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Dawn of War II

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:47 am
by Spiritbw
Well, seeing Starcraft II reviews couldn't help but fire back for the DoW crowd about recent update on DoW II.

There are three things that are suppose to be big for the game:
1.) Persistant Base. For the Space marines this is a battle barge that is sort of off screen/overhead and moves form battlefield to battlefeild. Basicly you act alot like Space marines would responding to which call you want on what planet and your base goes with you.
2.) Persistent troops. Your Sergeants(for marines at least) have actual faces, names and voice acting unique to each one. Losing them can mean changes in how the game plays. Relic was a bit cryptic on this.
3.) Wargear Reading further thought it seems this is wargear for your SQUADs not just your HQ. that's right, upgrades for your grunts as the campeign progresses.

Other improvments are better graphics(of course) also an Ai that behaves realisticly. Aka, guys under fire head for cover, guys that can fly/teleport/etc move to safty when the bridge they are stnading on blows. better physics so that when a Dreadnaught throws a enemy back itnoa squad, they all go flying, destroyable terrain.

Melee combat has gotten more viseral, with the design team dubbing the finishing moves some makes as "Blood piniatas".

Marines and Orks are confirmed but other races are to be included.

PC Gamer just did a big review of all the Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 games coming out. Scanned the pics for some friends.

