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WBW (Worlds Best Werewolf)

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:27 pm
by Silverclaw
So, what do you think is the best werewolf made yet?
(Yeah! My first poll ever!)

Re: WBW (Worlds Best Werewolf)

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:32 pm
by Figarou
Silverclaw wrote:So, what do you think is the best werewolf made yet?
(Yeah! My first poll ever!)
yay!! the 1st to vote!!

The best werewolf to date is the black werewolf in Van Helsing. (When Van Helsing became a werewolf.)

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:35 pm
by Silverclaw
I agree, Van Hellsing makes a damn good werewolf :D Needs a tail and non-bunny rabbit ears though. And I wish they moved more realisticly instead of bouncing of the walls. Face was a little too cartoony as well.

Dog Soilders and Bad Moon are a second for me. Very cool lookin. 8)

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:39 pm
by Figarou
They did a good job with the fangs in Van Helsing.

But out of the 3 werewolves in that movie, I didn't like the 2nd one. I liked the 1st and last.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:47 pm
by Wynd
Agreed...NH werewolf VanHelsing rocked. He was sessy, expressive, moved well...and...well ok, i agree with the ears. A tad too long. Other than that tho...lovely! And I actually liked the face. Too wolfish and it's just a wold walking on hind legs. I thought it was a good combo 'of wolf and man' ( heh...yay metallica ) and more expresive than some of the other werewolves I've seen. As to cartoony...meh. I didn't think so, but then I happen to love Ron Spencer's art, and it has a bit of surrealism to it.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:02 pm
by Vilkacis
I have to go with Van Helsing as well.

They did a great job with just about everything but the ears (the one thing in the whole movie I disliked most: those retarded ears!) and the oft-mentioned lack of tail.

The middle one reminded me more of a particular breed of dog than a wolf. I would say I probably liked the last one best, but I liked the first one, too.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:10 pm
by hydrocarbon
Aww man, don't make me choose! :D This was such a hard decision...

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:26 pm
by Rwolf
I think there should also be 2 category's (or 3) Best CG (computer generated) Best Tradition (RL model,/ suit) and Best overall

Van Hesing Defintly for over all.
Dogsoldiers for best traditional (I'd also considerd underworld if they looked abit more wolfish instead)

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:48 pm
by Terastas
Voted other. Not sure who I'd pick as my favorite werewolf though; I just know it's not one of the above choices.

Probably John Talbain if I can vote for him, but otherwise, I just don't know.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:30 pm
by Scott Gardener
I seriously considered Bad Moon, even though I haven't seen it. I've been very impressed with screen shots. I'll make it a point to find the movie and see it; my answer could change if the video is as good as the stills. The images look pretty much like the werewolves I imagined for about a decade, before I recently decided to push for making them even more photo-realistic and wolf-like in my mind.

I also thought about Van Helsing, which is pretty close to the Consensus werewolf, even though it's got the excessive mass problem I personally dislike. Overall, it's quite good.

But, I gave it to Dog Soldiers, because they actually look wolf-like.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 12:55 am
by Kavik
Scott Gardener wrote:But, I gave it to Dog Soldiers, because they actually look wolf-like.
If that's your standard, AWIL should win out.

I seriously don't see VAN HELSING as the pinacle of cinematic lycanthropy. Reckon I'm the minority here, but I thought they looked like bat-faced apes. And the Hulk-style size increase really bugged me. I did like the sloughing of the skin, but that's not really a comment on the werewolf itself.

Ah well. :(

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:41 am
by LoboLEO
Scott Gardener wrote:I seriously considered Bad Moon, even though I haven't seen it. I've been very impressed with screen shots.
Eeer... Bad Moon it's another try for the were-rat! has a rat face no matter how much I try to look to in in another way. The only good thing, they tried to put to it a tail (a scene werew the ww is tied to a tree), but for some reason in some shot te tail was gone... :P

About he best ww... ok Van Helsing stand out as a nice cg ww... I like it so far, but it doesn't have the realism of what I'd espect for texture.. I say his fur was shiny and fluffy as teddy bear :P and he jumped and moved as a monkey.. :/ . What I like of Van Helsing is the design , his muzzle and gestures more than anything.

When I mean texture I mean something that blend better to a enviorement credible too, altogether with other characters. The suppoused werewolves on Underwold would have been perfect ones if they'd have fur and better heads (and of course tails)... the suit were Incredibles! cg... they were standing there on hinded legs ... I liked them. Those were like unfinished werewolves for me, but at elast credibles... and worked for the film.

And finally that time no cg, were the best ones... maybe creppy ww a little deformed :P...but they were like I've imagined them for long time (ears a little too long) but were credibles (ok with a lot of shadow a bit of light on many scenes), at the end it's quite hard to me to decide. I still haven't seen dog soldiers.... :/ just shoots...well

For me the best ww would be put Van Helsing with no cg at all...that would be the best ones. :wink:

Re: WBW (Worlds Best Werewolf)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:45 am
by Morkulv
None of them. The Van Helsing-werewolf looks good, but acts like a crazed gorilla, and is much too big, like I sayd. And those things from Dog Soldiers are also terrible things with too big heads.

I'd say AWIL.

Re: WBW (Worlds Best Werewolf)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:48 am
by Kavik
Morkulv wrote:None of them. The Van Helsing-werewolf looks good, but acts like a crazed gorilla, and is much too big, like I sayd. And those things from Dog Soldiers are also terrible things with too big heads.

