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Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:34 am
by Short Tail
I have to ask, Has anybody else tried out my current "crack" addiction that is Call of Duty 4?
As Shadow wulf noted to me over steam friends, I have almost logged 80 hours in it already, but at least I am still getting all my school work done. ^_^
Along the same lines, I had to build a new computer due to a serious party foul entailing a spilled drink and the insides of my computer.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:05 am
by Aki
I have it, played it, and loved it.

Though, only the single player. I have yet to try out the wildly acclaimed multiplayer.

Edit: On that note, an amusing review of CoD4's single player.

(Note: Somewhat vulgar. The review kinda swears alot and makes crude references. But he's amusing while doing so. :lol: )

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:39 pm
by Short Tail
heh, I have still yet to play the single player mode.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:24 pm
by Timber-WoIf
Have it for 360, as does a couple my friends. we do team tactical and run nothing but RPG and noob tube just to piss the other team off. Good fun.

another friend bought it for the pc. Apperently, the games multiplayer is 10x better on 360, or so he says. something about the frame rate being better, and leaning being useless. (there is no leaning in console version.) Anyway, i've got me a gold M60, run a grip on it, stoppin power and deep impact. I generaly just spray it into the sides of buildings, getting random kills. Gotta love bullet penetration...

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:05 pm
by Short Tail
Hahaha, yeah; it is fun to piss people off, but I do that just by constant flanking. UAV jammer and dead silence plus silenced M4 and USP. Great fun. I will have to disagree with your friend, and say that it is just a matter of preferance; I enjoy the pc version 10x better than the 360 version. I havent noticed any problems with fram rates and all my settings are maxed out....

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:02 am
by Aki
You should try the single player Short Tail, 'tis win.

Though, the dogs are demons from the lowest pits of hell.

Deadliest enemy in the entire game I tell you. No one gets kills like those damn dogs. One pounces on you and you have the smallest possible window of time to break their neck before they tear yours out. I have killed only one like that, ever. The rest I kinda bunny hopped away from while spraying wildly in the general direction of them.
Timber-WoIf wrote:Have it for 360, as does a couple my friends. we do team tactical and run nothing but RPG and noob tube just to piss the other team off. Good fun.

another friend bought it for the pc. Apperently, the games multiplayer is 10x better on 360, or so he says. something about the frame rate being better, and leaning being useless. (there is no leaning in console version.) Anyway, i've got me a gold M60, run a grip on it, stoppin power and deep impact. I generaly just spray it into the sides of buildings, getting random kills. Gotta love bullet penetration...
Frame Rate is dependent on your rig. His computer probably sucks or he's trying to push the settings too high. Also, connection speed, because it's oft that people confuse lag and crappy framerate. One of which is their computer's fault (framerate), the other which is their connection's fault and where they're trying to connect to (lag).

I always found leaning plenty useful while playing through the campaign, too. Not sure how handy it is in multiplayer.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:55 pm
by Timber-WoIf
we usually only play multiplayer. and i bet what he was experiencing was lag. i found most pc shooters to be laggy compared to xbox. then again, all i ever really played was battlefield stuff....

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:18 pm
by Shadow Wulf
No most games for PC really aren't laggy, if they are then its usually because of bad coding or bad connection, certain pc games rely to much on your connection to run lag free online *cough* Second Life *cough* Halo PC!