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Deus Ex Machina

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:58 pm
by Defensorem Lupus
A stormy night is never a good time to fly, Mark thought to himself as he tried to manage his Cessna 414.
Mark had just dropped off a rich couple in Las Vegas and was flying back to Chicago. A storm moved in from the north, the likes which he has never seen before. Mark lowered his altitude causing the twin engine piston aircraft to suffer turbulence. The medallion representing his best friend's pack fell to the floor. Mark tried to pick it up but he could not reach it. As he tried to control the plane the turbulence got worse. Mark undid his seat belt and reached to pick up the medallion. Just as he went to go do that the plane shifted causing mark to hit his head on one of the seats. He fell unconscious as the alarms on the aircraft started sounding.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:17 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
Mark wakes to find himself a safe distance from the burning wreck, He finally takes in his suroundings and finds that he isn't alone. Laying on the ground a few feet from him he see's someone winceing and fidgeting. he sorely gets up to get a better look and finds that it's a guy. his cloths are burned and torn, and he seems to be bleeding perfusely from a gut wound. Then, with what sounds like a dog in pain mixed with what sounds to be human asking "could you please take it out?"

Deus Ex Machina- Day ONE

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:00 pm
by Defensorem Lupus
Seeing that the person in front of him needs help, Mark grabs the piece of shrapnel and yanked it out of the man's body. Just as the man was about to say thank you he passes out from the excruciating pain. The blood now came running out profusely now. Not knowing what to use Mark took off hie shirt applied pressure to the man's wound. Working as an ambulance driver really pays off after all, Mark thought to himself. That was when Mark noticed that he had minor cuts and bruises. He looked at the plane; it nose dived right into the ground and slide into a few trees. Mark also noticed that it was not raining anymore but still cloudy. As Mark continued to apply pressure he herd some noises and turned around to see two wolves.


Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:55 pm
by Defensorem Lupus
Knowing the situation that he is in Mark ran to the plane wreckage to look for the medallion. This will ensure that he will survive the night. As he frantically searched for it he knew that the wolves were nearby ready to attack. Mark then found the medallion near some burning wreckage. Without a hesitation's thought he grabbed it burning his hand. He quickly threw towards the wolves and stumbled in pain. The medallion left its imprint on Mark's hand. When he got out of the wreckage he saw that the wolves changed into their human forms; one was helping the injured man to his feet while the other was holding looking at the medallion. Mark saw that the injured man was not injured anymore. That is expected, Mark thought to himself. As the three of them stared at Mark, Mark did not know what to say. He spoke the first thing that came to mind; "Hello, my name is Mark, where am I?"

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:49 am
by Blue-eyes in the dark
The one who had been wounded speaks first "You are in our wood, and you are a welcome guest here till you can find better lodgeings" he turns to the other two and seems to tell them something with his eyes, for after they look into his eyes they run into the tree line and soon after a howl is heard, then another and another. Soon all of the forest is a buz with howling. "you can stay here as long as you want, but i must ask you to never tell anyone where here is" he begins to run in the other direction but stops and heads back toword Mark and says "oh, the name is Rafael and your in yellowstone national park"


Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:53 pm
by Defensorem Lupus
Yellowstone National Park?, Mark thought to himself as he was left alone, How did I get here? Mark went back to see if can recover any of his belongings from the plane. Mark just realized that his phone was shattered and his wallet was missing. He wrapped his hand in a piece cloth and started walking towards a clearing on the other side of the plane. ~ Mark walked for about a few miles until he came upon a road. Mark found a sign and followed where it was pointing down the road. When Mark finally came to a building, he knocked on the front door. A man opened the door and put a shotgun to Mark's face.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:06 am
by Blue-eyes in the dark
hay hay hold it Victer, put that gun down, and help this man he needs to be interduced" he says in-a-sort-of-way. Victer puts down the shotgun and holds out a claw in acceptence. "Sorry, He's not to fond of outsiders, but you'll be fine with him now" said Rafael.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:30 pm
by Demon Wolf
DamnitJohn thought as he recieved an order to search a UFO that crash landed. He finally gets to it and finds out its just a plane wreckage. He finds a wallet with a drivers license to Mark Huntington. He reports that the UFO is a plane and heads back to HQ.
When John arrives back ta HQ three hours later, his boss asks what he found.
"Well, I found a wallet that belongs to a Mark Huntington, it was only a plane crash." John said."I'm guessing hes the pilot, there were also some wolves lurking aorund and there was no body."
"We better keep the quiet" hsi boss said"Well this event doesn't need to be reported to the police."
"Alright sir" John said.
"Oh,yea"his boss says"Your going to look for his body tommorow and salvage what you can from the palne debris and after your done egt the rest of your guys and bring the rest of the plane to the abandoned barn. I anyone asks quetions, keep quiet."
After that, John went home and quickly fell asleep on his couch.


Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:08 pm
by Defensorem Lupus
Mark was a little relieved, even though this is not the first time he had a firearm in his face. Mark took Victer's claw and shook it and did the same with Rafael.
"Sorry", Mark said, "I thought this house belongs to the park."
"It does", Rafael said, "we occupy it during this time".
Rafael points up to the night sky, Mark did not realize that the clouds were gone. Up in the sky was the full moon in a lunar eclipse. Mark was shocked; the lunar eclipse was to occur on Feb. 20, but the day he dropped off the rich couple in Las Vegas was Jan. 20. The two men stared at him as his expression changed.
Mark snapped out of his daze when Rafael asked him if he was alright. Mark told him yes and that he needed a shirt. Mark then asked if Rafael was alright. Rafael told him that he was perfectly fine.
"By the way", Mark said, "the name is Mark, Mark Huntington."
"Mark Huntington?",both Rafael and Victer said at the same time, "the missing pilot?"

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:21 am
by Blue-eyes in the dark
((ooc uh Mr Dragon the injerd guy was Rafael lol))

Rafael and Victer, both with cofusion ask "Do you know how long you've been gone?" Mark looks at them with the same bit of confusion.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:31 am
by WereWolfBoy
((may i join in?????)))((((with Gradamire?))))

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:50 am
by Blue-eyes in the dark
((OOC feel free, but we don't need magic in this one))

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:54 am
by WereWolfBoy
((OOC okay))
Gradamire step into the opening with open paws. Looking at Raf and the dragon.


Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:07 pm
by Defensorem Lupus
((OOC Okay Blue, I will try to fix it. In the meantime anyone can join in with a character, I am following a general plot and so far you guys are doing great. Just need to know the character backgrounds so I do not mess up again))

"If the lunar eclipse is tonight then I can figure a month", Mark told them, "Why?"
"First off", Rafael started, "you were all over the news. The rich couple you were flying got killed and you were the last person to see them alive. Second after a week of searching for you, unknown to the humans, some group started attacking your best friends pack and anyone involved with them. I am sorry Mark but on Feb. 3 they blew up your apartment and your fiancee got killed. I am so sorry Mark. And I hear that authorities and even the FBI are still looking for you. SPA has been helping the best they can."
After hearing this Mark fell to the floor, he stared at the ground having no thoughts in his mind; he tried to cry but found he could not. He had no emotions what so ever, which is very unusual for him. He then sat up and spoke.
"How did they find out?", he asked.
"By this", Rafael said holding on to the medallion.
Mark looked up at the medallion; the thing that saved him on multiple occasions just caused the death of his love.
He put the shirt that they gave him on and went to the guest room. Mark left everyone in the living room wanting to be alone with his memories.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:39 pm
by Demon Wolf
"Holy crap!" John yells as he wakes early the next morning. As he looks around the room he sees the room in a mess. He throbs his head to recover from a huge migraine. John walks over to the bathroom and grabs an Advil. "God, what happened last night?" He says out loud. Then sudden flashes go though his. He sees flashes of blood and wolves fighting each other. After, he cleans up the room,he notices a clump of gray hair or what seems to be fur. He throws it into the garbage and heads to his computer. He goes to Google and types in Mark Huntington. A website pops up with a wanted picture of Mark. He reads that he is suspected of murder of a rich couple in Las Vegas and is at large. He hears a strange growling and as he looks behind he sees a wolf coming towards him.

