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A lesson in Plagarism

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:55 pm
by Spiritbw

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:10 pm
by Infinite_Path

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:21 pm
by Spongy
You can tell when companies are running out of ideas when they start slapping stuff together that isn't even theirs. Ah well.

Is it really that hard to be original nowadays? Or is this just an attempt to get money quick. Either way, this failed.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:59 pm
by Baphnedia
This is sad, so very sad.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:10 pm
by Spiritbw
It gets better and better. Wizards of the coast can now go after them. One of thier character designs is practicly a trace of one of TSR's book covers. :lol:

the staff for this consisted of three men. Three!! With all the people after them for this I'm wondeirng if they are going to bend the punishmeent for Copyright for this case only.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:16 pm
by Anubis
Oh man,

this is BEYOND pathetic! :lol:

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:08 pm
by O Pianista

Re: A lesson in Plagarism

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:03 pm
by Morkulv
I played Two Worlds and I thought that was a rip-off of Oblivion. Never heard of this game though.


Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:51 pm
by Terastas
spongypants23 wrote:Is it really that hard to be original nowadays? Or is this just an attempt to get money quick. Either way, this failed.
The latter. It's the same reason Hollywood keeps making remakes and ripoffs -- because the assumption is that all consumers are dumbasses that wouldn't know Halo 3 from Hello Kitty, much less that they might be attentive enough to experience deja vu.
Dumbasses. :P

My only regret is that this means we'll never get to see any videos on Youtube detailing what an absolute pathetic piece-o-crap this game was. If they were stupid enough to think nobody would notice the levels identical down to the very last detail, I seriously doubt they had enough functioning brain cells to throw together a decent plot line or believable dialog. This could have been the "all your base are belong to us" of our time. :grinp:

Re: Re:

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:49 am
by Aki
Terastas wrote:
spongypants23 wrote:Is it really that hard to be original nowadays? Or is this just an attempt to get money quick. Either way, this failed.
The latter. It's the same reason Hollywood keeps making remakes and ripoffs -- because the assumption is that all consumers are dumbasses that wouldn't know Halo 3 from Hello Kitty, much less that they might be attentive enough to experience deja vu.
Dumbasses. :P

My only regret is that this means we'll never get to see any videos on Youtube detailing what an absolute pathetic piece-o-crap this game was. If they were stupid enough to think nobody would notice the levels identical down to the very last detail, I seriously doubt they had enough functioning brain cells to throw together a decent plot line or believable dialog. This could have been the "all your base are belong to us" of our time. :grinp:
There are actually videos showing various aspects of game, including the opening and ending cinematics and such. Also there was a thread on some forum where some poor sod braved his way through the entire game to show how horrible it was to everyone else.

Re: A lesson in Plagarism

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:04 am
by Kaebora
It's kind of old news.

I did a bit of research on this yesterday. There was a review someone did on this game before it was discovered to be filled with stolen content. It gave honest opinions, and even commented that "the different chapters are so different in style, it's as if they were created individually by seperate artists". Suprise suprise, they were made by seperate companies. That person originally gave it a 60 out of 100, changing it quickly to zero when the news reached that review site.

I searched around looking to see if any lawsuits were filed. None of the victomized companies show any news of court filings against Majestic Studios. This means one of two things. Either they settled out of court, or Majestic recieved some kind of amnesty from the government. The former seems more likely, probobly involving a reimbursement of all funds obtained from the game in exchange for a quiet resolution (no press).

Re: A lesson in Plagarism

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:34 pm
by Terastas
Kaebora wrote:This means one of two things. Either they settled out of court, or Majestic recieved some kind of amnesty from the government. The former seems more likely, probobly involving a reimbursement of all funds obtained from the game in exchange for a quiet resolution (no press).
Either that or the victimized companies just found it either so laughable or so pathetic that it wasn't even worth commentating on. Media outlets of any variety will typically only make "public announcements" about lawsuits in order to drum up support, so since the suit was so obviously/heavily in their favor, it's not really worth commentating on.