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ETs and us

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:43 pm
by Anubis
I've been watching UFO secrets again on the history channel, and i spent a good while thinking about it and this is what i came up with on regards with our relationship other intelligent life. This is what I came up with.

I figured that an alien invasion is very unlikely. Because I looked at the reasons why another country invades another country here on earth. Like for Political, strategic, and religious reasons, to gain natural resources (*cough* Iraq *cough), or if one nation believes that an other nation is to be a real threat.

All but one doesn't apply to us. For example we haven't interacted enough for politics to be a cause.

I highly doubt that they would invade for resources. These beings have technology to speed across the galaxy for billions of light years to get to earth. Also they can mess with gravity and other quantum forces, and they probably could literally turn water into whine with their super advanced tech. Besides even if they couldn't there are plenty of dead lifeless planets they can mine from so they don't need to pick on poor little earth.

For strategic reasons is just as doubtful. The galaxy is so big that the location of one planet is not going to matter, and they have nine to pick from and not to mention countless moons revolving around them. So if they need to use our solar system picking mars is just as good. So even then earth isn't a problem.

And us being a threat is laughable. They are so advanced in comparison, they can travel light years in an instant, but the farthest we have ever gotten is our own moon. We are hardly a threat, if they wanted us gone all they had to do is drop an asteroid on us and good-bye humanity.

Only reason i could think of is extraterrestrial zealots of an alien religion Like halo's Covenant or Stargate's Ori. That sweep the galaxy forcing other races to convert, and/or commit an galactic genocide for their god(s). Zealots are unpredictable, never make sense, and cannot be reasoned with. This ET is our only real threat. Yet the chances of that are astronomical.

And for other reasons why ETs invade for that us suggested in sci-fi movies. Like making a new home for them, conquering, and getting human slaves is just as unlikely if not more. They probably can easily terraform a dead planet than invading ours.

to conquer... well let face it this planet isn't that extraordinary. Except that this planet in only one we know of that has life. This planet doesn't have any real value. The inhabitant's technologically is primitive in comparison, and resources we have here can find be fond on any other rock, and as for riches. What we might find valuable here may not be the case with them, and picking on defenseless planet isn't worth bragging about. People who conquer do it to gain something, like materialistic wealth and honor.

And as for human slaves, they can build robots to do their work for them Robots are better slaves than humanity is because they never get tired, and will never need to eat, drink, or sleep. Only thing that is required to keep them working is rutine maintenance.

So if we are not something for them to kick around, then what are we to them?

To them we are like what wild animals or the primitive tribes in South America are to us. We are some thing to study, to observe. They are watching us, because they feel that we are worth learning from. This is probably why they never actually interacted with us, because us learning of their existence will ruin their study of us. The same reason why ETs have been abducting people and experiment on them to learn about our physiology.

They probably ease drop on the countless radio signals we put out every day. They watch us form their ships, and wondering the meaning behind our many behaviors.

Okay now I'm done, that has to be my longest post yet. :P

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:03 pm
by MoonKit
I dont think if man ever found life on another planet that he'd recognize it. Stars and planets are alive. Sorry, that wasn't necessarily on topic.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:26 pm
by Baphnedia
Yay! Somebody clobber Moonkit with an off-topic duckie!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:53 pm
by MoonKit
Baphnedia wrote:Yay! Somebody clobber Moonkit with an off-topic duckie!
*runs and hides under the couch*

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:07 pm
by Aki
An alien invasion is unlikely, though I think the assumption that "Aliens have FTL travel, so must be able to kick our asses" is a bit overdone.

What happens, for example, if the species has no concept of violence? Or, at least, violence among sentience races as opposed to simple predation among animals? They have no weapons systems, no knowledge of even basic combat, and only enough defenses to survive the rigors of space and the concept of killing, injuring, etc. another sentient is as unthinkable to them as computing 1000 digit numbers in your head is to us.

Or, perhaps they are simply pacifistic and all 'weapons' are non-lethal, and used only when absolutely neccesary, etc.

All that kinda stuff. Just a pet peeve of mine that aliens are always the a**-whoopers of the galaxy compared to humanity in Sci-fi. It'd be funny for UFO to stumble on Earth in a far future where humanity's stuff hopelessy outclasses the alien's.

