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Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:34 am
by WereWolfBoy
i am so tired of the (EDIT) on wolfweb and them not being open minded and it pisses me the hell off
here is the topic so far. ... 57&start=0

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:29 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
I edited your post. Please don't say such words on here :P

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:08 pm
by Templar
Okay, first off, why do you care if a bunch of people you'll probably never see in real life (mainly b/c those folks stay glued to their computer) call you a nut? They're just faceless names and words on a computer screen.

Second, why are you postng ths here, where most of the members have stated that they think most of the people who call themselves werewolves are idiots?

And yes, i do think yer an oversensitive idiot.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:41 pm
by *nagowteena*
Templar wrote:Okay, first off, why do you care if a bunch of people you'll probably never see in real life (mainly b/c those folks stay glued to their computer) call you a nut? They're just faceless names and words on a computer screen.
now I agree with that.

Templar wrote: And yes, i do think yer an oversensitive idiot.
but I don't agree with that.

maybe a bit close minded, a little sensitive, but not an idiot. :roll:

don't forget, he's a kid, and kids do make mistakes, and a lot of the time don't see the hole picture.


I must say that those people were quite a bit harsh though. :|

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:13 pm
by Templar
Maybe, Teena. That's my way of proving my point, that they're just words from a person he'll never see in real life. it's tough love.

[to Werewolfboy]
Ya hear that, idiot? i'm tryin' ta help ya, idiot! So stop bein' an idiot and mature a lil bit or else ye'll get nasty p.m.'s featurin' the idiot song!! Heheheheh.....

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:33 pm
by Berserker
When I was a little kid, I was obsessed with dragons to the point where I pretended to be one trapped in a kid's body. Luckily, when you grow up, little kid fantasies like that tend to go away, and years later you can laugh about how silly you were.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:11 pm
by AnĂ³nimo Juan
Oh jeez, I completely understand WerewolfBoy.

I used to have exactly the same fantasies some years ago, and well, I truly believed I was a werewolf :(
I guess it's time the only thing that can help you, and I know you mostly won't care about these posts, cause you are 100% sure on your beliefs but take in mind things on the real world won't change if you believe you are werewolf, and it could be kind of dangerous for you at some point.

And well, now that I look back, it was really silly of me to think like that :P

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:28 pm
by Dreamer
Berserker wrote:When I was a little kid, I was obsessed with dragons to the point where I pretended to be one trapped in a kid's body. Luckily, when you grow up, little kid fantasies like that tend to go away, and years later you can laugh about how silly you were.
True, although I skipped right to the part of "Waiting for genetic engineering to create real werecreatures".

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:40 am
by RedEye
Heck, Werewolfboy; try being a writer and having to experience everything so you can write about it.

I AM A WEREWOLF, when I need that point of view for the book. Then I revert back into a writer with a bad back and aching fingers, trying to write a story.

You think you're a Werewolf, and your fingers don't ache? Count your blessings... :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:50 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
I should have said more than I said :( Dun let people tear you down. They aren't worth it, if you give them the time of day they'll keep on doing it. Just move on and keep posting as you normally would. Sadly enough people are tards and rude all around you. It's just one of those sad facts in life :(

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:02 am
by IndianaJones
It always happens. Everytime you say things that you are something that doesn't exist. They will deny and ridicule you. Because they think you have a mental problem. Like, I am born as a werewolf, not human or I am a thousand year old kitsune. Those kind of crap. They are called the 'Otherkin' those kind of humans believe or felt that their soul is not human, but being born into a human body. It means that their soul didn't originally came from Earth? Funny, huh? I think not.

Not everyone on Earth is human.

Keep your chin up, Werewolfboy. They made and you made a mistake. But I understand you.

Humans can be deceiving assholes or even monsters.

Did you know what they done to this Reality!? Negativity and Death still happens here. We don't see 'True Love' anymore. Humans can't just seem to understand it.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:49 am
by Berserker
IndianaJones wrote:It always happens. Everytime you say things that you are something that doesn't exist. They will deny and ridicule you. Because they think you have a mental problem.
It was definitely a mistake on their part to accuse Werewolfboy of having a mental problem. Clinical Lycanthropy is exceedingly rare, and the chances of him actually having such a diagnoses are slim to none. Furthermore, he doesn't seem to exhibit truly delusional behavior, only an overactive imagination.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:35 am
by WereWolfBoy
what i said to them was that i was explaing to them what it was therefore they thuoght i had it and i don't.
I've been doing research on it for 5 YEARS and all for nothing i guess i was only trying to prove a point that somethings exist in someway, shape, or form . But i do know someone with the disease so i told then but the idiot shade is always drunk and apparently doesn't know what im talking about at all.

