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Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:32 pm
by Konietzko
Alright, here we go, time to drop a little bit of weirdness on you folks. Now a bit of a paranormal enthusiast and a ghost hunter hobbyist. The idea of life after death, heck, any unexplainable phenomena really gets my attention. This includes psychic phenomena, cryptozoology(which was spurred by my love of werewolves to begin with), ghosts, shadow people, alternate dimensions, extra-terrestrials, Mu, Atlantis, etc. So...I'm firing up this thread for anyone who has had experiences, is interested in experiences, skeptics and believers alike. Share your experiences or theories if you'd like, and please don't get mad at someone else if they are skeptical of something you believe in.

I'll start off by saying that I'm not a complete nutball believer, but that I have, in fact, experienced a couple things in the past that have gone without explanation. One such experience happened in a cemetery, of all places.

Basically, what happened is this. A few friends of mine and I decided to go out and do a little bit of ghost hunting, just on a whim. We'd been watching Ghost Hunters, and while we don't have access to all of the snazzy gadgets that TAPS has, we've home brewed a few things for our own personal use. So we grab out gear, and we're driving around, and we decide that our stop should be a cemetery that was set back in the woods near my father's house. It was a run down place, never got any visitors, and the last corpse ever buried in the place was buried in circa 1915. Now, by night...this particular graveyard is always...always veiled in a shroud of fog. I've yet to figure out the cause of this, and have often wondered if it has something to with the elevation of the property, but that doesn't really seem to jive since it appears that the cemetery grounds are actually up an incline. What do I know, I'm no geologist. Anyway, being as this place is deep enough back in the woods that the only road near it is a seldom used gravel road(which, ironically, saw constant use under MY wheels, because I just loved driving past the place...), we decided we'd go by day, to ensure that if any accidents happened, we could still see well enough to get somewhere for help.

So we pull up. The first thing we all noticed when stepping onto the ground was an overwhelming sense of dread to the place. It was almost like when you go somewhere and the people there aren't happy to see you in the least, and you have all of those eyeballs staring you down? all know that feeling. It was like a weight being settled onto your shoulders suddenly. The second thing I noticed, being the man behind the camera, was the sheer amount of tombstones that had been knocked around. And I'm not talking settling into the ground or being kicked over by bratty kids. There were stones that you could tell were literally four to five feet away from the grave they most likely went to, from where they'd been broken off.

As we stayed there longer, wandering around, getting footage, and talking out loud for EVPs, we really didn't see a whole lot, but the longer we stayed, we all began to complain about feeling nauseous, and beginning to develop headaches. That and insects were beginning dive bomb into us at full speed, like something out of the Exorcist. As such, we decided it was time to go. So I swing around to catch my friend in the camera, asking him a cheeky question about a waste of time. He starts to answer, steps down on a grave, and as he lifts his foot to continue his stride..."WHAM!" He's dropped down to his knees.

I ask him if he's alright, and he kind of blinks and shakes his head, saying he thought he twisted his ankle. I asked him what he tripped over, and he hadn't noticed anything, it had just felt like his foot had met some kind of sudden resistance, like as if someone were to grab your ankle while taking a step. I laugh, and point at the grave, figuring "yeah, good joke." So, we hop in the car and I'm watching the tape on the viewfinder, and you know what? I'll be darned if it didn't look exactly like what he described it feeling like when he tripped. It was almost as if the momentum of his step literally stopped and was violently forced to change directions. Creepy, knowing the circumstances? yeah. Just wish we;d have gotten something better on tape. 8)

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:47 pm
by RedEye
Sadly, that's why it's called Paranormal. People can't even agree on what the word means.

I've had a few experiences that might be called paranormal, but at the time I wasn't even halfway as prepared as you were, and I was alone, so no witnesses. :hsup

Odd thing is: most people will admit there's something there, but nobody will say the "G" word or other "crackpot" words, so there it sits, uninvestigated for the most part.

It's as if by naming it, they will make it real...and it already is . :roll:

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:18 pm
by Konietzko
RedEye wrote:Sadly, that's why it's called Paranormal. People can't even agree on what the word means.

I've had a few experiences that might be called paranormal, but at the time I wasn't even halfway as prepared as you were, and I was alone, so no witnesses. :hsup

Odd thing is: most people will admit there's something there, but nobody will say the "G" word or other "crackpot" words, so there it sits, uninvestigated for the most part.

It's as if by naming it, they will make it real...and it already is . :roll:
Even I won't throw the word around liberally, and I'm a believer. But the reason I won't throw it around easily is because I don't think that all of the things attributed to ghostly influences are necessarily ghosts. A ghost, by technicality and definition, would be the earthbound spirit of a dead person. However...while all ghosts are spirits, not all spirits are ghosts. And even beyond that, not all things that people believe are spirits are actually spirits. I've seen mention of "shadow people" in another thread, and my theory on those is that they are not spirits of any kind so much as reflections of extradimensional beings with enough power to peek through at us and see what the heck's going on.

