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What werewolves should NOT look like.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:56 pm
by Icewolf
I HATE it when movies portray werewolves as savage beasts that only live for the hunt.

And I hate it when said "werewolves" don't eben LOOK like wolves.

A werewolf HAS to have a tail. And digitigrade legs. And none of that stupid giant fangs bullshit.

I'm really tired of movies that show werewolves as either:

-- shaved wolf-men (as in no hair like in Harry Potter)
-- antho wolves with no tail (like in Van Helsing)
-- quadrepedal monkies (think American Werewolf in Paris)

For ONCE... please make werewolves look like this-- ... lored1.jpg

Without the wings, of course.

Who ever said that werewolves HAD to be mindless monsters bent on killing? Animals don't kill for sport-- only humans do.

For once, I would like to see if the movie industry has the balls to make a new kind of werewolf.

Re: What werewolves should NOT look like.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:00 pm
by Figarou
Icewolf wrote:I HATE it when movies portray werewolves as savage beasts that only live for the hunt.

And I hate it when said "werewolves" don't eben LOOK like wolves.

A werewolf HAS to have a tail. And digitigrade legs. And none of that stupid giant fangs bullshit.

I'm really tired of movies that show werewolves as either:

-- shaved wolf-men (as in no hair like in Harry Potter)
-- antho wolves with no tail (like in Van Helsing)
-- quadrepedal monkies (think American Werewolf in Paris)

For ONCE... please make werewolves look like this-- ... lored1.jpg.

Without the wings, of course.

Who ever said that werewolves HAD to be mindless monsters bent on killing? Animals don't kill for sport-- only humans do.

For once, I would like to see if the movie industry has the balls to make a new kind of werewolf.
we're way ahead of you, Icewolf. Everything you listed is taken care of. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:01 pm
by Vilkacis
Just so you know, your link has an extra period at the end, which causes a file not found error.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:02 pm
by Figarou
Vilkacis wrote:Just so you know, your link has an extra period at the end, which causes a file not found error.

-- Vilkacis

not anymore. :wink:

link fixed.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:09 pm
by Icewolf

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:17 pm
by JonathanBaine
:D Don't forget werepig :D

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:46 pm
by Silverclaw
I hate WW designs with bald, wrinkled faces :x Ewww :P
I dont care much for plantigrade feet at all as well. Too Big Footish :)
And no WW in any movie has had ears I liked

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:44 am
by Hamster
The old wolfman, period. :roll:

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:01 am
by WolvenOne
Barney the Dinosaur..... okay yes I know that's obvious but I might as well cover all bases right? right? guys?

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:06 am
by Figarou
WolvenOne wrote:Barney the Dinosaur..... okay yes I know that's obvious but I might as well cover all bases right? right? guys?

you, my friend, need treatment. And this coming from a werewolf that tosses duckies!!!



Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:13 am
by Lupin
As long as we're covering everything: The werewolf in that one episode of Scooby Doo that was green.

I kept thinking throughout that episode, "That is not a werewolf. That is a zombie.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:36 am
by WolvenOne
I think we'd rather them be green rather then explody-headed.... or purple and scalie.

Though I would think that we could avoid all three scenerio's. Would hope so at least.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:53 am
by IblisPendragon
but wouldn't there werewolf be able to kill for fun since it 's part human?
Funny really, one should think that the human would fight the urges of the wolf, when it's the wolf who must fight the urges of Man...haha

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:45 am
by Lupin
IblisPendragon wrote:but wouldn't there werewolf be able to kill for fun since it 's part human?
Funny really, one should think that the human would fight the urges of the wolf, when it's the wolf who must fight the urges of Man...haha
Something like that should depend a lot on the personalty of the human. So if a psycho mainiac gets bitten, than sure a bloody rampage through town makes sense. But everyone shouldn't be going:

"oh hay I think I'll go eat some people now"

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:34 am
by silverpaw
hmm i might think along those lines lck ...nah, i agree on the presonality bit, or maybe the excuse or the hollywood there fridge was empty and there stomache was too :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:22 pm
by Scott Gardener
First off, welcome to the club, Icewolf. As you've seen by now, you're not alone. Every rant you gave has been meticulously pursued by a number of us. And, again a reminder, this site was originally created by Anthony and Meagan Brownrigg in order to get feedback about what to do or not do with a werewolf movie. Because of our feedback, they've heavily upgraded their plans, transforming what was going to be the B-movie "Devoured" into the bigger production Freeborn. Freeborn will feature werewolves that have tails, look like wolves, and have intelligent motivations. They'll look more like Goldenwolf than Underworld, and the movie will be both story-driven and vivid. I think it will scare a lot of people more than a basic horror film would, because it will look and feel so much more real. Especially to us werewolf fans, since it's based on what we picture in our heads.

