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What changes do you want to be made in the forum?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:10 pm
by Shadow Wulf
We have been reading on some of your complaints about the forum. So just to get the story straight we ask you this question.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:16 pm
by Howlitzer
I'd like a vending machine put in the main lobby.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:06 pm
by MoonKit
Less locking of threads. :P

I always read them and want to add something then see that its locked and its annoying. I guess I just arrive too late... :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:01 pm
by *nagowteena*
MoonKit wrote:Less locking of threads. :P

I always read them and want to add something then see that its locked and its annoying. I guess I just arrive too late... :lol:

I second that, that always happens to me to. :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:47 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
Oh, and free wolf pups for everybody who is a part of this site and new arivels. :D 8)

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:03 pm
by Xiroteus
The only thing it really needs (to me) is some forum merging, possible to merge the forums down by half, everything else is appears fine to me.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:28 am
by Terastas
MoonKit wrote:Less locking of threads. :P

I always read them and want to add something then see that its locked and its annoying. I guess I just arrive too late... :lol:
I'll second that as well, though it only bothers me when a thread starts off perfectly innocent and is hijacked and derailed onto an offensive subject by another poster (not naming names, they know who they are) and locked. In such instances where an otherwise acceptable thread becomes offensive due to a message posted by only one individual, to me it would make more sense to edit/delete the offending post.

I think we've seen a lot of flaming/hijacking, not because this board naturally attracts spammers and flamers (which it sometimes does), but because of repeat offenders. Which brings me to another issue I have with the Pack: the "we are family" attitude encouraged by the staff and senior members. Granted, some of us (myself included) have been registered members since the Pack was founded, so it's natural to feel attached to it. The problem is that, because we have a tendency to look at other Pack members, (especially staff and seniors) with a family mentality, we tend to encourage leniency with them.

The thing is that, since everything is just text on the forum, you can never really guarantee that what someone is posting is an accurate representation of their real life self (you'd be surprised how little I talk in real life), and more often than not, the people you wouldn't want to associate with are the ones that spend the most time nitpicking over their posts to make sure they sound like someone you would. Still, every now and then the gloves come off and a poster reveals his true colors. People rarely turn nasty, but it can take years sometimes to find out if someone is or not. And the Pack is online, where you can't even effectively guarantee that you know someone's age or gender by what their posting, never mind what they're really like as a person.

Granted, sometimes we have a bad day or a hangover and say things we don't mean to, so leniency does have its place, but when the bad behavior repeats over and over and over again, you can't attribute that to anything other than ill intent.

Final thing is just a nitpicky observation: When you click on "View more Emoticons," is it me, or is the full list of pack-endorsed emoticons somewhat excessive. Some of the emoticons like :innocent: :party: or :oops: do have their common place in conversation at the Pack, but if you're looking for a specific emoticon that you don't know the code for, navigating the list as all the others load and take up their varying space requirements can be a pain. I personally use the :grinp: emoticon a lot, but it's down more towards the bottom of the list, so I eventually committed the code to memory because it was such a pain to keep having to find it.

So, is there any chance that the list of emoticons could be slimmed down?
If so, there's three reasons I think could be used to justify an emoticon being taken off the list.

1) It's very large.
:wolfclock: :supermad: :badminton2:

2) It's an inspiration of another emoticon already on the list.
:duckbomb: :duckbomb2: :bombzom:

3) It was originally conceived just for a joke thread and/or funny emoticon thread.
:knockedout: :pacwolf: :monalisawolf:

I'm not saying that we should get rid of them, rather that their respective artists should just put them on photobucket instead. That's what I did with my New England Patriots emoticon, which I probably wouldn't have used until next September even if they'd won the Superbowl. It's nothing against the artists; I just think it'd be easier on the rest of us. :grinp:

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:17 pm
by WereDragon25
I know what he means about the Pack being a family, it is, because my real one doesn't approve of my liking of wolves, people wonder why I don't tell them that I'm a therian, But you can trust me, I have shown you all my true colors.

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:49 pm
by outwarddoodles
To Terestas: I'd agree. And, I actually thought this was done before sometime in the past -- or maybe I'm just imagining things. But. none the less, I personally think we should organize the emoticons, rather then limit. A "General Emoticon" and an "Extended" would be preferable. General including both the usual and popular emotes, extended with everything else.

Of course, this is coming from a person who has no Admin experiance, and I have no idea if this is posible with this forum's paticular coding.

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:12 pm
by Renorei
I don't want any changes to the forum itself, per se, but I'd love to see two new additions to the rules:

1. No pretending to be a were-creature, in any section other than the role playing section. If someone says "were" when they really mean therian, then that's no big deal. But if someone is actually pretending to be a bona-fide werewolf in any section other than the role-playing section, I think they should receive a warning. If they persist in saying that they are a werewolf, they should receive another warning. If they STILL KEEP DOING IT, then they should be banned. A temporary ban should be sufficient to get the message across--if that doesn't work and they still come back and pretend they're a werewolf--permaban. This place should be therian-friendly, furry-friendly, as well as friendly to your casual werewolf fan, but it should NOT be friendly to posers and whackos who insult everyone else's intelligence, IMO.

2. Make a heartfelt effort at using proper grammar and spelling. I understand that some people aren't educated enough to know how to spell or use grammar, but they can still try. Over time, consistently putting effort into writing things correctly will improve their posts. Also, no unbelievably huge blocks of text sans paragraph breaks. Ugh, wow. I hate posts like that. I usually don't even read them.

--and here's another thing I really hate. In light of what kind of forum this is, I doubt this could ever be a rule here, but I guess I can always dream--

3. No "humanity is a poison" or "I wish all humans would die" or "humans are evil" type posts. Ugh, those are so stupid. YOU ARE A HUMAN, YOU FOOL.

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:39 pm
by Figarou
Renorei wrote: 3. No "humanity is a poison" or "I wish all humans would die" or "humans are evil" type posts. Ugh, those are so stupid. YOU ARE A HUMAN, YOU FOOL.

Nobody's perfect.

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:24 pm
by Wulfur
though it was humanity was a virus or disease. :P never heard the poison one before. lol

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:58 pm
by Terastas
Renorei wrote:3. No "humanity is a poison" or "I wish all humans would die" or "humans are evil" type posts. Ugh, those are so stupid. YOU ARE A HUMAN, YOU FOOL.
*nods* Stuff like that should be immediately regarded as flamebait and deleted on sight.

And I'll also second the amendment to add p-shifting as a punishable offense.