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Soothing the "beast"

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:44 am
by NightmareHero
You all know the saying "soothing the savage beast" Beauty and the Beast comes to mind, but that was only an emotional type of soothing, not necessarily physical.

What I propose is a scene with a woman in control of her newly transformed mate, which she bit recently. The Howling did something like this, but it just went straight to the sex, there was no "tease", no dialogue, no attempt made for the woman to express her understanding of how her mate felt from his first change. No attempt made by the woman to control her mate, to make him obey , to make him HELP HER please him. This would place the woman in a dominat role while in human form, and maybe some female members of the audience may find some satisfaction in her controlling such a powerfull creature, being the one in command. caressing the beast, as if it was a newly born puppy.

I'm sure each and every one of you males out there has imaged SOMETHING by the mere mention of the quote. What if the fillmmakers made an attempt to realize it for all of us. If this is done with an R rating, I'm sure such a scene could be done tastefully.

Let me describe some details, the woman would probably have told her boyfriend to meet her in the woods, where she ended up being late because of car troubles. She runs towards him but he is already transformed. His mind is like a child, half child baby, half wolf cub, neither knowing what they are or what they want. He would smell something recognizable, the girl, and try to get up, but he has never used his legs before, after some effort he would figure out how to stand, and then how to run on all fours.

He could run towards her, and she could let him chase him, until she reached a clearing and told him to "stop" by shouting. He would obey, because she is his "mother" and lover, the one who created him as he is now.

The girl could then tell the wolf man to kneel, but he wouldn't know how to. She could point to his "knees" in his digigrade stance and tell him these are his knees, to which he would kneel with her asistance. She could cuddle his mane while talking to him, tell him that she knows he doesn't understand, that he is in pain, and promising that she will make the pain go away.....

want me to go on......?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:06 am
by ShadowFang
Sure, sounds good. I would like to hear more. However, just a heads up for future scenes you paint into our skulls. Please don't use the word "mother". I'm getting the image of a wolf and his mother showing him how to be a werewolf. Just isn't working. I really really like the whole concept though.

I feel I would need to be familiar with the entire scene before I could really pass judgement on it. But, so far its a little too soothing. The male werewolf should be thrashing about over whelmed by his animal instincts maybe. It would take his girlfriend in her wolf form to calm him down and show him the truth. Though, the beauty and the beast analogy is great! Stick with that!

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:53 am
by Lasthowl
I have a hard time believing the curse would leave you that helpless that you don't know how to walk or kneel.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:35 pm
by NightmareHero
I have to be carefull here, I can't describe anything specific, lest it be deleted.

Ok She takes off most of her cloths, while she's undressing the male tries to get up and approach her, but she keeps telling him to "STAY" After she takes off more of her cloths he gets eager, to which she says, "STAY, or you're not getting any!"

All she would have on would be her button sleved shirt, she'd be bare from the bottom down. The male could try to sniff her, and obviousely he would know what smells better, to which she tells him "no biting", by grabing his chin. He gives out a moan/whineing sound and trys to say "why?". she tells him "because of your teeth". She would then look at him sincerely and innocently and say "You wouldn't want to hurt me, would you?" almost in a sad face. The male would then lick his lips and moans some more, to which she would pet his mane and caress his cheeks, She would then say as a question "you love me, don't you?" The male would then nod in approval, while she stroked his chin, "then love me, help me love you, make me feel like a woman. help me love you" She would then kiss him on the muzzle, and let him get a taste of her.

She would be pettting/messageing his head while he does his thing, when eventually she moans quietly, and says, "now you've done it, you've made me cum" She would then start to transform, her legs would change slowly but not in a painful, curshing sound/bones cracking kind of sound manner into digigrade. fur would build up in her front region and legs traveling up her chest. Her chest would expand slowely and push outward, forceing the buttons on the shirt to rip one by one, after enough of the buttons have riped, she would take off the shirt in a slow exhausted effort, showcaseing her growing arm muscles and fur. her hair would lengthen and the other usaual things that accompany a transformation, until she was complete.

