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test subjects

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:11 am
by lycan94
I kind of based this on the past rpg "The Lab", and one of my favorite books "dr. franklins island"

Characters That I have complete control of (this is only because I have some big ideas for these folks)

Moreaux: Rruns the compound

Marine Lavoe: 2 in comand on the island

Semirah Moreaux: Was adopted by her uncle after her parents died, she grows very close to Andrew

Feel free to make up your own characters or play as those listed below

Wolf Mulder:government agent asigned to the island

Tobias:A Human/Hawk grown from scratch, aged 5. Intelligence personified

Lycan:Wolf/Human,grown from scratch, aged 10, has i.q of 95

My character
Name: Andrew Bjorlin
Age: 15
Race: Human (for now), but his body is being injected with a compound/virus that's readying his body, as he has been for the last 5 years by his doctor and has been abducted and taken to the island, his death faked.
somewhat violent, he angers slowly, but when angered he goes into a beserker state of mind, determined to have been caused by a dormant gene that opened up inexplicably that results in raging hormones when he gets angry. He is of norse decent, and because of his berserker like habit, he is known as Berserker to friends and family, and is also known by that name at the island.

Backstory (so you have an idea on how to play):
15 years ago, Dr. Alphonsoe Moreaux was approached by a government agency to try and create an army of super soldiers with unlimited funding. He accepted and set up on his privatly owned island somewhere in the mid Atlantic. He quickly assembled a staff of some of the greatest minds known to the government. Originaly, they used crimminals, but when one escaped in the 90's and maid his way back to L.A and violently skinned his victims alive, the government alowwed the program to abduct citizens for the test subjects. Anyways, 2008 rools around, and Andrew is finaly brought to the island. To set the tone, i'll open my role in Andrew's cell, which he has just been returned to after an injection of the D.N.A of his favorite animal, the wolf (Dire wolf to be speccific)


Andrew sat huddled in the cornner of his cell, moaning a kind of half sob. Hearing the signal to stand away from the door, he stood up and faced the door. He watched the orderly place his tray down with contempt. Walking over to the food when the deliverer had left, Andrew picked it up and went to his bed to eat it. It was some kind of soup, a carton of milk and a choclate chip cookie. Last night had been a club samwhich with ham and cheese, a carton of milk and a very thin slice of choclate cake. When he had finnished, Andrew did as he did every meal and allowed his anger to take over for a moment and he chucked the tray at the door, shatering it. He then went back to his bed to try and get to sleep.
In ten minutes, he was zonked. An orderly came in to clean up the tray, but left imediatly after as Andrew began to twitch in his sleep. He was dreaming.
The dream: Freedom! Freedom to run, to hunt. A noise in the bushes, a sound up above. Andrew heard it all. The birds were safe up in their trees, Andrew wouldn't disturb them up there. Whatever was in, however, was probably good prey to eat. Pouncing into the bushes, he spotted a rabit running away, and he immediatly gave chase. Catching it, he ripped into its soft flesh with his teeth and devouered it.
Back in reality, Andrew squirmed around in his bed as the dream played through his mind.
Andrew woke the next morning feelingg refreshed and energized, but in no way was he prepared for the surprise that greeted him in the mirror. Over night, his ears had grown pointed and now had a fine covering of fur. Reeling back in shock, he felt his rage grow and he was suddenly seized by the stomach convulsions that siggnled his anger was reaching a boiling point. Everything went dark as he lost control, and Andrew blacked out.
Slamming repeatedly against the door of the box, Berserker broke free of his cell and ran out, smashing anything near him to bits. He ran up to the good dr's office with the intentention of letting the good doctor choke on his own blood. Slamming the door to Moreaux's office in, hestormed in and pushed a man of around 20 out of his way. Slamming his fists on the desk, he roared in Moreaux's face.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:45 am
by Konietzko
My character: Sergei Konietzko

Age: 29

Race: Human, currently. Not for much longer, though, I think. :lol:

Personality: Quiet, but aggressive when he feels aggression is required. Fiercely proud of who he is and the things he's managed to accomplish in his life.