But frankly, I doubt any aliens know of our existence. Where I an alien race and superior I'd set my ship down and demand to speak with some leaders. Just found another intelligent race, man! That's like, one in a zillion s*** right there. I ain't gonna screw around watching too long.

Then again, they're aliens. Their prerogative might to sit around and watch because they like to observe, analyze, and store information rather than do things. A sort of race of archivists.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:53 pm
by Anubis
I don't like the idea of alien race being completely pacifistic and docile. If that were so that race would become extinct pretty quickly. It's aggression that kept us alive in our earlier days, and it kept the species strong by the strongest beating others down for the chance to reproduce.

I'm not saying they're are like us. They probably grew up and isn't petty about race and crap like that. Also more tolerant of members of it's own race and other sentient races. I'm saying they still have to see the importance of violence in self protection. Sweden is the most pacifistic and liberal nation out there, but they still have an army so they can be able defend them selves.

I'm not saying aliens aren't war mongers, some races could be, but not all of them. I was saying that extraterrestrials don't have a reason to pick a fight with us.

And aliens do know of our existence, they have been visiting our world for thousand years! UFO's can be seen in medieval woodcuts. They have been hovering in our skies watching us. hell, they abduct us and shove anal probes up our butts. The fact that we know about them is evidence that they know about us. There is a reason why they come to earth in the first place!

There is probably is a good reason why ET hasn't made him self known to humanity. Like they probably wanted us to develop with out any out side influences, or appearing could cause hysteria on a global scale, riots will break out, massive religious suicides, and the president would probably call for marshal law. Our government probably knows about them, but they don't share it with the public for the same reason.

and they know this! the fact is we are not ready for something this big. Most likely earth isn't the only planet is being watched, and they have experience in dealing in under developed worlds, and races that aren't aware of what is going on out side of their galaxy. They probably seen a world destroy it self from releveling them selves to a world that wasn't ready. They'll probably keep watching us until they decided that we can handle something so huge.

Besides we are still in essence animals. Our own instincts still have a lot influence over us, and we are down right aggressive. Also if we knew what they know, and have their tech now. I guarantee that we'll be the universe's public enemy number one! The galactic version of al qaeda!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:35 am
by JoshuaMadoc
I would kill myself if real aliens look like sloppy Star Trek universe humanoids. And twice i would kill myself if they act like the aliens lusting for invasion and "control of earth" in lame sci-fi stories i've read.

Also Anubis, i think you're popping a little too much microdots.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:44 am
by Kaebora
If they are beings from an entirely different evolutionary chain, I highly doubt they are bi-pedal creatures that look anything remotely like us. Hell, they could even be the size of mice, or as big as whales.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:31 am
by Anubis
Kaebora wrote:If they are beings from an entirely different evolutionary chain, I highly doubt they are bi-pedal creatures that look anything remotely like us. Hell, they could even be the size of mice, or as big as whales.
i agree,

A while ago the discovery channel shown a documentary about what could be on another planet. it was pretty crazy, like it shown a creature size of a small sky scrapper walking and feeding on a ocean of goo, it was pretty trippy. Any way at the end, the intelligent life shown is a floating hydrogen balloon with four skinny arms. It looked like something you'll sneeze out if you had a sinus infection.

That reminds me that the movie that got the aliens right (in a realistic perspective) is Men in Black. They come in totally different shapes and sizes.

How ever the Roswell's "gray" (a humanoid the size of a small child, really big head, gray skin, big slanted eyes) is one of most consistent ET. A lot abduction accounts reported them behind their encounters. The thing is scientists say that the chances of a humanoid alien evolving on a completely different planet, is astronomical.

