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The most INFURIATING video I have ever seen. (RE:immigration

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:34 pm
by MattSullivan
This...just makes me sick beyond all reason. why you should fear unrestricted immigration and AMNESTY.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:37 pm
by Lukas
pretty much sums that up

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 7:27 pm
by Baphnedia
Eww! Immigration is one thing (legal or otherwise), and I have my own opinion on the more-encompassing issue. But, this is just sick. If they get a darned green card, then the military had better be qualifying (or disqualifying them) from service (because the services are always needy like that). But, beyond that, this is just sick. Bleh!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:36 am
by Shadow Wulf
OMG Just feed Americans to the wolves why dont they. I cant stand it how these large corporations dont even give a damn about the soil they live in. Where the sense of pride for cry sakes! Im disgusted.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:25 am
by ravaged_warrior
Actually, I think it's just immigrant Mexicans, Z. His screenplay's main character is Mexican after all, and if Matt had a problem with Mexicans in general (though Pablo is native to the US) it probably would have showed up. Things like that tend to show up, purposely or not, in a person's writing.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:40 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Meh..he can do that, doesn't mean he doesn't have anything againsts them...I mean you've made plenty of arguments about Mexicans..why wouldn't one believe this otherwise? :|

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:54 am
by ravaged_warrior
Well, yeah, he could certainly write a story involving a Mexican character if he disliked them, but certain biases would be noticeable if they existed, especially in a well thought out screenplay like Camp Lycanthrope. I don't think this is a race thing, this is an immigration thing. The thread you recently locked was the same way (though I didn't personally think immigration was the issue, but rather cultural preservation for Americans) which is why I disagree with one of your reasonings (the main one, I'd say) for locking it. It deserved locking, yes, since it was about to turn into a flame war if it hadn't already, and as was said, it was repeating itself, but it was never, at any point, about race, in my opinion.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:50 am
by MattSullivan
Yow! Suddenly I'm being discussed as if i were some kind of Mexican-hating klansman. Eep eep!

Look folks...

1. I'm from Los Angeles. Half, if not 3/4 of my friends there, are MEXICAN.

2. I speak Spanish ( Well, not as much as I'd like, but i can do it and I want to finish my classes.)

3. Yes, a truly racist person wouldn't spend a few YEARS of his life writing a movie with a latino hero figure who isn't a stereotype. ( Even though I'm sure someone who read my script will try and claim he's an "Uncle Tom" kind of latino. And if you have to ask what that term means, or if you( wrongly ) see it as a racist statement, I strongly encourage you to go pick up a dictionary, not look at Wikipedia.

4. I dislike all races equally. They ALL have traits I don't like. And if you think you don't harbor some kind of resentment by a certain kind of behavior,whether race-based or in general, you're a liar.

5. White people are the only persons who have ever really done me wrong.

And finally, the whole point of THIS thread was not to point out anything about Mexicans. IF you watched the video, it was a statement about disgusting corporate business practices! Not mexicans. You oughta know that if you really care about the welfare of an immigrant, you'd support my views on immigration. Because when a person comes here, doesn't assimilate or learn the language, then they're going to be perpetually stuck in low-wage hell and can be screwed by any employer! They have no rights as an illegal, and if they are mistreated, cannot bring grievances against their employer(s)! Balkanizing a nation only benefits one group of people, not EVERYONE!

Think about it. But more than that...look closer at that video.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:47 am
by Kaebora
Very well said, actually. That clears a lot of things up.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:12 pm
by Zombie
I dont have a problem if someone comes to our country LEGALLY. A few of my friends from work are from Russia, Italy, Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico, India and even Iran (!). Its ILLEGAL immigrants that I take issue with, and the sad fact is that the source of most of illegal ailiens is Mexico. Here in Pennsylvania, there is a huge influx of illegal ailiens, easily 99% are mexican. They come here, have kids as quickly as possible, then thet have the gall to DEMAND that they recieve welfare, WIC and refuse to learn english, even when the courses are free. I have seen too many times, a family in a brand-spanking new $60,000+ vehicle, wearing all Abercrombie and Fitch, enough gaudy gold jewlery to make Mr. T envyous, and a wad of cash that would choke an elepant, only to pay with WIC checks. A former co-worker had a child, and applied for WIC. The person at the WIC office even said that she could not get benifits, simply because she wasnt hispanic. WTF? Even worse, they like to drive around with no liscense or insurance, so if they take you out (likely through drunk driving) there is no legal rrecourse to take against them. Ive personally seen, with my own eyes, 4 of them run a late model Camaro into a drainage area, get stuck, then simply abandon it when the police showed up to tow it away. They just simply walked off. Another incident I also saw, during winter, I noticed a se of taillights sitting off the road. Thinking someone simply spun out, I looked to discover an overturned pickup truck, its interior splattered in blood. Nobody around, but foorprints leading away, and it was still snowing. After the police arrived, they ran the plates and called a tow, but the footprints leading away were filled in. Also with no insurance, they still get medical care, and the cost is passed on to us. I no longer see it as a simple issue of illegal ailiens. Im calling it what it actually is. An invasion. It is nothing short of economic terrorism, draining public resources. The town I go through, only 10 years ago was nice and peacefull, now has mexican gangs, prositiution, drugs and is filled with illegals. There is no other country in the world that would tolerate this. Why should we?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:56 pm
by MattSullivan
I hear what you're saying Zombie. Many Americans feel the way you do. When they complain, they're sometimes called racists for wanting to preserve the culture. Here, online, anything we write is subject to misinterpretation. If I say something about Mexicans, someone is likely to think I'm talking about all Mexicans. Knee-jerk reaction, so to speak. That's the worst kind of ignorance, in my opinion. And thinking that the will of the majority doesn't matter, well, that's blind ignorance based on wishful thinking. That we can all get along and hold hands and never fight about anything. That somehow, if we all accept everyone's culture, even what may be proven to be a damaging culture or philosophy, we'll all be hunky dory. Well, the world DOESN'T work that way, and it never ever will.

Issues are the key here. POLITICAL ISSUES. I beseech the knee-jerkers not to snap to judgement when someone feels like writing...well...what's on their mind. Before you post any answer, go back, re-read the topic, and don't for a second try to insert EMOTION into the written word.

And I will go to the trouble to remind people that the crux of this thread, was, and should continue to be, about this company's nefarious business practices.