Appearance: Around 6'1", 240 lbs. He's lean but athletically built. His mousy brown hair cut in a military fashion, and with a pair of ocean blue eyes. He does, however, walk with a severe limp on his left side, and whenever he sits, he always seems to be working his left knee, his face fixed in a barely hidden grimace of pain.

Backstory: Sergei is a Russian national. At 18, he joined the army, and eventually ended up making his way into a Spetsnaz unit until a training accident that shattered his left knee, nearly crippling him, causing him to be discharged. Sergei ended up immigrating to America to chase the "American Dream", only to find out that it was a harder accomplishment than he expected. Yet he persevered. While he never got rich, he made enough to survive, and he was happy. One day, he was contacted and invited to participate in medical tests that could...quote..."Return full mobility to his leg." Sergei jumped at the chance.

Little did he know that the "steroids" they were injecting into his knees to prepare him for these "tests" had a different motive altogether...

Odd quirks: Sergei is highly intelligent, and speaks fluent English, with only the slightest hint of a Russian accent remaining. But...most times, he'll just let native English speakers ramble on as pretend like he doesn't speak English just to mess with them and see what they'll say to him when they think he can't understand them.


Across the hall from Andrew's cell, Sergei stood at the door of his own cell, watching out as the orderly gives the kid his orders and throws down the tray of food. Sergei stares at the orderly steadily, his gaze unshaking as the orderly turns to his door, reaching over the to cart to seize Sergei's own tray.

"Stand back from the door." the orderly ordered.

Sergei didn't move...didn't flinch, or budge. He simply stood there, staring at the man intently, his blue eyes boring holes through the orderly as the white suited man began to get agitated.

"I said back Ivan!" the orderly snarled, gripping a cattleprod from the underneath of the food cart. Sergei smiled and chuckled a bit, stepping back with his hands up in a submissive posture.

"No trouble." Sergei said, allowing the Russian accent to come through thickly.

"Yeah, trouble." the orderly grumbled, and motioned behind Sergei, "In the corner. Sit on the floor, with your hands under your butt."

Sergei simply raised his eyebrows, and looked back behind him, and then back to the orderly, shaking his head slowly as if to say 'What did you say?' The Russian laughed a bit as the orderly irritably mimed it out for him as he repeated himself, this time forming the words slowly.

"Siiiit...iiiin....theeeee....corner." the orderly said, beginning to sound flabbergasted. Sergei simply shrugged a bit, and did as was instructed. The orderly dropped the tray on the floor, and shook the cattleprod at him. "English. You're gonna at least learn enough to do what we freaking tell you."

Sergei stared at him blankly for a moment. the orderly angrily slammed the door behind him, and Sergei smiled kindly and waved goodbye to him, as the orderly shot him one last baleful glance. Once the orderly was out of sight, the cheesy smile became something slightly more menacing.

"And you...are going to learn more than you wish to know one day about pain. I will show you...." Sergei muttered, and crawled over to the tray, checking what they'd brought, scooping up a spoonful of the soup, and letting it run right back off of the spoon with a disgusted look. "And what is this, anyway, your stinking bathwater?"
Disgustedly, Sergei dropped the spoon back into the soup bowl and shoved the tray away from him before climbing onto the cot a few feet away.

He sat on the edge, extending and bending his left knee. It really hadn't been bothering him as much lately as it had over the past couple of years...Sergei was sure that would change, without the injections. While he did this, he stared across the hall, out of his own cell and at the boy in the cell across from him, watching him toss and turn. Sergei wasn't sure what was being done here...but he had a feeling that whatever was in that boy's nightmares that was making him thrash like that would be a walk in the park compared to what may be in their future. They were illegally detained, no due process. Sergei had been allowed no form of contact with anyone since he'd been dragged in here with a black bag over his head five nights ago. A chill ran through his spine as thoughts of the stories told to him by his father welled up in his mind, of the gulags and political prisoners....dubbed "enemies of the people" people could simply vanish with no trace, never to be seen or heard from again. Sergei wondered if this was what it had been like for those who'd been taken in those days, and he felt real fear.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:21 am
by lycan94
:duckie What the hell? When'd we get ducks?
Or any of the other stuff for that matter?
I've added another character you could play: Psuedo Predator.Called that because he designed armor for him self that was like a Predators. He's the one who escaped in the 90's
Name: Dr.Alphonsoe Moreaux
Bio:A brilliant scientific mind, Moreaux got into genetics after finding out that he was sterile. He created a hybrid of himself with a dog, named Flop-tounge, because of his drooling habits.after this post you can play him, just pick him up when i drop him off.
Any ways. After creating Flop-tounge in his basement Moreaux was hired by the government for the program because of his gunius.