Maybe the grays are a fluke in a game of odds, or there is something about evolution that we don't know, or maybe they're not aliens but maybe we are their distant ancestors, and they went back in time to learn more about them selves through their ancient history.

just a thought.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:50 am
by MoonKit
Well I dont think that the greys are ourselves from the future if they are shorter then us. Humans are getting taller and taller as time goes on. However, theres no reason why that couldnt change.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:19 am
by Aki
Anubis wrote:I don't like the idea of alien race being completely pacifistic and docile. If that were so that race would become extinct pretty quickly. It's aggression that kept us alive in our earlier days, and it kept the species strong by the strongest beating others down for the chance to reproduce.
In the begining, yes, but once an alien race evolved beyond the need for violence, any conflict could be handled with weapons that incapacitate, not maim or slay.
I'm not saying they're are like us. They probably grew up and isn't petty about race and crap like that. Also more tolerant of members of it's own race and other sentient races. I'm saying they still have to see the importance of violence in self protection. Sweden is the most pacifistic and liberal nation out there, but they still have an army so they can be able defend them selves.
Or they could be even more petty, etc.

Self protection can be done without slaying. Even if, say, the pacifitic race might decide that incapacitating then brain-wiping a destructive being and reprogramming him nice is more morally right than outright slaying him or something.
And aliens do know of our existence, they have been visiting our world for thousand years! UFO's can be seen in medieval woodcuts. They have been hovering in our skies watching us. hell, they abduct us and shove anal probes up our butts. The fact that we know about them is evidence that they know about us. There is a reason why they come to earth in the first place!
Oh please. I doubt any race save some "Observer" race I speculated on would sit on it's hands for several hundred years. I don't care what your lifespan is - that's f*** boring.

All this stuff is just the product of an over-active human imagination fed by others bringing up the same crap. The human brain is hard-wired to find patterns. So when we see strange stuff, we relate it to some pattern we've seen before.

Like the Mars "face", which turned out to only look like a face because of the way shadows played across a martian mountain range.
There is probably is a good reason why ET hasn't made him self known to humanity. Like they probably wanted us to develop with out any out side influences, or appearing could cause hysteria on a global scale, riots will break out, massive religious suicides, and the president would probably call for marshal law. Our government probably knows about them, but they don't share it with the public for the same reason.
Or knowing about them could bring about a sort of global unity. Help us think of ourselves as "humanity" instead of "America" or "England", etc. Sure the begining parts might be messy but it'd calm down. You can't panic forever. Furthermore, any smart alien would see that when you've got a race armed with tons of nuclear warheads, they're far more likely to end themselves without that help, no?
and they know this! the fact is we are not ready for something this big. Most likely earth isn't the only planet is being watched, and they have experience in dealing in under developed worlds, and races that aren't aware of what is going on out side of their galaxy. They probably seen a world destroy it self from releveling them selves to a world that wasn't ready. They'll probably keep watching us until they decided that we can handle something so huge.
We're always "Not ready for this". It's an old shtick.

And destroy ourselves. OMG aliens, let's kill ourselves? Please. We're more likely to fire nukes at the aliens than ourselves. But more likely to try and talk with them first.
Besides we are still in essence animals. Our own instincts still have a lot influence over us, and we are down right aggressive. Also if we knew what they know, and have their tech now. I guarantee that we'll be the universe's public enemy number one! The galactic version of al qaeda!
Pft, yeah right. Like aliens are guaranteed to be freed from their instincts, huh? How do you know they ain't worse?

Biological creatures are all driven by instinct to some degree. One lacking all instinct is well - dead. They are, afterall, very useful sometimes. The little voice in your head that says "RUN, MOFO!" when a tiger is bearing down on you is kinda important, y'know?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:39 am
by Rhuen
I would laugh if when we first contact sentient life in space if turned out to be something that had evolved before humans on this planet. Kinda like the sentient dinosaur idea some UFO guys put out, or even an earlier primate. It doesn't take long for time to degrade and erase structures, especially technology, and if the species recycled then that number might go up alot. Would be funny if we found them and they were the small grey guys but they turned out to a primate species that had gone sentient 3million years before we did and gone off into space (millions of years is a massive amount of time, nearly incomprehensible really) and think that as soon as we started to really focus on progress over religion or what not we went from steam to space ships in under 100 years. Imagine what would happen if we didn't care about currency and focused on advancing our selves as much as possible.
in 6 billion years only 1 sentient race evolved on this world? doubtful. Wouldn't be surprised if the first few we encounter closist to home who have terraformed other worlds hadn't originated here.
Humans would be like chimps to them in a nature preserve, and they understanding how such long expanses of time affect the environment could just not care what we are doing after all, Elephants destroy forests, Leaf Cutter ants strip trees bare, and Beavers dam up rivers. In this much longer time and space context they might just view humans and how we are affecting this planet on this scale. Watching us just as we watch lower primates.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:04 pm
by Anubis
Anubis wrote:I don't like the idea of alien race being completely pacifistic and docile. If that were so that race would become extinct pretty quickly. It's aggression that kept us alive in our earlier days, and it kept the species strong by the strongest beating others down for the chance to reproduce.
In the beginning, yes, but once an alien race evolved beyond the need for violence, any conflict could be handled with weapons that incapacitate, not maim or slay.

