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Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:09 am
by RedEye
There are a lot of theories about the Moon and Werewolves.
Some theories say that the moon controlls everything, while others say that the moon does nothing for Werewolves.
The General Consensus is that they gather at the full moon. When we discuss effects, things differ. When we get into detail, then we wander off in all directions.

Here's my take:
Werewolves sacrifice some color vision when they Cross (become Werewolves for the first time). The old color sensing cones become very sensitive rods, and the Werewolf gains gen II night sight at the very least. For them, the full moon lights things up like an overcast day; so they can see very well. They gather because they can see so well at the full moon.
What's your take?

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:26 am
by takyoji
My personal view on the affects of the moon are mainly along the lines of the moon not having some mystical force or whatever as typical myth portrays. I just view it whereas the moon just makes it more tempting to shift. Otherwise I do agree with your statement in regards of vision as I don't really see how it wouldn't be plausible.

And as a sidenote, this may apparently be the first time I've actually spoken up about my opinion in this specific board..

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:00 am
by heartlessfang
For my werewolves, only a certain kind of werewolf is affected by the moon and that was to synchronize their movements. That one follows Most of the cliches.
The other set werewolves one the moon has no effect , but may be used in some rituals as a sort of "divine influence"
.....Well one thing I think of usually about the full moon thing, is that werewolves, like most living creatures, still have a lot of water in their bodies....and generally most humans say(not sure if this is relevant) that full moon nights usually cause people to act a little bit...well crazy.....hence the coining of the terms "lunatic" and "lunacy"....

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:42 am
by Spongy
Mixed views on this.
View 1:
I think it depends on the 'were. I see it as a psychological thing. Meaning, if you believe the moon affects you, it does. If you don't, it doesnt. Placebo effect, if you will.

View 2:
The moon is seen by 'weres as a symbol of themselves, and this causes a psychological affect, leading to a biological effect. It raises their wulfiness to the max, heightened senses, etc. However it does not force them to shift. I don't really understand my own logic behind this one.

The moon has no effect on them biologically, as in a forced shift. As Takyoji stated, though, it may be more desirable to shift during a full moon due to the psychological effects of it.

I also third the opinion of easier to see.
Takyoji wrote:And as a sidenote, this may apparently be the first time I've actually spoken up about my opinion in this specific board..
Congratulations! :P

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:18 am
by Werewolf Warrior
Well in alot of cases, no one is for sure why werewolves howl at the moon, or even shift into werewolves at all. however alot of people have many theories.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:56 am
by Grey
It seems to me that in Wolf culture in general The Moon is by far the most powerful object in the sky. Since the moon has such an effect on the earth in terms of tides, and earth changes, it would make sense that at one point it was and maybe still is a point of worship. Wolves tend to hunt at night more during a full moon. I wouldn't be suprised if you asked a wolf what is the most powerful being in the sky, and they responded with the moon.

I think it just brings out our more basic animal instincts. I feel more preditory on a full moon. I also have a harder time sleeping.

On a side note November 13th is a full moon.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:37 pm
by Moss27
Grey wrote:On a side note November 13th is a full moon.
Too bad it isn't a Friday.

I agree that it will enhance their ability to see. The moon actually helps even if it's not full, but the full moon is obviously a lot brighter than the other phases.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:50 pm
by Celestialwolf
I say that while the moon does not force one to shift, it can make one want to shift and heightens one's wolfish side. I also like the idea of better night vision that would make a full moon night appear to be an overcast day to them.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:42 pm
by Aki
I like the idea that it makes a werewolf wanna shift but they can resist if they want to. It's a compromise that can work for both a supernatural or scientific sort of werewolf and make total sense. :D

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:32 am
by punxnotdead
RedEye wrote:There are a lot of theories about the Moon and Werewolves.
Some theories say that the moon controlls everything, while others say that the moon does nothing for Werewolves.
The General Consensus is that they gather at the full moon. When we discuss effects, things differ. When we get into detail, then we wander off in all directions.

