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[Bewere] [Closed] Bewere of Ghulidalen (In Character)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:03 pm
by Baphnedia
Day 1, 1/10

The noise of a new day rips you away from a great dream. The walls of the plaster buildings hug you and several others close. For some reason, you found comfort with these strangers comforting, as if they are somehow familiar to you. Yet names escape you. Your previous life just seems so distant now, eventhough you know you're in the slums of Ghulidalen. Where else would the smell of chamber pots be so prevalent?

The sun rose quite awhile ago. Your vision is blurry and your head hurts. Perhaps this was the result of a massive hangover? A clean skeleton rests in peices against a wall. It looks like it was human enough, though the fingers ended in claws, not in nails. The skeleton looked battered, and the head looks unfamiliar to you.

The hole for the nose is way too big, and the shape of the head is sleeker. Besides, no one has ears that high on their head. The jaw is far too elongated, with oversized teeth resting within, grinning their toothy grin.

Some of the bones have claw marks in them, some broken, in several places, and small bone fragments are scattered all over the ally. The bones themselves aren't bleached, but are a light grey, and could almost be moist to the touch.

The smell of blood here is prevalent, but there is little blood to be seen. It looks like it's washed out. You are a part of a group of humans that are all dressed alike. Tattered, burnt and blood-stained clothes adorn you and your fellows like a sailor clings to the side of a ship in a squall.

Noises from the street backon. It is apparent that there is a market nearby.

The street clears for a moment, and all that there is to be seen from the limited view from the alley is a large man adorned in fine muddy black robes and a small boy. The large man emerges from across the street and takes a left, in the direction of the mortuary. As he turns, you see a large brown sack slung over his shoulder that is weighted down by something.

The small boy, peeking around a corner from the street, looks at you and mouths the words "demons" and retreats into the crowding street. A growning throng of people in many manners of garb are heading the opposite way the undertaker went.

EDIT: Unsticky for now -- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 1:02 am
by Vilkacis
Wondering at the pain, Ashin rubs the side of his head with one hand as he peers groggily at the skeleton, not realizing its true nature at first. After a couple moments, it finally sinks in: “Oh!” In shock, he stumbles back a few steps, coming up against the opposite wall in the alley.

Is that...

a demon?

After a short period of contemplation:

It's dead... Just what is going on here?

Ashin assesses the situation for a moment more, and then separates himself from the small group in order to peek at the world beyond the walls of the alley.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:16 am
by Baphnedia
(Day 1, 1/10)

Most of the traffic along the muddy street is heading in the direction of a very odd hill that dominates the other end of town. Much like the Pueblos, this hill has a hollow underside that a number of buildings reside, resting beneath it's shelter.

The boy is walking with what appears to be his mother, and while hugging her leg as she walks, he looks at Ashin intently. The undertaker is moving in the same direction - against traffic, though is further up the street. His burden apparently does not bother him. Perhaps he has a little experience.

At the precipice of the hill sit two large trees. Most of the traffic meanders calmly towards it. A woman in light robes with a blatant embroidered blue teardrop walking with a cane approaches you, though she is not paying you any mind. Her hand finds Ashin's arm and she stops, still looking in the direction of the hill. Speaking softly at Ashin, "Are you not going to Prayer?"

The din of bartering and argueing betray the presence of a marketplace nearby, somewhere off to the right. While the noise is quieting, there are businesses still open.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:56 am
by Vilkacis
Not caring for the physical contact, Ashin shifts uncomfortably in the other's grip.

Not quite sure what he should do, he decides to play along:

“Ah, kind Lady.” He ducks his head. “Of course! Of course, I shall be on my way shortly. I have just the tiniest matter to attend to--it will take no time at all! No time at all. And I will be sure to hurry along, so as not to be late for Prayer.” He ducks his head again, trying to look humble.

He hopes that will be enough to satisfy her.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 11:23 am
by Baphnedia
Still facing towards the hill, she lets her arm drop to her side. "I was merely looking for a guide to the Prayer. You need not go, if you do not want to."