How can a race evolve so much that they don't need violence?

Aggression is an instinct believe it or not, and in your last post you said "Biological creatures are all driven by instinct to some degree." you used the instinct of flight (the thing that tells you to run away from danger). fight, or aggression is one just as well.

Fight and flight are a packaged deal. This instinct is universal, no matter on what planet you live on their is always dangers, and fight or flight is crucial to make a split second decision for self preservation. Either try to kill what ever is trying to kill you, or run away from it.

and there is always threats no matter how advanced a race can be. It could be a common thug or it could be another race that isn't to fond of them. There is always aggression and it will always exist, even using non-lethal weapons is a violent action. It doesn't kill, but it uses some kind of harmful force to subdue another.
I'm not saying they're are like us. They probably grew up and isn't petty about race and crap like that. Also more tolerant of members of it's own race and other sentient races. I'm saying they still have to see the importance of violence in self protection. Sweden is the most pacifistic and liberal nation out there, but they still have an army so they can be able defend them selves.
Or they could be even more petty, etc.

Self protection can be done without slaying. Even if, say, the pacifistic race might decide that incapacitating then brain-wiping a destructive being and reprogramming him nice is more morally right than outright slaying him or something.
How can brain washing be morally right? you are taking some one's own free agency away. that it self is violent, the being who's being reprogramming might not want to be changed in the first place, and they are forcing it upon them. It's causing harm.

How can this peaceful and pacifistic race see that as moral?
And aliens do know of our existence, they have been visiting our world for thousand years! UFO's can be seen in medieval woodcuts. They have been hovering in our skies watching us. hell, they abduct us and shove anal probes up our butts. The fact that we know about them is evidence that they know about us. There is a reason why they come to earth in the first place!
Oh please. I doubt any race save some "Observer" race I speculated on would sit on it's hands for several hundred years. I don't care what your lifespan is - that's {censored} boring.

All this stuff is just the product of an over-active human imagination fed by others bringing up the same crap. The human brain is hard-wired to find patterns. So when we see strange stuff, we relate it to some pattern we've seen before.

Like the Mars "face", which turned out to only look like a face because of the way shadows played across a martian mountain range.
I never said that an alien race out there who sit on their buts and spy on other worlds like it's their galactic duty or something. The one who watch are their scientists, they are like the people who visit the tribes in south America who had little contact with the out side world. Like us they do a wode variety of things, like some could be in the military, or some kind of government official, ETC.

In order for an alien race to become advanced like they are they need the following traits.

They need to be social creatures, with the abitly to communicate clearly and precisely. This is important because this allows one individual to trade ideas and techniques which allows them to approve upon them and then pass that on to some one else. So technological advancement can occur.

They need to be able to use tools, you can't create technology if you can't touch and manipulate objects in the first place.

and they need to be curious. wanting seeing what happens when you do something or just wondering why. This is important because this brings on advancement on every thing. everything from science and technology, to culture and art is influenced by curiosity.

