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Bulking up and lycanthropy

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:53 am
by Ookami-kun
*looks at thin-err-lithe werewolves*

If a werewolf, as a human, exercises a lot, pumps up a lot, and has a strict diet, will his build be carried over to his lycanthropic form? It'd be weird if he returned back as a thi-err-slim look.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:56 am
by RedEye
Most werewolves tend to look pretty pumped to begin with, due to the change of body conformation. One suspects, however, that a pumped human physique would translate to some degree to the Were' form.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:59 am
by Ookami-kun
Odd. I usually see the lithe versions. The pumped versions are rare for me. XP

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:38 am
by Midnight
I'd honestly find the lithe versions more believeable - as shape-shifters, anyway. The whole action of changing from a human into a wolf would take a great deal of energy, and that energy would have to come from somewhere. Which probably also explains why werewolves are so hungry that if they lose control of themselves they eat the first deer, sheep or accountant they see. I'd imagine a shape-shifter, if they exercised a great deal, would look more like a runner or a swimmer than a weightlifter.

The character designs in your avatar and signature also look perfectly believeable, but as permanent anthropomorphs, not as shape-shifters. They'd also have to fairly much dedicate their spare time to pumping iron. In the "real world" that sort of body type is most uncommon; a friend of mine has one like that but he's also spent most of his spare time over the last 20 years in the gym.

The "grey area" would be of a pumped-up human shape-shifting for the first time. I imagine they'd start off heavily muscled, but slim down over time unless (energy intake) > ((energy expended) + (energy required to maintain condition)).

As usual this is subject to the traditional IANAD disclaimer... (thought: wouldn't it be useful to have an "Ask Scott Gardner" thread for when subjects turn to real-world physiological or medical matters?)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:06 am
by Terastas
I'm going to have to go with Midnight too. It's not so much that a muscular human wouldn't make for a muscular werewolf, but that a really muscular human would make for a poor werewolf due to all the time and energy it takes to get that kind of physique. I had a roommate once that was, honest to god, a real professional bodybuilder, and he didn't have half the physique that your avatar has.

So I'd say it's a no go. That and I personally think the fur should be too thick for you to see if a werewolf has a six pack or not anyway.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:11 am
by Kzinistzerg
That and extra muscle like that would tend to get in the way...

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:01 pm
by Avareis
In Freeborn, I think it was decided that it if the human is muscular, the werewolf would be muscular. But if the man is fat, the werewolf would be fat. This was a very old idea I remember from back in 2004, when I was under an old name.
In my version of a werewolf there wouldn't be that much difference between human and wolf form in terms of size, body mass index and muscle. The fat would melt away slowly after a time because of how much energy goes into a shift. When it comes to muscle werewolves I think that if the person doesn't eat properly and doesn't eat the "extra" food he or she needs to transform the muscle will shrink because the body needs energy and if there isn't fat to feed off of you know if you're a bodybuilder or live in a third world country thats starving that the muscle is the target. Basically, one has a high metabolism with such a complex chemistry.
Oh yeah, if you're an ugly human it just might go into wolf form. You're eating unhealthy, your fur isn't going to come in very well. Let's face it.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:22 pm
by MattSullivan
Ookami, if you're referring to the physiques on your initial post, i think that would be kinda unrealistic. It's more or less just a bodybuilder's physique. Like Jay Cutler or Ronnie Coleman or Chris doesn't quite jive with a more natural looking wolf body, which is thin from the front with more spindly limbs. However, I personally think big powerful werewolves are pretty cool If you have a good balance between bulk and wolf anatomy, and you make it look like it works, then there you go.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:26 pm
by Aki
Werewolves are generally lithe/thin/etc. because they're part wolf/look-like-a-wolf. They probably borrow the whole denser muscles things, enabling greater power without sacrificing a sleek and agile form. The kind that's good for a animal build to run, and helpful in reducing how much of you there is for your prey to attempt to shoot/gore with their antlers, etc.

But I imagine a built guy would still look pretty built as a wolf. Moreso than some guy who was already thin.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:37 am
by Renorei
Ugh. I hate the idea of skinny werewolves. When a human being shifts, they should bulk up more than their human form. Like Goldenwolf's Kierrn or Sidor's Dyre. Now THOSE are werewolves.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:43 am
by Curan
In my mind the werewolf's appearance is very muscular because of there unnatural seeming strength. Of course they have attributes of both, men and wolf. But they are independent beeings building their own species. Superstrength and agility on a very high level belong to their main attributes which are performed independently of the physical appearence of the human form. Naturally there are variations in strength and agility and thus in physical appearance depending on physical attributes of the werewolf in his human form.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:41 pm
by Scott Gardener
I don't like to see overly bulky werewolves; wolves weigh less than humans do. Having a 3000 pound behemoth, nine-foot-tall Gestalt form flies in the face not only of physics but also of wolf biology. It's also in part a personal preference of aesthetics. I prefer a leaner look rather than a bulkier one. Still, I don't advocate anorexic fashion model lycanthropes, nor do I care at all for the skinny hairless rat look.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:21 pm
by Set
It would depend somewhat on what system the werewolf uses to transform. With science there's going to be limits. With magic, even a 4 foot tall little wimp of a dude can turn into a ten foot fuzzy version of the Hulk.

Other than that the issue is really just a matter of taste.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:06 pm
by Ookami-kun
Hmm I guess so. I'd stick to buff ones. XP