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Disappointing Movies

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:48 pm
by Silverclaw
I'm sure this has happened to everyone. You get excited about a movie, the trailer looks great, the story sounds really good and interesting, it has actors in it you like, whatever. Then you finally get to see it and... :| :| :| :| :|
Really wasn't that good, bad even.
Such a shame *shakes head*

Here are just a couple off the top of my head:

-Spiderman 3- One was pretty good, 2 was REALLY good, what went wrong? It had a lot of cool moments in it, but not enough to save it for me. To many WTF dancing dark spiderman, the british reporter.....cringe worthy.

Blood and Chocolate- O...M...G....They RUINED one of my favorite books! Every little thing that they couldof done wrong, they did wrong and then some! I cant believe that they messed up the movie so completely when they already had the perfect story already printed out in book form. It is mind-boggling really...just look at this link to see all of the completely unnecessary changes they did... ... %28film%29 (its under 'Differences between book and film' btw) At least this is now a movie I love to hate :P

Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At Worlds End
Just like Spiderman 3 for me...First I thought was pretty good, second I really liked, third, was just messed up. They could of made it a LOT better...*sighs* That whole Calypso subplot turned out to be completely pointless, and that chick being a Pirate Queen/King...retarded...

So, what about you then? :)

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:58 am
by ravaged_warrior
Halloween 2007. You have angered me, Rob Zombie. How can a guy who respects classic horror enough to name his band after a Bela Lugosi film be so disrespectful to a classic like Halloween? He probably didn't mean it, but it happened.

Die Hard 2: Die Harder. Watched this one a couple days ago. The original is one of the greatest action films ever made, this one... Just kinda meh. Is the third one any better?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:19 am
by MattSullivan
You should have learned your lesson from Rob Zombie's first two so-called "movies". I walked out of House of a 1000 corpses after 5 minutes, swearing never to see another Rob Zombie film, and I've stuck to that vow.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:58 am
by Terastas
Say it with me everyone:


I think Wes Craven died a little on the inside while he was making that film. Personally I blame Christina Ricci. I mean, what the hell? That crapfest Sleepy Hallow was good enough for her but she couldn't be troubled to give a legend like Wes Craven some real acting?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:27 am
by Templar
Well, now that ya mention it....

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace- Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks and actors that didn't even try. Ray Park's Darth Maul was the only bright spot, but they go an' kill him off, an' did I mention Jar Jar Binks? I was twelve and a huge Star Wars fan until I saw this.

Planet of the Apes: Was anyone else wishing that the dirty apes would just kill Marky-Mark and end our suffering early?

King Arthur: In the words of a true history major, WHAT THE HELLLL?????????? They ripped off the Seven Samurai as well as Gladiator, nothing in the film was historically accurate, the climactic battle disappoints, and it ends with such a sappy note. Did they even READ a history book or Geoffey of Monmouth before they made this movie?

X-3: Weak, just kinda weak. Still, ya gotta love Vinnie Jones yellin' "I'm the JUGGERNAUT, b****!"

Godzilla (US version): Godzilla's a female, the US army is less competant than the French, and no atomic breath.

Yeah, an' Cursed was a big letdown too.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:34 am
by ravaged_warrior
MattSullivan wrote:You should have learned your lesson from Rob Zombie's first two so-called "movies".
Thing is, though, I didn't watch those.
Godzilla (US version): Godzilla's a female, the US army is less competant than the French, and no atomic breath.
Godzilla was a female in the non-Americanized Japanese original.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:32 pm
by Doruk Golcu
Doesn't change the fact that the US version was pretty bad :P

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:37 pm
by Silverclaw
Terastas wrote:Say it with me everyone:


I think Wes Craven died a little on the inside while he was making that film. Personally I blame Christina Ricci. I mean, what the hell? That crapfest Sleepy Hallow was good enough for her but she couldn't be troubled to give a legend like Wes Craven some real acting?
I agree, Cursed sucked big time...but Sleepy Hallow freakin' rocks! 8) Awesome movie that :D

X-Men 3! VERY sucky, especially compared to the first two....makes me sad :( That movie was all over the place.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:17 pm
by ravaged_warrior
Doruk Golcu wrote:Doesn't change the fact that the US version was pretty bad :P
Yeah, but I'm just sayin'.
Terastas wrote:a legend like Wes Craven
Ah, there's an addition to my disappointment list. Every Wes Craven movie that isn't Nightmare on Elm Street or Shocker (he's making this one again, by the way) has disappointed me. Nightmare was excellent, and Shocker was cheesy fun. All the others I've seen were, in my opinion, were just plain bad. A lot of his older stuff is called gritty, but when I see The Hills Have Eyes or Last House on the Left (to be fair, the one I saw was edited, so I'll need to see the real thing at some point), I don't see it as being gritty, I see it as looking cheap. That's not an attack on cheap movies, though. I liked Evil Dead and considering that it required a lot more special effects, the price difference isn't that substantial (it was about $100,000 more). It was mostly the feel of the direction, I think. Then there's his stuff like Cursed, which, although it has that Hollywood "polished" feel to it, is absolute crap. I can't really judge him for Cursed, though, either, that was one of those bad studio situations. It makes me sad to hear about those.

