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Twilight movie

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:56 pm
by Alpha
I've just recently found out that the upcoming Twilight vampire movie is also gonna have werewolves in it (Yay!). The werewolves are supposed to be native american skinwalkers from the Quileute tribe. Beyond this, I wasn't able to find out much else. I wonder what the werewolves will look like? Can anyone else here elaborate on this?

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:17 pm
by MoonKit
In the series, the werewolves are like Native American wolf shapeshifters. They turn into giant wolves and are like humanity's protectors against vampires. I dont know if they'll be in the first movie though. I think they were only mentioned in the first book.

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:17 pm
by Terastas
The good news is that, thanks to the psychotically obsessive tweenies all fawning and/or rioting over the lead actor, sequels to the first Twilight movie are already in the works.

The bad news is that, thanks to the psychotically obsessive tweenies all fawning and/or rioting over the lead actor, sequels to the first Twilight movie are already in the works.

Yup. Because of the amount of exposure Twilight has received, I'm already sick to death of it, and it's not even in theaters yet! I am looking forward to seeing a movie finally depict werewolves in a positive light, but I hope I won't have to claw my way through a horde of psycho-tweenies armed with razor-sharp love letters if I want a ticket to see the first blockbuster movie to do so.
Mark my words, if any movie "ruins werewolves," it will be this one. This is Titanic all over again. :P

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:25 pm
by Baphnedia
No kidding. How long did it take for Leonardo DeCrapio to outgrow the tweenie crowd?

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:12 pm
by MoonKit
Nah. In the books the werewolves and vampires are actually pretty cool. Its the love story thats going to make you gag. (and possibly the acting) :lol:

And, yes. Expect a lot of crazy young fan girls. My old high school is apparently even having a Twilight get together before the movie. The books are written like overly dramatic teen romance novels.

Personally, Im planning to go at midnight with some friends because the chance to make jokes/tease all those fan girls is too much to resist. 8)

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:58 pm
by outwarddoodles
MoonKit wrote:Nah. In the books the werewolves and vampires are actually pretty cool. Its the love story thats going to make you gag. (and possibly the acting) :lol:

And, yes. Expect a lot of crazy young fan girls. My old high school is apparently even having a Twilight get together before the movie. The books are written like overly dramatic teen romance novels.

Personally, Im planning to go at midnight with some friends because the chance to make jokes/tease all those fan girls is too much to resist. 8)
Oh, I'm sure you secretly love the books.

(Because I sercretly do, too.)

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:34 pm
by Terastas
MoonKit wrote:Personally, Im planning to go at midnight with some friends because the chance to make jokes/tease all those fan girls is too much to resist. 8)
*nods* There's another forum I frequent (won't link to it because it's of an adult nature) where we're currently making a checklist of fun things to do at or in the theater. So far we've got:

1) Laugh hysterically at the most inappropriate moments.
2) Yell the names of Roman emperors whenever someone says the word "Vampire."
3) Wear a Bride of Frankenstein wig and sit in the front row.
4) Sit in the absolute middle of the theater, and halfway through the movie, drop a Mentos into your Diet Coke.
5) As soon as Robert Pattinson appears on screen, yell: "Sorry girls, he sucks ****!"

The last two, I must admit, were my suggestions. :grinp:

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:08 pm
by Alpha
MoonKit wrote:And, yes. Expect a lot of crazy young fan girls.
That's why I plan on going during the weekday to hopefully cut back on that. Although I'm not too sure how successful that's going to be. I tried doing it with the Potter films, and still had to deal with a whole bunch of annoying kids who had cut school.
Terastas wrote: 5) As soon as Robert Pattinson appears on screen, yell: "Sorry girls, he sucks ****!"
You my man are one brave soul! Just prep yourself to be hissed at and booed. :lol:

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:18 pm
by MoonKit
outwarddoodles wrote:
MoonKit wrote:Nah. In the books the werewolves and vampires are actually pretty cool. Its the love story thats going to make you gag. (and possibly the acting) :lol:

And, yes. Expect a lot of crazy young fan girls. My old high school is apparently even having a Twilight get together before the movie. The books are written like overly dramatic teen romance novels.

Personally, Im planning to go at midnight with some friends because the chance to make jokes/tease all those fan girls is too much to resist. 8)
Oh, I'm sure you secretly love the books.

(Because I sercretly do, too.)
Alright. You caught me. They're oddly addicting even if they are like a horrible horrible romance novel. :lol:

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:21 pm
by Moss27
Hahaa..... I admit that I am a fangirl. XD Though I was more interested in the vampires and werewolves more than the actual romance. I seriously thought at first that I would skip through the romance scenes as I read, but I got hooked all the way through.

Yeah... so... many girls and the occasional guy at my school are reading Twilight before the movie. I've already read the whole series, so I can't wait to compare the movie to the book.