Just because a being doesn't resonate on the frequency of our reality doesn't mean that it isn't there. I always picture the universe as sort of like a listing of radio stations. They're all there, on your radio...all of the frequencies are in one place. But just because a song isn't playing on the frequency you're tuned into doesn't mean it isn't playing on a different frequency. :lol: And, just as with a radio, sometimes, you might end up with bleed over from neighboring frequencies.

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:10 pm
by outwarddoodles
My totally non-researched and non-based opinion behind ghosts:

I don't think "ghosts" are actually spirits, but "imprints" left from past people and their actions. I say this because from what I gather, most 'ghosts' are very repetative and predictable about what they do -- as in, they knock down a particular chair every so often, they haunt a particular hallway, they open a particular door. So it's posible, mayybbeee, that an action made by someone long ago had happened at just the right time or place and created the 'ghosts' we experiance, which are simply 'echos' of people and events that have truely happened.

Bah. Yeah. I have an alien story, but I don't want to come off as a nut-job.
Konietzko wrote:Just because a being doesn't resonate on the frequency of our reality doesn't mean that it isn't there. I always picture the universe as sort of like a listing of radio stations. They're all there, on your radio...all of the frequencies are in one place. But just because a song isn't playing on the frequency you're tuned into doesn't mean it isn't playing on a different frequency. :lol: And, just as with a radio, sometimes, you might end up with bleed over from neighboring frequencies.
THAT is definitely my second theory. After reading up on an article about 'string theory' that described the universe as being "a symphony of vibrations" caused by the many 'strings,' and that opposing/different 'vibrations' causes matter, the String Theory completely opens up to the posibility of 'different frequencies' that are inbetween our 'frequencies' -- or multiple dimensions/universes.

I'm no super-astro-whatever-physicist or anything (in fact, I likely sound like a babbling idiot -- any physicist here feel free to explain this to me correctly.). But I definitely like the 'frequency' theory.

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:32 pm
by Set
*stares at topic and just kind of blinks* Have I?

Short answer: yes. I'm a magnet for weirdness, that kind of stuff is standard issue for me.

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:18 am
by Konietzko
outwarddoodles wrote:My totally non-researched and non-based opinion behind ghosts:

I don't think "ghosts" are actually spirits, but "imprints" left from past people and their actions. I say this because from what I gather, most 'ghosts' are very repetative and predictable about what they do -- as in, they knock down a particular chair every so often, they haunt a particular hallway, they open a particular door. So it's posible, mayybbeee, that an action made by someone long ago had happened at just the right time or place and created the 'ghosts' we experiance, which are simply 'echos' of people and events that have truely happened.

Bah. Yeah. I have an alien story, but I don't want to come off as a nut-job.
Oh, I don't think you're a nut-job. I'd love to hear your story, even if it was given in private. I'm a junkie on this sort of stuff, and I've done a lot of personal research on a wide spectrum of the unexplained, just because that's where the vast majority of my interests lie.

As for ghosts being "imprints", that's another theory I've had. I do believe that there are ghosts...and then there are imprints. Ghosts can and often do attempt to communicate with us. EVP phenomena proves that, as I've actually seen documented cases where disembodied voices over an EVP have carried on conversations, answering questions in real time with the investigator. One such instance happened when a team of investigators were checking out a cemetery, and one of the researchers quipped jokingly that he wasn't sure he even knew how to find the way out of the cemetery. And the EVP recorder picked up a disembodied voice that answered "This way..."

Recorded during a seance, while the participants were silent. ... 007089.mp3

The only thing that really sucks about EVP's are that sometimes it's really ambiguous, because they usually come across most times as patterns of static "white noise" that nearly sound like words, and you're never really sure if you're actually hearing what you're hearing, or if you're only hearing it because someone else suggested that it's what it was saying. Occasionally, though, as in the one'll get some really clear ones.

Now, as far as imprints go, it's interesting that you mention that, the risk of sounding like Ray Stantz fro Ghostbusters, I do believe that there are "repeaters" that aren't really ghosts at all so much as psychic imprints of traumatic events. I believe that the human mind is capable of untold amounts of psychic energy that goes untapped. And beyond that, we are surrounded by energy at all times. I think that, sometimes, when enough effort is put into it and that untapped psychic energy of the human mind happens, the energy around us can be manipulated like clay. This accounts, in my theory, for prayers being answered, Wiccan spells coming to pass, and any number of focused activity. However...I also believe that during times of extreme emotion, we can unwittingly tap that same psychic energy, and thus mold the latent energy around us and leave a lasting imprint. The more powerful the emotion, the stronger the imprint. Everyone's felt these imprints. It's like when you walk into the home of a happy family, and there's a palpable atmosphere of peace and serenity within the walls, or when you go somewhere where something terrible happened, there seems to be a sense of foreboding and discomfort, sometimes described as "an eerie feeling". And like slapping a roll of silly putty against a comic strip, I believe it's possible to force such a psychic imprint into the energy of an area that it actually manifests itself as a repetition of the events that triggered those powerful emotions. Unfortunately, it seems like fear is one of the more powerful emotions in the human psyche, and thus...usually...traumatic events are the opnes that are imprinted deep enough to bring about a physical manifestation.

