Tales from the Crypt Story ideas

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Tales from the Crypt Story ideas

Post by Dreamer »

The Tales from the Crypt comic has come back! Unfortunately, as is evident to anyone who has read the reviews, it sucks monkey balls. But that got me thinking, why don't we do somthing on this beloved comic series/tv show based on the comic series. So, the idea is, in each post, we write up a short pitch for an idea for a new Tales from the Crypt story. I'll start:

A take on the Little Red Riding Hood story with a serial-killer werewolf with a preference for young girls (And this is the type of were with free will when changed). UNfortunately, it turns out that Red Riding Hood is also a werewolf, and a big one too!
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Post by wolf4life »

lol...little red! little red! HOLY MOTHER (cencord) JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN b----! run!!!!!
"Es gibt nix, was es nicht gibt", translated "There's nothing which can't exist."

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