I'd say AWIL.
I still like AWIL best, but for the bipedal werewolf, I'm going with the original Howling. Man, Rick Baker was on fire back then! 8)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:09 am
by Kavik
LoboLEO wrote:For me the best ww would be put Van Helsing with no cg at all...that would be the best ones. :wink:
Hey, I just checked out your comic; very cool stuff! I wanna see more of Luna, if you know what I mean 8)

(I mean her adventures as an unwilling werewolf, what did you think I meant?)

And those TF manips? Maybe a CGI werewolf based on your art wouldn't be so bad (for the transvection scenes only, of course).

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:49 am
by Wynd
OK, got to say it...Rick Baker is a god!!! He's the one that got me started on makeup when I saw the making of Thriller years and years ago. He's an amazing artist, has a warped, monster-makin' mind, and has created some of the most fun critters I've ever seen. :lovestruck:

Besides...he was wicked cool hair! :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:09 pm
by Bete
I picked "other" because I would pick Lon Chaney Jr. as "The Wolf Man" or werewolf character "Bete" from the French film "La Belle et le Bete."

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:15 pm
by Bete
I want to further elaborate by saying that my vote in this poll is influenced by those movies being werewolf "classics" too (I didn't go strictly by look).

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:23 pm
by Kavik
Bete wrote:I want to further elaborate by saying that my vote in this poll is influenced by those movies being werewolf "classics" too (I didn't go strictly by look).
It's not easy to seperate the monster from the rest of the movie.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 9:11 pm
by Anubis
i love the van helsing werewolf but one ploblem NO TAIL!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 9:49 pm
by Arania
I'm going to have to go with Van Hellsign as well....
I also noticed the strange ears (and of course no tail) - I think the main problem with the ears is that they were very thin, virtually hairless, and positioned on the very TOP of the head, instead of connecting lower on the skull like an actual wolf's do.

However, I still think, despite the flashy CG, it was the closest to what I picture - it looked fairly lupine, it was agile (too agile), and very imressive (the first and last one at least)

AWIL had the best transformation sequence, but the actual wolf was only shown in brief shots, and looked actually rather strange if you stop to look at it - very shaggy, unrealistic, the form of the wolf itself was too bulky for a quadruped - more gorilla-like actually. - Take a look.

Dog soldiers would have been better if they had had more fur, distinct tails, and didn't look quite so skinny, imho.

I also didn't quite like the howling werewolves - looked more fox-like with the HUGE ears, and also the very tall and lanky. And perseonally, while it's understandable for the time, I didn't like the look of the faces - they didn't look very... natural to me...

And I've never seen Bad Moon... >>

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 10:00 pm
by Kavik
Arania wrote:AWIL had the best transformation sequence, but the actual wolf was only shown in brief shots, and looked actually rather strange if you stop to look at it - very shaggy, unrealistic, the form of the wolf itself was too bulky for a quadruped - more gorilla-like actually. - Take a look.
Considering that this was a quadruped, vice biped, but still a combination of wolf(canine) and human (primate), having a 'gorilla' influence on the final product ain't necessarily a bad thing.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 10:53 pm
by Shadow Wulf
van hesling werewolf is everything werewolf fans want to see in a werewolf, the ears, they should put in regualr wolf ears, but its still great. and the tail, yeah i know we need to see a tail in werewolfs more often and van helsing werewolf would look better with a tail, but if you think about it tails are just something extra. size, its just fine. and the whole gorrila thing, well, we are related to mokeys :D mabey the werewolf genetics bring out our primate instincs as well as adding a wolfs, you never know, werewolfs dont exist, how do you know how werewolfs look,move, act, what powers they have, all the comment everyone says about werewolfs including myself, are they really fact for shure, or is it just something we want to believe. (but dog soilders, yeah there head were too big, but i liked it. and actual wolfs head :D. im just saying you people can stop the endless criticism of van helsing werewolfs ears i think we all get the point.Sorry im acting this way but im really sensitive about peoples art work or movie props about werewolfs, altough i always notice the mistakes, (should i even say mistake) that people perposely put in there werewolfs, they probally do it just to be different, its there mind, there imagination why should there be rules, why should there be such close boundries. i have never in my life said anything bad about anyones artwork no matter how bad it is. Ill make a few nice small comments and suggestion that would help them, but not oh that all wrong this is how a fantasy creature should always look like.

But none of less i will also respect what you guys want to see in a werewolf flick, and they should make a werewolf movie that has everything everybody including myself want. and cries have been answered with freeborn.

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:23 pm
by Kavik
Shadow Wulf wrote:im just saying you people can stop the endless criticism of van helsing werewolfs ears i think we all get the point.Sorry im acting this way but im really sensitive about peoples art work or movie props about werewolfs, altough i always notice the mistakes, (should i even say mistake) that people perposely put in there werewolfs, they probally do it just to be different, its there mind, there imagination why should there be rules, why should there be such close boundries. i have never in my life said anything bad about anyones artwork no matter how bad it is. Ill make a few nice small comments and suggestion that would help them, but not oh that all wrong this is how a fantasy creature should always look like.
Agreed. I even still dig the 'brute style werewolf seen in WEREWOLF OF LONDON and almost every movie since, up to WOLFEN.

I do expect some effort be put into the art though, which is why I so dislike DARKWOLF (well, one of many reasons I dislike it).

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:44 am
by Shadow Wulf
this is what im talking about see, it doesnt have hair on its chest or arm, or leg, and yes it does have a tail atleast, the werewolf still looks awsome. There shouldnt be a rule or boundrie on how a werewolf should be.