<_< Yes, I know, I'm very technical...

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:23 am
by outwarddoodles
The only thing that really sucks about EVP's are that sometimes it's really ambiguous, because they usually come across most times as patterns of static "white noise" that nearly sound like words, and you're never really sure if you're actually hearing what you're hearing, or if you're only hearing it because someone else suggested that it's what it was saying. Occasionally, though, as in the one'll get some really clear ones.
This is the one thing I never liked about 'EVP's. I would see soo many videos online or on television of where they played garbled static sounds and claimed that they were words. From what I know, it's completely natural for a human to find something out of nothing -- like how a light socket looks to some a lot like smiley face, or how car headlights look like 'eyes' -- so it's completely normal for a person to mistake an odd formation or light as a face or an odd, random noise as words.

But those videos you provided are definitely worth noting (if they aren't totally creepy). From my own personal spiritual standpoint, I definitely believe in "spirits" so I certainly think communication is posible.

Also, about the imprints: I was about to suggest that imprints were made from experiances of strong emotion -- which could probably explain why most 'haunted houses' come with an attached suicide or murder story.
It's like when you walk into the home of a happy family, and there's a palpable atmosphere of peace and serenity within the walls, or when you go somewhere where something terrible happened, there seems to be a sense of foreboding and discomfort, sometimes described as "an eerie feeling".
I find this idea interesting. After coming across a phenomenon known as "Mentalists" (pretty sure you've heard of 'em, right?), it opene me to the idea that the mind is not limited to the brain, but is capable of 'seeping' out of our skulls and beyond. Explaining why some people are empathetic or very keen on others emotions even when there are no verbal or visual cues.
<_< Yes, I know, I'm very technical...
No worries, makes for great conversations.

Anyhow, aliens:

Early fall, in fifth grade, was riding in the car staring out the window. AS our car drove past an amusement park near us, I saw a strange, dark triangle glide across the sky. It increased in size as it came nearer, not very close, but close enough so I could spot four lights located on one side of it -- one of each tip, and one in the middle. I clearly remember the shape moving in a very eerie fashion -- it didn't twirl, it had no wings, it moved up down, left and right, without any visable means of propulsion -- proving to me that this object was definitely not a jet.

And just as soon as it appeared, it dissappear, hovering upwards and out of sight. I probably only saw it for about 10 - 15 seconds.

A few days later, at first I thought I might have dreamt the scenario, and pushed the thought aside as a dream I might of had (I love to nap in cars.). That was, until I heard a boy at school recounting a story of what he claimed to be a "Pizza-Shaped" UFO he saw while visiting that particular amusement park. I asked him what it looked like, and when he saw it. Sure enough, the picture he drew looked exactly like the "UFO" I had witnessed, and he saw it the exact day I had seen it.

It wasn't until a few years later, I came across a UFO website that explained (an apparently common phenomenon in the world of UFOs) the existance of Black Triangle UFOs.

Needless to say, I nearly had a heart attack.

(Furthurmore here, as a bit of Trivia -- Dennis Kucinich, who ran as a Democratic hopeful this year, has claimed to have seen a <i>triangular</i> UFO.)

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:17 pm
by Konietzko
outwarddoodles wrote:
A few days later, at first I thought I might have dreamt the scenario, and pushed the thought aside as a dream I might of had (I love to nap in cars.). That was, until I heard a boy at school recounting a story of what he claimed to be a "Pizza-Shaped" UFO he saw while visiting that particular amusement park. I asked him what it looked like, and when he saw it. Sure enough, the picture he drew looked exactly like the "UFO" I had witnessed, and he saw it the exact day I had seen it.

It wasn't until a few years later, I came across a UFO website that explained (an apparently common phenomenon in the world of UFOs) the existance of Black Triangle UFOs.

Needless to say, I nearly had a heart attack.

(Furthurmore here, as a bit of Trivia -- Dennis Kucinich, who ran as a Democratic hopeful this year, has claimed to have seen a <i>triangular</i> UFO.)
The triangles are fairly common, from what I understand, much more so in the recent years than before. In the 60s and 70s, there were more reports of "cigar shaped objects". Interesting factoid, during the Gemini and Apollo space missions, US astronauts are reported to have claimed to see "unknown objects" that seemed to be be tracking their space capsules on several different occasions. While I can't vouch for the authenticity of the information provided in this link, it's not the first time I've heard of this, so if it's fictional, then that site isn't using anything original by any means, as I'd read about the NASA astronauts' contact years ago.