I just hope it's not one of those movies that totally ruins the book, you know? Like The Series of Unfortunate Events. I never finished the series, but I read enough to call the movie a failure.
Terastas wrote:5) As soon as Robert Pattinson appears on screen, yell: "Sorry girls, he sucks ****!"
And until I actually sit down and watch the movie, I am not saying anything bad about Robert Pattinson. Though, I should say, a lot of my friends hate his guts. :P

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:16 am
by MoonKit
Moss27 wrote:
Terastas wrote:5) As soon as Robert Pattinson appears on screen, yell: "Sorry girls, he sucks ****!"
And until I actually sit down and watch the movie, I am not saying anything bad about Robert Pattinson. Though, I should say, a lot of my friends hate his guts. :P
He wasnt so good in Harry Potter (in my opinion!).

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:49 am
by Aki
Terastas wrote: 5) As soon as Robert Pattinson appears on screen, yell: "Sorry girls, he sucks ****!"
I know nothing of Pattinson aside from one excerpt of an interview with him in which he admits that after signing on for the movie he read the book and realized it was horrible.

Which made me like him solely for being honest and ballsy enough to say the book the movie you're in is based on sucks. :lol:

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:53 am
by Terastas
Just for the record, I have nothing against Robert Pattinson. After all, he didn't camp out overnight and bash someone's face in to get the job, which is more than can be said about the hundreds of psycho-tweens that got his autograph.

It's the psycho-tweens drooling all over him that I had in mind when I suggested that. I don't think he's gay now, but if he sticks around for the Twilight sequels and this tweeny madness continues, I think he will be.
:P Hell, I would. Easiest way to turn yourself completely off to something is to submerge yourself in it.

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:07 am
by Werewolf Warrior
Interesting, but from what I heard (which I'm not sure if they are right) that the movie Twilight is not going to have Werewolves just vampires.

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:42 pm
by Dreamer
MoonKit wrote:Nah. In the books the werewolves and vampires are actually pretty cool. Its the love story thats going to make you gag. (and possibly the acting) :lol:
Yeah, because nothing says cool like sparkly vampires. :roll:

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:46 pm
by Noir-Okami
I think that Twilight is way better than most romances I've read.
But maybe that has something to do with the werewolves and the vampires. :wink:

I don't know if I'll actually go. :|

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:08 pm
by Lukus_Wolfsbane
I do like the fact that the movie is coming out a month earlier, but i am also sad because the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is moved till next year, and the other thing is that I was going to go with my girfriend and her parents but i have a swim meet in indiana this weekend... and it really sucks... so i have to wait till i get back but i don't know if she will go see it, and then if she does then she might not want to go see it with me

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:35 pm
by Moss27
Aki wrote: I know nothing of Pattinson aside from one excerpt of an interview with him in which he admits that after signing on for the movie he read the book and realized it was horrible.
... I've never heard of that news before. XD Acutally, my friend said that, too, but I guess I didn't pay attention.

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:37 pm
by Baphnedia
That's one of those things that you won't hear about (in any kind of news anyway). Can't have the kid-star of your movie saying the book is crappy. Makes for bad press.

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:39 pm
by MoonKit
Dreamer wrote:
MoonKit wrote:Nah. In the books the werewolves and vampires are actually pretty cool. Its the love story thats going to make you gag. (and possibly the acting) :lol:
Yeah, because nothing says cool like sparkly vampires. :roll:

Alright. More emphasis on the werewolves then! :lol:

C'mon, giant wolves! And they're the good guys!

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:41 pm
by Moss27
I love the werewolves to death! But then Jacob can get kinda cocky at times. Either that, or I just fell in love with Edward first. :P

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:14 pm
by Gevaudan
Dreamer wrote:
MoonKit wrote:Nah. In the books the werewolves and vampires are actually pretty cool. Its the love story thats going to make you gag. (and possibly the acting) :lol:
Yeah, because nothing says cool like sparkly vampires. :roll:
You mean like these?


Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:02 am
by AngryGothChick
Edward vs. Jacob.

Hmm I fell for Edward first :)

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:43 pm
by Terastas
Egad. :P Twilight made over seventy million at the box office.

What the hell was I thinking? All this time I was trying to write compelling thrillers when I should have been writing unrealistic tweenage romance.

Seriously, for a guy like me, this was even more depressing than seeing Beverly Hills Chihuahua #1 at the box office.
Well. . . Okay, almost as depressing. :P

Re: Twilight movie

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:58 pm
by outwarddoodles
Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean nobody else can.

Obviously, you're not the targeted audience in this case, and neither would I consider myself in that same boat, either. I hate the idea of mushy-gushy teenager vampire romance. I still find the premise of the novels stupid. But heck, I read the first two books, and I'm dying to get my hands on the second two when they finally become available at my library. There's something about Meyer's style that compels me to keep reading.

Yeah, the series is cheesy, but that's kind of what I like about it. Beneficial, iridescent, totally hot vampires; How is that NOT appealing?

Sometimes you need a little pulp in your diet.
