discussion Vuldari; nobody died and crowned you the final authority. The FAQ on the Pack doesn't say anything about being obligated to agree with you.

While I strongly disapprove of Vuldari's behavior, I think it could serve as a comparison what a real werewolf would think of people romanticizing the concept of werewolves to their own liking. It is one thing to debate and disagree over something that you don't believe is real anyway. A werewolf, however, would know the answers to most of, if not all of the questions that have been asked in this forum. I think at least half of the stuff that's been said on this forum, a real werewolf would find offensive.

There's a few things you need to consider about therians. First, for a werewolf, someone believing in werewolves at all is a bad thing. One thing certain is that for a werewolf's ability to survive in an overpopulated information-driven society of the 21st century, he would either need to stay isolated or stay anonymous.

Secondly, even though therians believe in werewolves, most therians either believe in the Hollywood version or some "furry-fied" version. That would be taken as offensive, but I think it's the therians that do seem somewhat knowledgeable about werewolves that they would resent even more, because the more they get right, the more likely they could be a hunter, rogue werewolf, or someone else working against the pack's best interest.

Imagine, for example, if a pack of werewolves somewhere in the United States really did use rubber ducks to mark their territory. Unless they had seen this forum beforehand, they wouldn't know they need to take their ducks out of their windows until opening night at the earliest, and no matter how fast they are to respond, they would still be at the risk of someone else that saw the movie on opening night noticing the pattern and investigating. They would wind up hating Freeborn even more than the crappiest of crap werewolf movies because of the headache it caused them.

So it's insulting when when therians get it wrong, but a dilemma when a therian gets it right.

Finally, therians aren't exactly renowned for being accepting of others. For a lot of people, the term "therian" is just a term they use to put themselves on a pedestal above the furry fandom. Granted, not all therians are just uptight furries, but the first thing (and sometimes the only thing) a lot of therians will tell you about the therian community is that they are not furries. People looking in from the outside might see it as childish, or wonder if someone that can't accept people with different fantasies would be able to accept people that could be considered a different species.

The only real plus side is that, more often than not, a therian would side with the pack if exposed to the existence of werewolves, but as I mentioned on page one, you have to question why someone is a therian and/or what it is that they admire about werewolves before you could trust them. Unless the pack had recently lost a lot of members and/or they were thinking of expanding, I don't think they would seek out any therians, and even then, I think they'd be even less likely to try and track them down all over the Internet. Between the "baggage" a therian may or may not have and the resentment a pack would have towards therians already, it would have to be a very special therian for them to take on the risks involved.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 5:59 pm
by Kelpten
Even if they didn't inject a therian with lycanthropy, wouldn't it be nice to have someone who isn't a werewolf to talk to? Someone who knows about what you are and accepts your difference? Of course, a therian could become a little annoying if they keep harping on your lycanthropy and want it, but otherwise it would seem like a great burden lifted from their shoulders. But of course, that's just how I'd react; I can't speak for other therians

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 6:32 pm
by Vuldari
My behavior?

I'm not making stuff up. I'm just telling the truth. It is all researchable and documented.

...would you really prefer to be totally confused and be spouting incorrect information all over the place and not know it?

You seem to be taking it personally that I am not accepting the self-elevating alternate definitions that Furry and Therian cultures made up to make them selves look cooler, but personally, I think that is just abuse of the language.

These words already meant something before they started messing with them and pretending they mean something else.

I just think it is valuable for everyone to know the correct, intended meanings behind these words, as they were created, before you start thinking that they mean what some popular, but uneducated Furry author or artist mistakenly concluded they did, or willfully redefined to suit their personal preferences. Alot of Therian and Furry FAQ pages are just plain WRONG about alot of stuff, I've found, but instead are just blogs about what the author wants the truth to be.

These words probably don't mean what someone told you they meant the first time you heard them. Do some research. Cross Reference. Check multiple sources, and look for reputable ones as often as you can.

It took me at least a few YEARS to figure out just what a "Furry" actually was, since everyone seemed to have a different answer.


And this is PERFECTLY relevant to the conversation, since A: - You have to know what a "Therian" is to even understand the question, and B: - The debate between whether a Wolf-Therian can technically be called a KIN to shapeshifting werewolves or not would inevitably come up if the two were ever to confront each other. (Which is what this topic is about, is it not?)

...and I think a real werewolf would find the very accusation as laughable as I do. Image

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 5:22 pm
by Terastas
Vuldari wrote:I'm not making stuff up. I'm just telling the truth. It is all researchable and documented.

