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When zombies attack!

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:26 am
by Avareis
I had a wonderfully absurd conversation yesterday. Involved what one would do if zombies attack. It began when we were talking about the Resident Evil movie that was coming out Friday. And after watching the sequel on TV some of us couldn't help but wonder why people were so stupid to be out on the streets when zombies attack!
Please entertain us with what you would do if zombies attack. Don't spare the details.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:36 pm
by Dreamer
Actually, I think that the government would try and evacuate the area and then nuke it to keep them from spreading. Anyone bitten by the zombies would be shot on sight.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:31 pm
by *nagowteena*
:o if there were zombies...outside.... I would screem!! :o then hide up in my adik...and find any weapon I could to make me feel better... and stay up there as long as I can.

then come back down.

I don't think zombies could get in my house though, we have Irn doors, and windows! :P and I'd be stuck living in my house till the water stoped running, or when we run out of food.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:21 pm
by tyger
heh I sorta look at shaun of the dead as a slight reflecton on my life. and Dead rising is a pretty good zombie training game. it teaches you what ya can use to fight against them :p in reality though I love watching zombie movies as sort of a "face my fears" therapy session. Zombies are to me the creepiest of movie monsters.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:31 pm
by Avareis
Wow, not what I thought I would read. I'd expect something more fun, like I would do. They'd nuke us, of course. I might as well have fun.
I would have fun with them. I have a 93 Buick so it has that nice V shape in front. I'd drive through the street and run over the zombies. They'll push off sideways instead of being dragged under because of the shape of the front. Then, I'd sceam "GTA MotherF-----!" just like in the movie. I'd make my way to the Golfland in the next town over. They have a Subway right next door and I'd poll vault my way over whenever I'm hungery. Yeah....Then, of course, I'd barricade the doors with some arcade machines that I know I won't play and I'd live it out until the Government Nukes the area. God bless them...

And oh yeah! I'd improve my game by shooting golf balls at them. If I ever survive I'd become the next Tiger Woods.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:55 pm
by Dreamer
Why not try and leave?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:12 pm
by Baphnedia
Mmmm... Zombies!

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:16 pm
by Silverclaw
I have this on my bookshelf, so when the zombie apocolypse finaly comes, I will consult this book on everything I should do :D lol

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:20 pm
by Set
One word. Flamethrower. :evil:

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:20 pm
by Faolan Bloodtooth
Well here's my two answers, one funny, one serious...

Funny one: Hide out in a mall and snipe celebrity lookalike zombies from the roof :D

Serious one: Get a group of my closest friends together (the one's i would would want to survive, if they were already zombies i'd shoot them) get as many small arms (Semi-Autos, Uzi's, MP5s, maybe even a SAW machine gun), a large vehicle (my mate's dad is a milkman :D ) and smaller more fast vehicles, Travel to the country (since i'm in Oz, the towns over the other side of the Blue Mountains would be perfect since they are pretty much devoid of life most of the time :D ), Raid a big defensible house, and hole up there while making routine runs for supplies :D

There's my answers :D

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:02 am
by Aki
Print out Zombie survival guide and jam that in a backpack with World War Z and supplies. Raid the shed out back for improvised weapons and have my family head in the general direction of "away" from the Zombie outbreak. Luckily, my town is in a more rural part of Mass - there's a decent number of farms around should you go down the right roads. Things wouldn't be too bad here.

As for the government, I don't think they'd nuke. Not just yet. More like cordon off the area and go zombie blasting. No sense in killing some of your populace and leaving a large tract of land unlivable for a while when the troops can handle it with much less political and nuclear fallout.

Even being unable to be killed of anything short of head trauma, zombies would be cake for soldiers. Just set up some reinforced positions deep in the infestation zone, set up some speaker systems and blare some music to attract zombies. Zombies come. You open fire with flamethrowers, machine gun emplacements, shotguns, grenades, and general weapons of mayhem until there's not a single corpse even twitching.