That said, more of what we don't want in our werewolf movies:

1. Shapeshifting that involves clothing or jewelry spontaneously appearing or disappearing

2. Eyes that not just reflect light, but contain a bioluminescent red glow properly reserved for deep-sea fish

3. Something turning into a rat, cat, gorilla, or pig but called a werewolf instead of a were-[said animal]

4. Strange powers, other than shapeshifting, that would make one eligible to apply for Professor Charles Xavier's "university"

5. The Amazing Spiderwolfman!

6. A nose that looks like that of a horse, gargoyle, or anything other than the schnoz of a wolf

7. A creature that is entirely off-screen except for one paw

8. Any member of anatomy to resemble a popsickle stick

9. Anything obviously vague between the legs, when something should be visible, to the point of looking more like a mascot than a lycanthrope

10. And, not related to the creature itself, people actively avoiding the word "werewolf," instead referring to the creature as a "Yadiglanchi" and occasionally throwing in "lycanthrope," inflection on the first and third syllable, followed by someone saying only once for the entire movie, "you mean a werewolf? That's crazy!"

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:50 pm
by Doruk Golcu
Well, but when we say 'look like wolves'; I think they shouldn't be exactly like wolves, unless in full wolf form, and by that, I don't only mean the body, I think the head shall be subtly (not too much, otherwise it would look like Wolfman :P) different from that of a wolf.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:44 pm
by outwarddoodles
We are by far way ahead of ya!
4. Strange powers, other than shapeshifting, that would make one eligible to apply for Professor Charles Xavier's "university"
That is quite something I just dont like. I like a werewolf that shape shifts into a wolf, tah da thats all!
7. A creature that is entirely off-screen except for one paw
I hate it when they resrict your veiw. You know the sad thing about the Van Helsing thing? It took me untill the final battle to see the werewolf had no tail, and I was still very unsure if it did or not. Becuase of all the darkness.

11. Resricted veiwing (as mentioned) whihc would inculd only seeing certian parts and the darkness.

12. Strange transformation. The skin should not bubble and no green goo! Also the little wave of light transformaing them into what ever instantly. No glowing or light etheir.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:47 pm
by WolvenOne
Well, sometimes if a movie maker gives too good of a view it feels like they're showing off. There's a bit of a balencing act involved here I'm afraid to say.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:51 pm
by Vilkacis
WolvenOne wrote:Well, sometimes if a movie maker gives too good of a view it feels like they're showing off. There's a bit of a balencing act involved here I'm afraid to say.
I don't mind being showed off to, as long as it's something worth showing off, and as long as it doesn't get in the way of the story.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:54 pm
by outwarddoodles
Oh well yes. I don't want a show off, such as excessive fighting or blowing up/bombing scenes. But I still dislike the restricted veiwing on charaters as such.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 2:22 am
by Figarou
What I don't want is excessive use of "seeing the world from the werewolf's point of view"

One time is good enough.

Thats it. Just once. Don't over do it. Got it?: good. :D

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:34 am
by Vilkacis
Figarou wrote:What I don't want is excessive use of "seeing the world from the werewolf's point of view"

One time is good enough.

Thats it. Just once. Don't over do it. Got it?: good. :D
Personally, I think one time is too many, but that's just me.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 8:42 am
by Scott Gardener
Yes, ditto on the green goo and bubbling.

Wolves aren't slimy. Humans generally stop being slimy past the age of 2. There's no reason for werewolves to be slimy.

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 12:12 pm
by outwarddoodles
Yeah, the slime just doesn't fit there. Unless the werewolf say 'blows up chunks'. Hrm...thats raises a question. Would an inexperianced, or any, werewolf blow chunks during a shift posibly? Or even pee his pants?