...would you really prefer to be totally confused and be spouting incorrect information all over the place and not know it?
Vuldari, we're talking about werewolves on this forum. This is the board in the Pack forum where confused members ask questions about werewolves and everyone else does their best to come up with a halfway decent answer. Unless you or someone you know is a werewolf, "incorrect information" is all you possibly can have.

You'll have to forgive anyone that occasionally misuses a term in reference to werewolves or therianthropy. Since it's all (as far as we know) make believe, there aren't exactly any proper medical terms that can be utilized in their place.

Oh, and way to try and turn this into a furry-bashing thread. I only brought up furry in the first place to illustrate that some therians are not as open-minded and accepting of others as they claim to be and therefore might not be accepting of werewolves as they say they would be. You essentially just made yourself an example of what I was talking about.

What you call facts are just your own biased anger-driven opinions. I don't know what suddenly provoked you to turn hostile in every single thread on this forum, but don't bring it here.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 7:38 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
Why hold such a strong attatchment to a word.
People add new defintions or completely change the definitions all the time.
If you feel a word has been taken away from you find another word...

A word is just a word, it is not the meaning of the word but what the individual means by it...

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:10 pm
by Vuldari
I'm pissed because your well-intentioned, but misguided insistence upon allowing everyone to make up and use whatever definitions they want is doing nothing but guaranteeing that NO ONE will EVER know what the hell any of the rest of us are talking about here.

I see no reason to be lenient to those who repeatedly misuse words for no good reason.

When people here use really horrible grammar, fail to use proper punctuation, horribly misspell words so bad that you don't even know what they were trying to say, or whatever ... don't you want those people to clean up their act and communicate properly?

Terms are created to identify complex ideas in conversation without the need to describe or explain it in excruciating detail every time. All you need to do is learn it's meaning once, and every time you hear it again, you know what that person means.

There is a mindblowing number of such descriptive terms in the English language alone. It's hard enough as it is to try to learn all of the ones that are relevant to you, without every single one of them meaning several possible different things.

When the definition by some people varies simply because of ignorance or misinterpretation, it is not a productive habit to allow that incorrect interpretation to become an official alternate meaning instead of simply correcting that persons error and informing them of the correct definition and meaning.

"Furry", "Therian", "Were..." ... These words have 1,001 definitions each only because whenever some Dumb@** somewhere decides that "Furry" means, and ONLY means specifically, "Animal Cartoon characters based on licensed franchises possessing fur which are used for perverted, sex-based online Roleplaying sessions.", or instead are "...absolutely every character, fictional or real that has ever even hinted at having an animal-like trait, such as anyone who has ever said "Meow" ", or whatever, rather than correct that person and actually try to stick to some reasonable definition, people instead just allow that alternate/alternate/alternate definition to exist, and either add it to the end of their list of alternative definitions, or make their own definition even broader and less distinct so as to not exclude the nonsensical definition that someone else decided to come up with.
cumulusprotagonist wrote:If you feel a word has been taken away from you find another word...

Do you honestly think it is MORE reasonable to keep having to invent new words every few years because the old word, (which used to work just fine, and was clear as could be when you used it before), has been diluted to worthlessness?

If that is how it will work, in a few decades, every catch phrase used by anyone even passively interested in mythological fiction, folklore, fantasy roleplaying, and neo-sci fi will all be applicable to just about any meaning you want.

"Otaku" would be synonymous with "Furry" and "Trekkie" at the same time...

Harry-Potter fans would call themselves "Otherkin"...

Web-page administrators would call themselves "Dungeon Masters", and it would not be considered incorrect to call an avid Star Wars fan a "Trekkie" as well...

...all because someone, at some point or another noticed that there was some similarities between this that and whatever and either decided to lump them together for their own convenience, or honestly just didn't know that they were NOT the same thing.

...and no one would do anything to stop it, or correct any of this madness because it would be rude and closed minded to correct those people and tell them that their preferred way of looking at the words are wrong.

If I come up with my own original, easy to remember words to specify exactly the creatures that I currently think a "Werewolf" is and what exactly I think the concept of "Theriantropy" entails... long is it going to be before some noob pops onto this board, sees the word being used, likes the sound of it, and then starts using it as if it is just some fancier name for "Anthropomorphic Animal Personality", or some other incorrect meaning of the word?

If they did that, would you scold me for correcting them and telling them that they are using the word wrong, and that it means something else, and not what they are using it for? ...Even though I invented this word myself, and KNOW what it means?

Would you force me to allow them to use MY word improperly, unopposed, and have to come up with yet ANOTHER new word to clarify that I am talking about something more specific again? ...and again, and again, and again?

Why is it any different for words created by people who are not here to protest in person, (likely because of being long dead)?

They were created to mean a certain thing.