Tilting her head slightly in consideration, "There are few who'd give me the time of day, much less act like I'm superior to them. Would you like to meet at the Rulven Skull later tonight? Your odd ways pique my interest."

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 12:17 pm
by Vilkacis
Silently cursing himself for misreading the situation, he quickly acts in a bid to salvage the interaction:

“That sounds great! The Rulven Skull--got it. I'll be sure to look forward to our meeting. My name is Ashin... and yours?”

And maybe he'll actually show up, too.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 10:53 am
by Baphnedia
(Day 1 1/10)

"I am Lamid. It is nice to make your acquaintance Ashin."

She sniffs, and continues on, "You smell of the street. Perhaps a trip to the river, outside of town, would be in order?" You hear some rustling behind you, as some of your friends begin waking up and taking in their surroundings.

"Have a good day, Ashin." Lamid begins following the crowd of traffic moving towards the hill. The din of the marketplace quiets down as vendors begin closing their shops in observance of whatever this religious ceremony is.

From here you can see the bones of the demon not far away from the others that are in the alley. They are all asleep, or just beginning to wake up. Your conversation with Lamid has helped your headache - it might've been just waiting for blood to reach your brain after your long nap.

The barks of stray dogs echo throughout the alley and the street from a good distance away. Whines begging for the humans to come back feed and to play with them.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 11:37 am
by Vilkacis
Ashin slips back into the alley, glad that his headache is starting to recede.

I guess I could use a bath, at that.

Not quite sure what to do at this point, he leans against the wall and observes the small group, waiting for someone to regain consciousness. And in the meanwhile, trying to reclaim some memory of the events that led up to the current day...

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 12:33 pm
by Darkmoon
Shawna sat up with a start, then sank back down as her head spun. She waited for her vision to clear before checking out her surroundings. The alley stank, and there was an odd skeleton in the corner. She glanced at it curiously, but her attention was diverted by the man standing against the wall, watching her. Shawna knew him, but couldn’t remember his name, come to think of it, she couldn’t remember much of anything. Slowly she stood up and walked over to him.


Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 12:38 pm
by Baphnedia
Shawna's clothes (like Ashin's) are torn and bloody. She bears the marks of both blade and heat, and judging by the blood stains on her face, looks like she returned some of the favors.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 1:23 pm
by Vilkacis
“A... ah... hello, there.”

She looks so familiar...

“This... is embarrassing... I feel as if I know you, but...uh...

“What is your name?

“I'm Ashin, by the way.”

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 1:24 pm
by Aki
Akijiu slowly woke up, he noticed the other people in the alleyway, but what drew his attention was the Skeleton. He slowly got up, noticing the horrible condition of his clothing, and the scent of blood. He shuffled over to the skeleton and knelt down by it, examining it. The state of the bones, and the fact that he seemed to be in a town gave him the indication this thing had died rather recently. Strange skeletons didn't go undiscovered in towns long, even in the slums.

He looked at his clothing, then at the skeleton, wondering if he and the others had caused this thing's demise. Yet, it had no flesh on its bone. He mumbled some curse, standing up and looking at the others. "So, uh, who are you folks, and why are we in this alleyway?" he asked.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 1:39 pm
by Darkmoon
"Shawna, and I too feel as though I know you" She said, glancing behind at the large man examining the skeleton. Looking down at her ragged appearance and the blood that was splattered on all of them she snorted, "I wish I knew what was going on. What were we doing?"

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 1:39 pm
by Vilkacis
Acknowledging the man by the skeleton, Ashin replies: “My name is Ashin, and I have no idea! Who might you be, then?”

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 1:47 pm
by Aki
"Akijiu," Akijiu replied simply, before picking up the skeleton's head. He tossed the head between one hand and the other. "Well, miss," he said to Shawna. "I think it wouldn't be too out of place to surmise that the corpse here had a bit off a battle with us, and we won, the only holes i see in that is that its missing all flesh," he said. "Of course, that is just a educated guess."

"Of course, there is the possibility this fellow was a friend of ours, and something else did this to him and us."