Here's my take:
Werewolves sacrifice some color vision when they Cross (become Werewolves for the first time). The old color sensing cones become very sensitive rods, and the Werewolf gains gen II night sight at the very least. For them, the full moon lights things up like an overcast day; so they can see very well. They gather because they can see so well at the full moon.
What's your take?
I definately agree with you. They say that canines (in general) have fewer red cones and more blue sensitive cones. That means they can see more vividly in blue and pretty much every other colour is less vivid as it is in humans. They have mostly rods, so daytime settings are more irritating for them than it is on us (cats are especially sensitive).
I watch alot of National Geographic :lol:

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 3:05 am
by JoshuaMadoc
Spiritual symbol. Meditation, insight, inner peace, introspection, afterlife, nothingness, whatever. Just spare me of your irritating ululations and half-hearted Ohm-ing.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:54 pm
by Grey
We all too often forget that we are still effected by the Moon. We like to think we're above natures influance.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:37 pm
by jake5564
Well Met all,

The moon in my aspect must be the following. The closer to the full moon the easier it is to shift and much more importantly to shift back to human. Any werewolf should be able to shift at will, at any time, many may ask why that is? Magick of course.


Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:32 am
by Werewolf Warrior
Sounds interesting jake :)

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:21 am
by Grey
Well, if I'm correct, there's supposed to be one tonight.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:22 am
by Werewolf Warrior

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:49 am
by Grey
I am noticeing a bit more of my predatory side comming to the surface. I wanna go chase something.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:09 am
by Werewolf Warrior
Grey you remind me of that character on The WolfMan Comic lol XD

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:38 pm
by Wolfzilla
Well, in some of my stories the first shift is usually triggered by something subconcious, because full moon's are so commonly associated with wolves and werewolves in modern culture, many werewolves shift for the first time on the night of the full moon.

So it's not biological, it's psychological.

My take.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:25 pm
by Grey
It's a good take.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:12 am
by Terastas
spongypants23 wrote:View 2:
The moon is seen by 'weres as a symbol of themselves, and this causes a psychological affect, leading to a biological effect. It raises their wulfiness to the max, heightened senses, etc. However it does not force them to shift. I don't really understand my own logic behind this one.

The moon has no effect on them biologically, as in a forced shift. As Takyoji stated, though, it may be more desirable to shift during a full moon due to the psychological effects of it.
This pretty well sums up my own definition as a psychological effect. What I would add, however, is that it's impossible for us to know what causes the shift because. . . Well, simply stated, because we can't shift. The first shift would therefore have to be natural and involuntary, otherwise a werewolf would never know how to shift in the first place.

Think of shifting as being sort of like breathing in that it can be both voluntary and involuntary: you can take deep breaths manually or hold your breath, but if you make zero effort, the body takes over naturally.

Or, um. . . I know somebody's going to hate me for this, but maybe it'd be more accurate to compare it to throwing up. It's possible to self-induce, and when it happens reflexively, it can be resisted and forced back down. . . If you know its coming. :P

So that's my take: a psychological effect that can potentially lead to physical effects.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:54 am
by Vagrant
I'd have to say it's 4, for me and my ideal were.

The moon won't likely mean a whole lot to a Wolf, no more than a clear day does to a Human, and whether a clear day is praised even over a rainy, or a snowy day, is pure preference. There's not something that makes one more special than any of the others for Humans. For Wolves, a good moon likely just makes their lives a bit easier, so they simply enjoy it. And for the Human, they may or they may not think anything of the moon. To the average Human, the moon is nothing special, even if we--as were fans--attribute it with special values.

So I don't think that the moon is going to do something for all weres, it's just going to be enjoyed by some more than others. Some may look forward to it, and consider it a great night, but only because of the benefit it brings. And there would be other such benefits they'd enjoy, such as drinking pure water from a stream, or the buzz after taking down a particularly difficult form of prey.

So past the feel-good factor, my ideal were probably wouldn't be effected by the moon too much, beyond being able to see better, o'course.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:22 pm
by RedEye
Let's further add that for Were's, the moon's light is like an overcast day, and they see better. :o
For Smooths, the contrast between the shadows and the light of the full moon is such that Human night sight is somewhat impared. The highlights from the moon's light will actually cause the eye to see less, because human eyes were evolved for sight in a forest canopy or an open plain; both areas where the light is pretty even-levelled and balanced.
At night, the full moon causes human eyes to react to the high intensity of the moonlight, and actually become less sensitive to the light available, while it's the opposite for Werewolves. :wink:
And you can bet they'll take any advantage they can get :D

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:43 pm
by Leonca~
For my version it does nothing for them other than provide extra light. They are capable of shifting at will at any time of the day or night, and see the connection to the moon as merely an example of the amusing attempts of humans to explain something that is mysterious and usually associated with the night. :lol: Some might have superstitious beliefs about how it affects them though, similar to many people today.

Re: Just what does that big old Moon do, anyhow?

