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Does anybody here follow Marvel Comics?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:24 am
by Faolan Bloodtooth
Particularly the Civil War crossover that just recently ended?

If so, my question is simply this...

If you had to choose a side in the Superhero Registration war, which would you choose?

Captain America's Anti-Registration side, fighting for the freedoms of costumed superheroes everywhere?

Or Iron Man's Pro-Registration side, fighting for the safety of the public and the turning of Super Heroes into Civil Servants?

Re: Does anybody here follow Marvel Comics?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:31 am
by Xiroteus
I was more Anti-Registration then Pro, what make the Pro side worse was their need to be active in going after people that only want to do good and help, they put more time going after good people then after the criminals, that never made them look good.