This is right after my last post, told from Moreaux's veiw

Moreaux was scared. He'd faced off in hand to hand combat with clones of Hitler, climbed Everest, and lived with his mother for 17 years, but nothing could prepare him for the sight he faced. Andrew, angry. Andrew had gotten out again and hevan help you if you got in his way. There was a Very gruff and loud bark, and in a flash, Flop-Tounge had rammed Andrew and the two were going to fight to the death if they had to. Andrew, wanting revenge, and Flop-Tounge, refusing to stand helplessly as his master was murdered. Both were equaly matched in strength and stamina. Thankfully, no one would be killed, as a bunch of orderlies came storming in, and were able to inject the boy with a powerful tranqulizer. Moreaux heard a groaning, and then watched slowly as the hair grew on Andrew's face, and his eyes changed from dark blue to a bright orange, and finaly into a cool amber, that would most likely glow in the dark. Another groan, and Moreaux directed his attention to Agent Wolf Mulder who was sitting up and rubbing his head. He looked over at Andrew and then said to Moreaux"Lock him up man. For everyones safety. This is the fourth time time tis week that he's broken out."
"No, Mulder. It's to far along to trust him in a cage, he'll just break out again. He has anger issues. I'll try keeping him in the same cell as Sergei, maybe they can learn from each other."
"Sergei, doesn't speak English though."
"Won't matter."
"Fine, But what if he escapses again?"
"We'll worry about it then."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:15 am
by lycan94
Did i just powerplay? If I did, I am Soooooo sorry dude.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:19 pm
by Konietzko
lycan94 wrote:Did i just powerplay? If I did, I am Soooooo sorry dude.
(( :roflmao: Whoopsie! No worries, no powerplay on your part. I actually forgot I'd posted anything in here....I'll whip something up later tonight, probably. ))

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:11 pm
by lycan94
Fweewf. If I do powerplay at any time, just tell me and i'll change the post where i did.
And take your time on the reply. You've got all the time you need.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:07 am
by Konietzko
He was sitting silently in his cell, his eyes staring unblinkingly through the cell door when they came. His every muscle was still, his shoulders rising and falling slowly as he breathing came in even measures. Sergei didn't feel right. He remembered his survival training, believed he knew what the problem was. He hadn't eaten much of the slop they'd thrown at him since he'd been interred here. It wasn't because of the taste of it, either. Russian military training told him that, in the field or a hostile environment, you never knew when you'd have the chance to eat again, so being a picky eater wasn't an option. It was the other part of his training that kept him from eating much of the food, for the possibility that it was drugged. He'd also not slept much...he didn't feel like he could afford to close his eyes for long. To do so, he would miss too much, and what he needed right now was information. Who was keeping them here...and why? Not necessarily the faces they knew, but who was behind those faces.

But he wasn't sure that was it either...there was something different, something strange going on here. For instance...he'd heard the key enter the lock of the cell block doors at the far end of the corridor as if he'd been standing right there. In fact, if he focused, he was almost sure he could even make out their heartbeats...three of them. One slowed, the other two slightly elevated, slightly excited and wary for trouble. But that had to be his imagination, right? Maybe it was just the sound of his own heart beating in his ears. The lighting, which had previously seemed so dim and gloomy, was beginning to stab into his eyes like daggers. His leg didn't hurt all. There was no more sometimes yes, sometimes no to it. As Sergei sat, his eyes locked on the cell door from within the shadows, he watched them drag the boy down the hall, and stop, turning toward his own door. This was new...the guard stared at him, tranq gun at the ready.

"Against the wall. Now." the guard motioned for Sergei to move.