After she is done changeing, She would pull his head from licking her up to meet her eye to eye, her ears would twitch and bend, while he would lick his lips a little, she would then lick his neck and muzzle him all the while pushing him back to lay on a slanted tree.He lies flat with her holding onto his shoulders, he doesn't know whether to put his hands around her. She would put her arm around his mane, and use her other pawlike hand to make him connect to her, of course without showing any of it, save for her looking down and grinning and licking her lips with satisfaction. once connected, she would begin to slowly thrust into him, her thighs and abdomen tightenting to make him feel pain and howl, all the while petting his neck, as he holds onto her waist. She could position her feet to show that she is pushing herself into him, making more of an effort to be the domanent one than him.

After a couple of hours, the male wolf is lying flat on the ground asleep. The female sits on top of him and dangles the dead flesh of a bunny in front of his snout. She touches his cheeks with her paws gently, and messages his scalp. The smell of raw meat wakes up the male, to which he starts joyousely munching. After he is done, the female could then get up and expose her back to him, waveing her tail, urging him to follow, passing her paw along her shoulder, down her waist, to her thigh as a sexual tease, she would then signal to him with a wave to follow her, which he would obey. they would run on all fours, her showing him the way, till she stoped near another animal. This would show how she teaches him to hunt. The first time he fails to capture the animal, but she is able to snap its neck. She only offers half this time to him. After a few more efforts he is able to kill one successfully in the forest. To which she nuzzles him in approval. This time he shares his kill with her. She grabs his muzzle, bends his head sideways, bends hers the other ways, and reminds hime that he can kiss in this form as well.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:41 am
by ShadowFang
Very hot. I can't think of any more suggestions that wouldn't knock it into a "mature" rated movie. Which of course if thats what you're aiming for then hold nothing back.

The sex scene was very tastfully done. Bravo. Wish we could hear more but don't want to jepordize it any.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:30 am
by Terastas
Personally, I wouldn't jump straight to anything sexual like that. It would be nice to show a tender moment between a human and a werewolf, but a lot of movies have used the male wolf/female human combo, so to include it so bluntly in this movie would make it seem even less original.

I was thinking about the same thing, but what I imagined is that, if a werewolf is ever discovered by a human being, they would have a few unspoken laws on how to deal with them. In the case of a fluke incident where a complete stranger happens upon them, they would just knock them out and either take their wallet to make it look like a robbery, or leave something like an empty bottle of whiskey or a a half-eaten magic shroomy with them to make it look like they were hallucinating. In the event that the person is either someone they know from their human day lives or someone that might be a good addition to the pack (like if he was wearing one of Goldenwolf's 'Shift Happens' shirts), they would abduct him and take him back to the pack to see how they react with each other. If at the end the pack decides him not to be trustworthy, they would give him a few shroomies and dump him off in an alley or a cow pasture, and if they thought he could keep their secret, they would keep him around as a sort of omega human for a while.

Obviously the human would be freaked out at first, so the first thing I imagined was that a she-wolf would motion for her other pack mates to give them some space, then she could sit down beside him, put an arm around his shoulders and cuddle him against her fur to show that she won't hurt him. Once he's calmed down, she could either be more affectionate by nuzzling or licking him, or try to help him loosen up by 'playing puppy' i.e. panting, wagging her tail, playing tug-o-war with a rag or rolling over onto her back for a belly rub... Basically, nothing she would normally do in werewolf form, but would pretend to do in order to help him loosen up (hence the term 'playing puppy').
Personally, I'd go with the former.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:14 pm
by NightmareHero
Terastas wrote:Personally, I wouldn't jump straight to anything sexual like that. It would be nice to show a tender moment between a human and a werewolf, but a lot of movies have used the male wolf/female human combo, so to include it so bluntly in this movie would make it seem even less original.
Its not exactly that, its a male AND female wolf combo. Besides, if this scene were done or one like it, it could be towads the middle of the film

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:10 pm
by Terastas
Think-Harder wrote:
Terastas wrote:Personally, I wouldn't jump straight to anything sexual like that. It would be nice to show a tender moment between a human and a werewolf, but a lot of movies have used the male wolf/female human combo, so to include it so bluntly in this movie would make it seem even less original.
Its not exactly that, its a male AND female wolf combo. Besides, if this scene were done or one like it, it could be towads the middle of the film
Understood. Still, it's possible to have sexual elements without showing any skin. A close relationship would be a great addition to the plot, but when you include any implied sex or implied female nudity, the audience tends to recognize that as a sign of a B-movie.

