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Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 4:43 pm
by outwarddoodles
Sorry if anyone likes it but arg...I don't. The orginal movie is fantastic, we own it and sometimes I love to wacth it. Yet just hearing the words that it was being remade angred me. When wacthing these preveiws it absolutly looks as those it sucks. Wonka had curly hair and was very nice, ofcource unless you don't heed his words. The Johny Depp Wonka sounds rather ignorant and mean. And Wonka shall not wear black!

Me and Dale (big brother) are going to see if we can watch it anyway, out of pure curiousity, but it looks horible.

And wheres the Ompa Loompa song?!?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 5:32 pm
by SnowWalker
I have a co-worker who is very excited about this version (of course, they also heart Johnny Depp!).

btw, i hear this version is closer to the book than the original....

as for me, eh... i didn't like the original all that much, it freaked me out a bit. I'm sure this would freak me out even moreso! But, i may see it just for sh*ts and giggles ;)


Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:49 am
by Vuldari
I am actually quite interested in this film. I loved the original as it was...

...however, I am quite pleased to see that this version looks to have a COMPLETELY different mood and feel to it. I mean...what would be the point of doing a "re-make", if you just re-made it with the exact same character personalities, music and everything?

Jonny Depp looks like he is going to make Willy Wanka seem nigtmarishly, sweetly creepy in a facinating new way...and I think I like it...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 7:26 am
by Terastas
Vuldari wrote:Jonny Depp looks like he is going to make Willy Wanka seem nigtmarishly, sweetly creepy in a facinating new way...and I think I like it...
It's a Tim Burton film, so that would seem a fair enough assumption. I'm confident that Tim has attempted to avoid the whole campy Wizard of Oz feeling of the original movie, and if Johnny Depp could pull an Oscar nomination out of that corny pirate movie, Willy Wonka shouldn't be too much of a problem for him. My only real concern is how much Hollywood politics and advertising demands will have influenced the film (I don't think it will be a good movie if one of the kids he knocks off is black and there's a Coke machine in the background of at least three settings).

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 2:41 pm
by Silverclaw
As a Tim Burton-Danny Elfman-Johnny Depp fan, I'm really looking forward to this :D I'll be seeing it when it opens 8)

(The original scared the s*** out of me...those oompa loompas*shudders* :lol: )

Two Burton-Elfman-Depp movies in the same year...wonderful :D Cant wait for Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory and The Corpse Bride 8) :howl:  :oo

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 10:39 pm
by outwarddoodles
I dont find any need in it being remade at all. It was great how it is, making it the same is no use and making it different: me no likey. *Sigh*, next they'll be remaking the little Rascals again wont they? Then I sappose it wont hurt to remake the bible to fit popular demand and the money wont it?

Oh come on, atleast you people liked the Candy Man Song right?
"The Candy man Can!"

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 10:55 pm
by Vuldari
outwarddoodles wrote:I dont find any need in it being remade at all. It was great how it is, making it the same is no use and making it different: me no likey. *Sigh*, next they'll be remaking the little Rascals again wont they? Then I sappose it wont hurt to remake the bible to fit popular demand and the money wont it?

Oh come on, atleast you people liked the Candy Man Song right?
"The Candy man Can!"
Let me make this perfectly clear...

I...LOVED the original musical version of "Willy Wanka".

What you have to keep in mind is...this is not being made to "replace" the old film...nor is it a re-make of the film at all.

This film is a new, film interpretation of the book that the old film was originally based on...a book that was different than the old film version in many ways.

The original text from the book had alot of untapped potential in lot's of stuff that could be interpreted in many different ways.

The "classic" version with the imfamous OOMPA-LOOMPA song, was One way to interpret the story...

...but there is definately room for another look at the original story. (The "candyman" scene, and corisponding musical number was NOT a part of the original story. ...that was the product of the film makers fertile imagination. Should we scold him for "messing with" the original? ...I don't think so.)

"...oompa...loompa...doopady...doo. I've got another...puzzle for you..."*starts humming the Oompa Loompa song*""

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 11:50 pm
by outwarddoodles
Intrepretations or not I still enjoy the older interpretation of the book alot. I just find the new one uneccesary. Ah well...

*Ompaa Loompa Doopa doopidy doo....I have another question for you...Do you think my brain will turn into that signing this song is all I can do.

What if it never gets out of my head?
Will I ever go to bed?
Will it in my mind just always tread?
Will it ever get out untill I'm dead?

