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See ya

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:32 am
by WerewolfKeeper3
Okay, to tell you the truth, it's just gotten really, really boring around here. I think me letting Lewis talk has casued problems in the past. (Please let us know, would you?) Not to mention, life around me has basically gone down the toliet lately. I have so much stress right now, and while this place was cool when i joined, i found i was basically just repeating what others had already said. I liked what i liked back then, but now, after all the problems i realsied my story had, nothing seems to sound right anymore. I don't know what i'm gonna do know. Writing was my life, and my story was one i loved, but now... i don't blame anyone here for me loosing my confidence. I guess i just... wasn't cut out to be a writer, or at least not yet. Think i'll start on that second year of no idea what the heck i'm going to do with my life. Anyway, i'm sorry to say, i'm leaving. I have to. I need time to settle so many issues with myself right now. So much crap has built up n my brain that i just don't think i can stand it much longer. If anyone cares to contact me, (we don't really expect anyone to, as in, you don't really have to...maybe...) then i'm still on DeviantArt. Hope i didn't cause too many problems, and good luck to everyone else on everything you do. I just need some time right now; i knew it was coming, i could feel it in my gut. I have to leave, but maybe, one day, i'll decide to come back.

(In anycase, he can't exaclty leave and let me have his account. It wouldn't really feel right to tell you the truth. He's not the only one who needs to sort a few things out. I need to start focsuing one what's good for the human, who it is my duty to protect and help in anyway i can, and stop focusing on myself so much. Don't worry, he'll still have the a-hole voice in the back of his head telling him not to do something stupid. I won't change, i promise, but i will try to keep my comments to myself most of the time. Anyway, bye y'all. I'll miss this place and those here, but i think it's time i go too. Goodbye.)

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 10:16 am
by Blue-eyes in the dark
aw, come on. Why are all the Vet's leaving, i know i can't do anything really to stop it, but i must say "a pack member lost is like family gone, no matter who it is, it's always going to be sad to see them leave" Please come back to us soon, we're all going to miss you. :( :howl:  :oo

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 3:28 pm
by Lukas
Blue-eyes in the dark wrote:aw, come on. Why are all the Vet's leaving, i know i can't do anything really to stop it, but i must say "a pack member lost is like family gone, no matter who it is, it's always going to be sad to see them leave" Please come back to us soon, we're all going to miss you. :( :howl:  :oo
heh he wasn't much of a veterans, more of a older members, but then again, i try not to get too attached to anyone here, it is just a internet forum and i can't say i truly know anyone hear until i actually meet him or her

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 4:26 pm
by Blue-eyes in the dark
personally, i think thats a bit cold, yes this is an internet community but, why is it so hard to say goodbye when you can never see a face :?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:37 pm
by Baphnedia
Perhaps because you imagine a face instead.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:44 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Aww, another member just leaving all of a sudden? I still cant seem to know why members are getting up and leave, its a forum you make your own schedule on when to be here, its not like its a full time or part time job.

Well its sad to see you go.

Adios. :(

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:55 pm
by RedEye
Wolves come, Wolves Go; the Pack remains.

Sorry to see you leave, but that is your choice. We'll keep an eye out for you, should you decide to return... :eyeroll3:

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:35 pm
by Baphnedia
Well, this forum matured far past it's original purposes. Kinda like the ones at Paradice Net - we discussed all we wanted to (in depth) back in... 2004/2005. So, these days, my forums are very much dead in the water. In the case of the Pack, newer members find that everything they wish to build the ultimate werewolf are already discussed (maybe not ALL, but it's a challenge to find something new to talk about).

Simply as a gathering place for friends, the Pack is important to some, but competing with chat rooms, MySpace and other such sites, the forums themselves don't do too well... someone once told me what existed was login-fatigue. Where at one time it was fine to be a member of 5 or 10 forums. That was back when becoming a member of new forums was a way to truly see new areas of the internet, back when it was novel.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 8:03 pm
by Lukas
i would agree, i used to be in 4-6 forums at one time, now I only use 2 often and 1 rarely
to discusses the matter of saying goodbye without a face, its simple that i don't get too attached, i like to keep my personal attachments to a minimal outside the family its just the way it is and its fine with me, what works for me needs no adjustment :|

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:24 pm
by Baphnedia
That brings up an interesting subject - I'll post about it seperately...

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 1:14 am
by Midnight

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 7:49 am
by Black Claw
may the blessings of the pack follow you all the days you are gone and hope life treats you better. :howl:  :oo

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:32 pm
by outwarddoodles
Shadow Wulf wrote:Aww, another member just leaving all of a sudden? I still cant seem to know why members are getting up and leave, its a forum you make your own schedule on when to be here, its not like its a full time or part time job.

Well its sad to see you go.

Adios. :(
My sentiments exactly!

I mean, I'm not here as often as I used to, but I get on every so often it strikes my fancy. Unlike real life friends, you're not exactly obligated to deal with us when you don't want to.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 2:25 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
(I deleted this because it really wasn't necessary anymore.)

Yeah I'm back, what of it?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:31 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
You know what, i've been trying like hell to stop coming back here, for at a few months, maybe, but each time i try, i find myself showing up back here anyway. Screw it, i'm back for no apparent reason than i just am too attached to this place even though i've been on it for only a year... DAng that's pathetic. Vuldari was able to last a year without this place, but i'm too weak to. Awe what the heck... it's not that bad of a place, and like people have been saying... i can come on only when i need too... i think it must have been a really stupid day or something... yeesh i'm stupid... i shouldn'y have overreacted in the way i did. I just felt kinda... not needed or wanted here... not to mention that several times i was beginning to type a comment, but half-way or even when i was finished with it, i'd just delete it and move on... that really told me i shouldn't be here... but i missed the people that put up with my stupidty, my ranting and... him. (HI y'all. Guess who got him to come back? :lol: ) Oh shut up already! Anyway, if anyone wants to starts yelling at me about leaving the pack, about this being a publiscity stunt, or whatever, go ahead. I don't really care that much anymore. I'm back, and you're stuck with me. Cheers. :D

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:49 pm
by Wise
:D :lol: