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Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:44 pm
by Anubis
Viren Garou was a young man with a gift, he was a Lycanthrope. At his will he can become a beast as powerful as the moon was beautiful. He attended a university in new england. studying to become a biologist due to his intrest to better understand what he is.

He met a young woman studying a simular course, Annie. He was drawn to her for her instrest in werewolves. They became GF & BF rather quickly.

One day she told him about a group of people that she meets with who worships werewolves. Aaron was both troubled and courious about this, so he agreed to come to a gathering they held every new moon.

A large group of people gathered in a large feild in a local state park. Viren was troubled at what he saw. People taking LSD and acid, devoring raw meat, which he knew was very unhealthy, and large orgies were taking place. People running around naked, and trying to howl like wolves which sounds horrible nothing like the real thing.

They were calling them selves werewolves which he found extremely offencive, they were mocking the very thing that he took pride in. When Annie got upset with him when he refused to take part. He was pushed over the edge and started to snarl as he argued with her losing control to hide his beastial traits.

As they were fighting, the leader of this cult a tall and skinny man with unkept hair and naked as the day he was born, his body covered in sybols painted with blood. brought out a young blond haired girl no older than sixteen was bound as she struggeled to get free of the two hooded men yet naked men restraining her. they placed her on a stone alter they set up ealier. The leader took out a large knife made out of stone and raised it over his head.

They were going to kill her.

With out thinking Viren stepped forward of the howling croud, Annie told him to stop. "What the f*** are you people doing!?" he belowed with inhuman force and volume.

The girl looked over at Viren, he told her that it's going to be okay. She knodded looking some what comforted that some one is attempting to help her.

"Who is this interlober who dares to interupt this sacifice to our lord fenrir!?" the cult leader responded. Upclose viren saw into the eyes of the leader and saw that he looked very mentally unstable.

"Viren Garou, what you are doing here is wrong and illegal as is its misguided and stupid." he growled.

The croud began to boo and heckle him.

"Silence!" the leader exclaimed as he looked up in the air talking to thin air. "Fenrir commands the destruction of this infedel, do as you wish with his corps!" he exclaimed.

Viren had to act fast if he wanted to see the sunrise and save the teenage girl. with out thinking he started to transform and the cround began to close. He ripped out of his clothes due to his expanding body. In responce the cround was repeled in shock. The girl started to cry hysterically when he saw that her would be rescuer turned into a monster.

When the transformation complete he was covered in a sleek plet of dark grey fur, and stood over seven feet tall and his build make him look like he could crush human skulls with out any effort.

The croud went silent.

"That is enough!" he roared his voice gained a deeper and beastial quality making him sound powerful.

He turned to the girl who was praticly in tears and completely hysterical. he bent over and took something out of the pocket of the remains of his pants.

He walked over to her and told the hooded men to release her. they untied her, he gave her his car keys.

she gave him a confused and frightened look. He told her where he was parked and gave her directions to the nearest city.

She knodded in awknowlegdement, and gave him a soft "thank you".

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:11 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
Then with a deafening crack came the sound of thunder, and warm summer rains began to fall. Every cultist in the clearing began to scatter to their own vehicals leaveing the cult leader alone with Viren. "Do you see how quickly your followers have abandoned you when they can now see you with semi-clear minds that you were nothing more than a fraud" Viren Yells over the sound of the ever growing storm.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:35 pm
by Anubis

no powerplay

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:37 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
OOps sorry my mind was just running there. :|

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:57 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
If i may ask were you going to get any further than the beginning because i loved how it began but felt this was open to anyones input. sorry again for the power play. :(

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:36 am
by WereWolfBoy
Gradamire watched the two lycans.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:20 pm
by Kaima
Kaima, with the rich scent of fear in the air, followed it to its source and steped onto the sight where this was happening and spoke in a voice that had an undercurrent of thunder "I find this current predicament a little....strange, because i've been taking quite a bit of time to get into this "cult" without being noticed, and believe me, thats hard to do for one such as myself, so, i guess, my question would be, who would like to give me an explanation" Kaima lights a cigar, and tips his cowboy hat down and continues "but, forgive my manners. most call me Kaima, and your name would be"