Another interesting fact- In 1999, Monsignor Corrado Balducci...a high ranking clergymen in the Vatican, and one of the men who were in Pope John Paul's inner circle made a very definitive state on a live television broadcast, in which he said "These things give us a great deal to think about. Is it true, it is false, is it ... it is true, it is not true, is this believable or should we say this is incredible -- no! By now, at this point, there are several considerations made with CERTAINTY THAT these BEINGS DO EXIST. IT CANNOT BE DOUBTED. It can also be said that even if there are 99 things about this phenomenon that are false, within the entire totality there can be one true statement -- and it is that, certainly, it's true that this phenomena does exist for sure. Therefore, this is the first problem: there will be those who doubt, perhaps, but the most prudent people will not deny it entirely."

That's actually fairly large scale, because the Vatican tends to keep what their high rankings members are going to publicly say closely monitored, and if one of their members says something imprudent that doesn't jive with policy, they've always publicly reprimanded that clergyman. After this statement? Nothing. :hsup

On a side note...check this out. This is allegedly leaked video from the Apollo moon landings. Some sources claim that not only were Aldrin and Armstrong in particular under watch during their landing, but during their surveying of the moon's surface, that they located some sort of ruins. Lunar Ruins(Ignore the techno/reggae music....)

US Air Force Sergeant Karl Wolf, trying to get arrested for breaking his top secret security clearance

While none of these are are definitive proof of the existence of UFOs or ETs(especially as the Moon Base is very likely a hoax...I may be a believer, but I try to view evidence as objectively as possible), you have to admit that it's definitely something to look in to.

If anyone's ever interested, also, there's a guy with a late night radio show named George Noory. This guy is darn near my hero on this subject, me...he'll hear anyone out without passing any sort of judgment about what they've experienced. If a radio station near you picks it up, or even if you want to listen on the net, you should check it out. Coast to Coast AM With George Noory

Fair word of warning, when I said he'll hear anyone out, I meant it, so beyond the more logical folks, so you'll get occasional the conspiracy theory buffs who'll come barreling in with theories of Draconians from Draconis Prime that have infiltrated the governments of the world and put themselves in positions of power in order to conquer and enslave the human race. -_-

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:54 pm
by Wselfwulf
Yeah, UFO's used to be a much bigger craze, as was hoaxing them. There are some pretty ingenious ones. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool skeptic, but sure, I've had my own experiences. I was much less open minded until my sis, in her early thirties, told me she saw the dead relatives of whomever she was reading tarot cards for. I loath most practitioners of any 'divination' as exploitative, and I put down most 'sightings' to lying, anxiety, or hallucinatory psychosis, but for me, my sister was trustworthy and quite sane. I suppose until it hits home it's all less real.

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:31 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
Not really, except if count momentary precog... which is more than likely a guess and conicidence...
This is how it happened, and yeah... it's stupid...
this happened a couple of years ago, when i still went to high school. We'd been having bomb threats... and i'm not sure but they usually were around the same time, just not the same day. So, i walk into fourth period, and about ten seconds later i'm thinking "Are we going to have a bomb threat today?" About five minutes later, guess what they annouce over the PA system?
Then there's the feeling like somethings in the hallway... don't ask me why, but from a very early age, i just hated that hallway... it kept feeling like someone was watching you. A couple of times i also felt an uncontrolled fear... i mean full paralsys, fear... so yeah, i'm pretty much an idiot for brining it up, and it was probably just a guess... but sometimes, i guess things right, even when no one else knows the outcome... doubt that counts... sorry i wasted a spot on your thread... i am jealous of you though... at least the spirit world... no no no, on second thought, since i'm typing this a few feet away from said hallway, i won't say a word...

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:35 am
by Konietzko
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:Not really, except if count momentary precog... which is more than likely a guess and conicidence...
This is how it happened, and yeah... it's stupid...
Please, don't fall into that trap. What you believer and what you feel is free, and you're welcome to whatever beliefs or opinions that you have. Too many people fall into the self made traps of 'Well, it's dumb..." or "People will think I'm crazy..."

