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Duel of The Heart

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:10 pm
by Descendent of a Druid
Note: I have no idea how it got that title. Also, while this starts without mention of werewolves, feel free to place as many as you see fit in this story.

"Cindy," the dark elf whispered into the sleeping satyr's ear, "Cindy!" he said more forcefully, “Wake up!" he gave her a slight push.
"What, Devin?" Cindy asked groggily.
"We're going to be late for class," Devin answered, "For a girl raised by the archmage, you sure aren't very prompt."
"Ok, ok," Cindy said, propping herself up. She looked up into Devin's dark face as he looked down. His jaw dropped open just a bit, and only then did Cindy realize that she had let her blanket droop down just a bit to far.
"Eeeek!" she shrieked as she pushed Devin towards the door with one hand, lifting the blanket up with the other. As Devin walked from the room, his dark blue face now bright purple with embarrassment, Cindy allowed herself the slightest of smiles. I guess that's a good sign, she thought, today's the day.
Cindy dressed quickly. She bound her short black hair above and behind her curved horns, gathered her spellbooks and components into a small leather satchel, and walked out the door. Devin was leaning against the wall, his hands behind his head, watching, to Cindy's surprise, the sunrise.
"The sun is rising!" she yelled, "Classes don't start for another hour."
"Forty-five minutes," Devin corrected, "besides, every time I wake you up on time, we wind up late. I figured we should at least be on time the day of the exam."
"Whatever," Cindy said, "Umm..." she pushed her fingers together in anxiety, "Uh, I have a surprise... for you."