And wanting to learn about us is normal, because like us they are curious creatures.
There is probably is a good reason why ET hasn't made him self known to humanity. Like they probably wanted us to develop with out any out side influences, or appearing could cause hysteria on a global scale, riots will break out, massive religious suicides, and the president would probably call for marshal law. Our government probably knows about them, but they don't share it with the public for the same reason.
Or knowing about them could bring about a sort of global unity. Help us think of ourselves as "humanity" instead of "America" or "England", etc. Sure the beginning parts might be messy but it'd calm down. You can't panic forever. Furthermore, any smart alien would see that when you've got a race armed with tons of nuclear warheads, they're far more likely to end themselves without that help, no?
That could happen, however people are idiots, and when they see that intelligent life out side of earth exist. It could bring on panic world wide. a lot of people wouldn't understand, like religious nuts jobs exciting panic by taking this revelation as a sign of the last days, or those weird cults may commit massive suicides. other people causing other people to panic by claiming that it's an invitation and making people riot in the streets. It could cause world war 3 tearing apart the fragile nature of our civilization apart.
and they know this! the fact is we are not ready for something this big. Most likely earth isn't the only planet is being watched, and they have experience in dealing in under developed worlds, and races that aren't aware of what is going on out side of their galaxy. They probably seen a world destroy it self from releveling them selves to a world that wasn't ready. They'll probably keep watching us until they decided that we can handle something so huge.
We're always "Not ready for this". It's an old shtick.

And destroy ourselves. OMG aliens, let's kill ourselves? Please. We're more likely to fire nukes at the aliens than ourselves. But more likely to try and talk with them first.
same awnser as the one above this one.
Besides we are still in essence animals. Our own instincts still have a lot influence over us, and we are down right aggressive. Also if we knew what they know, and have their tech now. I guarantee that we'll be the universe's public enemy number one! The galactic version of al qaeda!
Pft, yeah right. Like aliens are guaranteed to be freed from their instincts, huh? How do you know they ain't worse?

Biological creatures are all driven by instinct to some degree. One lacking all instinct is well - dead. They are, afterall, very useful sometimes. The little voice in your head that says "RUN, MOFO!" when a tiger is bearing down on you is kinda important, y'know?
I meant that they were more in control of them selves showing some restraint, and if they were worse than us it means self destruction. constant wars would hinder their development or they'll end up destroying them selves. I know because self destruction is a definite possibility with us.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:42 pm
by Aki
Anubis wrote: and there is always threats no matter how advanced a race can be. It could be a common thug or it could be another race that isn't to fond of them. There is always aggression and it will always exist, even using non-lethal weapons is a violent action. It doesn't kill, but it uses some kind of harmful force to subdue another.
It's still acceptable as a "non-violent" method for a pacifist. No permanent damage was done, live was not lost, etc.

Also, as to evolution to not needing violence, what if said species had some sort of telepathy or pheromone based defense that simply soothed any would be predator or aggressor into not attacking or seeking prey elsewhere, etc. ?

How can brain washing be morally right? you are taking some one's own free agency away. that it self is violent, the being who's being reprogramming might not want to be changed in the first place, and they are forcing it upon them. It's causing harm.

How can this peaceful and pacifistic race see that as moral?
Aliens may have a more flexible morality than humans. In a way you can see it as this: Either this individual is destroyed, left to destroy others, or made anew. Perhaps they simply view the re-education of a destructive individual more efficient, etc.
I never said that an alien race out there who sit on their buts and spy on other worlds like it's their galactic duty or something. The one who watch are their scientists, they are like the people who visit the tribes in south America who had little contact with the out side world. Like us they do a wode variety of things, like some could be in the military, or some kind of government official, ETC.
Yeah, see, that's the flaw with the analogy. We VISIT those tribe. As in, we establish contact. Talk with them, trade some, y'know, stuff like that.

Not sit in a tree and stare at them all day.
That could happen, however people are idiots, and when they see that intelligent life out side of earth exist. It could bring on panic world wide. a lot of people wouldn't understand, like religious nuts jobs exciting panic by taking this revelation as a sign of the last days, or those weird cults may commit massive suicides. other people causing other people to panic by claiming that it's an invitation and making people riot in the streets. It could cause world war 3 tearing apart the fragile nature of our civilization apart.
World War 3? Please. A war won't start. Bunch of crazies doing crazy s*** until they get put down by the police or military? Maybe. Prolly. But not a World War. Those, by definition, require lots of Earth's superpowers going at it in an armed conflict and while people are idiots, no one's dumb enough to risk weakening the Earth with aliens looming overhead.

Any nation with a competent police or military force will easily be able to quell any riots that arise.

