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Humor in the movie....

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:17 pm
by NightmareHero
I can imagine to make the werewolves more realistic, they would do somethings that were funny.

Take for example, if a wolf cub is watching another werewolf horror movie, the cub would act frightened after seeing the transformed werewolf on screen, and run to is mother's chest for comfort. He or she could even point to the monster on screen so that her mother could "punish" it for growling at him/her.

Another scene I can think of is of a female werewolf looking closely at a human male in the forest. The male says "please don't eat me"
the female licks his forehead
"you're not going to eat me?"
the female would then turn her head back and forth
"you can understand what I'm saying?"
the female would then nod her head as an affirmation.
"Cool, are you sure you're not going to eat me?"
the female could then give a wide smile and bear her teeth, and bark at the man, making the man fall backwards, while she chuckles at his ineptitude to handle the situation.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:44 pm
by Terastas
Humor is always great in a movie, both to reset the horror mood, and to give the characters some... Well... Character. :lol:

I thought about the use of a werewolf movie too, only instead of a werewolf cub, I imagined two guys -- either two werewolves or one werewolf and a human sympathetic to the werewolf plight -- watching another werewolf movie on one of those cable network premieres (you know, when the movie goes to cable because DVD/VHS sales have screeched to a halt). The camera would first focus on the TV itself, then the next cut would be from between the antenna wires of the two guys sitting on the couch. Both of the guys would have these brick-faced looks of disgust frozen on their faces (the kind you give George whenever he says 'nucular'). After five or six seconds of them just sitting frozen like that, one of them (the human if only one of them is a were) would look at the werewolf and either snicker at the look of disgust on his face, or offer a comment with a Ben Stein-ish tone about what makes the movie stupid.

Here's another one:
Someone asks a werewolf: "Have you ever wondered, why is it that werewolves are werewolves? Out of all the animals in the world, what the hell makes wolves so special -- so deserving of this right?"
To which the werewolf could respond: "Because lycanthropy is a syndrome directly routed to the human mind's self image, and wolves are mentally and spiritually more like humans than any other species, even their simian counterparts. When we transform, we become what we are."
"That's the truth?"
"If it shuts you up it is."

I'll probably come up with a lot more, but for now I need to turn in for the night.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:01 pm
by Apokryltaros
I just hope that the humor in the movie doesn't revolve around urinating on things.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:08 pm
by Vuldari
Apokryltaros wrote:I just hope that the humor in the movie doesn't revolve around urinating on things.
I second That.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:17 pm
by ABrownrigg
I can promise you that there will be NO werewolves urinating on trees to mark their terrirtory.

Anthony Brownrigg
The Director

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:42 am
by Apokryltaros
ABrownrigg wrote:I can promise you that there will be NO werewolves urinating on trees to mark their terrirtory.

Anthony Brownrigg
The Director
Or people?
I mean, marking trees, or a rock, I can appreciate. It's when the writers have them urinating everywhere, or on people, even, is when I think the line's been crossed. After all, when has the act of wolves "marking" their packmates by urinating on them, been documented?
Then again, it might be a nice joke to have the newbie werewolf prepare to mark a tree, only to have another 'wolf say to him, "What the Hell did that poor tree ever do to you?"

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:26 pm
by Terastas
Apokryltaros wrote:
ABrownrigg wrote:I can promise you that there will be NO werewolves urinating on trees to mark their terrirtory.

Anthony Brownrigg
The Director
Or people?
I mean, marking trees, or a rock, I can appreciate. It's when the writers have them urinating everywhere, or on people, even, is when I think the line's been crossed. After all, when has the act of wolves "marking" their packmates by urinating on them, been documented?
Then again, it might be a nice joke to have the newbie werewolf prepare to mark a tree, only to have another 'wolf say to him, "What the Hell did that poor tree ever do to you?"
It wouldn't have to be urination, but if there's one part of the plot where a human or veteran werewolf has to look after a newly-infected werewolf who's canine instincts have taken presidence over his human logic, there could be quite a few ways for the newbie were to aggravate the veteran. Territory marking, chewing, face licking, butt-sniffing, etc. Of course, using all of the examples and then some provided would be excessive and take a lot away from the element of the movie, but you could easily break up the mood by having the newbie do something tied to his canine roots but which has otherwise been rejected by werewolf society. I can just picture the werewolf in human form rolling his eyes and muttering: "Stupid beast" at him. :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:04 pm
by Sporty Fox
"After all, when has the act of wolves "marking" their packmates by urinating on them, been documented?"
What they will do is roll in each others urine to carry the scent of thier packmates. They will also urinate (and deficate) on a item that they concider personal and then roll on that to increase thier own scent. None of that behavior would be really needed in a movie unless the WW's became actual wolves IMHO.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:30 pm
by Figarou
Some werewolf humor can make us werewolf fanatics mad.

If you seen the Cartoon "The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy," there was an episode where Erwin became a werewolf.

The site of the full moon was a bare butt on a billboard. that made him become a werewolf. I thought it was funny at 1st. But a friend of mine thought it was distastefull. He is right. I hope I don't see that type of humor in this film.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:41 pm
by Terastas
Figarou wrote:Some werewolf humor can make us werewolf fanatics mad.

If you seen the Cartoon "The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy," there was an episode where Erwin became a werewolf.

