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Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:56 am
by Figarou
Ok.....I know dogs "yipe" if they get hurt in some way. Wolves "yipe" as well.

Will a werewolf "yipe" if it gets hurt? Like in a fight?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:16 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
I bet a werewolf would yelp.....mhmm A yelp would be wat i would believe would be heard...

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:53 am
by Shadow Wulf
You hear in some werewolf movies. One comes to mind is Underworld, just listen to when a werewolf gets shot in that movie. It sounds like it yelp, but in a more of a squeal fashion.

I think werewolves would yelp.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:25 am
by Rhuen
I think it should yipe it makes since, and to be honest some people also yipe. I know I have been accused of it on occassion when I get my finger pinched in a door or something.

On the subject it would be nice to get more canine sounds in these movies. The lion roar, cat hissing, and the gurgling demon sounds are just distracting.
the worst though has to be "Big Bad Wolf" the roar it makes in that movie was either a Moose or an Elk mating call. everytime it made the sound I remembered scenes from National Geographic so it took me out of the movie.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:11 pm
by PariahPoet
I think they would definitely yelp in pain, but they are also of human intelligence, so a prideful werewolf would probably try to stifle those sounds so he doesn't show weakness.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 5:09 pm
by RedEye
Well, if "yelp" = "yipe", then I guess the answer is yes. Now, would a Werewolf that had been hurt and frightened do the Ki-yi-yi-yi-yi that the dog makes when her tail got caught in the door? Only happened once- she wasn't hurt, but she ran for "mommie" while yelling like that.
Since that vocalisation seems to be both a statement "I'm hurt" and a warning "I'm frightened-help me", it might just apply.

Hmmmm...Would a Werewolf get his/her tail caught in a door, I wonder?
Especially if it's one of the automatic closing types-like an elevator or a supermarket door?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 5:19 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
I would think they would.
(Besides, even a prideful werewolf, probably wouldn't be able to stifle them if he was surprised. One of his characters, the oldest adult male sibling to be exact, can't stifle it when someone surprises him. Then again, how exactly can you stifle a sound you make when your surprised? Even you can't do it all the time.)
Besides, what sound would they make, a cat's meow?
{Both start laughing uncontrollably.}
No offense to any felines on the site; just trying to make fun of the Hollywood sound effects department. :lol:

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:09 pm
by Fullmoonstar
PariahPoet wrote:I think they would definitely yelp in pain, but they are also of human intelligence, so a prideful werewolf would probably try to stifle those sounds so he doesn't show weakness.
I think so too...they would yelp. But they would try not to show it just like Pariah said

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:01 pm
by RedEye
As in: "YIPE!"
Looks around quickly: "Who said that?"

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:14 am
by WerewolfKeeper3
Oh brother. this is exactly the kind of thing i need right now.
Anyway, i don't hink they'd go to that extreme, Red Eye, but more like this:
Clamps hand/paw over mouth and looks very small.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:24 am
by Morkulv
PariahPoet wrote:I think they would definitely yelp in pain, but they are also of human intelligence, so a prideful werewolf would probably try to stifle those sounds so he doesn't show weakness.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:13 am
by Ceekur
It would really depend on whether or not they can speak in were form. If they can't, that would probably ensure their "yelping". Something I've always considered: If a werewolf could speak, would they make more feral sounds depending on the "magnitude" of the incident? Like if one was poked by a sharp plant, they may say "ow", but if one's tail was caught in a door, would it nearly be instinctive for them to cry or howl out due to how much more painful that would be?

One example I couldn't help thinking of after seeing this topic would be KI's Sabrewulf. He seems more or less in control in were form (even if the change itself can't be controlled) but I doubt he can speak. He always makes doggy noises when he gets hit and other stuff. :P
He is also a more feral werewolf anyway, given his posture.

I do agree that a more prideful were would try and not yelp - especially the alpha. Gotta keep that image. 8)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:51 pm
by Morkulv
Even though Sabrewulf looked cool in KI I thought those doggie-sounds were really crap and destroyed the evilness of the character completely.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:12 pm
by Rhuen
Morkulv wrote:Even though Sabrewulf looked cool in KI I thought those doggie-sounds were really crap and destroyed the evilness of the character completely.
which translates as you think the werewolf needs to be an evil monster.

But what if its treated as strickly a neutral being equally capable of good and evil like any sentient being. In which case natural sounds would occure.

After all evil monsters are generally artifical creations of demented dieties so they tend to be un-natural in shape and sound.