Case in point, a couple of hundred years ago, somebody thought it was a dumb and crazy idea that the Earth orbited the sun, and that it wasn't vice versa.
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:This happened a couple of years ago, when i still went to high school. We'd been having bomb threats... and i'm not sure but they usually were around the same time, just not the same day. So, i walk into fourth period, and about ten seconds later i'm thinking "Are we going to have a bomb threat today?" About five minutes later, guess what they annouce over the PA system?
This is interesting to me, in and of itself, because a friend of mine has had very similar occurrences in the past. One example is when I was riding with him once. Now, he's a fairly aggressive driver usually. The kind of guy that'll gun yellow lights at the last minute to clear the intersection before the light changes. This particular day was different, however, and I noticed he was taking the road trip cautiously. I was about to ask him about it when the man jumps on the brakes at a green light! Cars behind him stop suddenly, tires screech, horns...I'm like "Dude, green light, what the hell?" Just as the words leave my mouth? An 18 wheeler blows through the intersection in front of us, totally running the red light. Had we gone through? We'd have been plowed, dead center. His response? "Just had a feeling that if I wasn't careful, and kept my eyes out, I'd end up in a wreck today..." :hsup
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:Then there's the feeling like somethings in the hallway... don't ask me why, but from a very early age, i just hated that hallway... it kept feeling like someone was watching you. A couple of times i also felt an uncontrolled fear... i mean full paralsys, fear... so yeah, i'm pretty much an idiot for brining it up, and it was probably just a guess... but sometimes, i guess things right, even when no one else knows the outcome... doubt that counts... sorry i wasted a spot on your thread... i am jealous of you though... at least the spirit world... no no no, on second thought, since i'm typing this a few feet away from said hallway, i won't say a word...
The thing you have to understand is here is that there is never a time when we are not surrounded by unseen things. Be they extra-dimensional entities or ghosts, they're around us 24/7. Most times, they ignore us. We're probably really not all that interesting, anyway. Gods know that I think humans are a boring lot. But there are those entities who will watch us. And there are some who have malevolent intent, just as there are some humans out there who just have bad in them, and have malevolent intent for no reason. If you're feeling uncontrolled fear, and like you're being watched, trust your instincts. Here's where it gets interesting.

If it is a ghost, or a spirit of some sort? You've got the power in your hands, rather you know it or not. This connects to my earlier statements of my belief that all humans have enormous psychic potential. Stand your ground, and say clearly and assuredly, "This is my territory. You are unwelcome here. Leave now." Sound corny? Maybe. But it does seem to work, most usually against entities that most would consider 'demonic' beings, which are the ones most commonly interested in causing trouble.

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:23 am
by Terastas
Konietzko wrote:I always picture the universe as sort of like a listing of radio stations. They're all there, on your radio...all of the frequencies are in one place. But just because a song isn't playing on the frequency you're tuned into doesn't mean it isn't playing on a different frequency. :lol: And, just as with a radio, sometimes, you might end up with bleed over from neighboring frequencies.
That's a great way to look at it, and it's very much my own take as well. Just because I personally can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.

Regarding spiritual imprints, the few "professional" psychics I've met to date (yes, I have known some personally) typically referred to a person's spiritual energy as their "aura," which mostly stays with the individual and body but also "radiates" off of it and leaves a sort of spiritual residue wherever they have been, so the nature of the spirit by the way they describe it does allow for several ways a spiritual entity may be formed. Don't hold me to this, but I want to say they broke it down into at least three examples:

-Ghosts: Where the person's spiritual energy retains self-awareness after death and but retains some attachment to a physical object or location.

-Echoes: Spiritual residue, IE: not an actual spirit of a person itself, but a strong belief or emotion left behind by the person's spirit. Those are the ones that are not self-aware and therefore more predictable; a door opening and closing by itself or an "eerie feeling," for example, would be an echo.

-Mists / Entities / Nature spirits: They really confused me with this one at first (because each of them had a different term for it), but I think what they described could be summed up as "a collection of echoes," IE: After a thousand-odd spirits live in, pass through, or are laid to rest in the same area, their collective residues combine into one like-minded entity. A cemetery, for example, may not be haunted by any specific individual buried there, but the spiritual residue attached to the bodies and burial sights of those buried could amount to that of a single self-aware individual.

And that's just the ways they said a mortal spirit could manifest paranormally. They never even discussed the possibility of beings native to the other world.

How have I met so many psychics in my still relatively short lifetime? Well, I lived almost right in the heart of Salem, Massachusetts, AKA the City of Witches, for a few years. It was also where I left my own spiritual imprint on the world, or perhaps I should say my pet cockateel did. :P

I think that, my one and only encounter with the paranormal to date, was an echo. While I lived in Salem, I had a pet cockateel named Zack (we thought she was a boy when we bought her). She was so quiet we thought she was mute at first, but after my brother's pet cockateel (a total chatterbox) passed away, we found out that she was the one responsible for these occasional single, really high-pitched chirps you could even hear from three floors down in the basement, which we all agreed was "her happy sound."

I mention that because, after she passed away herself, I could still occasionally hear those signature chirps of hers coming from the room her cage was kept in.

So despite all that time I spent in Salem, that was my one and only personal account: Enough to consider myself a believer, not enough to freak me out.

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:00 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
Terastas wrote: -Echoes: Spiritual residue, IE: not an actual spirit of a person itself, but a strong belief or emotion left behind by the person's spirit. Those are the ones that are not self-aware and therefore more predictable; a door opening and closing by itself or an "eerie feeling," for example, would be an echo.
Anyone seen those Scariest Places on earth Specials? In one they were investigating Mikpike Mansion, supposedly the most haunted house in the world. One room, they called the sad room. Anyone who entered was overcome with a powerful sense of sadnes... that what you're talking about?