The site of the full moon was a bare butt on a billboard. that made him become a werewolf. I thought it was funny at 1st. But a friend of mine thought it was distastefull. He is right. I hope I don't see that type of humor in this film.
Umm.... That's pretty typical of a B&M cartoon. In fact, I wouldn't expect to see something like that anywhere but on a B&M cartoon.
In other words, no need to worry about the humor being that distatseful.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:01 pm
by Silverclaw
Someone already mentioned an idea similar to this in a different thread but here it is. A group of werewolves in human form are sitting around in a room. Another walks in, just getting back from a video rental place. They ask him what he rented for the evening. He will lift up the box, showing something like An American Werewolf in London with a cheesy grin. A collective groan from the werewolves in the room comes. "Thats the last time we let you chose." :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:44 pm
by Figarou
Silverclaw wrote:Someone already mentioned an idea similar to this in a different thread but here it is. A group of werewolves in human form are sitting around in a room. Another walks in, just getting back from a video rental place. They ask him what he rented for the evening. He will lift up the box, showing something like An American Werewolf in London with a cheesy grin. A collective groan from the werewolves in the room comes. "Thats the last time we let you chose." :lol:
But what if the rental is "Devoured" (Or whatever the name turns out to be.)

will they groan? :P

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:46 pm
by Silverfang
How about this;
Group of werewolves sitting around a fire, just talking and having a few casual drinks, when one of their friends who'd got a 'little' too out of it pads back to the fire saying "Not funny Guys" and he's got random bigs of fur missing, the others bust out laughing, and show him the pack of waxing strips taken / brought from a local store :P :roll:

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:09 pm
by NightmareHero
Here's a practical joke, something that at the same time humanizes the werewolves, and at the other makes it apparent to us that their bodies are different.

A cub could be showen transforming, for whatever reason, maybe an emergency, maybe to go somewhere, and when he or she begins to movie, they would get stuck, because their little underwear with thier favorite kids show (my little pony, he man, transformers) has not ripped off, The cub struggles to PULL his underwear off, and in the end he rips it off, he cries, and looks at it, then throws it away, his tail is now free to move and he or she runs for it.

Another is an adult werewolf sitting down for some reason on an armed wooden chair, however because of the werewolf's large dimensions, the arms are broken off, the werewolf could make a fuss about breaking their favorite chair.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:42 pm
by akujiwolf
Believe me when I say, there will be humor in the movie. I know the writer and if this movie has any of the feel of the movie we are currently shooting, there will be funny moments. :wink: (had to edit. -_-')

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:45 pm
by akujiwolf
Terastas wrote:
Figarou wrote:Some werewolf humor can make us werewolf fanatics mad.

If you seen the Cartoon "The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy," there was an episode where Erwin became a werewolf.

The site of the full moon was a bare butt on a billboard. that made him become a werewolf. I thought it was funny at 1st. But a friend of mine thought it was distastefull. He is right. I hope I don't see that type of humor in this film.
Umm.... That's pretty typical of a B&M cartoon. In fact, I wouldn't expect to see something like that anywhere but on a B&M cartoon.
In other words, no need to worry about the humor being that distatseful.
I don't think any of you have to worry about the type of humor. There isn't going to be any distasteful or unneccessary humor. The movie's writer is an amazing writer and I'm sure if he added humor(which im sure he did...) it will be appropriate.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:45 pm
by Figarou
akujiwolf wrote:Believe me when I say, there will be humor in the movie. I know the writer and if this movie has any of the feel of the movie we just got through shooting, there will be funny moments. :wink:

cool. I love humor!!! :P

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:30 am
by LoupGarou
Wow that'll be a first.Can't wait to see that.
AWIL was originally supposed to be a black comedy movie,but it turned out to be a cult in the horror genre,but if you guys are able to actually add some humor that's funny,then that's awesome.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:06 pm
by Terastas
Was just thinking about it while waiting for the train and got a few ideas: the humor in the movie doesn't have to pertain to a character's status as a werewolf. If the movie is about people that happen to be werewolves, the humor could just focus on some aspects of a character's life as a human.

The thing that perked this thought was hearing two different ring tones while waiting for the train. One person had the Inspector Gadget theme, and the other had Peter Gunn. It's subtle things like that which I tend to laugh at the most.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:48 pm
by LoupGarou
I think the jokes or the funny stuff shouldn't too focused on things that only people who have knowledge on Lycanthropy could understand,it should be balanced in a way for everyone to understand.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:07 pm
by Figarou
Humor comes in many different forms. An action can be funny. What people say can be funny. One may get the humor while the other is confused. It all depends on how its presented.

I know one thing. Adult humor can be found in shows meant for children. I don't mean dirty humor. I mean humor that makes adults laugh because we understand it. The child may not laugh at what was said. But he/she will laugh at an action. (Like a pie thrown in the face.)

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:40 pm
by Distorted Realism
just look at the american werewolf movies they wire hularious and they are STILL good

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 12:17 pm
by Black Claw
That was nice but it needs something more heart grabbing. :howl:  :oo

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:42 pm
by RedEye
Okay: This won't appear in the movie.

Lycanthropy: The method by which a Lycanthrope marks territory and posessions.

Now; that's over and done with. :P

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:20 am
by Terastas
Figarou wrote:I know one thing. Adult humor can be found in shows meant for children. I don't mean dirty humor. I mean humor that makes adults laugh because we understand it. The child may not laugh at what was said. But he/she will laugh at an action. (Like a pie thrown in the face.)
Actually, you'd be surprised how much children will get that they're not supposed to. When I was trying to become a stand-up comedian, I built half my routine around the theme that kids are always smarter than their parents think they are.

But yeah, back on topic, I'm hoping most of the humor in Freeborn won't be canine-themed. Jokes about urinating, butt-sniffing and drinking out of the toilet I reserve exclusively for crappy dog-themed Disney movies.