But if we want the werewolf to somehow be a normal natural thing then un-natural powers and sounds wouldn't fit (which to be honest the un-natural growls, roars, and billows normally heard with werewolves distract me and completly take me out of the movie or other sound compatible medium).

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:18 pm
by RedEye
Quite correct. Werewolves are frightening, scary, unsettling--but not necessarily evil, although a lot of people don't distinguish between the two things.
A Werewolf can scare the pants off of you, but so can a clown at midnight.
Neither is necessarily evil; just unsettling, that's all.
A newly crossed Werewolf is probably more frightened-even terrified, than anything else.
Frightened does not = evil. Responding with violence to a fright without thinking does = evil.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:40 pm
by Figarou
Fullmoonstar wrote:
PariahPoet wrote:I think they would definitely yelp in pain, but they are also of human intelligence, so a prideful werewolf would probably try to stifle those sounds so he doesn't show weakness.
I think so too...they would yelp. But they would try not to show it just like Pariah said

It all depends on the injury.

We all know little kids cry when they get hurt, right? :cryeyesout:

But as they get older, they won't cry. They'll just yell out their injury.

*Skateboarder falls off railing*

"OW!! My arm!!! I broke my arm!!"

If a werewolf lost his arm in a'll be odd if he doesn't yelp out in pain. I know I would.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:11 am
by Ceekur
If I recall his story and background, Sabrewulf was good actually. In the first game, he didn't even fight hard enough to keep himself from being badly beaten by the end (however far he got). Even Riptor could be argued as "good", since he was just sadly torn between reason and instinct.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:35 am
by Dreamer
Wasn't Sabrewulf based on the villain in an old Rare (Then called Ultimate) game featuring Sabreman?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:53 am
by Ceekur
KI's Sabrewulf is actually a semi-cameo non-canon appearance of Sabreman from Rare's Sabrewulf games. Apparently he was bitten at the end of one of the games (the second one, as I recall) and seeks a way to cure it in the next game following that by hunting down Sabrewulf once again (in the game Sabrewulf). However in KI, the bite made him transform instead. In KI, he lives in the castle which he inherited also at the end of one of the Sabrewulf games.

This is the best as I can recall from memory.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:35 am
by ravaged_warrior
The information on Wikipedia I looked up earlier agrees with you. I thought it might be wrong, however, since Count Von Sabrewulf looks nothing like Sabreman in his human form.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:36 am
by Ceekur
Even though Sabreman is usually depicted in a cartoony style, I do doubt that he would look like that in a "realistic" depiction. I guess in KI his human form had to more or less look similar to his wolf form, even with an oddly wide chest.

I'm quite sure that the only time you see his human form (but still not his face) is in his KI 1 ending, right?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:40 am
by ravaged_warrior
Right. I think... Anyway, still. I can understand giving him a less cartoony look, a less exaggerated mustache, etc., but there are really no similarities at all.

However, since you were the second place I heard it, I realized that Wikipedia probably was right, then.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:32 am
by Ceekur
Yeah, it seems that they kept his story and history as part of the "cameo", but nothing of his physical look. Huh, I don't think I ever saw the SNES version of his ending. It looks like they didn't even bother to render his face. ??
Never played it on a higher diff to see that version of the ending, since that usually just makes the CPU even cheaper. <_< ... ingfc6.png

I remembered his face being hidden in the ending, but I was only thinking of after the whole transformation, when the sun rises. I forgot that you can certainly seem to see most of his facial features right after he transforms back. You can also see in this version that either his chest seems to be exaggeratedly wide, or his stomach way too thin. Being a wolf, a thin/small stomach seems really strange. Further proof that he's good. :P

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:32 pm
by RedEye
Remember, Wolves are similarly built... their chest measurement can be two to two and a half times the size of their abdomen.
I think it comes from being able to run thirty miles an hour over clear terrain.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:37 am
by WerewolfKeeper3
We moved from Yipe! to a video game quite quickly i see.
(He's atempting to get this thread back on track.)
I think they know that, anyway, i agree with Fig.
I'd yelp when my arm got ripped off, then i'd probably make use of my human voice.
(He means he'd probably curse the guy.girl who tore his amr off out. :D
At least, that' what i'd do.)
Anyway, i think that might be how it would work. They make the animal sound of pain, then they use their human voice to explain how much it hurts. (Explitives included in great amount. :D :lol: )
Any other thoughts?