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Re: Your werewolf obsession. Does it go in phases?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:39 pm
by Irish Wolf
Nah I'm an all year 'round werewolf enthusiast. But Autumn is my favorite season. I do get kinda extra wolfy near full moons and Halloween. :shift:

I feel the need to write that anytime someone says something related to wolves or werewolves i kinda freak out...and end up freaking them out with my vast knowledge of werewolves :(

Re: Your werewolf obsession. Does it go in phases?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:14 pm
by Moonraiser
After this sentance, you will know what I am thinking about 24/7 of my life, even when I am asleep, or "not thinking about it", I am. Here it is:

"Werewolf, werewolf, werewolf, werewolf, werewolf, werewolf, werewolf, werewolf, werewolf......"

It never stops. NO I am not crazy. I am just, as it says in my friend Celestialwolf's custom title, a "werewolf at heart". Certain days, things and events do trigger my, er......"furry", to elevate higher, like Halloween, being in a forest, certain music and for some reason, the winter holidays and (don't ask me why), but when ever I think about my friend Andy, for some reason, werewolf pops into my head more than normal. I don't know why. Maybe he is one...or maybe it is just something about him. Well whatever it is, I just might find out one day...

Thank you


Re: Your werewolf obsession. Does it go in phases?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:14 am
by WolfMontana
Werewolves are definitely a year round thing for me. :) I might find new obsessions (usually favorite TV shows), but I always think they could be improved with more werewolf. :wink: It's sometimes very hard to explain why I love them so much, and sometimes so easy. I grin like a fool when a screen werewolf lets loose :x , or when I see a particularly well designed werewolf. They often speak to my need for free emotional expression, but they also speak to the part of me that feels at home outside, away from people and our artifacts - the desire to return to the wild as an integral part rather than a momentary visitor.

I also have a strange connection with wolves, which fuels it as well. Among other things, I've posted in the Cafe that looking at wolves is like looking in a mirror. I get the same sensation. Not with all wolves, it's stronger with certain facial patterns than others, but I've often looked at a photo of a wolf and felt 'that's me'.

Re: Your werewolf obsession. Does it go in phases?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:16 pm
by lycanthropeful
I find that my obsession tends to be apparent the entire year. My feelings flare up when I'm angry - I think about werewolves when I need a coping method, or sometimes to lull myself to sleep, haha. But I do agree that I am more apt to be a bit "wolfy" when I'm outside in the cold (fall/winter), and like Moonraiser said, certain music (mostly anything that has a sort of primal feel to it, angry stuff).

I wouldn't say it's seasonal. Just like you shouldn't "diet," but make a "lifestyle change," to me thinking about werewolves is like a habit rather than something I "try" off and on.

Re: Your werewolf obsession. Does it go in phases?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:38 pm
by Leonca~
My interest is pretty much full blast all the time. :D I think about my werewolf characters every day to entertain myself, so it is on my mind every day. Plus I usually watch any werewolf movies that come on TV.

Re: Your werewolf obsession. Does it go in phases?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:31 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
nope nadda neit... i'm still obsessed with werewolves, but it's not as prevalent as it used to be... although Lewis i guess is stealing things from my head...

He's got four stories he's working on, three about werewolves, one about a wereleopard. And now he's starting one for REdEye, and he hasn't even finished the other four!

Eh... i wish he would stop and work on one for a while at least...

(I do, i do... geeze... look, i'm just writing down ideas... and i have to check with redeye about them too... {goes off to PM RedEye...)

Eh... i'm still obsessed... i just have other things floating around in my head...

Re: Your werewolf obsession. Does it go in phases?

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:06 pm
by Silveera-Ice
Yes, my obsession goes in phases, like the moon, lol. Well, it just conflicts with my dragon obsession, they both go in stages... Usually I start drawing either one creature or the other, thats the start of the phase. I have many actually, I had a minotaur pase not long back, lol