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Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:18 am
by Ochiba
Hey guys! Big pet fan here. I use to work at a petstore a while back so just to be curious, what kind of pets do you all have?

My list
2 dogs - White German Shepherd and a terrier mix (Luna and Tootsie)
1 cat (Oci)
1 Lutino Cockatiel (Peach)
1 Red-eared Slider (Turtle)
2 fishtanks ( a 55gallon and a 200gallon)
and 2 betas

:howl:  :oo

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:31 am
by Vuldari

10 year old, female "American Eskimo" dog, named PERKY.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:49 am
by Vilkacis
No pets here, really. My landlord doesn't allow, so I'm stuck without until I graduate, get a job, and get a better place to live. At that time, I will most definately get a cat or two.

My family is big on pets, especially dogs (which I hate).
4 dogs:
Katie (Been hit in the head a few too many times by horses)
GB (Gigabyte - had distemper as a puppy; retarded; has seizures on occasion)
Mondo (Smartest one of the lot; pervert)
Lady (Stupid puppy)

1 horse (Don't remember his name)

Tons of fish

0 cats

We have also had in the past:
More dogs
A few cats =^..^=
More fish
A few rabbits
A couple birds (Never again!)
A hamster

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:19 am
by Baphnedia
As for myself, the closest thing I have to a pet is a stalk of bamboo. We don't have pets in the barracks (for sanitary reasons).

As for pets in the past, it's mostly cats. 28(?) years of cats. Of which I've been around for the latter 23 of them. Oh, and three dogs.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:28 am
by Aki
I used to have a cat.

Course, i had it when i was waaaaay little. So, in my youthful ignorance, i remeber trying to pet it, and getting scratched.

Needless to say, i wasn't fond of that cat, and hardly cared when it got run over. :P

Haven't pets since then.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:32 am
by Figarou
No pets. :(

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:14 am
by SnowWalker
Currently I have:

1 Cat -- "Tyger Stewart" Red-tabby (rare color for a female)
1 Dog -- "Friday Helsing" (Some type of collie/pit bull/chow mix)
1 Fish -- Unnamed. Ex-bf left it with me. Damn thing won't die!

my roommate shares Friday with me, and she also has 1 cat named Keppi and 2 kittens who are only a few weeks old.


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:17 am
by Terastas
Unfortunately, pet ownership is a topic I tend to have a bitter attitude towards, or at least such is the case in terms of my family. My mother has a bad habit of promising never to get another dog, then getting one a month or two later and expecting the people she'd promised not to get one to (my brother and I) to pay and provide for it (which might have played some part in my current status as a werecat).

Right now I don't, although at one point I did have four parakeets and a cockateel. To the best of my knowledge, only one of them is still alive right now, as pets aren't allowed on campus, or at least not in the apartment I'm living in. I'm unercertain as to wether she's alive or not because the last time I went back home for the weekend, the other parakeet she shared a cage with was lying at the bottom, but I didn't tell my mother because I wanted to know if she was even paying attention to them in my absense. That was three weeks ago, and she still hasn't delivered the bad news.

And I've got plenty of more reasons to despise her and think ill of pet ownership in general, but continuing this post probably wouldn't be good for my blood pressure.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:02 pm
by Apokryltaros
I have a Doberman Pinscher/ German Shepherd mix, Duchess, two cats, Lassie and Bobby, a bunch of fish, and some lotus seedlings.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:13 pm
by Vuldari
Terastas wrote:Unfortunately, pet ownership is a topic I tend to have a bitter attitude towards... ... and think ill of pet ownership in general, but continuing this post probably wouldn't be good for my blood pressure.
What do you mean? Do you not like Pet's at all?

I admit that I have mixed feelings about the "ownership" of animals, (especially when people treat their Pet's like Objects to be played with, used and thrown away...abusing them and caring for them only enough to keep them alive...untill they die....), but I would like to say that I care for my Pet very much, and love her like she was my little furry baby sister.

It sounds like your Mother just doesn't seem to get it. That is frustrating.

...but I hope you don't have ill-feelings towards ALL people who Adopt pets because of a few bad experiences.