Do you really want me to start speaking an entirely different language than everyone else here because the words that used to mean what I am trying to say now only are as meaningful and clearly descriptive as "Whatchamacallit"?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:59 pm
by Terastas
Vuldari, for most of what has been discussed here, there is no proper terminology. And comparing someone writing in l33t with someone that uses one word for lack of a better term is hardly fair.

Terms like "Furry" and "Therian" in this case have so many different definitions because they are abstract. A term like "therian" may have 1,001 definitions; ask to define the word "love" and you'll get 1,000,001 definitions.

The real affront to the English language, Vuldari, is taking an abstract term, applying one simple definition to it and denying all other possible interpretations. That's what the Inner Party did to words like "justice" and "equality" in 1984, and it's more or less the same thing you're trying to do to terms like "therian" and "lycanthrope" in this thread -- staple it down with your own personal definition and deny all others.

Submit your own original, easy to remember words to Webster if you think they're so great. And if you're too damn lazy to actually read the whole post to figure out if someone is talking about therians or therianthropes, that's your problem.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 8:36 am
by Kelpten
:( come on guys; can you get along? I understand Vuldari's frustration, but Terastas makes some good points to. At the very least move this discussion to the "what we sould call what" forum; that's a better place for it. And try to get along :wolfkiss:

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:02 am
by JoshuaMadoc
Kelpten wrote::( come on guys; can you get along? I understand Vuldari's frustration, but Terastas makes some good points to. At the very least move this discussion to the "what we sould call what" forum; that's a better place for it. And try to get along :wolfkiss:
Which side of the dream fungus did you wake up from? That's like asking God and Satan to play tetris without any tantrums.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 12:28 pm
by Terastas
kitetsu wrote:
Kelpten wrote::( come on guys; can you get along? I understand Vuldari's frustration, but Terastas makes some good points to. At the very least move this discussion to the "what we sould call what" forum; that's a better place for it. And try to get along :wolfkiss:
Which side of the dream fungus did you wake up from? That's like asking God and Satan to play tetris without any tantrums.
I wouldn't go that far, but as long as Vuldari is intent on imposing his definitions and denying all others, there will be conflict. I've been watching Vuldari post rant after rant since the beginning of the month. It's not just me that he's conflicted with. Whether or not we can get along as Kelpten is asking depends primarily on Vuldari. If it's still more important that he force his opinions that respect those of others, that won't happen.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 8:13 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
Cumulus confusion...

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 9:09 pm
by Dreamer
Cumulus Protagonist, why is it that you have to post so many things I can never make sense of?

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 9:41 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
Dreamer wrote:Cumulus Protagonist, why is it that you have to post so many things I can never make sense of?
I really don't know...
Cumulus confusion is massive or scattered confusion..,
Trying to sort through everyone's opinions and figure out the "truth" is very confusing...

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:07 pm
by Dreamer
See, that's what I mean. What you say doesn't make sense at all. It makes my brain bleed.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:11 pm
by Set
I think Vuldari is taking my place as the "forceful opinionated one".

Stop trying to steal my job, damn it!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 3:17 am
by JoshuaMadoc
Set wrote:I think Vuldari is taking my place as the "forceful opinionated one".

Stop trying to steal my job, damn it!
You already have your own job. :)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 11:45 am
by Rhuen
Fan-terms based on a single source such as Trekkie or dungeon Master has easy to identify sources.

However terms meant to refer to a ficitonal creature which already has numerous variations is another thing entirely (something I think many here are trying to say)

Neither Therian nor Furre with in their own spheres can be given a distinct term other than (they like animal people). I have known people who will say things like, "in any group you have the outspoken ones who make the rest look bad" and variants in the same group who on many issues contradict each other.

Terminology for a werewolf can not be based on (who said it first, especially when its not known who made up what term first) especially since common/wide spread variations ona term like that can differ from the original, but as both are for a fictional creature neither can be wrong especially if the term wasn't copyrighted for a specific work.

Its like the weaknesses for a vampire, not clear cut, alot of variation and people can/will argue about them all day long. This same thing holds true for werewolves on the same issues including what to call them or variants of them.

The only common grounds in any of these things are.
(animal people)
(wolf /person)
and how you want to name them and shape them is entirely up to the person writing the story.
A wolf like Zoanoid for example (don't think one exists but I'll use it anyway). Would still fit into the man becomes a beast group, and some would view it the same. others wouldn't
we all have our own criteria for what is considered what.

To me a werewolf is a magical creature, so a genetically engineered one even if it had all the same traits and weaknesses still wouldn't be one to me. But someone else it would.
and that's alright because neither can be wrong or right.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:49 pm
by Vuldari
How many times do I have to say it?

I am not making up my own definitions.