Boo yah. Granted there'd be a hell of a clean up, but there's no need to rebuild an entire city/town/whatever.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:10 am
by Timber-WoIf
hmmm.... run to fort knox?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:57 pm
by John Wolf
Timber-WoIf wrote:hmmm.... run to fort knox?
That didn't work too well in the new dawn of the dead movie, everyone come to fort pastor, including seriously infected people. Then they invite the massacre on the normals there.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:03 pm
by Avareis
I think that it would depend on whether zombies can navigate by sensing when gold is near. I think the average zombie from the movies aims for the rich guys. In the newest movie, they head to Vegas. In a past movies I've seen, they aim for the people with the bling. I once accused zombie and Jason-like psycho killers of being racist, but then I realized why people with more tonal skin tend to die quicker than white people...They wear the stylish bling and so the zombies are more attracted to them.
So, a word of advice. Don't wear bling when zombies attack.

Also, it's a good idea that you make sure all the doors are close so zombies don't get in. They can't operate door knobs, but they can use their head to smash through glass. Placing a mirror outside the house will lead them away from the window. They will entertain you and themselves by looking at their ugly faces in the mirror.

One more issue I'd like to bring up. I would like to hear your take on this. Why the hell are zombies so picky. They only go after things that are fresh. They don't every eat themselves and they never go after vegetation. I don't get it. You'd think they'd go after the fat kid zombie over Kate Moss. But no, they'd go after the skinny chick with little less than skin and bone on her.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:32 pm
by Fenrir
....I've had this plan for years just in case.....grab my survival guide, call the group, have them take there survival packs out from the attick, put the gaurd rail around my car windows, grab wanona (my shotgun), pick up group....head to montana, then to alaska. Look for deffendable area and hold out till the zombies come building up defences and supplies.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:13 am
by wolf4life
hmmm...what to do....what to do....

I KNOW!!! RUN TO CANADA!!! *runs to cananda* wait...i dont like canada... *runs to AUSTRAILIA* YEA!!

but seriously...

I think...I would rob some kind of store, get two hanguns, a shotgun, like 20 grenades, a chicago typewriter, a rocket launcher with 2 shots, two magnums, and a sniper....OH!!! and alot and alot alot of AMMO!!!

Then after that...make my way to Vegas where I can drink some beers and have a shoot out in the city of lights :D

And after that...go to Japan where the zombies left because they got bored there... live my life there till possibly the last person on earth or like theres one other person...hopefully a girl :P

And, since the zombies would eventually make there way to us, or we would have to leave for more food, like twinkies...they never die :P and then fight it all out until we die or win and then repopulate the earth...

and if I am stuck with a guy....

we'll drink to the death! :lol:

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:18 am
by forsaken_wolf
Zombies.... now that reminds of Zombie Girl "ahhaha".... I like her music.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:36 am
by Avareis
Fenrir! You have a group?! That's awesome! One could always use a group, but I must say it better not be with people you're too too fond of. If they've been bit, you've got to "get rid" of them and they should know that you have to "get rid" of them for good. A team sounds good, but we'll never know about that outcome.

As for wolf4life, you've got that right. That store you're talking about is called Walmart. Walmart has guns, food, it's own gas station inside the auto mechanic garage, sniping spots on the roof and plenty of home and garden tools that you can use to your favor. Ah yes, Walmart....

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:46 am
by Miragh
Around here, we pray every day for a zombie attack
Apocalypse? Yes please!