Plus, like I said, we're more likely to kill ourselves off without them around. Now it'd really suck for them if the only other intelligent race they ran into died because they did nothing, wouldn't it?

I meant that they were more in control of them selves showing some restraint, and if they were worse than us it means self destruction. constant wars would hinder their development or they'll end up destroying them selves. I know because self destruction is a definite possibility with us.
It could hinder them, or it could make them strong in a darwin-esque sort of way. Only the strongest, toughest, strongest members of the species are left, the weak weeded out by constant warfare, etc.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:56 pm
by Anubis
What ever dude,

i don't want to fight you on this any more. I'm sick of writing posts that take a good 45 minutes to write!! Besides I'm getting the vibe that this was turning to some weird flame war.

I'll just say these short answers in order of your last post.

That just sounds stupid, and aggression will always exist, and that romanced belief that aliens completely evolved out aggression is down right retarded.

That just doesn't make any sense to me and i rather destroy of what could cause harm.

You just don't understand how easily the public as a whole can be startled. People freak over whether or not cell phones might cause cancer. that is enough of an answer of how much people in general stupid. Like they K said to J in the men in black the movie a person is smart, people are dumb panicky animals.

I highly doubt that, if they advanced to the point of gaining nukes, all life is going to end on that planet.

Re: ETs and us

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:53 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Anubis wrote:I've been watching UFO secrets again on the history channel, and i spent a good while thinking about it and this is what i came up with on regards with our relationship other intelligent life. This is what I came up with.

I figured that an alien invasion is very unlikely. Because I looked at the reasons why another country invades another country here on earth. Like for Political, strategic, and religious reasons, to gain natural resources (*cough* Iraq *cough), or if one nation believes that an other nation is to be a real threat.

All but one doesn't apply to us. For example we haven't interacted enough for politics to be a cause.

I highly doubt that they would invade for resources. These beings have technology to speed across the galaxy for billions of light years to get to earth. Also they can mess with gravity and other quantum forces, and they probably could literally turn water into whine with their super advanced tech. Besides even if they couldn't there are plenty of dead lifeless planets they can mine from so they don't need to pick on poor little earth. You're assuming too much. Manipulate gravity? It takes a hellishly large amount of energy to do anything interstellar. And we have water. We have organic materials. we have a lot of oxygen, nitrogen, and other stuff. WE are toolmakers, so we haev tools, factories, we have limited space travel too. We have radio wave generators... need I go on?

For strategic reasons is just as doubtful. The galaxy is so big that the location of one planet is not going to matter, and they have nine to pick from and not to mention countless moons revolving around them. So if they need to use our solar system picking mars is just as good. So even then earth isn't a problem. Any so our planet is equally likely as any other with this argument. Except, you forgot stepping stones. we could easily be a stepping stone, a convenient base, a hostage planet, and experiment... And, each has its own benefits. And trust me, earth has some pretty hefty benefits.

And us being a threat is laughable. They are so advanced in comparison, they can travel light years in an instant, but the farthest we have ever gotten is our own moon. We are hardly a threat, if they wanted us gone all they had to do is drop an asteroid on us and good-bye humanity. Humanity could be a threat if they landed. We could also be a threat in a few hundred years; any space-faring race must needs think in the long run.

Only reason i could think of is extraterrestrial zealots of an alien religion Like halo's Covenant or Stargate's Ori. That sweep the galaxy forcing other races to convert, and/or commit an galactic genocide for their god(s). Zealots are unpredictable, never make sense, and cannot be reasoned with. This ET is our only real threat. Yet the chances of that are astronomical. you should be ashamed of your pun.

And for other reasons why ETs invade for that us suggested in sci-fi movies. Like making a new home for them, conquering, and getting human slaves is just as unlikely if not more. They probably can easily terraform a dead planet than invading ours. Look, dude, have you EVER read science fiction? hard science fiction? the kind with real science in it? Terraforming takes AGES. Here we have a ready-made bastion of life...

to conquer... well let face it this planet isn't that extraordinary. Except that this planet in only one we know of that has life. This planet doesn't have any real value. The inhabitant's technologically is primitive in comparison, and resources we have here can find be fond on any other rock, and as for riches. What we might find valuable here may not be the case with them, and picking on defenseless planet isn't worth bragging about. People who conquer do it to gain something, like materialistic wealth and honor.I can SO disprove this one. basic sociology. Plenty of circumstances require naught more than expansion to fuel an empire, where stagnancy leads to death. IE, the roman empire. Read Man-Kzin wars. We have land. We have a ready-made semi-intelligent slave base. We won't think like they do. And, remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure?