Sergei didn't play this time. He stared straight at the guard from the shadows for a moment and rose to his feet. he stepped back against the wall, still veiled in the shadows, and watched inquisitively as the guards unlocked the door. They threw Andrew in, the boy crumpling to the floor like a sack of potatoes, and without even giving Sergei a second glance, they turned and left, slamming the door shut behind them.

It seemed like hours, as Sergei stared at the crumpled figure before finally breaking from the shadows, and kneeling next to Andrew. Cautiously glancing toward the bars and listening for the reinforced corridor gate to slam shut before he spoke, in a low volume.

"Wake up now. Show me that you are still alive and that they have not thrown you into my cell to die on the floor and rot, no?" Sergei says softly. getting no immediate response, he extends his hand slowly to shake Andrew gently. The response wasn't exactly what Sergei would have expected as before he can even make contact, Andrew's own hand flicked out like lightning to grasp Sergei's wrist in an iron grip. Andrew lifted his head with a snarl, and locked eyes with his new cell mate...amber eyes meeting ice blue cat's eyes.

"Calm yourself, Americanski. I am not your enemy...." Sergei said steadily, and pointed toward the bars with his free hand, "they are out there..."

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:57 pm
by lycan94
Andrew snarled at his new cell mate again, but it was more in surprise than anything. Most people weren't this kind. Most treated him like dirt. He wasn't used to kindness from anyone. He slowly stood and shook to wake up a bit. He looked at his new cell mate and slowly said "Who... are you?"
"Sergei Konietzko. And you?"
"Andrew... Bjorlin. You're Russian, right?"
"Then how the hell did you get here?"
"The put a black bag over my head and brought me here. Where is here, anyways?"
"Damned if I know. I think I know what they're doing here though."
"Genetioc engineering. They're rebuilding the human genome, and were the test subjects. Look at me, man. I mean, I was hairy before but now... What the hell else Gahhha. What the frik?!!!!"
Slowly, Andrew doubled over, hitting the ground. His arms lengthened and his feet became... paws? His face burst with pain and his mouth seemed to push out, and his teeth grew.
Then, his lower jaw split open as he roared, only it was more of a screech/hiss. He turned to Sergei and screeched again, then jumped to the celing.

Hey, Konietzko, what's youre guy gonna turn in to. Mine's turning into El Chupacabra.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:57 pm
by Konietzko
lycan94 wrote:Hey, Konietzko, what's youre guy gonna turn in to. Mine's turning into El Chupacabra.
Naturally, the Siberian pain in the collective behinds of our jailers is going to become a Siberian Tiger pain in the collective behinds of our jailers. Which I know I already screwed up the eyes, lemme alone. XD

Re: test subjects

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:00 pm
by lycan94
Awesome. This should be fun.

Edit: Actually, it'll be more fun as a werewolf. No longer is my guy El Chupacabra, he'll just be a werewolf, I'll figure out a way to fix him up in the game.

Oh, and it appears I'll have to pick up another character soon (from my list) so this can be sped up a bit. I'll get to that sooner or later.

Re: test subjects

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:40 pm
by lycan94
Name: Alphonsoe Moreaux
Age: 65
Facts: Moreaux is sterile, wich prompted him into genetics. After engineering a clone of himself with dog dna in his basement, the U.S government contacted him with a job offer. For the last twenty years he's worked, and now he's gonna' keep on workin till he's dead.

This takes place right after Andrew's transformation in a view room, Moreaux's p.o.v

"Damn it!" Moreaux yelled as Andrew transformed beyond expectations. "The General wanted a werewolf, not a damn bat-beast. I put to much bat in him!"
He pressed a button next to his hand and said loudly and clearly "Go get expiriment and bring him to the testing room, will you Marine?"
"Yes sir." came the reply.

Three hours later, Moreaux was satisfied with his work, having removed all traces of bat Dna in Andrew. It was harder then he'd expected, he'd had to work around an odd DNA virus in the body and had taken a sample. It may have a use later on. he thought to himself.
Now, he would wait and get ready for a visit from "The General".

Re: test subjects

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:14 am
by Konietzko
((Sweet. Sorry about my slow response. I just like to make sure I'm satisfied with what I'm going to post, and my work schedule makes my timing difficult. XD I haven't forgotten about this, i swear.))

Re: test subjects

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:49 am
by lycan94
That's fine.