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 2:27 pm
by Vilkacis
Ashin crosses his arms.

He doesn't care much for Akijiu's 'educated' guesses. The missing flesh seems like a rather large hole in that logic, and why would any of them befriend a demon, anyway?

Ashin thinks back to the child from before...


Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 2:48 pm
by Baphnedia
Day 1 2/10

The sun shines through broken clouds to hit the alley's floor, for the first time in awhile. The morning coolness of the alley begins to go as fast as the shade that used to blanket the alley.

The street has nearly emptied, as the marketplace closes completely. With all the customers gone, why would there need to be open shops? The soft breeze bringing fresh air to the alley carries with it a soft tune, though you know not, whence it came.

Eventhough mid-day is fast approaching, no one feels hungry. It must be just stress or something else surely. But the odd thought refuses to go away, like a pest flying around where the skull of the demon landed.

The river beckons, if for nothing else than a free bath. Bathers in town might be able to furnish new clothing, though being short on money may get in the way of such things. While the Nalc is very dirty down in the slums, it is much cleaner upstream of the town, plus the pleasure of forcing the nobles to have to drink your dirt and grit might bring a grin to your whims.

The soft tune on the breeze again touches your ears. It sounds somehow familiar, and comforting at the same time.

A calling.

A pack of stray dogs barks far downwind. You know exactly what they want. They smell blood, and they're coming to get it.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:07 pm
by Darkmoon

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:12 pm
by Aki
Akijiu raised a eyebrow at the soft tune, he couldn't place where it was coming from though. He nodded to Shawna, "Yeah, we better get moving, maybe wash off the smell of blood in that river so the dogs that smell it won't follow us..."

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:30 pm
by Vilkacis
Ashin sighs, glancing regretfully at the remaining bodies.

If they aren't moving by now... pity.

“Yeah, let's go--this place is depressing.” With that, he starts making his way toward the river.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:40 pm
by Aki
Vilkacis wrote:Ashin sighs, glancing regretfully at the remaining bodies.

If they aren't moving by now... pity.

“Yeah, let's go--this place is depressing.” With that, he starts making his way toward the river.
Akijiu began following Ashin, after picking up the 'Demon''s Femur. If nothing else, the bone would prove enough to perhaps ward off or distract the dogs if they followed them, though considering the other people in the alley weren't moving, the dogs might opt to eat them.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:45 pm
by Baphnedia
Moving into the street, you see that there is hardly a body to be seen. There is an occaisional beggar sitting in the shade of some building or another. The buildings are blockish, built more for function than for appearance, though not everything in the street is drab.

The covers for the merchant's carts in the market place are more coloful than most bardic attire you've ever seen. Without the shelter of the alley, you can hear the prayer clearly, as if you were standing next to the young singer lending her voice to the wind.

The melody magically flows with the breeze, though from here you cannot see her. The light wind is coming from the direction of the hill coincidentally. You don't recognize the tongue, but the tune is captivating.

Moving through the near empty streets, a muscular man in a simple brown robe with an intimidating axe at his waist approaches you. "You three," he points in your direction, "stay right where you are. I'll save questions for later, but it looks like you've been in a bloodbath. Did you just come off of a caravan?" Concern takes a firm grip on his face as he looks at the Slums gate, a good distance behind you. "Is there a dead caravan on the road between here and Samalad?" He looks at you expectantly.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:55 pm
by Darkmoon
So much for not being seen

Shawna glanced at her companions, hoping one of them had a quicker mind then she, and could come up with a plausible explanation for their appearance. The sight of a guard made her nervous, but she couldn’t remember why.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 4:01 pm
by Vilkacis
Ashin stops in his tracks, regretting having acted so carelessly. Of course their bloody clothes would attract attention!

Not quite sure what to say, he keeps quiet.

Surely someone else can handle this better than I.

In the worst case, at least, I'm sure I could outrun this guy!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 4:24 pm
by Aki
"We don't know, really" Akijiu said. He noted the others silence, and decided that he had to say something. "We woke up in that alley over there," he pointed to the alley they had come from. "With other bodies, and a skeleton."