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:14 am
by Vuldari
((I didn't vote because I did not feel any of the provided options fit my answer quite right ... plus, I have more than one answer))

If of Magical Origin :

The Full Moon is a symbol, and a ceremonial occurrence. It is inherently intertwined within the cycles of the magic that drives the transformation and therefore will force a Werewolf to Change, no matter what (even if they can't see it).

[Using "Magic" as an excuse just makes explanations so much easier]

If of Pseudo-Science or Other unexplained Supernatural Origin:

The gravity and dermally absorbed radiation from the moon (which is just reflected sunlight), has no detectable PHYSICAL effect on a Werewolf. Just shining Moonlight on a Werewolf does nothing, nor does the gravitational pull or magnetic fluctuations caused by it's relative position to Earth specific to where on the globe the Lycanthrope is standing. Humans can't feel that, nor can Wolves. (Not to any significant degree anyway)

HOWEVER ... the body of a human who is host to Lycanthropy will [in my hypothetical scenario] gradually produce chemicals and hormones in their blood that will build up over time and typically will PEAK after roughly one Months time (or the time between Full Moons). The light frequency reflected from a Full Moon just happens to be just right to trigger a reaction in a Werewolf's brain, much like flashing lights can cause some to have seizures. It is mild, but persistent. If a Werewolf has not burned off some of their excess blood saturants (which are composed of chemicals and proteins not normally checked for in blood tests and easily overlooked) prior to the Full Moon, even a trigger as mild as that caused by looking directly at an Uncovered (not concealed by clouds) Full Moon and getting an eyeful of that frequency of light is often enough to set the Change into motion, and once begun, can not be stopped until it has run its course. Agitation due to fear, nervous anticipation, or other powerful emotions that the person may feel in relation to the sight of the Moon only increases the probability of a transformation occurring.

Basically ... if they have been putting off Shifting since the last Full Moon or longer, it is unlikely they will be able to resist if they catch sight of the Moon. It is both psychological and biochemical. Just thinking about the moon too hard (having a subconscious imprint of it's effect on them in their brains) could be enough at that point. Like having a song stuck in your head, even if it's not visible, they can still see it's light in their minds eye, and the harder they try to forget it, the more persistent the memory becomes.

Even if they do manage to resist ... the oversaturation of the extra chemicals and proteins in their blood will begin to become toxic, making them feel more and more sick until they finally give in and change within days or a week at most afterward. Most likely though, it would just happen on it's own by involuntary default before too long, even without clear provocation ... just as a body will automatically shut down if deprived of sleep for too long, or exposed to extreme heat or cold, as a biochemical fail-safe ... for self preservation.

On the other hand, if the Werewolf in question has been changing more often, off of the cycle of the moon, then the Lunar event will be a far less demanding trigger, as they would be more chemically balanced at that point ... but looking at the Moon would still give them that little "Tickle" in the back of their mind that makes them feel Compelled to change. Enough so that if they had any other provocation or temptation to trigger their metamorphosis, the Light of the Moon might just tip the scale in their subconscious mind towards shifting as soon as they even begin to ponder it ... making it so they might find themselves already beginning to change before they even have time to give it a second thought.

[ I Love 'Hairline Trigger' transformations ... Chaos is FUN ]

So, it CAN be resisted (especially if the Werewolf in question shifts periodically between cycles, and they are not conscious or wary of the current Moon Cycle ... if they can't see it, and are not thinking about it, it has no effect on them), but it usually isn't, and is generally just accepted as a part of a Werewolfs life. When the Full Moon rises, it's time to let out their "Wild" side.

[ In my own hypothetical version of how things work anyway ]


[[ EDIT: While Driving to work last night, I saw that the Moon was a dark orange color ... which reminded me of something that puts a wrinkle in my above scenario. The Color/Frequency of the Light shining down from a Full Moon is almost never the same. Depending on how high it is in the sky, the time of year, and the atmospheric conditions, it can be any of a wide range of colors. ... even so, plenty of research has been done confirming that a Full Moon has a distinct behavioral effect on Both Humans and Wolves. ... why else do we hear a Wolf or Coyote howl in almost any movie where a Full Moon is shown, even if it is not "THAT KIND of Movie"? People and animals react to it ... I may need to come up with a better reason why it might have a more directly physical effect on a werewolf than just the light frequency, but it's still something that feels natural to me for some reason. Not just because that is how the stories were told to me ... but because there is just something about the Full Moon.

*Stares Up at sky and Eyes glaze over ... speechless* ]]