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:54 pm
by Kzinistzerg
i have one worthles lump cat, whimsy. we adopted her a few years back...\

but, she's like a mobile pillow/ pet sponge. fun.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:03 pm
by Terastas
Vuldari wrote:What do you mean? Do you not like Pet's at all?
Not necessarily. I can respect anyone that truly cares for their pets as if they were their own, but I unfortunately don't know anyone like that. There are only two people in my family that have ever owned anything more than a fish, those being my mother and one of my aunts, and both of them have some pretty pretty dark stories concerning such.

So it's nothing against pet ownership; it's just that when I think of that, I end up thinking of them.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:04 pm
by Set
1 cat, tortise shell colored
5 dogs, (2 adults and 3 pups) Pomeranians
4 horses, (2 adults, 1 two-year-old, 1 yearling) Appaloosas

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:00 am
by Arania
A dog :) - a Welsh Corgi/Jack Russel terrier cross named Gavin ^_^

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:40 am
by Howling Fan
I have an adorable miniature dachshund named Jazper (yes, the "z" is there on purpose). I call him "Jaspy." He'll be four in August. He always welcomes me home from work by spinning around in circles, jumping up and down, wagging his tail, and barking happily.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:55 am
by Ochiba
Wow you all have very interesting families! As a former employee at Petsmart we call all you pet owners "Pet Parents" Isn't that nicer? And i'm proud to say I love all my pets equally as family members and are all spoiled rotten. Animals really are no different then humans, except maybe some times they are much more understanding then humans.

In all honestly I thought most of you would take to the pet thing much more better, or at least I thought all of you would at least have a Beta.

Betas even though people say can be kept in a small enviorment, should not be kept in less then 5 gallons of water - believe it or not.
That would just be animal cruelity living in a small cup forever.

:P *animal lover*

Ps -> that Corgi is soo cute with his overally huge ears! *huggles*

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:45 pm
by outwarddoodles
3 Cats (and about 55 at OAR where I volenteir every so often.) I'm a big cat fanatic. They are Oliver, Opie, and Amos.
1 ugly think called a dog.
A hoard of Demon Llamas

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:16 pm
by Silverclaw
1 dog, a yellow lab. His name is Gilby, sweet dog, getting really old now. He cant walk/stand up very well anymore :(

3 cats. A gray tabby, Cody. He is very fat and a perv, but we still love him :D A female orange tabby; skittish and likes to cuddle. And a black and white male, Dolan, playful.

And my little cockateil, named Pretty Bird. She doesnt like anybody but me :) Poops every 15 mins or so and chews on everything(including my face) :lol:

I love them all very much :D

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:29 pm
by silverpaw
ooh i love pets and animals :D

I have a cat- Simba- male( pursion) big and fwuffy

A dog- sassy- female- lassa apsu(not sure how to spell)

2 BUDGEES- saraha nd tappy-blue and gray

and i used to have sum fish :(

hehe for sum reason i want to get sea moneky things??? i dont know why though :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:59 pm
by Darth Canis

My siberian Husky "Spirit"

I have a garter snake named "Zippo"

My boyfriend has a Love bird named "Kiwi" (He is a gay bird for some reason he hates women its really funny)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 12:26 am
by Ochiba
Aww! I love Siberian Huskies! Stubburn little things though. I use to have one, he was a bi-eyed and he got hit by a car last January. :cry:

I miss him.

Yours is very beautiful.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:17 am
by Searif
used to have: cat, 5 billion fish, 2 rats..ahm i mean... guinea pigs and one hampster

have now: one very very old dog((beagle))

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:19 am
by Searif
honestly my favriot pet ever was my friends, the dogs name was yoshi he was a barrel dog((forget the name of it))

then there was my moms dog, pokie.... the oh so lovable wiener dog

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:52 pm
by Darth Canis
Thanks Ochiba, yeah she can be a bit independent at times. They have quite a personality on them one of my favorite things that she does is sits on the end of my bed and howls trying to wake me up. Its so funny.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:33 pm
by SGrayWolf
One solid black Great Dane here named Thor.

Edit: If I count the animals living here that aren't mine then.... that adds alot more... English Mastiff, 4 Pit Bulls, Boxer, Miniature Doberman, 5 Mixed Dogs (along with some puppies) and 2 cats.

Yep, it's a zoo here... :oops: