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Swedish cammer caught taping Golden Compass

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:07 am
by fredriksam

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:12 am
by Lukas
hooray and such, good job on the catch between you and the citizen who tipped you off

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:35 pm
by MattSullivan
I'm one of the few people out there who is against pirating of movies. People seem to think it's harmless, but in fact costs the people who make them billions of dollars a year, especially with Chinese pirates seeling knockoffs of every American product known to man ( I expect arguments since many people on this board lean to the extreme left )

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:40 pm
by ravaged_warrior
Sounds like it's a good thing your friend caught them.

I disagree with Matt that people are losing money from pirating, since the amount that it would cost for the pirate to buy legal copy wouldn't necessarily make it to the creators either way, but at the same time I don't think people should be pirating something that is still earning money (a stipulation which doesn't usually count at all for movies, as there tends to be DVDs available), and since The Golden Compass is currently at #3 at the box office, this certainly counts as one of those.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:36 pm
by Aki
I don't even get why people tape movies like that these days.

If you wanna pirate a movie it'd probably be infinitely easier to wait for the DVD and rip the nice, full-quality footage from that instead of having crappy vid-taped stuff.

But, yeah, pirating is bad and stuff. Good catch.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:03 pm
by Xiroteus
I cannot see how these types of videos are worth showing, I would rather go to the theater, rent or buy the dvd then view a movie filmed from a video camera.

Your friend did what he thought was best, even when video taping a film in low quality that only people that had no intention of seeing in the theater would view, your friend did what he felt was best, as an employee such actions would be taken against anyone taping a film, as a costumer, I cannot say I would care.
People seem to think it's harmless, but in fact costs the people who make them billions of dollars a year, especially with Chinese pirates seeling knockoffs of every American product known to man ( I expect arguments since many people on this board lean to the extreme left )
They have only lost billions if each person that bought an illegal copy would have purchased an official release, not to say potential income has not been lost, obviously there are people that would have bought an official release yet went for the cheaper or free copy, then there are the people that think, cheap or free or not at all, not calling such actions right or wrong, I just believe they inflate how much they lose on illegal copies.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:23 pm
by Spongy
500 000 kronor!?

Shiza...thats not a small amount.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:38 pm
by KittyRose
I don't see why people would want to pirate movies. Everytime I see one on YouTube there's always bad sound and fuzzy images. I rather see it, in person, in the theater then buy one on the street.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:49 pm
by MoonKit
KittyRose wrote:I don't see why people would want to pirate movies. Everytime I see one on YouTube there's always bad sound and fuzzy images. I rather see it, in person, in the theater then buy one on the street.
Yeah me too. And my mate likes seeing stuff in the movies just because you get to go out, see it on a big screen and get popcorn! But we go to the early morning Sunday shows so its only like 6 bucks instead of 10.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:37 pm
by Terastas
MattSullivan wrote:I'm one of the few people out there who is against pirating of movies. People seem to think it's harmless, but in fact costs the people who make them billions of dollars a year, especially with Chinese pirates seeling knockoffs of every American product known to man ( I expect arguments since many people on this board lean to the extreme left )
I told you once and I told you again, progressive freedom of speech does not support piracy. I'm willing to bet I'm the most outspoken extreme-lefty commie bastard in the whole Pack, and I even I applaud Fredriksam's friend for what he did.

What the hell is wrong with you Matt? Is there nothing we can't talk about without you bashing 1/4 to 1/2 the Pack?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:27 pm
by RedEye
Okay, Kiddies, cool off!

We are not here to accuse anyone of anything, understand?

Fredricksam's actions are to be applauded. He did more than his job, which was showing a movie: he acted to uphold his country's laws about Film Piracy. He could have just sat in the booth and watched the flick, instead he did something that protected his people and their laws; his Pack-so to speak.

This is not the time to start political crap. Let's stay polite, ok?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:37 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Great job fredriksam, its a great thing that you had a good hunch on those three and for that I salute you. I personally cant stand to watch pirated movies if there not even at least in DVD qualities, they just ruin the whole movie experience for you in my opinion. I remember watching a pirated version of IROBOT and let me say that I was glad that I saw it in theaters first because if I knew it was that bad of a quality I wouldn't have watched it.

And everyone please, even though Matt will say something that could easily start an argument, DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO RESPOND TO IT THERE FOR YOUR JUST AS GUILTY AS HE IS! I'm looking at you Terastas and Ravaged. :evil:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, true, but if it can spark an argument then just leave it alone.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:30 am
by ravaged_warrior
And everyone please, even though Matt will say something that could easily start an argument, DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO RESPOND TO IT THERE FOR YOUR JUST AS GUILTY AS HE IS! I'm looking at you Terastas and Ravaged.
Argument? I was being polite about my disagreement, I thought. I didn't think an argument could be sparked from my comment. Was I wrong? And what about Xiroteus? He said basically the same thing I did.

