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Environmentalism meets metal (article inside.)

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:11 pm
by Berserker
This is a good article about one of my favorite bands, "Wolves In The Throne Room," an extreme environmentalist outfit from the American Pacific Northwest.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:20 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
wow, i wonder where i could catch there next concert :? :howl:  :oo

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:36 pm
by RedEye
Just an idea, but if they have a Website; they probably will tell you.

And am I the only one that is puzzled over an extreme environmentalist musical group using electric insrtuments? There are acoustic or battery powered insrtuments out there, and they aren't that expensive. Still, I did kinda like the sound byte in the article, and maybe they could ask for donations to "green up" their music machinery.
Interesting, yes; but some forms of Rock/Metal seem to be rehashing what other people have already done...better.
I wish them luck, though. They are at least keeping to their roots in the musical world, and that's rare these days.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:52 am
by Berserker
From what I understand, they are not against technology and machinery so much as they promote a dramatic reduction in human population, industrialism, and commercialism, and a return to a more holistic understanding of humanity in relation to the environment. I don't think their use of electric instruments is hypocritical in that regard.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:04 am
by RedEye
No, I'm not saying they're hypocrites; I was just wondering why they used so many electrical instruments in their shows.

Regrettably, the next "nature's drift net" is probably going to be a disease; rather than a simple world war. And therein lies a problem: you can pull today's whole civilization apart by just killing off the people who know how to make electricity.
We've never in our history been so deeply wedded to one particular form of energy as we are now. Electricity is impossible to store in civilization-maintaining amounts, no matter how good the best Li-Ion batteries are.
If the electrical power system goes we are all toast-you, me, and the guy next door. Think about the electric stuff you use every day just to survive.
Then there is the ever increasing level of electronic energy just floating around and through us in the form of radio waves, microwaves, rough electro-magnetic radiation of all sorts (Cell-phones, door-openers, and anti-theft tag systems for example). There is going to be a time when some bits of DNA get a little scrambled by all this energy that uses us as a ground every time we touch anything that is already grounded.
Then Johnny will have two heads for real.
And that may be what "does us" in the end: our own sweet selves.