But yeah, bottom line, Wes Craven disappoints me for the most part. Nightmare on Elm Street is a brilliant classic, though. However, I'm more of a John Carpenter fan. I've seen seven of his films and not one has been a disappointment. Makes me wonder why I haven't seen more, he's got twenty-nine listed on his IMDb page, for god's sake.

This post has gone on for far too long.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:06 pm
by Terastas
Silverclaw wrote:
Terastas wrote:Say it with me everyone:


I think Wes Craven died a little on the inside while he was making that film. Personally I blame Christina Ricci. I mean, what the hell? That crapfest Sleepy Hallow was good enough for her but she couldn't be troubled to give a legend like Wes Craven some real acting?
I agree, Cursed sucked big time...but Sleepy Hallow freakin' rocks! 8) Awesome movie that :D
If we had a thread about movies that I thought were going to be crap but were much better than expected, Sleepy Hallow would have been one of them. . . But the concept itself was so poor that there was really only so much that could be done with it. That and the special effects were incredibly poor. Remember when the judge got killed and his head did that spin on his neck before it fell off?

Cursed was basically the opposite. It had one of the greatest horror directors and was supposed to be the movie that remade the werewolf image, but Ricci etc. all but refused to act and it ultimately went down in my book as one of the worst werewolf movies ever made (second only to Darkwolf).

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:48 pm
by PariahPoet
Ok, add one to the list.
I just watched it tonight and it made me want to lick a rabid porcupine ninja.
Whoever wrote that movie should be dragged out into the street and shot. -_-

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:47 am
by Xiroteus
PariahPoet wrote:Ok, add one to the list.
I just watched it tonight and it made me want to lick a rabid porcupine ninja.
Whoever wrote that movie should be dragged out into the street and shot. -_-

Curious, what about it was so bad?

The way the entire film went, the ending that was quite poor.

I saw the deleted scenes that implied something at the end, which do you think would have been better?

I also just saw "Bridge to Terabithia" what kind of way is that to finish a film (regarding the death).

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:36 am
by PariahPoet

I think that if I was in that woman's situation and knew I was responsible for my husband's death I would just kill myself and let grandma take the kids. I mean seriously, it was so pointless....all that drawn out suspense, drama, etc, for that? So she could have another baby? I don't care about a story like that if nothing important changes.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:48 am
by Xiroteus
PariahPoet wrote:SPOILER ALERT!!

I think that if I was in that woman's situation and knew I was responsible for my husband's death I would just kill myself and let grandma take the kids. I mean seriously, it was so pointless....all that drawn out suspense, drama, etc, for that? So she could have another baby? I don't care about a story like that if nothing important changes.

My problem with it is that nothing changed in the end, and her believing he as going to die is what caused him to die in the first place, if she never lived days out of order, he would not be dead. It did have a pointless feel to it, it does make sense that how everything is does not change if that is the way it always will be, however, why not try to change even little things, like the pills or the phone book page, they were left in the same place so she can find them another day. I normally do not miss anything when watching a film, she was living days out of order and in one of them she was taken somewhere because they thought she was off, then the next day was back to the past again, then she should have gone back to that day, and I cannot recall how she got out that that mess.

Did you see any deleted scenes?

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:32 am
by PariahPoet
Nah, after the end I didn't care to see any more of it.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:37 am
by Xiroteus
In one of the deleted scenes, they show a different ending, almost the same as it is now, however, she hears the shower going and slowly walks into the bathroom and then opens the shower curtain (not too fast until the curtain is opened) the camera goes from behind to into front of her before the curtain is opened with a calm surprised look on her face, then goes to black. They never show what is in the shower.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:42 am
by PariahPoet
Ah. I would have been ok with that ending. At least then there's hope and you can interpret it as you will.

The ending as it stands is just annoying, like woo-hoo, she went through all of that just to have another kid that will grow up without a dad.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 2:57 pm
by Xiroteus
PariahPoet wrote:Ah. I would have been ok with that ending. At least then there's hope and you can interpret it as you will.

The ending as it stands is just annoying, like woo-hoo, she went through all of that just to have another kid that will grow up without a dad.
I would prefer a more complete ending, where everything works out in the end, however, that alternate ending at least gives hope that the entire film and what she went through was not pointless. I was hoping the film was going to end well, then again, if things are still wrong in a future day, that almost means whatever you do is why that day is the way it is, so it makes since in that way, cannot change what is and all that, even so, there is little chance I will we the film again, at least not anytime soon, I do not hate it, just kind of blah, that was it?

It cuts to black faster then I thought, I did not recall every detail, basic idea was there.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:25 pm
by Silverclaw
Remember when the judge got killed and his head did that spin on his neck before it fell off?
I think that was just Burton's sense of humor showing there.
To each there own I guess :wink:

Premonition could of used a different director. It was cringe inducing through most of it.
You now those movies you watch that are so bad you feel embaressed for the people who worked on them and yourself for watching it? Premonition is one of those movies :P

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:46 pm
by nekocj
hmmm dissapointing? Dragon Wars ^_^ Just saw it today.


Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:25 pm
by Anubis
Rush Hour 3...

I really wanted to like that one. :(

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:57 pm
by chubhound
nekocj wrote:hmmm dissapointing? Dragon Wars ^_^ Just saw it today.

Yeah....gotta agree there. I really wanted to like this movie, it had potential, and it wound up being essentially a Sci-Fi channel Made-For-TV movie that happened to be on the big screen.