By the way, I think the original post is being misread by most everyone.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 4:14 am
by MattSullivan
All i said was I'm against piracy. How does that make me a bad guy this time? Just what am i guilty of? Did I say anyone's name? Did I even mention the word "furry"?


Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 4:59 am
by Xiroteus
General comment - Regardless of what has been said, a disagreement of opinions does not have to be seen as an argument or an attempt to start one, it is just a discussion, at least that is how I see it.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 6:18 am
by Kaebora
Xiroteus wrote:General comment - Regardless of what has been said, a disagreement of opinions does not have to be seen as an argument or an attempt to start one, it is just a discussion, at least that is how I see it.
Agreed, so lets not post someting like "I expect arguments", because that's what will happen. It can be an discussion or an argument. It's the mannerisms of how it is discussed that tells just which it turns into.

ANNNYWAYYYS... I too am against the piracy of movies, and entertainment. Music and movies are cheap. I am however partial when it comes to software, because I know how overpriced some of those programs are. Trust me when I say, movie tickets aren't very expensive. Don't want to spend $6-$10? Wait a year and watch it on cable ya cheepskates. LoL.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:06 am
by Morkulv
MattSullivan wrote:All i said was I'm against piracy. How does that make me a bad guy this time? Just what am i guilty of? Did I say anyone's name? Did I even mention the word "furry"?

The mods on this board are against opinions. My last posts in this topic were deleted because Shadowwulf didn't agree with it (and my posts weren't even mildly offending).

Let's face it; this board gets worse by the day.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:27 am
by PariahPoet
Morkulv wrote:
MattSullivan wrote:All i said was I'm against piracy. How does that make me a bad guy this time? Just what am i guilty of? Did I say anyone's name? Did I even mention the word "furry"?

The mods on this board are against opinions. My last posts in this topic were deleted because Shadowwulf didn't agree with it (and my posts weren't even mildly offending).

Let's face it; this board gets worse by the day.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:45 am
by Shadow Wulf
After thinking about it over, I believe I made a bad call and I'm sorry Morkulv and everyone else. I think I might need to take a small break from the pack.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:30 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
If I've every watched a bootleg it's because I wanted to see if the movie was even worth paying for. I would still go see it in the theatres. Hmm...Like with Skinwalkers...I am glad I DID watch it on youtube, cause I saved 8 bucks lol Ratatooie? I watched it on a movie site, but I went an bought it. Much more than a theatre cost as you know. Bottom line is if I do watch a bootleg I end up either buying it when it is released an or seeing it in at the movie theatre..

As for the debates going on around here, the pack even to me is really dying. People are getting quite touchy, tho alot of the debates are somewats sound, some are just very opionated an like Mork said, but I'll try to say it a lil differently. The pack has changed...I believe for the worse I fear :(

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:38 pm
by Shadow Wulf
If we can change our ways then it will be better, I hope. :(

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:58 pm
by Terastas
MattSullivan wrote:All i said was I'm against piracy. How does that make me a bad guy this time? Just what am i guilty of? Did I say anyone's name? Did I even mention the word "furry"?

No, this time it was liberals in general, and this isn't the first time I've seen you bashing them either.

Just how many poisons do you have anyway? I already know you don't like Democrats, furries and Chinese people -- anything else you'd care to warn us about?

EDIT: Even though you posted one of those "You all suck -- I'm leaving!" threads, I know you're reading this. Say hi to Vuldari for us if you see him; you both did the exact same thing, so inevitably you should wind up in the same place too.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 3:26 pm
by ravaged_warrior
No, that wasn't the right thing to do there, Terastas. Now the thread will be locked for sure.

In light of that, I'd like to take one more opportunity to congratulate fredriksam's friend.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 7:21 pm
by Morkulv
Shadow Wulf wrote:After thinking about it over, I believe I made a bad call and I'm sorry Morkulv and everyone else. I think I might need to take a small break from the pack.
Look; I just think you didn't see my intention clearly, and it was partially my fault for perhaps not bringing it that clearly. Regardless of that, I wasn't trying to offend Fredriksam or anyone against piracy in this topic.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:29 pm
by Lukas
man you know what really pisses me off? people who take jabs that are not needed, im pointing at you Terastas, we should all know you should just let things go, there was no need to hit Matt for whatever he did this time
just let it go!
your a lot like my grandma, after a a argument or something she likes to make these little jabs over and over, its stupid and pointless i don't care if Matt was right or wrong and i don't if your right or wrong,