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Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:06 am
by lycan94
I know that a lot of media portrays werewolves as monsters who like to rape, pillage and plunder, but I always portray them in my fiction as having the instinct that basicly says "Rapist= Dead". Now that's just my oppinion, but I'm interestted in what others say.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:56 am
by Berserker
Need more justification or explanation to comment. Are your werewolves good/bad/indifferent? So you're saying they hate rapists?

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:18 pm
by Terastas
The whole "werewolf = rapist" thing is a Hollywood byproduct. See, Hollywood thinks all werewolf movies are naturally crap, and that the only people that will watch that kind of crap are teens and young adults. Hollywood therefore has distorted werewolves into an image which they think better fits their target audience, and in this case, Hollywood's impression of teens and young adults is that they are obsessed with sex and violence. Therefore, Hollywood typically provides them with werewolves who are very sexual and very brutal.

You can sort of see the same "sexifying" going on with vampires too, but since vampires are easier for human actors to portray, they haven't been sexified any more than what is typical of Hollywood in the 21st century. The rape element is a result of Hollywood's inability to provide a werewolf that is animated enough to be anything other than aggressive.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:28 pm
by Berserker
Terastas wrote:The whole "werewolf = rapist" thing is a Hollywood byproduct. See, Hollywood thinks all werewolf movies are naturally crap, and that the only people that will watch that kind of crap are teens and young adults. Hollywood therefore has distorted werewolves into an image which they think better fits their target audience, and in this case, Hollywood's impression of teens and young adults is that they are obsessed with sex and violence. Therefore, Hollywood typically provides them with werewolves who are very sexual and very brutal.
Not just Hollywood. The written world as well. Perhaps even moreso.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:09 pm
by Scott Gardener
Rape is a particularly nasty crime, and it's hard to picture anyone doing so justifiably. We can kind of see murder under extreme circumstances--"Of course I did it; he threatened my family, kidnapped my dog, and when I learned that before he moved in, he was a warlord working with the Janaweed, raiding villages in Darfur, well, you know, I had to." But, it's pretty hard to picture any circumstances what-so-ever that would make rape justifiable. It's categorically similar to molesting children.

By envisioning characters who are unlikeable and deserving of getting horribly mangled, our superego lets us off the hook, so to speak, to enjoy picturing them getting mangled and slaughtered horrifically. The werewolf pulls out his intestines and shows it to him while he's still breathing? That's cool. Unless you're a psychopath, you wouldn't feel the same way if the werewolf's victim was a dog groomer struggling to feed three kids.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:54 am
by RedEye
I would think that most Werewolves would oppose rape (violently), since there is a chance that nine months later...oops, there goes the Secret! :cry:

There is also the chance that the victim would become a Werewolf as well. :femshft Now, what sensible lycanthrope wants to have another lycanthrope looking for him with a desire to "Share the experience?" :x

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:00 am
by Silverclaw
RedEye wrote:I would think that most Werewolves would oppose rape (violently), since there is a chance that nine months later...oops, there goes the Secret! :cry:

There is also the chance that the victim would become a Werewolf as well. :femshft Now, what sensible lycanthrope wants to have another lycanthrope looking for him with a desire to "Share the experience?" :x
Sounds like the begining of a good revenge story :evil:
"Remember me?" :femshft

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:05 am
by JoshuaMadoc
A rapist can only do so much until the moment the victim would break the rapist's genitals mid-erection, bare-handed.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:53 pm
by RedEye
Considering that canids have cartilege in their..."parts", the breakage scene is quite real.

Then it would heal all crooked and bumpy... :lol:

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:09 pm
by Silent Hunter
Scott got it right. If a werewolf was murdering someone "good" then the audience will feel horrified about it. But if that person is "bad" its A OK! On rare occasions you will get some people where they still don't think the "bad" deserved what they got and this sympathy fails. Though as I said I am one of those view people and I willing to bet its rare. Though you can hardly say to someone "You must find this killing good, the guy deserved it." (I am going to make a thread on this).