And as for human slaves, they can build robots to do their work for them Robots are better slaves than humanity is because they never get tired, and will never need to eat, drink, or sleep. Only thing that is required to keep them working is rutine maintenance. Robots do not think. humanity is smart enough to cope with novel situations, which programming rarely covers.

So if we are not something for them to kick around, then what are we to them?

To them we are like what wild animals or the primitive tribes in South America are to us. We are some thing to study, to observe. They are watching us, because they feel that we are worth learning from. This is probably why they never actually interacted with us, because us learning of their existence will ruin their study of us. The same reason why ETs have been abducting people and experiment on them to learn about our physiology.If they want to learn about our physiology, why don't they abduct some freaking medical textbooks???

They probably ease drop on the countless radio signals we put out every day. They watch us form their ships, and wondering the meaning behind our many behaviors.

Okay now I'm done, that has to be my longest post yet. :P
Comments in red.

...And, anubis, please read some good science fiction. Please. That you have come up with these argument speaks to the quality of the stuff you read. REad stuff by Niven, Heinlein, Pournelle, Gerold... I could keep going. Just read Hard science fiction. And never Sci-Fi.

EDIT: read through the thread. Anubis, you are right about aggression. aki, aggression NEVER evolves out. TO be pacifistic is to die, unless you are Top Dog of the galaxy, or everyone above you is pacifistic. And then, you have to agree...

Also, one point, you do NOT have to have any of those traits you mentioned anubis. You just have to have the technology. Technology can easily be stolen.

Also, if my post above comes off as angry, it's not. :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:44 pm
by Anubis
You're assuming too much. Manipulate gravity? It takes a hellishly large amount of energy to do anything interstellar. And we have water. We have organic materials. we have a lot of oxygen, nitrogen, and other stuff. WE are toolmakers, so we haev tools, factories, we have limited space travel too. We have radio wave generators... need I go on?
I based a lot of my therories on reports of UFO and other alien encounters. Even theories from scientists about alien technology. When i said they can manipulate quantum forces, i meant it. They have to generate gravity to cancel out the intense acceration of their ships that can corner litterally on a time at light speed, with out it they'll be crushed instantly. Also they need a "hyperdrive" so they can travel at amazing speeds with out time around them accelerating around them, wich involves playing with time and space. if they can do that they probably can rip attoms apart and use the protons, electrons, neutrons. that sounds far fetch but they are doing it in particle accerators today, not to metion it happens naturally in the sun. (turning hyrdogen into hellium)
Any so our planet is equally likely as any other with this argument. Except, you forgot stepping stones. we could easily be a stepping stone, a convenient base, a hostage planet, and experiment... And, each has its own benefits. And trust me, earth has some pretty hefty benefits.
I guess you could be right about that.
Humanity could be a threat if they landed. We could also be a threat in a few hundred years; any space-faring race must needs think in the long run.
Even then no, we still be an easy target. If they landed, we get our kicked pretty quickly, this is a race that is a quantum leap a head of us. Our M-16's and Tanks won't last long agaist their tech that can wipe out an entire army in blink of an eye. Only thing that might work against them is our nukes, but even then it's a stretch.
Look, dude, have you EVER read science fiction? hard science fiction? the kind with real science in it? Terraforming takes AGES. Here we have a ready-made bastion of life
here is the problem with that, our science fiction is based on what we know today. When it can actually happen techniques that in a million years the people of today wouldn't have come up with, would make it faster and easier.
you should be ashamed of your pun.
That wasn't intentional.
I can SO disprove this one. basic sociology. Plenty of circumstances require naught more than expansion to fuel an empire, where stagnancy leads to death. IE, the roman empire. Read Man-Kzin wars. We have land. We have a ready-made semi-intelligent slave base. We won't think like they do. And, remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure?
Again, i stand corrected

Robots do not think. humanity is smart enough to cope with novel situations, which programming rarely covers.
Two words... artifical intellgence.
If they want to learn about our physiology, why don't they abduct some freaking medical textbooks?
Umm, because they can't read human?