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:13 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
Konietzko wrote:
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:Not really, except if count momentary precog... which is more than likely a guess and conicidence...
This is how it happened, and yeah... it's stupid...
Please, don't fall into that trap. What you believer and what you feel is free, and you're welcome to whatever beliefs or opinions that you have. Too many people fall into the self made traps of 'Well, it's dumb..." or "People will think I'm crazy..."

Case in point, a couple of hundred years ago, somebody thought it was a dumb and crazy idea that the Earth orbited the sun, and that it wasn't vice versa.
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:This happened a couple of years ago, when i still went to high school. We'd been having bomb threats... and i'm not sure but they usually were around the same time, just not the same day. So, i walk into fourth period, and about ten seconds later i'm thinking "Are we going to have a bomb threat today?" About five minutes later, guess what they annouce over the PA system?
This is interesting to me, in and of itself, because a friend of mine has had very similar occurrences in the past. One example is when I was riding with him once. Now, he's a fairly aggressive driver usually. The kind of guy that'll gun yellow lights at the last minute to clear the intersection before the light changes. This particular day was different, however, and I noticed he was taking the road trip cautiously. I was about to ask him about it when the man jumps on the brakes at a green light! Cars behind him stop suddenly, tires screech, horns...I'm like "Dude, green light, what the hell?" Just as the words leave my mouth? An 18 wheeler blows through the intersection in front of us, totally running the red light. Had we gone through? We'd have been plowed, dead center. His response? "Just had a feeling that if I wasn't careful, and kept my eyes out, I'd end up in a wreck today..." :hsup
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:Then there's the feeling like somethings in the hallway... don't ask me why, but from a very early age, i just hated that hallway... it kept feeling like someone was watching you. A couple of times i also felt an uncontrolled fear... i mean full paralsys, fear... so yeah, i'm pretty much an idiot for brining it up, and it was probably just a guess... but sometimes, i guess things right, even when no one else knows the outcome... doubt that counts... sorry i wasted a spot on your thread... i am jealous of you though... at least the spirit world... no no no, on second thought, since i'm typing this a few feet away from said hallway, i won't say a word...
The thing you have to understand is here is that there is never a time when we are not surrounded by unseen things. Be they extra-dimensional entities or ghosts, they're around us 24/7. Most times, they ignore us. We're probably really not all that interesting, anyway. Gods know that I think humans are a boring lot. But there are those entities who will watch us. And there are some who have malevolent intent, just as there are some humans out there who just have bad in them, and have malevolent intent for no reason. If you're feeling uncontrolled fear, and like you're being watched, trust your instincts. Here's where it gets interesting.

If it is a ghost, or a spirit of some sort? You've got the power in your hands, rather you know it or not. This connects to my earlier statements of my belief that all humans have enormous psychic potential. Stand your ground, and say clearly and assuredly, "This is my territory. You are unwelcome here. Leave now." Sound corny? Maybe. But it does seem to work, most usually against entities that most would consider 'demonic' beings, which are the ones most commonly interested in causing trouble.
Thanks... oh and about the demon stuff... yeah, i've heard it works on spirits... but if they're strong enough, they won't leave, no matter how much to you tell them to, and sometimes, they may even attack you because you ticked them off. Does anyone here believe the whole "Ghosts can't hurt you." Thing? I don't, because, if a ghost can move things across a room, why can't they move you across the room? Anyone here seen those "Haunting" shows on Discovery? They usually show them everyday between noon and three... they're telling the stories of hauntings that got really, really bad... most have examples of where something else was keeping spirits trapped there, even though the home owners tried to get rid of them...

Okay, now one last thing... i believe that if a person dies violently somewhere, a hole is punched in the veil between worlds. It more than one do, the hole can either get bigger, or the many small holes just merge to make one big, gaping gateway... am i wrong? I mean, they do say if someone dies a horrible death, they stay on, repeating the action again and again... and where people have died, activity has increased...

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:15 pm
by Konietzko
On a side note...this is here, in Indianapolis, Indiana, where I live. I'd love to go in there and bring some equipment.

Central State Mental Hospital...otherwise known as Seven Steeples Sanitarium. There's an actual documentary with them looking for spirits within the buildings out that came about when a movie maker wanted to film a fictional movie inside. While they were trying to shoot the film, apparently, odd things kept happening, so the director scrapped the original idea for the fictional movie, and wanted to figure out what was going on.

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:51 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
Holy s***! :hsup You're a brave man, my friend...
Okay... i'm done... you've just reminded me of another scariest places on earth... these girls go to a mental institute {might have been yours...} they hear a sound, and go to the morgue. One of the trays/beds whatever where the bodies were stored was open. SO, they push it back it, leave the room, and seconds later, they hear the sound again. They turn back and scream: the bed is out again... and no one else was in the room...