And Fenrir, screw Alaska. Dun Angus, Aran Islands - _that's_ a defendable area ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:42 am
by Aki
John Wolf wrote:
Timber-WoIf wrote:hmmm.... run to fort knox?
That didn't work too well in the new dawn of the dead movie, everyone come to fort pastor, including seriously infected people. Then they invite the massacre on the normals there.
That's why rule one of operating a safehouse is to know who's getting in. If they're infected or not, what skills they have that could benefit the safehouse, if you have supplies to support their addition, etc.
One more issue I'd like to bring up. I would like to hear your take on this. Why the hell are zombies so picky. They only go after things that are fresh. They don't every eat themselves and they never go after vegetation. I don't get it. You'd think they'd go after the fat kid zombie over Kate Moss. But no, they'd go after the skinny chick with little less than skin and bone on her.
Because zombies don't attack other zombies for whatever reason. Be it that they've risen from the grave to take revenge from the living, or the virus is designed so they only assault the uninfected, etc.
Fenrir! You have a group?! That's awesome! One could always use a group, but I must say it better not be with people you're too too fond of. If they've been bit, you've got to "get rid" of them and they should know that you have to "get rid" of them for good. A team sounds good, but we'll never know about that outcome.
Bah. Better to have to put a bullet in your friend or mate's head than to let them get torn apart by zombies or become one.

'sides, a better idea would be to outfit yourselves with clothing that's tough to bite through. Denim, leather, etc. If possible steal some army equipment or police/SWAT gear. Nice tough clothing, kevlar vests and helmets. Would protect you well enough from zombies, as well as any crazy survivors that have decided to shoot anything that moves.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 1:53 pm
by Sebiale
Hmmmmm, I would most likely try to hook up with one of you guys, the marines, or just huddle in fear until they come to devour my flesh. Or hope my next-door neighbor(s) are supernatural creatures good at mauling something until brain functions are no longer possible, like a werewolf, though that's a slight problem, cause if he gets infected then I'm well and truly f*****, lets hope he/she is immune to becoming a zombie. A vampire would be especially nice, they could use their telepathy on the weak zombie minds and control them, of course said vampy would most likely then use a zombie army to subjugate the world and have all the blood they could ever need.

My least likely course of action would probably be hopping into a boat and heading to Antarctica which would be a good idea too, though two problems with that are that 1) I'm landlocked, 2) They might somehow create zombie fishes which would then infect the penguins which would then come after me. To remedy that problem I would hop into the Protoss Mothership that I conveniently located on Antarctica and is apparently there for no reason, along with a full crew that follows my every order. I then have the Mothership employ it's the Planet Cracker, a sustained downward firing beam that annihilates everything beneath it, obliterating the planet and turning it into a barren wasteland(I could just use it's Black Hole creation ability too, but that wouldn't be as fun). I would then have the Protoss take me to their part of the universe, unaware of the infected creature on board the ship that would cause all sorts of 'Cry Havoc! And let loose the dogs of War!' chaos in the Starcraft Universe.

Hmm, that might actually work with a few editions, i'm going to go see if I can make that into a fanfiction story.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:02 pm
by wolf4life
come to think of it...

If zombies attack!!!

...after Las Vegas and Japan....if im still alive...


Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:58 pm
by Sebiale
ROFL, I have to ask, why Disney Land? I mean you could desecrate Bill Gates house instead, if you could the zombies outside of it, and the high tech defense systems that Mr. Gates would probably have installed, and he would probably still be alive, him and the President.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:07 pm
by Fenrir
Avareis wrote:Fenrir! You have a group?! That's awesome! One could always use a group, but I must say it better not be with people you're too too fond of. If they've been bit, you've got to "get rid" of them and they should know that you have to "get rid" of them for good. A team sounds good, but we'll never know about that outcome.

As for wolf4life, you've got that right. That store you're talking about is called Walmart. Walmart has guns, food, it's own gas station inside the auto mechanic garage, sniping spots on the roof and plenty of home and garden tools that you can use to your favor. Ah yes, Walmart....
that's why the plan calls for me having a motorcycle :wink:

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:51 pm
by wolf4life
Sebiale wrote:ROFL, I have to ask, why Disney Land? I mean you could desecrate Bill Gates house instead, if you could the zombies outside of it, and the high tech defense systems that Mr. Gates would probably have installed, and he would probably still be alive, him and the President.

1. I dont care for bill gates

2. I dont care that much about the president

and 3. DISNEY LAND IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