An thanx all for your comments but nothing will change me for who or what i am.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:12 pm
by IndianaJones
But hey! Maybe werewolves do exist in this world in Secret. Bwahahaha!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:23 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Dont listen to them, I can already tell from the way a couple of them post that they are beet heads. I hate it when people become a [spoiler]smarties[/spoiler] in bad way and excuse my language.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:51 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
Teh_DarkJokerWolf wrote:I should have said more than I said :( Dun let people tear you down. They aren't worth it, if you give them the time of day they'll keep on doing it. Just move on and keep posting as you normally would. Sadly enough people are tards and rude all around you. It's just one of those sad facts in life :(
Hey, i'm not a tard :( :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:45 am
by Aki
I totally love how the mod insulted you in that one post.

That's totally how you moderate a site. Yup. You call people deranged lunatics.

Epic Fail.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:49 am
by IndianaJones

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:00 am
by JoshuaMadoc
I don't consider it epic fail. Mods made their fault, but OP made an even bigger fault.

Also, being bright also means being wise, and that's what you didn't do.

That's all i have to say.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:42 am
by ravaged_warrior
This exchange here confused me a bit...
werewolfboy wrote:just so you know shade have you notice that I know what im talking about its a mental disease that makes you think you're a werewolf and therefore i could pumble you with the history on werewolves but i won't because its not worth getting worried about it because I know what im talking about. and so you know one of my friends has lycanthropy.
so I know exactly what it is.
Sharona wrote:Please don't "Pumble" us with History! Shocked "Pummel"

There is absolutely no Friggin' such thing as Werewolf's, even if your a big enough NUT JOB to think that you are! That simply makes you a deranged lunatic, who believes they are something that does not exist!?

Which, to me, translates as this:
werewolfboy wrote:I am aware that lycanthropy is a mental disorder, one of my friends has it.
Sharona wrote:You crazy person! Lycanthropy is a mental disease!? (what's with the random question mark, I wonder?)
I'm worried about Sharona's reading comprehension.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:45 am
by WereWolfBoy
i think she does

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:29 am
by Kelpten
I KNOW I'm delusional :D ! I wrap my mind in them for entertainment, I guess. Overactive imagination? Perhaps, but I think I carry it to a further extent. It doesn't inhibit my ability to function, so it's not really a problem. As for the whole argument you had...

They were disrespectful, and you overreacted to it. No one was right. Everyone was wrong. The subjectmatter is irrelevent if you degress into yelling at each other. You should value everyone's opinions, even if he doesn't value yours. Don't fall for his ad hominem abusive, just stick to the debate. And if they're all so horrible and always treat you so, just leave. You have friends here, and you don't have to take that abuse.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:12 pm
by Renorei
This is gonna sound kinda mean.

If you can't spell, use proper grammar, or logically construct an argument, you don't yet have the right to claim that you are intelligent. Learn to do those things, and THEN you can claim that you have some intelligence. Otherwise, it just makes you look silly. Even when you DO learn to do those things, it actually still is probably not a good idea to claim that you are intelligent. Your intelligence should speak for itself because it should be evident in your posts. If you have to proclaim it, then it doesn't seem true anymore.


believing that you are a real-live werewolf = deluded

having an illness that makes you have delusions that you are a werewolf = deluded.....if you really have a friend with clinical lycanthropy, that DOES NOT make them a werewolf, but it DOES make them a deluded person who is suffering from a mental disease.

Lastly, werewolves (in the real sense, not the clinical lycanthropy sense) never existed and they do not exist now. Science might some day make lycanthropy possible, but for now there aren't any (though there may be undiscovered creatures/cryptids out there that are werewolfish in nature, but they still aren't werewolves).

Werewolves are, at the present time, awesome fictional creatures and nothing more.

WereWolfBoy wrote:yeah well shade at least i don't drink okay because ive got better things in life to accomplish thatn sit around and talk all day. Apparently you have no idea what i'm talking about so.....I'll leave it at that., you sure told her.

When you know you're losing an argument, it's best to just back down or hush, instead of lashing out in irrelevant ways.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:15 pm
by WereWolfBoy
srry i was only trying to help a friend out thats all

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:47 pm
by Kaebora
You can't help a friend by arguing their case to people that have no direct influence on his/her life. These people do not know you or your friend. If you don't like the responses you get from your posts, its best to ignore the slander, or move on to another forum where your discussion is more openly accepted. At least that's my advice to any young person.

For adults I usually recommend listening intently to opposing opinions, considering what the basis for opposition is, and finding a common ground to calmly discuss the subject. Forums are here specifically for gaining knowledge and opinions from other people. If most people's wisdom and personal feelings say that werewolves do not exist, the forum has served its purpose to enlighten you to what others know. If you do not wish to listen to these people, or do not at least consider their alternate possibilities, you may be the only closed-minded one in the thread.

It's just more mature to keep in mind what forums consist of. Knowledge and opinions from others.