Not a single one of those words was "Abstract" when it was first spoken. Whoever started using those words knew exactly what they meant when they were saying it, and you can be sure it must have been pretty specific to have required an entirely new name to identify it.

Most people don't know what those original meanings are any more because people like some of you decided that you didn't care about what the speaker was trying to say, but instead just remembered something different that you wanted a name for, and concuded that it was "Close Enough", and started using that word for your own meaning instead, careless to the fact that you are not actually saying what you mean.

It seems to me that some of you have a gross lack of appreciation for the value of descriptive terms. ...especially Terastas.

Do you know why I usually need no write 5 paragraph posts when I'm trying to make a point?

...because if I try to explain myself in fewer words, most of you will make assuptions about the contents of and message behind my entire post based on a single word or sentance that catches your eye. And if every one of you thinks that word means something different, then most or all of you will not be understanding me at all.

That is why I have to re-phrase every point again and again and make sure I use a set of key words that only share one meaning in common.

That way, if you actually bother to read the ENTIRE MESSAGE, there should be only one idea that fits every example, and that would be what I'm trying to say.

That is alot of hard work for me, and alot of redundant reading for you just for me to say something which, if everyone went by the literal dictionary definitions, I would able to say in a single word, and everyone would know what I mean.

Abstract terms are next to worthless in the context of a discussion.

Its all about "Communication".

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:28 pm
by Vuldari
Don't use the "nobody knows what it means, so don't even try" excuse.

...again, I think you are all missing the point of the existace and use of descriptive terms and names overall.

When you repeatedly use words out of context, without knowledge of proper context, meaning and communication breaks down.

There are many words that are used for multiple meanings that generate little confusion at all, because everyone who uses them knows, more or less, the core definition of the word, and understands why it is appropriately applicable in alternative contexts.

...but without proper knowlge of the words primary meaning, cofusion and misinterpretation is inevitable.

Take the word "Cool".

Would anyone argue the fact that the words primary definition describes a state of low heat, that is warmer than cold, but colder than warm? This is a state that many associate with relaxation.

The word is also used to identify things that are popular and exiting, such as a sports car, or a superhero, but also admerable feats and awe inspiring sights, such as rebilding a damaged home, or a mountain sunset.

Now, if you were unfamiliar with the core definition, and only heard people using it to describe exiting things like rockets and sports games, one might come to think that "cool" means highly physical and/or explosive and energetic. ...which would prove very confusing when that person hears another describe an unusual pattern in a sandy beach as "cool".

But when you know you are using the word as a variant definition of the base word, that describes a temperature, it is much easier to understand what it is that you all are actually saying.

"Cool", is not so much 'exiting' or 'substantial', as it is closer to a persons individual concept of 'Zen'. What is cool to you is something that satisfies some part of your emotional being.

Even if you don't think about it that way, so long as we all know what the original meaning refers to...

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:35 pm
by Vuldari
... we all seem to have a parallel, subconscious understanding of what is appropriate to refer to as COOL, and what just does not fit.

Therefore, I think it is not only preferable, but absolutely neccesary to know and CARE about the original meaning behind any word you are using in alternative context, in order for its intended meaning as it is used to be properly interpreted by whomever you are communicating with.

Otherwise, you might actually be using the word in a way that does not quite make sense to anyone but you, and not even know it, causing undue and unnecessary frustration for everyone.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:51 pm
by Terastas
Vuldari wrote:How many times do I have to say it?

I am not making up my own definitions.
It doesn't matter to me if you're making them up or pulling them out of your a**. My problem is with the fact that you're trying to impose them on everyone else and destroy any other alternative interpretation.

I'm not going to address every single word you've mentioned, but here's the definition of "werewolf" right out of the Merriam Webster Dictionary:
"A person transformed into a wolf or capable of assuming a wolf's form."

That's all it says. Man and wolf; that is the criteria. Everything else about werewolves: their status as natural or supernatural, separate species or infectious syndrome, culture, strengths, weaknesses, relation to nature and the lunar cycle, behavior, etc. is all open to interpretation.

Just because some of us don't adhere to the strict Vuldari brand doesn't mean we're trying to destroy the word.

Call it whatever you want, but it's still you trying to force very strict definitions on concepts that are open to interpretation. Nobody here has "a gross lack of appreciate for the value of descriptive terms," and the only reason you singled me out is because I just stood up to you.

We are not going to quell all of our ideas just because you're too dumb, lazy and/or selfish to listen to them. It's fine if you don't like them; you're not obligated to accept them, but by the same token, we are not obligated to accept yours without question either. If you have such a serious problem with artistic expression, discussion and interpretation, I suggest you disconnect from the Internet permanently to prevent any more new ideas from getting through.