Ompaa Loompa Doopidy doo...*

One way to get Dr.Reanimator stuck out of my head (Which was like that for 3 weeks mind you.) is to get the Ompaa Lompaa song huh? I Like Dr.Reanimator better!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:09 am
by Figarou

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:08 pm
by Ochiba
Well seems like the majority wants to see this film (as do I)

They have to take in everyones opinion, not just one. Just because you think it unneccesary doesn't mean we do too. But i'm way to excited for The Corpse Bride. (Claymation + Tim Burton = FANTASTIC) *The Nightmare Before Christmas fan*


Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:21 pm
by Terastas
Well, the way Willy is characterized certainly seems to have changed. In the original musical number, I sort of got the impression that Willy had the whole thing planned out. The way Johnny Depp plays it, it looks like he has a lot of moments where he has second thoughts about what he's just gotten himself into.

I have a feeling that a lot of people are going to spite this movie for not being anything like the older musical number, but this will wind up being the better one.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 3:27 pm
by vrikasatma
Okay, did anyone see it? The thread just kinda stopped over a month before it opened...

Anyway, okay, I saw it. My verdict? It runs rings around the first one. And the Oompa Loompas were the best part of the film! :o

I saw it with a bunch of friends. We made it a night out on the town and had a blast. The first show was sold out and we didn't get in until around ten, but the line crowd was a party in and of itself. And the crowd for that show was big, not sold out, but not so big that it was claustrophobic in the audience. And they were psyched! There was laughter pretty much throughout the whole film.

Favourite bits: The dolls. Of course. When the curtains parted and here's this display, I went ?? and then I thought, "Relax, it's Tim Burton, keep watching and you'll probably love where he goes with it." I did...fireworks setting the dolls on fire...gruesome Burtonian meltdown shot... :lovestruck:

I loved how Danny Elfman/the Oompa Loompas send up everything from Busby Berkeley to Kiss to the Byrds.

The kids:
I loved Augustus Gloop! My god, that scene of him in the Chocolate Room made me think of Godzilla stomping through Tokyo. Loved his makeup, too: pale, no eyebrows, he looked like a rotund zombie. I liked how they cast a BIG kid, not just fat, he was tall. You could see that.
Veruca Salt: Eh. Feh. :roll: The first one was scarier. You actually cringed when she threatened to scream. This one was rather underwhelming. Pouty lip and stamp the foot? Is that the best you can do? Mr. Salt hath no yarblockos, friends.
Viole(n)t Beauregard: I actually kind of liked the way she turned out! :D Her mom was scary, though, especially when she started flirting with Willy Wonka. I thought, oh my god, if they hook up she'll eat him for breakfast...
Mike Teavee: Okay, in the first movie, I loved this kid. He was cute, no question. This one I wanted to STRANGLE! And the scariest thing is, I've actually met some people that are like that: outstandingly brilliant and insufferably arrogant.

Film overall: The plot was better developed in this film. The other one left too many dangling threads, unexplored angles and unfinished thoughts. This story reads as more complete and thank god for the respect! The first film was painfully dated, this one wasn't but it was Burtonian start to finish. Not everyone's cup of tea but I'm a serious Burton/Depp/Elfman fan, too. And I loved this film! :D

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:48 pm
by Renorei
Oooooh I loved the doll thing. That was so dark!

Overall I liked this one better than the original, but I do have one major complaint. The new Charlie was nowhere near as good as the original. Wow, the other one was way better. Also, they left out my favorite line from the first one, when Charlie doesn't get the Golden ticket, he says something like "It probably makes the candy taste terrible". I think this kind of epitomizes the attitude Charlie has had to take towards everything in his life so far, (not getting what he wants, but finding something good in that fact).

I think Mike is gonna be really hot when he grows up. And I love how Willie always accuses him of mumbling. That cracked me up. I liked the Oompa Loompas in this film, but I wish they hadn't all been played by one guy. Those squirrels were amazing! I loved those little guys! Depp was awesome. Simply put. I loved the humor in this movie, it was so...unexpected, you know? Overall, I loved this movie and almost everything about it (except Charlie).

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:55 pm
by vrikasatma
Yeah, this Charlie was kind of weak. The kid who played him was also in "Finding Neverland" and he was much better in that movie.

I'm sorry they left out the "fermicious k'nids" reference, probably because there's a band called that now. Then again, there's an even bigger band called Veruca Salt, too. I'm not familiar with their music but I get the feeling the "Veruca Salt" song was a lampoon on their sound, it sounds distinctly '90sish. Is that a word? :? Guess it is now...