I'm not saying it's a scene that should be omitted from the movie altogether, but the inclusion of such a scene shouldn't feel like a necessary element either. Sex is something the media overglorifies a lot, so for this movie to be a success, realism should be favored over sensualism. If the writers/producers can find a place for it, well and good, but the script shouldn't be written differently in order to include it.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:37 pm
by NightmareHero
Terastas wrote:
Think-Harder wrote:
Terastas wrote:Personally, I wouldn't jump straight to anything sexual like that. It would be nice to show a tender moment between a human and a werewolf, but a lot of movies have used the male wolf/female human combo, so to include it so bluntly in this movie would make it seem even less original.
Its not exactly that, its a male AND female wolf combo. Besides, if this scene were done or one like it, it could be towads the middle of the film
Understood. Still, it's possible to have sexual elements without showing any skin. A close relationship would be a great addition to the plot, but when you include any implied sex or implied female nudity, the audience tends to recognize that as a sign of a B-movie.
Sex in B-movies is hardly ever intimate. Two people haveing sex in most B-movies are just doing it to satisfy their urges; rarely is it the case that they are doing it because they love one another. I'm sure by the way that I described the scene that it would have been understood as a slow prolonged scene, not a "banging." If you think about it, this type of thing has never been done before, especially the part that happens after the love making. And if you think carefully and can picture this scene in your head, it could easily be done with an R rating for the movie. There would be nothing below showen, save for the woman's buttocks, and of course her transforming breasts.

Just because you think it can't be done, doesn't mean you KNOW that it can't be done.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:54 pm
by Sporty Fox
I tend to agree with Terastas on this, it would lessen any attempt at a serious movie. The scene in The Howling worked, but they had already ruined the film with the whole sex parlor masturbation scenario in the begining of the movie. That movie was great when I was 16, but as an adult it leaves a lot to be desired. If there is to be a love story/sex scene in the movie- and I wouldn't mind it at all- it needs to be done in a way that the general movie public will understand/like it. Unfortunately the scene as posted out so far looks to much like a fandom sexstory, something that would make a generic movie buff wonder about just what audience the movie was really written for.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:08 am
by Figarou
Soothing the beast

two words

belly rub!!


Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:16 am
by Treads Lightly
It seems to me that the whole sex-scene thing is part of the movie “formula”. Many movies include such scenes for what appears to be no reason what so ever. Perhaps to appeal to a market segment I guess. If it furthers the plot then I am for it, tastefully done of course, otherwise leave the sex out. I would rather spend ten more minutes getting to know the werewolves instead of seeing them make hanky panky.

If you want a good example of a movie that does this, watch Ocean’s Eleven. It is the only recent movie that I can think of that involves the mob and yet has no swearing. Instead of another cookie cutter love scene you learn about “Napster” and how he got that nickname, much more interesting.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:22 am
by WolvenOne
Uh, I'm gonna agree with the idea of keeping hanky pank down as much as possible. Especially hanky pank involving, a human and a werewolf, or two werewolves.

Implied hanky pank is about as far as I think you can go without labeling this film a shallow B-movie. That's my opinion at least.

Hehehe, yeah, a bellyrub might indeed sooth a werewolfs inner beast, some. :)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:30 am
by Figarou
WolvenOne wrote:Uh, I'm gonna agree with the idea of keeping hanky pank down as much as possible. Especially hanky pank involving, a human and a werewolf, or two werewolves.

Implied hanky pank is about as far as I think you can go without labeling this film a shallow B-movie. That's my opinion at least.

Hehehe, yeah, a bellyrub might indeed sooth a werewolfs inner beast, some. :)
works on dogs. :P

Now how about that spot that makes the hind leg twitch. :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:50 am
by Treads Lightly
Figarou wrote: Now how about that spot that makes the hind leg twitch. :lol:
Ack! The term for that escapes me at the moment. It’s something like Canine <something> Response.

I would pay to see that! Perhaps a scene after the movie. :)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 12:51 am
by Figarou
Treads Lightly wrote:
Figarou wrote: Now how about that spot that makes the hind leg twitch. :lol:
Ack! The term for that escapes me at the moment. It’s something like Canine <something> Response.

I would pay to see that! Perhaps a scene after the movie. :)
An outtake!!! :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:09 am
by NightmareHero
Ah well, wishfull thinking.... :roll:

Less ideas for the movie, more for my book.