(to be continued...)

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:51 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
The wolf moves in on him and stands growling, but not attacking. "You put up quite a fight, lets hope you can keep it up" He says as his growl becomes less and he begins to stand up on his hind legs.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:57 pm
by Demon Wolf
Just then John blacked out (turning into his alter ego). He runs right out the window and tackles the werewolf at full speed. The other werewolf gets pushed back into a tree. Then john charges him and hits the tree as the other werewolf jumps up and smashes John in the head with his leg. John turns around and tries to hit him again and the other werewolf dodges. This time the other werewolf attacks John and barley srcathes his face as John ducks.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:08 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
The two tare and nash at eachother untill both parties have had their fill of blood letting. "Boy you, play for keeps now dont you" the werewolf asks almost laughing. Then John comes at him full force ,this time catching him and holding him at the throat. another werewolf comes from behind John and tranqs him, when he wakes up he's back in his bed, but this time his room is filled with what seems like seven werewolves.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:16 pm
by Demon Wolf
What happened to me?John thinks as his vision clears up."Who are you?!"John exclaims. One of the werewolves says "You don't remember us?", Another one says "Yea I just fought you". Just then another werewolf enters the room. [/i]

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:26 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
"your, going thru the changes" he says in a deep, but clear calm voice. "atleast the worst is over, for now" he motions for on of the others over to him and tells him something quick, and the werewolf leaves out the door, where john can hear him going thru his things. "we have to move fast before the police arive, and i told him to put some things of yours together for the trip out" he then walks up and helps John up on to his wobbly legs "oh ya sorry the tranq will pass, but for now you may feel it hard to stand without feeling dizzy" he puts one of his arms over his shoulder and helps him walk out.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:32 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
"your, going thru the changes" he says in a deep, but clear calm voice. "atleast the worst is over, for now" he motions for on of the others over to him and tells him something quick, and the werewolf leaves out the door, where john can hear him going thru his things. "we have to move fast before the police arive, and i told him to put some things of yours together for the trip out" he then walks up and helps John up on to his wobbly legs "oh ya sorry the tranq will pass, but for now you may feel it hard to stand without feeling dizzy" he puts one of his arms over his shoulder and helps him walk out.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:04 pm
by Demon Wolf
They walk out the front door and the werewolf puts him the backseat of a black humvee. John is still a bit drowsy, but he can see clearly now that the car is moving. There are werewolves on either side of him and he is hand cuffed. Finally they stop somewhere in the center of Yellowstone. John gets out to see a small cabin. They bring him in the cabin. When every werewolf is in side, one of them flip a light switch and the floor starts to lower, going faster and faster.


Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:52 pm
by Defensorem Lupus
Mark woke up in a cold sweat; he had a nightmare: he was in a cage as his best friend Anthony was being tortured. Some men in masks were injuring him with silver items. No matter how hard Mark tired he could not get out of the cage. He then looked down and found that he was missing his right hand, the one with the burnt imprint of the medallion. Then he woke up as Anthony was screaming in pain.
As Mark lay there in bed he took a look at his hand. The burn did not get infected but yet the mark of the medallion was still there. This of course is not normal for an ordinary human, but Mark is not ordinary nor human nor a werewolf nor any other supernatural race. He does not know what he is, just that weird things happen.
As Mark still lay there in thought, he knew what his next move has to be: see if Anthony and the pack are alright. Then there was a knocking on the door. Mark said to come in and Rafael opened the door.
"Something is happening", Rafael told him, "get ready, we are leaving."

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:12 am
by WereWolfBoy
Gradamire looked at the door "Can i come too?" Gradamire asked.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:05 am
by Defensorem Lupus
((OOC Guys, I may be adding another character to show more of the background story, you are not limited to the number of POVs you can have, but for your characters only. If you want, designate which characters you will do the POV for. Remember anyone can jump in if they want, tell others and see what we can come up with in making this an awesome story. Also designate what day(s) your segment(s) is taking place, for flashbacks if you want. Like I said before you guys are doing great!))