Agree, those squirrels were cooler than cool 8) Definitely one of the highlights of the film.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 8:50 pm
by outwarddoodles
I'm still huffed and making a big deal out of the movie, thats how I work. Yech, from the teasers it makes Wonka look evil. I saw they may of seemed to try to make the film to present day, yet Mike has a skull on his shirt in some of the pictures, and Wonka is wearing Black! They were also avertising and having stuff sold at Hot Topic, my happy silly Willy Wonka is with some stupid black Goth store. WTF? The new Willy Wonka gave me bad dreams, I swear, they were horible dreams and one of them seems to be coming true!

Yet All I know about is from the trailers, so I'm going to see the movie before I critique it and go on a mad rampage.

Willy Wonka

Stupid Scarey Looking goth dude.

*Mad Rampage, though I didn't see the movie yet*

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:26 pm
by Terastas
outwarddoodles wrote:Stupid Scarey Looking goth dude.

*Mad Rampage, though I didn't see the movie yet*
Well... In all fairness, Willy Wonka is a man that hasn't set foot outside his factory and seen the sun in, like, forever, so the pale-faced goth look really is more in character for him.

And besides, I don't know how Johnny could possibly be creepier than the original. That guy never stopped smiling.

Haven't seen the Burton movie though, so I wouldn't know for sure. Though in all seriousness, it doesn't surprise me that the kids are less appealing in the Burton version. To my understanding, their supposed to be representative of the seven deadly sins (some being more obvious than others).

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:49 pm
by vrikasatma
I caught that, too.

Augustus: Gluttony
Veruca Salt: Greed (or maybe Lust)
Violet Beauregard: Envy
Mike Teavee: Wrath (or maybe Sloth)
Charlie Bucket: Pride (or maybe Envy)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:51 am
by Renorei
Wonka looks kinda Emo in this movie...

I admit, from the trailers I thought he was scary too. But, after having seen the movie, I'd say he's...delightfully disturbing. You'll like it.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:20 am
by vrikasatma
Yeah, go see it :)
Forget about the "remake" angle, go see it as a Tim Burton film. Can't go wrong there.
Go see it!

Hey, Figarou, think we could have a chocolate-covered wolficon? lck

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:43 am
by Figarou
vrikasatma wrote:Yeah, go see it :)
Forget about the "remake" angle, go see it as a Tim Burton film. Can't go wrong there.
Go see it!

Hey, Figarou, think we could have a chocolate-covered wolficon? lck
hmmmm...a chocolate-covered wolficon. I need to think on that. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:35 am
by Figarou
I couldn't think of a chocolate covered wolf. How about Wonka wolf?


Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:51 am
by Scott Gardener
I'll admit that I loved the new version. It's been ages since I saw the classic version, but I loved it as a kid. Rather than pitting them against each other, I prefer to think of each as a seperate take on the original book. (Not that I've read the book, I have to give up.)

When I first heard that a new version was coming out, I felt just as many of you did; it was fine as is, and no, it didn't need to be remade. Then, I heard that it was Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. My wife and I then thought, well, that could work. And, we both thought it did, just fine. Depp managed to capture that deranged genius of Wonka just fine in his own Gothy way.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:56 am
by Lupin
I'd say the the new version is delightfully creepy, and that Johnny Depp does make a pretty good Wonka. And like I've said a million times, I really loved the buttons on the elevator.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:43 pm
by vrikasatma
A number of years ago there was a rumour that Michael Jackson was looking into buying the rights and wanted to make his own film version of it.


The same source said he also wanted to remake "The Seven Faces of Dr. Lao," too...


Of all the people that could have optioned the property, we probably couldn't have wished for better than Tim Burton. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:39 pm
by Terastas
vrikasatma wrote:I caught that, too.

Augustus: Gluttony
Veruca Salt: Greed (or maybe Lust)
Violet Beauregard: Envy
Mike Teavee: Wrath (or maybe Sloth)
Charlie Bucket: Pride (or maybe Envy)
That's pretty close, though I would have put it more like:

Augustus Gloop: Gluttony (the only no-brainer)
Veruca Salt: Greed / Envy
Violet Beauregard: Pride with a touch of Lust (charm instead of sex appeal, though it's pretty hard to mistake a line like "don't touch that squirrle's nuts")
Mike Teavee: Wrath

There isn't a really solid Sloth representative, and Charlie's supposed to represent good behavior instead of one of the seven.

So anyway, being embodiments of the things that make the world suck, it's understandable why Tim Burton might have decided to make them less believable and more despicable.