Edit: on another side note, cool avatar...

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:10 pm
by *nagowteena*
well, I've seen shadow people twice, once with my mom, and another time at an old theater were I was preforming. hmm... and a few years back the bedroom doors down the hall of our house would open and close by them selves, although it hasn't happened since.

and in 2001 my mother and I were walking home at night, and we walked right through the back lot behind our house, and I heard like, this chinky sound, like keys. and I asked her why was she shaking the keys. And she freaked, she had thought I was making the noise, the we both got panicked. it was light enough for us to tell there was no one else near us. we got so creaped out. :lol:

I would like to check out some of the haunted places in El Paso, that would be so interesting. :)

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:11 pm
by Set
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:Okay, now one last thing... i believe that if a person dies violently somewhere, a hole is punched in the veil between worlds. It more than one do, the hole can either get bigger, or the many small holes just merge to make one big, gaping gateway... am i wrong? I mean, they do say if someone dies a horrible death, they stay on, repeating the action again and again... and where people have died, activity has increased...
That's nice in theory, but considering something has died violently everywhere at some point in time by that logic it would make the entire planet "haunted".

The veil isn't as fragile as you think.

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:52 pm
by Terastas
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:One room, they called the sad room. Anyone who entered was overcome with a powerful sense of sadnes... that what you're talking about?
*nods* That would be one of several possibilities. Think of the movie The Grudge only to a lesser degree; a strong enough emotion will linger.

Trauma is supposedly the most potent. There was another program I remember seeing where they had a detective/skeptic put two psychics to the test by asking them to tell them specific details of a crime (solved years ago) just based on a picture of the deceased and a tour of the crime scene. The first psychic "had an off day," but the second one correctly guessed based on what she felt in the area, not only where the victim was when he was shot and that he shot back before he died, but that his wife was sitting in the car across the street and saw the whole thing. Her exact words were something along the lines of "that kind of trauma tends to linger for quite a while."

The other "echo" example I remember being given was one where poltergeist-like activity (chairs moving, doors opening and closing, etc) can be akin to that of a previous resident's routine. Supposedly if you do the same thing at the same time enough times over and over again and then abruptly stop, it might perform the action by itself every now and then. There's a lot of confusion about that because, even though they aren't literally ghosts, a lot of people attribute them to the deceased and think of them as such.

I never saw or heard anything about it personally, but my step-mother claimed that her previous house (which I did spend frequent nights in and therefore am skeptical about it myself) was haunted. I forget what she said the ghost's name was, only that he had a name, and that she claimed to have learned his name from the previous tenant. When I asked what he does, she told me about lights and other electronics turning on or off by themselves, doors and windows slamming shut and the like.

So if the ghost in that house really is self-aware, he must be really bored if that's all he wants to do in his afterlife. I never had any experiences of my own while I was in that house, so if there was any truth to her claims, I think it was just another echo.

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:36 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
Set wrote:
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:Okay, now one last thing... i believe that if a person dies violently somewhere, a hole is punched in the veil between worlds. It more than one do, the hole can either get bigger, or the many small holes just merge to make one big, gaping gateway... am i wrong? I mean, they do say if someone dies a horrible death, they stay on, repeating the action again and again... and where people have died, activity has increased...
That's nice in theory, but considering something has died violently everywhere at some point in time by that logic it would make the entire planet "haunted".

The veil isn't as fragile as you think.
Mmm... true... but how do you know it isn't? Just because something isn't active enough to notice, doesn't mean there isn't activity all over the planet... but maybe you're right... hmm... maybe it just makes it easier for things to pass through it... {goes off to contemplate stuff}

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:43 pm
by MoonKit
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:We'd been having bomb threats... and i'm not sure but they usually were around the same time, just not the same day. So, i walk into fourth period, and about ten seconds later i'm thinking "Are we going to have a bomb threat today?" About five minutes later, guess what they annouce over the PA system?
Thats creepy. That exact scenario has happened to me.

But those precog stuff happens to me all the time. Just little things though. I'll pause for a second in the morning to decide whether I should just bring bus money or a little extra just in case. And I'll say "Nah..Ive never needed extra." Then I end up having to walk home because I've somehow lost my bus money and dont have any extra on me. Or the fair went up. :P

As far as seeing things, Ive never seen an alien or ghost but I've seen those "shadows" plenty of times. And there have been times when I swore a person or animal was walking by but I was 100% alone. Once, I swear I even tripped over a "ghost" cat. I think it was just the house cat out for a little astral traveling. :lol:

Then there are the faeries. It's only happened once or twice to me where I'll see a stereotypical faerie then turn to look again and its gone...or turned into a newspaper moving in the wind. Silly faeries.