If you want to know what werewolves think of rapists then apply what a normal person would think. Werewolves are not going to change on that view at all. Problem is that like any human death, a rapist's death is going to get people looking for the said person which would put the killer in trouble. For this reason they will not be so gung ho in killing or at least more careful about it. If 5 rapists turn up dead due to "to animal attacks" then that is still going to stir up trouble with people looking for these "wild dogs". If a were werre to kill it would have to be quite clean, say snapping ones neck.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:48 pm
by Terastas
It could go either way. On one hand, a werewolf can't just kill anyone he disagrees with, because eventually the bodies would pile up and the police presence would increase as they start to look for the "brutal vigilante."

On the other hand, it should also be in a werewolf's best interest to keep the rapists, drug dealers etc. from attracting a greater police presence, because the more people are prowling around the area, the harder it will be for him to assume gestalt form without being seen.

So I think it would be in a werewolf's best interest to be the good Samaritan, but counterproductive for them to go all the way to vigilante.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:10 pm
by archangel_athena
We'r not rapists....well not the current generations at our ansestors came from a more primal way of thinking and were known for that sort of thing....any thing else you want to know? :|

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:18 pm
by Berserker
archangel_athena wrote:We'r not rapists....well not the current generations at our ansestors came from a more primal way of thinking and were known for that sort of thing....any thing else you want to know? :|
Really? Wolves have one of the most primal ways of thinking in nature, and they aren't rapists. In fact, rape is a human thing.

(Oh, and I think you missed the memo to not pretend to be a werewolf. :wink: )

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:42 pm
by Vuldari
Funny ... this topic is not what I thought it was going to be about at all, from reading the title.

The conversation seems to be about what a Werewolves attitude towards rapists is ...

... while the profound question that arose in my mind from the subject title was ... "In what way does a Werewolf differ from a rapist, if he/she bites someone against their will and their life is changed forever as a result of that forced invasion of someone else's body?"

Ponder that one for a while.

If it is a horrid crime for a man to forcefully have sex with a woman and (possibly) get her pregnant (which I agree that it is), [or ManxMan, WomanxWoman, WomanxMan, as all happen] then wouldn't it be comparable for a Human who is host to Lycanthropy to bite/infect another Human being? ... either way, the act has a lasting effect on the person (physically and psychologically).

In that effect ... would a Werewolf attack that resulted in a New Werewolf be considered as bad as an act of RAPE?


Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:50 pm
by Berserker
Yes, Vuldari, but only if we're talking about a much more figurative definition of the word "rape," one that unfortunately allows for a slippery slope. (Do parasites rape us? Viruses? What about nightmares? Even ideas? ...and so forth.)

The most literal and common definition of rape must include sexual intercourse, for which werewolfism may occasionally admit (but more often, only imply.)

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:11 pm
by Vuldari
Berserker wrote:Yes, Vuldari, but only if we're talking about a much more figurative definition of the word "rape," one that unfortunately allows for a slippery slope. (Do parasites rape us? Viruses? What about nightmares? Even ideas? ...and so forth.)

The most literal and common definition of rape must include sexual intercourse, for which werewolfism may occasionally admit (but more often, only imply.)
I think you misread my point.

I was not suggesting that being infected with Lycanthropy IS "Rape" (I never said that in my argument, though that in and of itself is an interesting suggestion), but rather that a bite from a Werewolf (if it happens against the will of the person being bitten) would logically be as cruel as an act of Rape, and thus a crime in the same League and Category as said act.

Even if one argued that Lycanthropy is a "Blessing" and not a "Curse" and that they personally believed that becoming a Werewolf would only improve the bitee's life ... the same could be said about Sex Being pleasurable, and becoming pregnant being a "Blessing" as well ...

The fact remaining in the end that, if it was forced upon the person against their will, the act becomes a CRIME ... and a cruel and traumatizing one at that.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 2:19 pm
by Berserker
Oh. Well yeah.