Don't ask me, they're the ones anal probing people. :P

((I hate this thread... so... much... typing!!!!)))

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:44 pm
by MoonKit
Anubis wrote:((I hate this thread... so... much... typing!!!!)))
:lol: :lol: Makes you think twice about starting a new thread ever again, huh? :D

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:31 pm
by Lukas
MoonKit wrote:
Anubis wrote:((I hate this thread... so... much... typing!!!!)))
:lol: :lol: Makes you think twice about starting a new thread ever again, huh? :D
and that you assume so much is fact( just because people see it or supposed have proof of it doesn't make it real
post all you want anubis but just because you think we are all doomed to another nation or were useless doesn't mean everyone else is going to think that :P

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:45 pm
by Aki

EDIT: read through the thread. Anubis, you are right about aggression. aki, aggression NEVER evolves out. TO be pacifistic is to die, unless you are Top Dog of the galaxy, or everyone above you is pacifistic. And then, you have to agree...

Also, one point, you do NOT have to have any of those traits you mentioned anubis. You just have to have the technology. Technology can easily be stolen.

Also, if my post above comes off as angry, it's not. :wink:
Aww, c'mon. You mention Niven then you say that?

What 'bout the puppeteers? :P

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:39 am
by JoshuaMadoc
Look, why don't we all just come up with a common conclusion that:

If aliens ultimately do want us dead, we'll just wear our funeral headbands and kamikaze the SOBs out of space.

But no, i suppose we argue too much, because OH HEY, WE'RE ALL HUMANS, and arguing's in our nature.

Especially you, Anubis. You're making incredibly farfetched theories that is also the exact reason why sci-fi writers of this age are one of the dumbest, most unresourced group of idiots to walk the face of mother earth, even dumber than me. WE DON'T EVEN KNOW what real aliens look like, only knowing the appearance of those fakeass grey stickmen with swollen heads, bigass black eyes and a conspicuously human-like nose and mouth.

So if we don't know what real aliens really DO look like, then why, for the love of Allah, are you, among the categorized group, acting like L. Ron Hubbard with alzheimer's?

Personally, I can take someone who makes up alien theories.

Provided that the person actually makes plausible and creative claims and not make him/herself look like a derranged hippy.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:29 am
by Dreamer
I do think it would be interesting to see what an intelligent, non-humanoid alien would look like.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 12:25 pm
by Anubis
Hey I based my theories off from accounts of UFOs, and alien abductions, as well from theories from well known scientists.

And i really don't like being called stupid, because i do a lot of research, and i think very carefully about my ideas. You can go to hell because I'm a science fiction writer dill hole! :x

Besides, these are theories, nothing more, nothing less. So what if i believe that ETs are out or not. You shouldn't insult me because YOU think my ideas are "unreasonable". You are acting like that weird baptist church that is always protesting funerals of gay soldiers. You are attacking me because of my ideas, and beliefs.

If you don't like my hypothesises, you could have put down what you thought, instead attacking me!

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:11 pm
by Set
I have a hard time taking anything "abductees" say seriously.

I want you to think about this for a minute. Alien race, advanced technology. And they have to resort to kidnapping people and shoving a probe up their butts? Come on. You'd think if they can even get here in the first place they'd have a more efficient way of studying us than that. That's just pathetic.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:31 pm
by RedEye
There is a reason for invasion that doesn't seem to have been discussed.

Food. With us as the main course. There are so many of us. lck

There's also an Economic incentive for Invasion. Sell the stoopid Terrans all our old outdated crappy stuff-instead of putting it in a landfill. :lol:

And religion! We; right here on Earth, have invaded countries to save souls (and steal anything not nailed down). It is possible that we could be ripe for Salvation; E.T. style.

As for F.T.L. drives: they aren't as impossible as they were thought to be just a few years ago. We still can't build one; but the numbers say it is possible (just not in this universe, unless we can control time).