Then of course we have some fun Ouija Board stories. 8)

But my roommate/ex-mate used to have all kinds of ghost experiences where they would seek him out. He's since blocked it off because it's scared the hell out of him. But when we first started dating he would close his eyes as he fell asleep and he would see wolves growling at him. (I thought you guys might appreciate that one) Once in a blue moon he seems to even have visions in real time. He had a dream once about being on fire in this building and he woke up and his body felt like it was on fire...he had to jump in the shower and everything. Then he found out later that the building had been set on fire while he slept.

Just everyday occurrences at my house. :lol:

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:50 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
MoonKit wrote:
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:We'd been having bomb threats... and i'm not sure but they usually were around the same time, just not the same day. So, i walk into fourth period, and about ten seconds later i'm thinking "Are we going to have a bomb threat today?" About five minutes later, guess what they annouce over the PA system?
Thats creepy. That exact scenario has happened to me.

But those precog stuff happens to me all the time. Just little things though. I'll pause for a second in the morning to decide whether I should just bring bus money or a little extra just in case. And I'll say "Nah..Ive never needed extra." Then I end up having to walk home because I've somehow lost my bus money and dont have any extra on me. Or the fair went up. :P

As far as seeing things, Ive never seen an alien or ghost but I've seen those "shadows" plenty of times. And there have been times when I swore a person or animal was walking by but I was 100% alone. Once, I swear I even tripped over a "ghost" cat. I think it was just the house cat out for a little astral traveling. :lol:

Then there are the faeries. It's only happened once or twice to me where I'll see a stereotypical faerie then turn to look again and its gone...or turned into a newspaper moving in the wind. Silly faeries.

Then of course we have some fun Ouija Board stories. 8)

But my roommate/ex-mate used to have all kinds of ghost experiences where they would seek him out. He's since blocked it off because it's scared the hell out of him. But when we first started dating he would close his eyes as he fell asleep and he would see wolves growling at him. (I thought you guys might appreciate that one) Once in a blue moon he seems to even have visions in real time. He had a dream once about being on fire in this building and he woke up and his body felt like it was on fire...he had to jump in the shower and everything. Then he found out later that the building had been set on fire while he slept.

Just everyday occurrences at my house. :lol:
Just a friendly warning... leave the Ouija Board stuff alone... that is a direct portal into this world... and right where you are too... Hmm... sounds like you roommate might either be sensative... no, from what your describing, he's a full blown psychic... poor guy... from what i understand, their beacons for the spirits of the dead who can't seem to find a way to the otherside... oh, and you do have extra fire extinquishers around your house right? :D

Actually, i wouldn't mind being a clairvoyant (lottery anyone?), or be telekenetic... although with my temper things might start flying everwhere when i'm pissed... but not a medium, which i'm pretty sure your roommate is...

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:58 pm
by MoonKit
Yeah, well, he hasnt had any really interesting experiences in awhile. Just the wolf stuff but that was years ago. He's blocked it off (mostly) whether its for good or bad.

Everybody always says such bad things about the Ouija Board. I've only used it once or twice but Ive never had any bad experiences. Our ghost guy made a paper float for us like an inch off the floor. He was awesome. :D

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:23 am
by Set
WerewolfKeeper3 wrote:Actually, i wouldn't mind being a clairvoyant (lottery anyone?)
:lol: Oh, I wish it worked like that. I wouldn't be broke then.

Re: Paranormal Occurrences- Ever had Any?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 3:26 am
by IndianaJones
A very unique, intelligent, and interesting thread. Thanks for sharing your experience, Konietzko! :o

I don't really get to chance to properly welcomed you to the Pack's Den. Because I was off during that week when you joined in. I am amazed to see a person like you, its hard for me and some others to see people are into this ghostly truths, as I call it. :D Anyways, good to meet ya.

I read everyone's post here, its very convincing and true. These things you people shared actually sent some chills down into my spine. Because I have some similar experiences when I was a child. I would love to tell my story, but right now, I don't feel like it. The oddities and 'Non-New Age bullshit" that Konietzko, Outwardnoodles, Terastas, Set, WerewolfKeeper3, Nagowteena, and others shared is believable. I don't see these threads in boring mainstream media forums in the off-topic section. Some people seem to ignore it because they don't' want to hear or see the Truth. They think it is absolutely impossible, thanks for the bloody Governments' textbooks and crappy education system. Those politically-correct and edited histories are so obvious.

I am not a conspiracy nut, since it is all mainstream. But they are more like half-truths, I sometimes research them when I feel like it.

Oh, by the way. Its really rare to see people who have 'real' psychic abilities. Because most of them are either gifted or just half-awakened. We can't just blindly accept things that can be true from a source created by a author or reporter. But if it is really convincing, then you should accept it and think about it. Seriously, these things really does make you think. I am sure as hell believe in the paranormal and the supernatural.

I think I will share my story tomorrow. I don't feel like doing it at this time. Well, I never really talked to the deceased, but see them in pictures, videos, and stories. I think only once in my childhood, a shadow or a voice? :?