The act of the bite itself? Maybe not as psychologically traumatic as rape, I don't know... depends on the circumstances.

The unexpected transformation afterward? I would think it would be a more cruel thing than even rape would impose! What a shock! Enough to drive someone insane.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:21 am
by vrikasatma
From the wolf side, specifically the female's:

Female wolves control the mating game. They and they alone decide when and who they'll have sex with, and God/dess help you otherwise. Watch what happens if a male wolf, even her own mate, tries to mount her when she's not in the mood: it's three seconds of pure, pitched, fangs-flashing, shrieking incarnate hell on earth! That goes double if it's not her mate that's making the attempt: as for him, he'll be right there fixing to hand the cad his liver in a brown paper bag.

You don't rape a female wolf! She'll rip you like a pillowcase! And remember, it's the young females who accomplish the larger percentage of the pack's kills.

So. We've established that rape is a crime most severely punished in wolf society. They come down heavier on rape than humanity does.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:52 am
by Terastas
Vuldari wrote:I was not suggesting that being infected with Lycanthropy IS "Rape" (I never said that in my argument, though that in and of itself is an interesting suggestion), but rather that a bite from a Werewolf (if it happens against the will of the person being bitten) would logically be as cruel as an act of Rape, and thus a crime in the same League and Category as said act.
The difference, however, is that infecting someone can be excusable the same way murder can.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:09 pm
by Scott Gardener
I actually have to agree with Vuldari on this one; "giving" lycanthropy to an unwilling recipient is a violation of one's body, so the point is made.

But, before the topic took this direction, another interesting point was also brought up. It would be dangerous for a werewolf as a vigilantee to kill criminals. One body mutilated by an animal gets a picture in the paper. Five bodies mutilated by an animal gets on the nightly news and spawns a hunt for the animal at large. Five mutilated bodies with something in common that should not matter to wild animals draws investigators suspecting foul play. For werewolves wanting to avoid drawing attention, that's bad... really bad. That's drop what you're doing, change your name, and get out of town forever bad, especially if there are other werewolves around whose also in fear of getting exposed.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:30 am
by heartlessfang
That's where specialized werewolf "erasers/asassins" come into play! instead of mangling them, which after the second one would draw too much attention, just one nice slash to the jugular, or a nice punch to the chest to shatter ribcage and impale vital organs,(*insert various ninja killing techniques here*) etc,etc.....can solve that little animal attack thing :D . Okay I'm done.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:43 am
by JoshuaMadoc
- Train werewolf in martial arts. Toughen the body, seal off any vulnerable gaps, blunt striking and grappling only. Gi and other uniforms not needed in street fights, it might save people of their hysterical laughing.

- Be sure werewolf is willing to file off every claw so it's blunt. Put on a muzzle just in case habit kicks in.

- Confirm werewolf can provide means to cut with man-made tools.

- Remind werewolf to tell other werewolves that this isn't about betraying the so-called bestial values of being a werewolf.

Just to name a few.

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:16 pm
by RedEye
Howzabout: One Werewolf complete with a great, big, club (spike optional)?

For that matter, part of a car or truck grill would work nicely when attached to said club, as a distraction.

"The marks on the body look like he was hit by an old Chevy pickup."

"Yeah, but we found him on a rooftop!"

"Must'a been a real hard impact, then." :roll:

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:13 pm
by Terastas
RedEye wrote:"The marks on the body look like he was hit by an old Chevy pickup."

"Yeah, but we found him on a rooftop!"

"Must'a been a real hard impact, then." :roll:
"Then how do you explain the marks being on his forehead. What, was he doing a handstand in the middle of the street?"

"I've seen stranger."

Re: Werewolves v.s Rapists

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:10 pm
by Silent Hunter
All this killing is still going to raise a question on who did it and if someone goes missing the thats still going to atttact a lot of attension. Something werewolves do not need. It does not matter how you kill as you are still raising suspesion and forensics are going to pick up SOMETHING. I am not saying they are 100% but something is bound to be found on the body. I doubt that would be good for any werewolf.